Practical Exercises in Elementary Meteorology Part 8

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=Loomis's Results as to Form and Dimensions of Cyclones and Anticyclones.=--One of the leading American meteorologists, Loomis, who was for many years a professor in Yale University, made an extended study of the form and dimensions of areas of low and high pressure as they appear on our daily weather maps. In the cases of areas of low pressure which he examined, the average form of the areas was elliptical, the longer diameter being nearly twice as long as the shorter (to be exact the ratio was 1.94 : 1). The average direction of the longer diameter he found to be about NE. (N. 36 E.), and the length of the longer diameter often 1600 miles. In the case of areas of high pressure, Loomis also found an elliptical form predominating; the longer diameter being about twice as long as the shorter (ratio 1.91 : 1), and the direction of trend about NE. (N. 44 E.). These characteristics hold, in general, for the cyclonic and anticyclonic areas of Europe also. The cyclones of the tropics differ considerably from those of temperate lat.i.tudes in being nearly circular in form.



_A._ =Cyclones.=--Something as to the control of pressure over the circulation of the wind has been seen in the preliminary exercises on the daily weather maps. We now proceed to investigate this correlation further by means of the composite portrait method. This method is a device to bring out more clearly the general systems of the winds by throwing together on to one sheet a large number of wind arrows in their proper position with reference to the controlling center of low pressure. In this way we have many more observations to help us in our investigation than if we used only those which are given on one weather map, and the circulation can be much more clearly made out.

Provide yourself with a sheet of tracing paper, prepared as described in Chapter XI. Place the paper over an area of low pressure on some weather map, with the dot at the center of the _low_, and having the paper properly oriented, as already explained. Trace off all the wind arrows around the center of low pressure, making the lengths of these arrows roughly proportionate (by eye) to the velocity of the wind, according to some scale previously determined upon. Include on your tracing all the wind arrows reported at stations whose lines of pressure-decrease converge towards the low pressure center. Repeat this operation, using other centers of low pressure on other maps, until the number of arrows on the tracing paper is so great that the composite begins to become confused. Be careful always to center and orient your tracing paper properly. Select the weather maps from which you take your wind arrows so that the composite shall properly represent winds in all parts of the cyclonic area.

Deduce a general rule for the circulation and velocity of the wind in a cyclonic area, as shown on your tracing, and write it out.

_B._ =Anticyclones.=--This exercise is done in precisely the same way as the preceding one, except that anticyclones and their winds are studied instead of cyclones.

Deduce a general rule for the circulation and velocity of the wind in an anticyclonic area, as shown on your tracing, and write it out.

=The control of the wind circulation by areas of low and high pressure= is one of the most important laws in meteorology. Buys-Ballot, a Dutch meteorologist, first called attention to the importance of this law in Europe, and it has ever since been known by his name. Buys-Ballot's Law is generally stated as follows: _Stand with your back to the wind, and the barometer will be lower on your left hand than on your right._[4] This statement, as will be seen, covers both cyclonic and anticyclonic systems.

The circulations shown on your tracings hold everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere, not only around the areas of low and high pressure seen on the United States weather maps, but around those which are found in Europe and Asia, and over the oceans as well. Mention has already been made, in the chapter on isobars (VII), of the occurrence of immense cyclonic and anticyclonic areas, covering the greater portion of a continent or an ocean, and lasting for months at a time. These great cyclones and anticyclones have the same systems of winds around them that the smaller areas, with similar characteristics, have on our weather maps. A further extension of what has just been learned will show that if in any region there comes a change from low pressure to high pressure, or _vice versa_, the system of winds in that region will also change. Many such changes of pressures and winds actually occur in different parts of the world, and are of great importance in controlling the climate. The best-known and the most-marked of all these changes occurs in the case of India.

During the winter, an anticyclonic area of high pressure is central over the continent of Asia. The winds blow out from it on all sides, thus causing general northeasterly winds over the greater portion of India.

These winds are prevailingly dry and clear, and the weather during the time they blow is fine. India then has its dry season. As the summer comes on, the pressure over Asia changes, becoming low; a cyclonic area replaces the winter anticyclone, and inflowing winds take the place of the outflowing ones of the winter. The summer winds cross India from a general southwesterly direction, come from over the ocean, and are moist and rainy. India then has its rainy season. These seasonal winds are known as _Monsoons_, a name derived from the Arabic and meaning _seasonal_.

[Footnote 4: In the Northern Hemisphere.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 48.]

