The Secret of the Creation Part 1

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The Secret of the Creation.

by Howard D. Pollyen.


The Creation of the Heavens

Jehovah has no beginning. He himself created time, and taught its principles to the living things he also created, giving to them comprehension, by which we ascribe, unto the infiniteness of Jehovah a time and a beginning.

Before that there were not any man or angels or living creatures of any form created. When there were no worlds yet formed, nature stood in three kingdoms. They were Light, Water, and Darkness.

Then the kingdom of the light strove against the kingdom of darkness, and the darkness contended with the light. The two elements came together, each of them a separate unit, contending against the other.

And in their controversy the virtue of the power of each of them became formed and concentrated into a living being. Their personalities are as those of men, but their substance is power. The virtue--the pre-motive--the ruling quorum--the master of all power: The being of light was much greater than the being of darkness and ruled over him; therefore was his name Jehovah. The being of darkness hated him with great envy, thereby was his name Satan. But they were both lonesome; being alone: Even as light and darkness is obstinate to each other.

Then Jehovah saw that he was the master of nature, all power being controlled by his hands. He looked upon the kingdom of the Waters and saw that their alluvian substance could be divided and congealed into many kingdoms of minerals, and he decided to create a world. He sent a current of electricity in its first nature through the face of the waters and said, "let the minerals be gathered together, each one in its place in perfect order for the earth; and let the dry land appear above the face of the waters." And the natural electricity went forth and returned to and fro, and it was done.

And Jehovah came and walked upon the world which he had created, and he called it Heaven. For it was a place upon which he would cause to rest the substance of life--out of which he had come. And he called to the kingdom of light and saw that it was an immensity of life. Dividing it he formed and created minor beings after his own image and in his own form. And he called them souls. But they were naked, having no substance for bodies like him. All the face of the heaven was filled with them as they glittered before their creator in hosts. Some of them were great and some of them were small; all being different, each one s.h.i.+ning according to the power of its own light.

Then Jehovah created souls for other living things of all manner of shapes and forms, great and small--unto the infinite small things until the substance of life was contained.

Jehovah set for his created things an order and a procession of life, creating for them bodies. And they arose up and began to fill all the face of heaven with songs and music. And thus the Heaven and the hosts of it were finished.

And Satan enveighed Jehovah and the things which he had made, for he knew that there was no power of creating forces in the virtue of darkness, and that he himself could not create or make any living thing to stand before him in life. Therefore he hated life and sought with all his power to destroy the created things of Jehovah. Satan's power went out as a shadower of darkness towards them. It was the virtue of his own evil self--his spirit of darkness--which attempted to come upon the people and the beasts which Jehovah had made, to destroy them.

But a light went forth from Jehovah as a refuge and a defense. It was the virtue of his own righteous self--his spirit of perfection--the embodiment of his almighty mind. The righteousness of his power went forth and filled all his creation, and s.h.i.+elded and protected all the living things which he had made from the darkness and evil of Satan.

The creation teemed with the glory of Jehovah, an unmentionable s.p.a.ce, for there was no time there. Neither were there the aged or dying, for Satan had not as yet cursed any thing that Jehovah had made. But justice being the authority of Jehovah, he must be just with Satan also. He could not prevent Satan from coming upon the earth and walking to and fro through his creation. Jehovah could be jealous, but not selfish and unjust. If Satan could persuade any of his creatures to forsake him and to receive within them the power of his own Satanic spirit, justice said that they were his and Jehovah should bear the loss.

But Satan could not withstand the light and glory of Jehovah, for Jehovah's brilliancy filled the heaven. He dwelt upon a throne in a temple of power. The throne and temple were living power. Being gathered together a natural substance which is power, and the pre-motive glory of all beauty giving life to the living by its power of that which he chose to array his dwelling place with. The virtue of the colors, the red and green, azure, onyx, diamond, bedellium, saraf, amber, and all manner of adornments of beauty, were faded of their virgin colors and their sereness of glory, were brought forth in the construction of his temple and throne. So that no being should be able to surpa.s.s Jehovah in glory hence.

And the temple and the throne in the temple is one living thing of eternal life, borne by other living things. Where Jehovah wills to go, the temple also can go. Eternal substance of power like streams of fire, but more white like the light of diamond issuing toward every point of the creation as it goes forth in its glory; and there is nothing unseen or hid from its light.

