The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation Part 14

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Indianapolis, Ind.--"Mrs. Carrie Nation, Wichita, Kan:--As a preface I feel it my duty to extend to you my sincere apology for encroaching these lines for your consideration during the trying hours of your incarceration, but as the purport of my letter undoubtedly differs, materially in text, from the countless hundreds you have received, I feel a.s.sured that the sentiment involved, originated as it has, solely from the spirit and intrepid aggressiveness you have exploited in the suppression of that paramount curse of mankind, Drink! will, in a measure, justify you in condoning these lines.

For years the writer has been a traveling salesman, occupying positions of trust and responsibility. As is the universal trait among the larger element of my cla.s.s, I contracted the indulgence of liquor. From its inception and social intercourse, it gradually developed until I became an irresistible slave to those base affinities--lewd women and whiskey. The result, inevitable as death, produced its dregs; shattered health, separation of family, and social and business ostracism. Prior to a month ago, reparation and redemption from medical arid spiritual aid, had proven valueless; with no alternative, I became resigned to the results of a mis- spent life, when, from the West came the voice and heroic deeds of a woman. Simple yet fervent, intrepid yet unique. You aroused the press and the people. Your mission was born. Thousands, you may have "influenced," but me you have "redeemed." I have read your words with intenseness. Your forcible acts have impressed me. I resolved and have conquered. G.o.d bless you! I am now organizing a temperance league among my brother traveling men, paradoxical as it may sound, and am meeting with a fair support, yet I believe an impetus and a stronger influential lever can be extended through the expression of your well wishes and any timely topics you care to extend in furtherance of the cause.

Asking your kind indulgence, and with best wishes for your ultimate welfare, believe me. Your loyal supporter, W. S. SANFORD.. Care Terre Haute House, Terre Haute, Ind.


Patterson, New Jersey, Sept., 2nd, 1901--Dear Mrs. Nation:--Will you come to this city before going home? The conditions here are worse than in any place in the whole country. One thousand saloons run day and night, every day in the year. Come for G.o.d's sake. You can do so much good, and if you smashed fifty or sixty of the h.e.l.l holes here you would be called an angel. Do Come! and save the young of both s.e.xes.




The life of a soul moved on by the Holy Spirit is beyond human expression, as well as human understanding. "He that is spiritual judgeth (examines) all things. Yet he himself is judged or examined of no man." The spiritual man can see the condition of the unregenerate for he was once in darkness, but the unregenerate can never understand the condition of the regenerate. The impulses that move one born of G.o.d is one of the puzzles not possible to be known by the wisdom of the wise of this world. 'Tis a secret, 'tis hidden, and can come only by Divine Revelation and is always a miracle, the greatest ever performed. It raises from the dead, never to die again. It opens the eyes never to be closed again, 'tis an armor that causes us to handle serpents (devils) without harm and we can hear or drink deadly poisons, or doctrines but they will not kill our soul. "These signs shall follow them that believe.

The real Christ life is and always will be hateful to the world. I have often heard it said of me; "I cannot bear that Carry Nation!" I would only to do the people good. I do not blame these as I once did; "For the natural man is not subject to the law of G.o.d, neither indeed can be."

"Marvel not that the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you." I know that when I was ten years old I felt the movings of G.o.d's spirit--got an answer of peace, but like a little infant pined away, for lack of care and nourishment. Nothing but the divine mercy of Almighty G.o.d could have directed the affairs of my tempest-tossed life.

I now know there are no accidents. A sparrow falls by a special providence.

There are no sins or temptations that I can not say: "My G.o.d delivered, saved and forgave me for that." I go to prisons and all kinds of houses of sin. I say: "I can tell you of one who can save and forgive you for that, he forgave me, and he will forgive you, for I was as bad, or worse, than you." I have never seen anyone whom I thought had committed more sin than I. Many will lift up horrified hands at this but 'tis true. I never saw the corruption of but one life, one heart,--that was mine. I was never so shocked, so disgusted, so distracted with remorse over any life, so much as my own. My heart was the foulest place I ever saw. I do not know what is in other people's hearts. Paul meant this when he said: "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief;" Said, this, "is worthy of all acceptation"

or was, a good testimony. Because one can never see how bad the heart is, until G.o.d sheds the light to see it. So many people are deceived, as a blind man. They may be in filth, and do not know it. It is there, but not seen, for lack of light.

