History of the Spanish Conquest of Yucatan and of the Itzas Part 21

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ACOSTA, Padre Joseph de 1792 Historia natural y moral de las Indias. Madrid. 2 vols.

ANCONA, Eligio 1878 Historia de Yucatan. Merida. 4 vols.

AVENDAnO Y LOYOLA, Fray Andres de Relation of Two Trips to Peten. MS. translated into English by Charles P. Bowditch and Senor Rivera. (See Chaps. VIII-X.)


1878 On the Distribution and Tenure of Lands ... among the Ancient Mexicans, 11th Annual Report of the Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Ma.s.s.

BERENDT, C. Hermann Itza Dialect. MS. in the Brinton Collection of the University of Pennsylvania. (See Appendix I.)

BERNAL DIAZ DEL CASTILLO 1908-16 The True History of the Conquest of New Spain. Translated by A.

P. Maudslay. _Hakluyt Society_. London. 5 vols.

BOWDITCH, Charles P.

1901 Memoranda on the Maya Calendars used in the Books of Chilan Balam.

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1910 The Numeration, Calendar Systems and Astronomical Knowledge of the Mayas. Cambridge, Ma.s.s.


1858 Histoire des nations civilizees du Mexique et de l'Amerique centrale durant les siecles anterieurs a Christophe Colomb. Paris. 4 vols.

BRa.s.sEUR DE BOURBOURG, C. E., Editor 1864 Relation des choses de Yucatan de Fray Diego de Landa. Paris.

BRINTON, Daniel Garrison 1882 The Maya Chronicles. Library of American Aboriginal Literature, vol. i. Philadelphia.

1885 The Annals of the Cakchiquels. Philadelphia.

1885b Did Cortes Visit Palenque? _Science_, vol. v, p. 248.

CANO, Fray Alonso Manche and Peten. MS. translated into English by Charles P. Bowditch, Esq. and Senor Rivera. (See Chap. VII.)

CARRILLO Y ANCONA, Crescencio 1883 Historia antigua de Yucatan. Merida.

1895 El comercio en Yucatan antes del descubrimiento. 11_th Sess.

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CARTAS DE INDIAS Madrid, 1877.

CERVANTES DE SALAZAR, Francisco 1914 Chronica de la Nueva Espana. Hispanic Society of America. New York and Madrid.

CHARNAY, Desire 1887 The Ancient Cities of the New World. Translated by J. Gonino and Helen S. Conant. New York.


1688 Historia de Yucathan. Madrid.

CORTES, Fernando 1908 Five Letters of Relation from Fernando Cortes to the Emperor Charles V. Translated and edited by Francis Augustus Mac.n.u.tt. New York.

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FANCOURT, Charles St. John 1854 The History of Yucatan from its Discovery to the Close of the Seventeenth Century. London.

FUENTES Y GUZMAN 1882 Historia de Guatemala (1695). Madrid.

GARCIA DE PALACIO, Diego 1860 Letter to Philip II (1576). Translated by E. G. Squier. New York.

GoMARA, Francisco Lopez de 1826 Historia General de las Indias. Mexico. 2 vols.


1897 The Archaic Maya Inscriptions. London. Biologia Central-Americana.

GORDON, George Byron 1899 The Ruined City of Copan. _Bull. Am. Geog. Soc._, vol. x.x.xi, p. 39 ff. New York.


1897 Galerie americaine du Musee d'ethnographie au Trocadero. Paris.

HERRERA TORDESILLAS, Antonio de 1601-15 Historia general de Indias. Madrid. 5 vols.


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1914 Mexican Archaeology. 2d ed. London and New York.

LA CONDAMINE, Charles-Marie de 1748 Quelques anciens monuments du Perou du temps des Incas. Berlin, Academie des Sciences.

LANDA, Diego de 1864 See BRa.s.sEUR DE BOURBOURG, Editor.

LARRABURE Y UNaNUE, Hipolito 1893 Monografias Historico-Americanas. Lima.

LIZANA, Bernardo de 1633 Historia de Yucatan. Valladolid, 1633. (Reprint by Museo Nacional, 1893, Mexico.)

LOPEZ DE GOMARA, Francisco See GOMARA, Francisco Lopez de.

LOPEZ, Tomas 1801 Mapa ... de Yucatan. Madrid.

MALER, Teobert 1908 Exploration in the Department of Peten, Guatemala.... _Peabody Museum Memoirs_. vol. iv, no. 2.

1910 Explorations in the Department of Peten, Guatemala.... _Peabody Museum Memoirs_, vol. iv, no. 3.

MARJIL DE JESUS, Fray Antonio See TOZZER, 1912.

History of the Spanish Conquest of Yucatan and of the Itzas Part 21

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