In the language and knowledge of man, infinite was the time that Satan sought before he was able to defile any of the sons and daughters of Jehovah. But out somewhere in the eternity sin began to steal into the souls of the sons of the mighty. And they began to hate Jehovah and to envy his glory in a great dispensation. Satan diminis.h.i.+ng them after his own power until one-third of all the hosts of heaven were defiled with sin. And they had fallen from their power and from their former glory, and had strayed away from their father's house; the brightness of their souls glittering not. Satan had captivated them over into his great night of despair--and they knew it not, for Satan had always appeared to them arrayed in glory as if Jehovah, and they supposed that he was able to continually give them light. But they were cast away from Jehovah, and there was darkness and violence and despair, for the light of Satan was as the shadows of a great night. There was no sun and moon and stars to give them artificial light, for Jehovah is the only light of the living soul, and his glory is the light of that world. The heaven was filled with violence and his name was blasphemed with many inventions.

But they repented not from Satan unto Jehovah. Then there was war upon the face of all the heaven: Michael and Mikrell and Gabriel, and the millions of the mighty ones of the righteous came before Jehovah in a council of war. And it was decreed that all the hosts of the wicked should be slain and cast out of the heaven. And that the face of the heaven should be cleansed.

Then one came and stood before Jehovah--one whom he loved greater than the love which he had for many of his created beings. He being the excellency of his beginning, his son by love. And he said "Father, if all these be slain and cast down they remain dead forever. They are Satan's and he rejoices against thee that he shall ever have them. I go in their midst and redeem them from Satan that they shall live again. I shall purchase them from Satan with my own life. I die that they might live again. Father, make for them another world that they might live again and have a chance to repent from Satan unto thee. That they in their great hosts remain not dead--forever dead." And Jehovah said, "Son, if we make man again in our own image after our glory; again will man sin, and Satan will have the mastery over him, and there would be none to inhabit the new world which I create." Then the son said, "Father, it shall be righteous that you make man again, for I shall go with him until a day in which I shall meet thee out upon that world and there again I will pay the price of man's sins, and redeem him from the power of Satan, that not all of those be lost--forever lost."

The decree of Jehovah was given that they should live again. Then Michael, the captain of Jehovah's hosts, went forth and fought against the Dragon; and the Dragon and his armies fought, but prevailed not; neither was there any more room found in heaven for Satan and his host.

And the great Dragon--Satan--was cast out of heaven and all his angels with him.

And his right to dwell upon the face of heaven was forfeited when his servants had slain the son of Jehovah. Who also redeemed the souls of the dead from Satan's power when they had shed the blood of the captain of salvation. And the heaven was cleansed from sin. Neither could Satan or any of his servants return. All those who had sinned were forever cast down. And the decree was set that they should not ascend again into heaven in the infinite eternity. But those of Jehovah's servants who loved not their lives in the days of battle and were slain in the war, if they chose to follow their lost brothers down into the new world, they from there might ascend again unto their father's house.

And the waters stood beneath the heavens, and there was no form or void in their substance. And the darkness prevailed unchanging. Then the spirit of Jehovah moved upon the face of the waters beholding all things. And Jehovah said let the light appear upon the face of the deep, and let the darkness be gathered together in one place beneath the heaven, and half of its place be given for the light, and it was so. And Jehovah beheld the light that it was glorious. And he said let the firmament of electricity divide the waters again beneath the heaven. And let the substance of the upper part of the waters above the firmament be gathered together and let the dry land appear.

And let the waters whose substance have formed the earth be gathered together, and let the earth and the waters stand in perfectness in their orders. And let the firmament beneath the heaven of electricity remain unmovable, and let there be a door as a gateway from the heaven to the earth remain through the firmament.

And thus on the first and second s.p.a.ce of time which became days Jehovah formed the earth and laid up veins of the minerals after their kinds in their places, in perfect order. The mountains rising up high above the seas, giving to the seas their places of permanency in the lower places of the earth. In the third day Jehovah created the trees and vegetation--all manner of trees to eradicate the face of the earth from its nakedness. He created the seeds in the earth, each seed after its kind, so it could not change forever from the laws of nature. The fourth day he created great lights, the sun and moon and stars, and set them in the firmament above the earth. In abodement of twelve houses. Made to rule the darkness and to alternate nature, giving life to the things which were to live in the parts of the earth where there was to be life.