I was first condemned by reading the Psalms. I said: "If Christians have impulses to "rejoice", clap their hands, and "shout", I do not know what it is. I find no response of gladness in my heart." I trembled with fear to think of G.o.d and the judgement day. This continued from youth up to the age of forty. At this time I received from Christ the "Gift of the Holy Ghost", the "Unction", that which "leads unto all truth." There are many names for this; I call it the Bible name. "Hold fast the form of sound words." Before this I had never spoken a word for G.o.d or prayed in public. At one time I was called on to do so, and was terrified and mumbled out something, that was no prayer. Now all was changed: "I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord." I was anxious for my time to come to tell how good Jesus was to me. When I met my neighbors I would be heavy- hearted, because they talked of servants, house cleaning, the new fas.h.i.+ons, and these seemed so vain, so frivolous. I liked to direct their minds to speak of the Scriptures, and of the ways of doing work for G.o.d. I soon found out I was not welcome, I was looked upon as an intruder, was often avoided, I could see the frowns and glances of impatience at my presence. These would cause me many a cry and mortification. My best companion was the Bible. I then knew what David meant when he said: "More to be desired are they, than gold, yea than much fine gold; sweeter also than the honey and the honey comb." I often kiss and caress my Bible; 'tis the most precious of all earthly treasures.

I wonder how people can live any kind of Christian life without reading the Scriptures and prayer. If I neglect this one day I feel impatient, restless,--a soul hunger. Spurgeon is my favorite of all ministers.

I read where he said, "Being a Christian was something like taking a sea bath. You go in up to the ankles and there is no pleasure, then to the knees is not much better, but if you wish to know the pleasure of a bath take a 'HEADER' and plunge. Then you can say, How glorious."

Christian life is like a journey. There are flowers and fruit and streams; thorns, dark valleys and fires; rocky steeps from whose summits you can see beautiful prospects. There is rest, refreshment, sleep and bitter tearful watchings. 'Tis a great pleasure to me to be in a spiritual meeting.

To know by the testimony how far they have traveled. Some one in the garden of delights; he wonders why that one tells of the dark valley. One at the base of the hill cannot understand why others see what he cannot. The young beginner tells of the beautiful sights and songs; and maybe the one who has been on the road almost a life time will tell of the "continual heaviness, hours of darkness, and the smoking furnace, and the lamp." I have found that the warrior is never as bouyant as the new recruit, in his dress parade. We humor children, and call on men to labor. Few, comparatively, get to the place where they prefer hard labor; to endure desolation of heart; to seek self in nothing; to see all loved but himself; to see others exalted but only abas.e.m.e.nt for self; to "endure hardness as a good soldier; to lay on the ground; to eat hard tack; to make long, weary marches; footsore and still fight on; to suffer traveling over rocks and thorns; to endure the loss of all things." I will take this last for mine. 'Tis the best, Oh my G.o.d, give me this! "He that goeth forth and WEEPETH bearing precious seeds shall doubtless come again rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." I do not ask this because I enjoy suffering but to prove my love and grat.i.tude to Him who loved me, and gave Himself for me.

After we moved to Medicine Lodge the Free Methodists came there and held a meeting. I had never heard the doctrine of the "second blessing" or "sanctification" taught. It was very interesting to me. Three women called to see me in my home, to ask me if I had ever "had the Gift." I told them I had something peculiar given me from G.o.d in Texas; asked them to pray to G.o.d to give this great blessing to me or a witness that he had done so. These sisters were Mrs. Painter, Green and Marvin. I also prayed for myself. In about ten days from that time I was in my sitting room. It was raining. A minister and his daughter were at our house (Mr. Laurance, a Baptist). We were all quietly reading in the room. I was in meditation, praying and saying: "Just now, blessed Father, give me the witness." Then a wonderful thing took place, which it is not "lawful" or possible for me to utter. Something was poured on top of my bead, running all over and through me, which I call divine electricity. The two persons who were in the room, Mr. Laurance and his daughter, were very much startled, for I jumped up, clapped my hands, saying: "I have this from G.o.d, this divine Gift." I went below in the bas.e.m.e.nt that I might give vent to my grat.i.tude, and under my breath I walked up and down, thanking, praising, crying and laughing.

Like the woman that found the piece of silver that was lost, I had to tell my neighbors. I wrapped myself up to be protected from the rain, and ran to Sister Painters, near by, then to Sister Dollars and Marvin's and several others, to tell them of my great blessing.

When I returned I opened my Bible. Every word and every letter was surrounded with a bright light. I turned over the leaves, and I saw the meaning on the pages at a glance. There was a new light and meaning. I have never been able to express that experience in any other way than to say I was "eating" the word of G.o.d. I could now understand why we do not understand the figures and expressions used in the Bible, because I have had several experiences, that were impossible to explain by human language.