The accompanying figure (Fig. 48) is taken from the _Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean_, published by the Hydrographic Office of the United States Navy for the use of seamen. It shows the wind circulation around the center of a cyclone which is moving northward along the Atlantic Coast of the United States. The long arrow indicates the path of movement; the shorter arrows indicate the directions of the winds. By means of such a diagram as this a captain is able to calculate, with a considerable degree of accuracy, the position of the center of the cyclone, and can often avoid the violent winds near that center by sailing away from it, or by "lying to," as it is called, and waiting until the center by him at a safe distance. These cyclones which come up the eastern coast of the United States at certain seasons are usually violent, and often do considerable damage to s.h.i.+pping. The Weather Bureau gives all the warning possible of the coming of these _hurricanes_, as they are called, by displaying _hurricane signals_ along the coast, and by issuing telegraphic warnings to newspapers. In this way s.h.i.+p captains, knowing of the approach of gales dangerous to navigation, may keep their vessels in port until all danger is past. Millions of dollars' worth of property and hundreds of lives have thus been saved.



It is evident, from even the most general observation of the weather elements, that the temperature experienced at any place is very largely dependent upon the direction of the wind. Thus, for instance, in the United States, a wind from some northerly point is likely to bring a lower temperature than a southerly wind. To investigate this matter more closely, and to discover how the winds at any station during any month are related to the temperatures noted at that station, we proceed as follows:--

Select the Weather Bureau station at which you wish to study these conditions. Note the direction of the wind and the temperature at that station on the first day of any month. Prepare a table similar to the following one.


At ..................... during the Month of ........

+--------------+----+-----+----+-----+----+-----+----+-----+-------+-------+ WIND DIRECTIONS N. NE. E. SE. S. SW. W. NW. +--------------+----+-----+----+-----+----+-----+----+-----+ + + +----+-----+----+-----+----+-----+----+-----+ + + +----+-----+----+-----+----+-----+----+-----+ + TEMPERATURES + +----+-----+----+-----+----+-----+----+-----+ + + +----+-----+----+-----+----+-----+----+-----+ +--------------+----+-----+----+-----+----+-----+----+-----+-------+-------+ Sums Total +--------------+----+-----+----+-----+----+-----+----+-----+-------+-------+ Cases Total +--------------+----+-----+----+-----+----+-----+----+-----+-------+-------+ Means Mean +--------------+----+-----+----+-----+----+-----+----+-----+-------+-------+

Enter the temperature at 8 A.M. on the first day of the month in a column of the table under the proper wind direction. Thus, if the wind is NE., and the temperature 42, enter 42 in the second column of the table.

Repeat the observation for the same station, and for all the other days of the month, recording the temperatures in each case in their appropriate columns in the table. Omit all cases in which the wind is _light_, because winds of low velocities are apt to be considerably affected by local influences. When the observations for the whole month have been entered in the table, add up all the temperatures in each column (_sums_). Find the mean temperature (_means_) observed with each wind direction by dividing the sums by the number of observations in each column (_cases_). Add all the sums together; divide by the total number of cases, and the result will be the mean temperature[5] for the month at the station. The general effect of the different wind directions upon the temperature is shown by a comparison of the means derived from each column with the mean for the month.

[Footnote 5: Derived from the 8 A.M. observations. This does not give the true mean temperature.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 49.]

A graphic representation of the results of this investigation will help to emphasize the lesson. Draw, as in the accompanying figure (Fig. 49), eight lines from a central point, each line to represent one of the eight wind directions. About the central point describe a circle, the length of whose radius shall correspond to the mean temperature of the month, measured on some convenient scale. Thus, if the mean temperature of the month is 55 and a scale of half an inch is taken to correspond to 10 of temperature, the radius of the circle must be five and a half times half an inch, or 2-3/4 inches. Next lay off on the eight wind lines the mean temperatures corresponding to the eight different wind directions, using the same scale (1/2 in. = 10) as in the previous case. Join the points thus laid off by a heavy line, as shown in Fig. 49. The figure, when completed, gives at a glance a general idea of the control exercised by the winds over the temperatures at the station selected. Where the heavy line crosses a wind line _inside_ the circle it shows that the average temperature accompanying the corresponding wind direction is below the mean. When the heavy line crosses any wind line _outside_ the circle, it shows that the average temperature accompanying the corresponding wind direction is above the mean. Such a figure is known as a _wind rose_.

=The cold wave and the sirocco= are two winds which exercise marked controls over the temperature at stations in the central and eastern United States. The _cold wave_ has already been described in Chapter V.

It is a characteristic feature of our winter weather. It blows down from our Northwestern States or from the Canadian Northwest, on the western side of a cyclone. It usually causes sudden and marked falls in temperature, sometimes amounting to as much as 50 in 24 hours. The _sirocco_ is a southerly or southwesterly wind. It also blows into a cyclone, but on its southern or southeastern side. Coming from warmer lat.i.tudes, and from over warm ocean waters, the sirocco is usually a warm wind, in marked contrast to the cold wave. In winter, in the Mississippi Valley and on the Atlantic Coast, the sirocco is usually accompanied by warm, damp, cloudy, and snowy or rainy weather. The high temperatures accompanying it (they may be as high as 50 or 60 even in midwinter) are very disagreeable. Our warm houses and our winter clothing become oppressive and we long for the bright, crisp, cold weather brought by the _cold wave_. In summer when a sirocco blows we have our hottest spells.