He made three hundred and sixty-four roads in the firmament above the earth, and placed the sun and the moon in them. The roads he made in an oblong shape and joined them together at one place in the East and in the West, that the sun should make his circuits over the earth and drive the darkness before him. And that the moon should make her circuits over the earth to alternate and rule the darkness. And for her aid he made the stars and set them in their places in the firmament and in the cross roads which run across the pathways of the sun and moon; setting them in order in twelve groups. And Jehovah wrote the stars and their pathways upon the face of the firmament. They tell the story of his creation and his love for the things he has created. As they move in their concourses they are constantly spelling out the things which have never been changed, glittering above the mist of the earth in their work of perfection.

And in the midst of the earth he set a magnet joining the heaven and the earth together that the heaven and the earth should not move out of their place forever. The magnet in its dimensions is perfectly round--a tower of bluish mist s.h.i.+ning bright like silver--where it stands in its zone of perpetual darkness; where he made not a light to s.h.i.+ne superior to the darkness. And the magnet revolves around perpetually in its protraction, carrying the sun and moon and stars in their circuits over the face of the earth in their roads--in their courses according to their metallic natures--around in a circuit over the parts of the earth, where he designed for his things of life to live. Each monitor of the firmament moving in its own place according to its power with the magnet of its own nature to do the things it was created to do, until its work should be finished; then it falls from its place when its course is run, and is no more.

And the sun sped on his course driving the darkness before him as it closed up again behind him. And the morning and the evening were the fourth day in the beginning of time. And the moon and the stars in their courses over the earth drew up the metallic substance of the earth and distilled and gave it to the sun; and he in his great speed cast them out upon the earth, again in minute atoms, and as they came in contact with their own primordial atoms which lie upon the earth, and more densely in the lower parts of the earth, they explode, causing atmospherical heat; each atom giving forth a yellow flame of light as it explodes, so minute that one light cannot be distinguished from another by the sense of man.

Thus on the fourth day began heat to gender upon the face of the earth, preventing the ice and snow from overcoming the life of vegetation in the circuit of life which the creator had decreed upon the plains of the world. And the sun went forth upon his circuit and came around again to the place from where he had started, encircling the magnet in the center of the earth, thus beginning an endless day and an endless night, perpetually unchanging. His roads were decreed that from hence he should run from the east to the west upon one line, then from the west to the east around on another line each day, drawing closer to the magnet on one side and falling farther away on the other side, creating an endless summer and an endless winter, and a springtime and a fall perpetually.

The light of the sun as it came upon its nearest lines to the magnet where it stood in the center and lowest part of the earth, far enough distant that his rays could not penetrate into the region of the magnet and disturb its silence as it stands in its sea of ice and darkness, while the light of the sun from the outer roads from the magnet was bounded about by darkness and unchanging ice. And towards the west Jehovah had set up a great chain of mountains to hold back the light while the sun was upon his outer roads, that half of the nights might be long towards the region of the magnet. While to the east he had set up no great mountains that the light of the sun on its outer roads from thence might reach across the plains towards the region of the magnet, that half of the nights might be light and giving glories of light for half of the time of the years. While in the great white way of life the continents and islands lay all teeming with glory.

The large continents having divides of high lands through them, from which large rivers flow, some towards the outer seas and some of them flow down towards the lower parts of the earth towards the magnet. Then the sons of Jehovah and the morning stars sang together and shouted for joy when they saw the glory of Jehovah's creation. And the morning of the fifth day began.

And Jehovah said let the waters and the earth bring forth living creatures. Things to be in the seas after their kinds, and living creatures to be upon the earth and in the earth. Things that have life to live in the dust of the world, and fowl that they may soar above the earth. And Jehovah and his tribune formed the flesh and bones of fish to live in the waters, his spirit being in the labor and toil of the day.