I told Mr. Nation that the Bible was a new book to me, tried to explain to him; told him I now saw the meaning of everything. He said: "Explain Lazarus and the rich man." I turned to it instantly.

The divine light gave a new meaning to me. I commented thus as I read it: "This rich man is the Jewish nation, with its gorgeous temple service. The poor man is the Gentile nations called dogs, no temple, no altar, no G.o.d, no healing; like a man with an incurable loathsome disease.

These begged from the Jews the crumbs that fell to their dogs. This rich man had much goods. He could have shared to bless, but through lack of charity he withheld.

The beggar died, and angels took him to Abraham's bosom, the very place the Jews thought was only for them. This is a figure of the death to sin, and the life to righteousness. The natural must die before the spiritual can live. The rich man died, and was buried. The Jewish nation died as it is here predicted, and in h.e.l.l, he lifted up his eyes, being in torments. It is not said that the Gentiles, or Lazarus were buried.

The Jews as a nation are dead, never to be resurrected. They have been scattered abroad in torments, a people without a land, a hiss and a by- word, as G.o.d said. The Jew sees the Gentiles with the good things, he once had. Has time and time again begged relief from them. The Jews wish no companions.h.i.+p in their misery, have no missionaries. Five is a number applied to humanity.--five senses, five fingers, five toes. The gulf spoken of as being impa.s.sable, is the separateness of the Jews from all others.

The rich man wants one from the dead to go to his five brethren, or humanity. Abraham or the Gospel reminds the Jew that Moses and the prophets were as convincing; they would not believe them. Christ said: "If ye had believed Moses, ye would have believed me for he wrote of me. If ye believe not him, neither will ye believe, though one arose from the dead." Christ in this parable prophesied of his own death and resurrection, they did not believe when he arose from the dead.

Scripture was given a meaning I had never heard of before. This light continued for about three days. Oh! if I had devoted all my time then to reading while I had this divine light! We never know the value of any blessing, until it is gone. Persons almost universally say of me: "You have studied and remember so much of the Bible," but this is a gift from G.o.d. I know why G.o.d gave this to me. Because I have always been a reader and a student of holy teachings, even when it was sealed, and often to me, contradictory. "If any will do His will, they shall know of the doctrine." Jesus said: "Search the Scriptures." "Study to show thyself a workman well approved unto G.o.d, that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly divining the word of truth." 'Tis a sweet love letter by an independent G.o.d to a dependent people. "Oh! the depth of the wisdom, both of the knowledge and power of G.o.d! How unsearchable are his judgements and his ways past finding out." Yet His love can be felt and known by all. Not one of the severe judgements of G.o.d but they reflect this tender love of G.o.d, in destroying that which love hates, because sin is the enemy of love, the bitter foe to the happiness of mankind; therefore 'tis an evidence of the intensity of love to destroy sin.

Take for instance the destruction of the Amalekites. This people was a curse to the earth and the enemy of all good. "Remember what Amalek did unto thee, by the way, when ye were come forth out of Egypt."

"How he met thee by the way, and smote the hindermost of thee, even all that were behind thee when thou wast faint and weary; and he feared not G.o.d. Therefore it shall be when the Lord thy G.o.d hath given thee rest from thine enemies, thou shalt blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven." G.o.d waited four hundred years from this time. They still were murderers. Then he told Saul to utterly destroy this cruel nation. The state kills a man now. This is not a cruelty but a mercy, "And those which remain shall hear and fear and shall henceforth commit no more any such evil." "'Tis a righteous retribution to recompense tribulation to those who trouble you."

Persons often argue that the books of the Bible are written by man and cannot be said to be written by G.o.d. I ill.u.s.trate the way G.o.d wrote the Bible by this: You have a package of letters from your mother.

Some are written with red ink, some with black, some with a stub pen, some with a fine point, some with a pencil, etc. You do not say, the pen wrote me this letter and the pencil wrote me that. No, this is not spoken of or considered. You say: "My mother wrote these letters to me."

Just so, Moses is G.o.d's pen, with which he wrote the five books of the Pentateuch. Joshua was also a pen, and Ezra, Job, David, Solomon, and so with the writers of the New Testament. G.o.d guided them as we do our pen. The Bible carries within itself its own evidence of divinity. It requires no proof. It but weakens its own evidence, to appeal to human aid. The fulfilled prophesy, its inimitable poetry, is proof to the natural man to KNOW it to be above the human mind, and to a child of G.o.d it speaks with life, and love more potent than an earthly parent to their child. The Holy Spirit only can interpret his own words: "'Tis foolishness to those who perish, but unto us who are saved it is the power of G.o.d."

