The Story of Hero Among Heroes ~The Founding Chronicles of Arestia Chapter 3

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Weekly chapters (1/2)

Suddenly a long chapter in the early Arc.

Oh yeah, s.h.i.+rayuki is busy with job-hunting, so Xaga will edit this series chapters until s.h.i.+rayuki return. Good lcuk s.h.i.+rayuki!


Translator: Raizu
Editor: Xaga

Subjugation Part 1

[Thank you! You all are our pride!!]

Surrounded by the smiles of many people, the feelings simply sinking in…..the new recruit couldn't help but to feel his chest heating up.

(Yes, I'm working to protect these smiles!)

Protecting the people was the pride of a Schwarzer soldier. Roku's chest was filled with a sense of accomplishment and confidence.

The subjugation mission was Roku's first real battle. Even though the famed brave general Ares was the one who led the troops…'s still his first real battle after all. It was something he never had experienced before in his life.

A nearby boy called out to Roku.

[Ne~ ne~ soldier-sama. Tell me, what kind of battle was it?]

[Oh, I wanna ask too. Tell me the story about Ares-sama]

Listening to the boy and the other townsfolk nearby, Roku's memory of the battle the other day resurfaced.
Also, about that exceedingly immense power and knowledge of their master.

I should tell them. About the battle that day.
Of our lord, Ares Schwarzer, along with who seemed to be one of his servants, Sigurd Dragonia.

(Even now…..those two….were too amazing…..)

Thinking that, Roku unconsciously swept his gaze toward the castle.

It was a week before Ares headed out for the subjugation mission.

800 soldiers had been gathered for this mission, and most of them were recruits.

Schwarzer territory is a mostly secure place and lacked bandit. However, this time the defeated bandits actually banded together and became ma.s.sive in number. The size was about 1000 strong bandits. It was an extraordinary amount for Schwarzer territory.

[They must be completely annihilated. That ways, there won't be any bandit appearing for a while.]

As he said so, Ares explained his strategy. A surprise attack, followed by total obliteration.

[For the sake of the future, we must annihilate them thoroughly. Tell this message to everyone.]

Ares' purpose was not only to annihilate the bandits….it was also to give actual experience to the recruits.
This was his first large-scale battle after a long while, so his forces were initially to be comprised of veteran soldiers. However, Ares said:

[The new soldiers must be given a proper experience since they'll be the one supporting the Schwarzer in the future.]

The plan was drastically changed with that one sentence. 100 veteran soldiers were fielded alongside an unbalanced amount of 700 recruits.

[Ares-sama. The recruits don't seem to have the appet.i.te to eat.]

Ares nodded a little to what the captain of the 100 veterans reported.

[Well it can't be helped. Even if their enemy was bandits, it's the first time for them to take others' lives. Everyone goes through the same thing at the beginning.]

He replied with a gentle smile.

[However, this is a necessity. In a larger battle, experience will determine life and death. Schwarzer territory is mostly stable, so excluding those at the Northern Fortress, the battle experience of our troops is actually quite low.]

Sigurd beat Ares in saying that.

He said so while reviewing the subjugation battle.

Just as Ares' predicted, the enemy fell into confusion upon being struck by the surprise attack. After that, Ares, along with the 800 soldiers, fought with their life on the line.

Ares cut down the bandit leader himself, along with several other bandits. Sigurd followed up, moving left and right, as many lost their lives to his spear.
The veterans followed closely behind. They toppled the opposition easily with well-coordinated teamwork.

The recruits, inspired by the performance, desperately swung their swords and spears while shouting loudly. The real battle was different from training. Even some with advanced combat training would still experience cold feet.

[Don't back down! Young men! ! When hesitation clouds your mind…..remember the people we need to protect! !]

Whilst shedding tears, a veteran soldier called out to the several recruits who were still trembling in hesitation and fear. But these new soldiers still couldn't move their feet.
Another veteran added afterward.

[If you still don't understand…..then take a look at our master who rides at the very front! !]

After hearing those words, the recruits turned their sights on Ares' back, who was riding ahead.

That back was still that of a boy's. However, that figure, who charged into the enemy ranks swiftly…..seemed bigger than it actually was…..

Ares suddenly turned around and roared.

[Soldiers of Schwarzer! What was the purpose of your daily training that you all bled for? It's to protect everyone's home!]

Ares swung his sword as he said so. Following that, a bandit's head flew in to the air.
Ares then turned to the recruits once more.

[Soldiers of Schwarzer! My band of heroes!! Burn the fire in your heart brightly! And….lend me your power to protect our home!]

And with that, Ares turned around and brandished his sword forward.

[All forces, charge!! Show them the might of the Schwarzer Soldiers!!]

One of the soldier who previously had lost his will rose up to his feet. A new light flickered in his eyes, heat spreading in his chest as if there is a fire burning inside.

[All forces…..follow me!]

[ [ [ [ [ [OoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!] ] ] ] ] ]

The new recruits shouted loudly. The bandits were frightened by the intensity of their voices.
It was the soldiers of Schwarzer's victory, anyone could see it already.

After the battle ended, Ares continued to give instructions.
Cleaning up the remaining bandits, burning their fortress, and going to the forest of evil at once. It's been decided that they will camp at the center of the forest.