He formed great whales and fish of mighty propensities to consume the substance of life in the waters. And for them he made Leviathan to be their king and a G.o.d over them. And the creatures of the waters were in the seas and in the rivers and in the earth, everywhere that there is water, every one after its kind unchangeable. He also made the fowl upon the earth out of the clay of the earth, every one after its kind, upon the continents and islands where it should live; and gave to them an order of life as the things of the waters, the female delivering the substance of flesh in an egg; and by the process of heat the sh.e.l.l becoming expanded and then the spirit of the fowl entering into the substance through the expanded pores of the sh.e.l.l, forming flesh to itself, while containing knowledge of the world. As soon as its flesh is strong enough it mines a pa.s.sage for itself through the sh.e.l.l and takes its flesh into the world. And Jehovah made the beasts out of the earth after their kinds, in their forms upon the islands and continents where they should live. And the Tribune formed all manner of beasts, both great and small, out of the earth. They formed their flesh and bones and cast their souls in them. And they arose up in life a pair of them of every kind, in every part of the earth where the decree had gone forth that they should live. And they made beasts after the form of man, and in his appearance of many sizes and shapes, walking upon their two feet with two hands to handle things as a man. And they were of many colors, some black and brown and yellow striped, white and spotted and striped with all manner of colors. And they were upon the face of the earth and in the waters.

And Jehovah and his Tribune made huge beasts great in power and form, to dwell upon parts of the earth. The unicorn was larger than the elephant.

He had horns as the horns of a bull. He was mighty in strength and was a ferocious beast. Mazaroth was much larger than the unicorn; he was a beast of the rivers, of the swamps, and glades. Arcturus was a roving beast of the plains; he went in droves in his day. His army stood on the plains in the shade of the mountains as a cl.u.s.ter of little hills crouched, beneath the trees. He heeded not the battle cry of man in his ways. Magathuren was a roving beast of the smooth parts of the earth; he could not pa.s.s up or down a steep incline or step over anything above his knees. He had a straight horn with which he lifted the trunks of fallen trees and things out of his way, as he pa.s.sed to and fro over the earth. Behemoth was also a beast of the plains; he was the largest beast which Jehovah made to dwell upon the dry land of the earth. But he was not like Leviathan, the king or the pride of the deep. And there were also great beasts made to dwell in the seas as well as upon the earth; until the substance, of life was contained. And there went up a mist from the waters of the earth, and rain fell upon the dry land, bringing forth food for the living things which were made. But as yet Jehovah had not made man upon the earth.


The Race of Man

And Jehovah created a vineyard upon the high lands, from whose mountains flowed away four rivers. Being parted in four ways from the vineyard.

The first and second are those which encompa.s.s the land of Havilah and Ethiopia, and flow into the Caspian Sea. The third and fourth are the Euphrates and Hiddekel which flow into the Persian gulf. And in the sixth day Jehovah said let us make man in our own image after our likeness in our similitude. And he formed the body of man out of the clay of the earth, with his hands and with his spirit he made him after his own form and likeness. Then he called one of the rebellious souls which had been cast out of Heaven and he cast the soul into the body which he had made, and the body arose up with the vigor of life, and became an active soul before Jehovah, its creator. And he called his name Adam, because he had made him out of the red clay of the heights, and man was red after the appearance of Jehovah. And Jehovah caused all of the beasts to pa.s.s before Adam. And Adam gave names to them after their kinds. And he called the beast which had hands and feet and stood upright as himself, Serpent. And Jehovah placed Adam in the vineyard to live, and gave to him the serpent to be his servant, in the garden of rest which he so named Eden. And Jehovah returned about and refrained from his work on the seventh day, and sanctified it as a day of rest.

And Adam dwelt alone in Eden. And he was lonesome. But after a time Jehovah returned with his hosts, and he said it is not good for Adam to dwell thus alone. I will now make for man his mother. And she shall be wiser and mightier than he in wisdom, and shall be his counselor, and a light to rule over him that his days be many in the earth.

And Jehovah caused a sleep to come over Adam, and he took out one of his ribs with the flesh of the bone, and closed up the flesh of Adam. And out of it he made the body of a child,--leaving Adam twelve ribs on one side and eleven on the other side. But the ribs of the child were even twelve on both sides. And Jehovah placed within her a soul and gave her to Adam, and he knew that she had been made of his flesh, and he called her Woman. And also shall her name be Eve, because she is the beginning of the mothers of man.