I have a great benediction on my work. Wherever I go the dear mothers shake my hand and kiss my face, saying: "G.o.d bless you. I want to help you. You did what I wanted to do." It is the heart of motherhood running over with love. "The gentle are the brave, the loving are the daring."

I got a telegram from a man saying: "Your article in Physical Culture on the use of tobacco has cured me of the vice." One man from Omaha, Nebraska, wrote: "Three years ago I was a drunkard. I had a drug store. I was losing business and going to ruin generally. When I heard of what you did, I said: 'If that woman can do that to save others, I ought to do something for myself.' So now I am a changed man. My wife is a changed woman. I have to thank you and Almighty G.o.d. My business is growing every day."

Upon several occasions I have had people to put five dollars in my hand. While I was lecturing in Pasadena, California, for the Y. M. C.

A. one young man put in my hand what I thought was a silver dollar, but on looking it was a twenty dollar gold piece. I said: "I will lay that up in heaven for you." And so I have. I never learned his name but he will certainly find that twenty dollars in the bank of heaven with interest.

When I first started out in this crusade I was called crazy and a "freak" by my enemies, but now they say: "No, Carry Nation, you are not crazy, but you are sharp. You started out to accomplish something and you did. You are a grafter. It is the money you are after." Jesus said: "John came neither eating or drinking and ye say, Behold a wine bibber and a glutton." So it is the world never did understand an unselfish life. It is a small thing to be judged by a man that withers as gra.s.s. "If I yet please man, I should not be the servant of Christ."



There have been from the first time I started out persons who understood that G.o.d moved me. These were students of the Old Scriptures.

Jesus told the people before the New Testament was written to "search the Scriptures--these are they that testify of me. ALL Scripture is given by inspiration of G.o.d and is profitable for doctrine, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of G.o.d may be thoroughly furnished unto every good work." To be thorough one must know the old as well as the new. In all the sermons of Paul, Peter and the rest, they quote from old Scripture. So did Jesus. Read Peter's first sermon on the day of Pentecost. There is a tendency to study the New Testament more than the Old. It is not possible to understand the New, unless we first study the Old. One of my favorite books is Deuteronomy, the dying words of Moses. He here repeats the great mercy, consideration and power of G.o.d's dealings with his people. Tells the kind of characters G.o.d will bless. How G.o.d loves the pure and good. How He hates the wicked. We here see that G.o.d creates good and evil, and holds us responsible for the choosing. While G.o.d rules in all things we have the power to bring on ourselves blessings or cursings. This book declares the man or woman invincible that abandons himself or herself to do G.o.d's will.

"True merit lies in braving the unequal.

True glory comes from daring to begin.

G.o.d loves the man or woman, who reckless of the sequel, Fights long and well, whether they lose or win."

In the seventh chapter of Deuteronomy, G.o.d commanded the children of Israel to "destroy the images," "break down" the altars and "burn the graven images" of the G.o.ds of the heathen. This was smas.h.i.+ng. Also said to them: "If you do not drive them out they shall be thorns in your sides." G.o.d gave them power and ability to do this, then he required them to do it. G.o.d supplies man's cannots, not his "will nots." In Numbers twenty-fifth chapter, Phineas was given G.o.d's covenant of peace and the priesthood, because he slew the woman and man that were committing sin: "Because he was jealous for his G.o.d and made an atonement for the children of Israel." This was smas.h.i.+ng.

G.o.d himself smashed up Sodom and Gomorrah. In the seventeenth chapter of Deuteronomy, G.o.d says: "The idolator and blasphemer shall be stoned with stones till he die. So shalt thou put away evil from you."

This is smas.h.i.+ng. I could write a book recounting the incidents recorded in G.o.d's Word.

"What is in thine hand, Abel?"

"Nothing but one wee lamb, O G.o.d, taken from the flock. I purpose offering it to thee, a willing sacrifice."

And so he did. And the sweet smell of that burning has been filling the air ever since, and constantly going up to G.o.d as a perpetual sacrifice of praise.

"What is it thou hast in thine hand, Moses?"

"Nothing but a staff, O G.o.d, with which I tend my flocks."

"Take it and use it for me."

And he did; and with it wrought more wondrous things than Egypt and her proud king had seen before.

"Mary, what is that thou hast in thine hand?"

"Nothing but a pot of sweet-smelling ointment, O G.o.d, wherewith I would anoint thine only One called Jesus."

The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation Part 14

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