Then sunstrokes and prostrations by the heat are most common, and our highest temperatures are recorded. The word _sirocco_ (from _Syriacus_=Syrian) was first used as the name of a warm southerly wind in Italy. The cause and the characteristics of the Italian sirocco and of the American sirocco are similar, and the name may therefore be applied to our wind as well as to the Italian one. In the Southern Hemisphere, at Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic, there is a similar contrast between two different winds. The _pampero_ is similar in many respects to our cold wave. It is a dry, cool, and refres.h.i.+ng wind, blowing over the vast level stretches of the Argentine pampas from the southwest. The _norte_ is a warm, damp, depressing northerly wind corresponding to our sirocco.



_A._ =Cyclones.=--It follows from the two preceding exercises that some fairly definite distribution of temperature, depending upon the wind direction, should exist around areas of low and high pressure. Try to predict, on the basis of the results obtained in Chapters XII and XIII, what this relation of temperatures and cyclones and anticyclones is. Then work out the relation independently of your prediction, by studying actual cases obtained from the weather maps, as follows:--

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 50.]

Prepare a sheet of tracing paper as shown in Fig. 50. The diameter of the circle should be sufficiently large to include within the circle the average area covered by a cyclone on the weather maps. Place the tracing paper, properly divided in accordance with the figure, over a well-defined area of low pressure on a weather map, centering and orienting it carefully. Take the temperature at the station which lies nearest the center of the figure as the standard. Notice the temperatures at all the other stations which fall within the limits of the circle, and mark down at the proper places on the tracing paper, the + or - departures of these local temperatures from the standard temperature. Thus, if the standard is 37, and a station has a temperature of 46, enter +9 at the proper place on your tracing paper. Again, if a certain station has 24, enter -13 at the proper place on the paper. Continue this process until your paper has all of its divisions well filled. It is best to select all the maps used in this investigation from the same month, for in that case the data are more comparable than if different months are taken. When a sufficient number of examples has been obtained, find the average departure (+ or -) of the temperatures in each division of the tracing from the central standard temperature. Express these averages graphically by means of a _wind rose_, as in the last exercise.

=Another Method.=--The above correlation may be investigated by means of another method, as follows:--

Prepare a piece of tracing paper by drawing an N. and S. line upon it, and placing a dot at the center of the line. Lay the paper over an area of low pressure on any weather map, centering and orienting it properly, as in the previous exercises. Trace off the isotherms which are near the center of low pressure. Repeat this process with several maps, selecting different ones from those used in the first part of this exercise.

Formulate a rule for the observed distribution of temperature, and determine the reasons for this distribution. Note carefully any effects of the cyclone upon the temperature gradient.

_B._ =Anticyclones.=--The correlation of anticyclones with their temperatures is studied in precisely the same way as the preceding correlation. Both methods suggested in the case of cyclones should be used in the case of anticyclones. When your results have been obtained, formulate a general rule for the observed distribution of temperature in anticyclones, and determine the reasons for this distribution.

Find from your composites the average temperature of cyclones and of anticyclones, and compare these averages.

=The unsymmetrical distribution of temperature around cyclones=, which is made clear by the foregoing exercises, is very characteristic of these storms in our lat.i.tudes, and especially in the eastern United States.

That this has an important effect upon weather changes is evident, and will be further noted in the chapter on _Weather Forecasting_. The cyclones which begin over the oceans near the equator at certain seasons, and thence travel to higher lat.i.tudes,--_tropical cyclones_, so called,--differ markedly from our cyclones in respect to the distribution of temperature around them. The temperatures on all sides of tropical cyclones are usually remarkably uniform, the isotherms coinciding fairly closely with the isobars. The reason for this is to be found in the remarkable uniformity of the temperature and humidity conditions over the surrounding ocean surface, from which the inflowing winds come. In the case of our own cyclones, in the eastern United States, the warm southerly wind, or sirocco, in front of the center has very different characteristics from those of the cold northwesterly wind, or _cold wave_, in the rear, as has become evident through the preceding exercise. These winds, therefore, naturally show their effects in the distribution of the temperatures in different parts of the cyclonic area.



Select a file of daily weather maps for some month. Commencing with the first map in the set, observe the weather and the direction of the wind at a considerable number of stations in the same general region (as, _e.g._, the Lake region, the lower Mississippi Valley, the Pacific Coast, etc.).

Enter each case in a table, similar to Table IV below, by making a check in the column under the appropriate wind direction and on a line with the appropriate type of weather.

Practical Exercises in Elementary Meteorology Part 8

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