And there was a tree which Jehovah had planted in the garden of Eden. As if a hundred feet to the first limb, and the leaves of the tree hung to the ground--touching the ground on all sides, "Broad and strong like rubber, yet with velvet softness. Beneath this tree was the home of Adam and Eve." Beneath the downy fragrant leaves they were s.h.i.+elded from all heat and cold. And the eagles and the fowl of the air run into the branches of the tree in time of storm. Here in this sublimeness Eve grew up with Adam, and the Serpent was their servant.

The Trees of the vineyard brought forth every thing which was good for food. There were trees which bare fruits large and s.h.i.+ning as gold, fruits of all manner colors as a field of stars in glory. A river run through the Garden. Crystal waters rifting over fields of beautiful stones. The bedellium and onyx stones and much gold abounding in and about the waters. And on one side of the river stood a tree which bare fruit twelve times in the year, whose substance would cause one to live forever. It was the tree of life. None that eat of its fruit should ever die. From month to month and from year to year it had power to renew life perpetually. And on the other side of the river stood a tree which had power to make one wise. It was a tree of knowledge, one whose fruit would intoxicate and revitalize,--speeding up the action of life, causing one to think rapidly, and to see with a clearer vision. Setting the vitalities in a key where they must wear out, bringing forth the order of death. This tree was called the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, because its power was the division between man and sin. He could eat of the tree of life and realize the power and nature of life in all its glory. But he could not realize the nature and effect of death and sorrow until he should eat of the fruit of the tree of death, and become intoxicated with the mania of its devastating forces. And for this cause Jehovah commanded Adam that he should not eat of the fruit of the tree of death or come near it.

But the command was not given to Eve, for she was but a child--left in Adam's keeping. And they dwelt in glory in their home beneath the wings of the tree in the vineyard. And they were naked 'But knew it not.'

Satan was upon earth, and envied them in their salvation, but he could not come near the vineyard, neither could he tempt them to sin. For they were redeemed, and Satan could not break the decree. But when Eve was grown the servant walked to and fro beyond the templed paradise, and sat with Satan by a pool. And Satan taught the servant how that it could become free from its masters. Then she hastened back and came again into the vineyard. And Eve stood by the tree of death admiring its beauty.

And the servant came and said to her, "has Jehovah said that you shall not eat of every tree in this garden?" And Eve said, "we may eat of the fruit of every tree but this tree, which stands in the midst of the garden we shall not eat of it, neither shall we touch it lest we die."

And the servant said, "you shall not surely die,--For the Creator he knows that in the day you eat of the fruit of this tree your eyes shall be open and you shall become wise like before the fall--as G.o.ds knowing the effect of good and evil."

And when she saw that the tree was good for food and excellent in beauty, she commanded the servant and she brought to her the fruit and she ate of it. Then she was enlightened and was as another woman. Then she with her own hands brought of the fruit to Adam, and when he saw its power upon her he also ate of the fruit, and the mind of them both were enlightened, and the mist was removed from over their souls; and they knew that they were not as the beast, but were naked. And they sewed leaves together for clothes and dwelt in great fear.

And it was so that in the evening time of a day they heard the voice of Jehovah as he walked through the garden. And they fled from their temple and hid themselves from his presence among the trees, and were not where they were wanted to be found. And Jehovah called unto Adam and said, "where are you Adam?" And Adam said I heard you talking in the garden and I was afraid, and I hid myself because I was naked.

And Jehovah said who told you that you was naked? Have you eaten of the tree which I commanded thee not to eat? And he said the woman which you gave me she gave me of the fruit of the tree and I did eat. And Jehovah said unto Eve, what have you done. And she said the serpent bewitched me and I did eat. And Jehovah said to the serpent, because you have done this thing you are cursed beyond everything which I have created. Upon your belly you shall travel, and you shall not henceforth eat. In this, that you have caused my children to sin in the process of eating.

The dust shall be your food, and I shall put envy between your race and the race of the woman. And she shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise her heel. And the serpent fell upon the earth before Jehovah, and her arms and legs became into one straight body. And he took her teeth out of her mouth so that she should not masticate food. But he left in her mouth the imprints of her teeth, which is yet to be seen in the mouth of the serpent. And he placed great crooked fangs in her mouth and filled them with poison. If she should masticate food her own poison would destroy her life.

The Secret of the Creation Part 1

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