Sigurd suddenly asked Ares.

[Then, Ares-sama. How about tomorrow's route?]

There were some who listened to this conversation. Aside from Ares and Sigurd, there were the 100 veteran soldiers nearby.

[When the sun rises, we'll proceed as planned and return home through the forest of evil. Well, since Sigurd was raised here, we won't have to worry about getting lost or being attacked by magic beasts.]

Ares laughed a little as he said that.

[So the recruits don't have the appet.i.te to eat? I hope that they at least have a good night's sleep today.]

This was the first time for new recruits to actually kill someone else. It's an indispensable part of being a soldier and one should prepare themselves to do it…..however, the impact this time was quite immense, and made them lose their will to eat.

[Everyone is like that for their first time. There shouldn't be anything special happening tonight. Let's have a good rest.]

A hundred veterans smiled and nodded at Ares' words.

Right, at this time, everyone thought that they'd be able to return safely to Romaria without a hitch…..
But an incident happened.

[E, enemy attack! ! I, it's a dragon…..!!]

The soldier's report broke the silent atmosphere.
However, Ares and Sigurd quickly headed out, followed by the veterans.

[A dragon? Here?]

[Impossible….this is the den of an ancient dragon, you know….? To think an other dragon dared to come….]

A draconic creature is the highest rank of magic beast.
There were many kinds of dragons such as the Fire Dragon [Salamanders], Winged Dragon [Wyverns], and the Land Dragon. Regardless of what type it was, if you wanted to beat them, you needed a big group of people, as everyone knew…

Exceptionally stronger than all other draconic creatures was the Ancient Dragon, which possessed intelligence surpa.s.sing that of humans'. They belonged to the category of『Divine Beast』.

Originally this forest of evil was an ancient dragon's den, and thus no other draconic creatures dared to enter the area.



Those were unmistakably a dragon's roars. Listening to that sound, Ares, Sigurd, and the 100 veterans ran out in haste, armed and ready.
It's clearly the roar of a dragon. And more than one of them.

The worst case scenario crossed Ares mind.

They rushed to the source of the roar…. The already armed veterans quickly enclosed the perimeter around the two dragons while protecting the recruits. There were several victims already, but fortunately none of them had fatal enough wound to cause death. The recruits were actually holding up pretty well.

[Earthen Land Dragons?]

[It couldn't be. And two adults at that?]

Earthen Land Dragon was one kind of adult draconic creature. Its size was enormous, and it was said that it could trample through a town with ease. A Land Dragon's wings degenerated as it grew up, but in exchange, it gained sharp claws and huge limbs that could tear apart nearly everything. Its scales were exceptionally hard, and it's near impossible to hurt it with normal weapons.

Whilst listening to the veterans' captain, Ares carefully observed the figures.

[Ares-sama, I might be able to persuade these fellows. Allow me to…..]

[No, it's no use.]

Ares cut Sigurd's words.

[They will still attack you, Sigurd, even if you were raised by the ancient dragon. In fact, I think they'll still attack even if the ancient dragon still lingered here.]

Saying that, Ares drew his sword. At the same time, several magic beasts also jumped into the fray.

[A saber Liger too?] (TL Note: Not sure if this is typo, but a Liger is possible in reality when a lion mates with a tiger)

[Why are the magic beasts attacking here….?]

[No, look around!!]

The veterans shouted.

Sigurd turned to look around.


He inadvertently muttered.

While they were focusing on the dragons, they had been surrounded by a group of magic beasts.

After a.s.sessing the situation, Ares sighed, and pointed at the Land Dragon's shoulder.

[Look at that part. That's….the proof that they are infected with the power of darkness.]

Something was visibly lodged in the shoulder of the land dragon, and its color changed starting from that area.

[Judging from that. It's probably…..a sign of『Demon King's Artifact』]

After he said so, Ares immediately gave out instructions.

[Tell this to the hundred veterans. Combine the formation and intercept the magic beasts. Don't leave any single soldier behind, attack in unison just like during training. The magic beasts are attracted to the『Demon King's Artifact』, so their numbers will continue to increase. But do not be discouraged.]

[Yessir! But what about Ares-sama….]

[Sigurd and I will handle the two dragons. Focus on yourself and the people around you. Don't interfere with our fight.]

Ares turned his gaze to the earthen land dragons.
[One more thing….please hold tight. It'll end once we defeat those two dragons. I won't let you die so easily. If you can endure…..then it'll be our victory.]

After telling that to the soldier, Ares took off the sword-shaped crystal pendant hanging around his neck.
He held it in his hand and clasped the crystal inside his palm.

[Answer my call. O sword of G.o.d. Defeat the evil, and cut through the darkness]

As he stretched his hand forward, a pale light shone from his palm, slowly forming the shape of a sword.

[Divine Sword Oldeus!!]

After Ares grasped the manifested sword, he spoke to his most trustworthy subordinate who stood at his side.

[Sigurd will take the dragon on the left. I'll play with the one on the right. Alright?]

[As you wish]

Ares and Sigurd put their sights on each of the two land dragons.
After confirming their targets, the two smiled as they kicked the ground towards their respective targets.

The Story of Hero Among Heroes ~The Founding Chronicles of Arestia Chapter 3

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