The Path-Way to Knowledg, Containing the First Principles of Geometrie Part 19
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The circle is A.B.C.D.E.H, and his centre is F, the diameter is A.E, in whiche diameter I haue taken a certain point distaunt from the centre, and that pointe is G, from which I haue drawen .iiij. lines to the circ.u.mference, beside the two partes of the diameter, whiche maketh vp vi. lynes in all. Nowe for the diuersitee in quant.i.tie of these lynes, I saie accordyng to the Theoreme, that the line whiche goeth by the centre is the longest line, that is to saie, A.G, and the residewe of the same diameter beeyng G.E, is the shortest lyne. And of all the other that lyne is longest, that is neerest vnto that parte of the diameter whiche gooeth by the centre, and that is shortest, that is farthest distant from it, wherefore I saie, that G.B, is longer then G.C, and therfore muche more longer then G.D, sith G.C, also is longer then G.D, and by this maie you soone perceiue, that it is not possible to drawe .ij. lynes on any one side of the diameter, whiche might be equall in lengthe together, but on the one side of the diameter maie you easylie make one lyne equall to an other, on the other side of the same diameter, as you see in this example G.H, to bee equall to G.D, betweene whiche the lyne G.E, (as the shortest in all the circle) doothe stande euen distaunte from eche of them, and it is the precise knoweledge of their equalitee, if they be equally distaunt from one halfe of the diameter. Where as contrary waies if the one be neerer to any one halfe of the diameter then the other is, it is not possible that they two may be equall in lengthe, namely if they dooe ende bothe in the circ.u.mference of the circle, and be bothe drawen from one poynte in the diameter, so that the saide poynte be (as the Theoreme doeth suppose) somewhat distaunt from the centre of the said circle. For if they be drawen from the centre, then must they of necessitee be all equall, howe many so euer they bee, as the definition of a circle dooeth importe, withoute any regarde how neere so euer they be to the diameter, or how distante from it. And here is to be noted, that in this Theoreme, by neerenesse and distaunce is vnderstand the nereness and distaunce of the extreeme partes of those lynes where they touche the circ.u.mference. For at the other end they do all meete and touche.
_The .liij. Theoreme._
If a pointe bee marked without a circle, and from it diuerse lines drawen crosse the circle, to the circ.u.mference on the other side, so that one of them by the centre, then that line whiche pa.s.seth by the centre shall be the loongest of them all that crosse the circle. And of the other lines those are longest, that be nexte vnto it that pa.s.seth by the centre. And those ar shortest, that be farthest distant from it. But among those partes of those lines, whiche ende in the outewarde circ.u.mference, that is most shortest, whiche is parte of the line that pa.s.seth by the centre, and amongeste the othere eche, of th?, the nerer they are vnto it, the shorter they are, and the farther from it, the longer they be. And amongest them all there can not be more then .ij. of any one l?gth, and they two muste be on the two contrarie sides of the shortest line.
Take the circle to be A.B.C, and the point a.s.signed without it to be D. Now say I, that if there be drawen sundrie lines from D, and crosse the circle, endyng in the circ.u.mference on the ctrary side, as here you see, D.A, D.E, D.F, and D.B, then of all these lines the longest must needes be D.A, which goeth by the centre of the circle, and the nexte vnto it, that is D.E, is the longest amongest the rest. And contrarie waies, D.B, is the shorteste, because it is farthest distaunt from D.A. And so maie you iudge of D.F, because it is nerer vnto D.A, then is D.B, therefore is it longer then D.B. And likewaies because it is farther of from D.A, then is D.E, therfore is it shorter then D.E. Now for those partes of the lines whiche bee withoute the circle (as you see) D.C, is the shortest. because it is the parte of that line which pa.s.seth by the centre, And D.K, is next to it in distance, and therefore also in shortnes, so D.G, is farthest from it in distance, and therfore is the longest of them. Now D.H, beyng nerer then D.G, is also shorter then it, and beynge farther of, then D.K, is longer then it. So that for this parte of the theoreme (as I think) you do plainly perceaue the truthe thereof, so the residue hathe no difficulte. For seing that the nearer any line is to D.C, (which ioyneth with the diameter) the shorter it is and the farther of from it, the longer it is. And seyng two lynes can not be of like distaunce beinge bothe on one side, therefore if they shal be of one lengthe, and consequently of one distaunce, they must needes bee on contrary sides of the saide line D.C. And so appeareth the meaning of the whole Theoreme.
And of this Theoreme dothe there folowe an other lyke. whiche you maye calle other a theoreme by it selfe, or else a Corollary vnto this laste theoreme, I not so muche for the name. But his sentence is this: _when so euer any lynes be drawen frome any pointe, withoute a circle, whether they crosse the circle, or eande in the utter edge of his circ.u.mference, those two lines that bee equally distaunt from the least line are equal togither, and contrary waies, if they be equall togither, they ar also equally distant from that least line._
For the declaracion of this proposition, it shall not need to vse any other example, then that which is brought for the explication of this laste theoreme, by whiche you may without any teachinge easyly perceaue both the meanyng and also the truth of this proposition.
_The Liiij. Theoreme._
If a point be set forthe in a circle, and fr that pointe vnto the circ.u.mference many lines drawen, of which more then two are equal togither, then is that point the centre of that circle.
The circle is A.B.C, and within it I haue sette fourth for an example three p.r.i.c.kes, which are D.E. and F, from euery one of them I haue draw? (at the leaste) iiij. lines vnto the circ.u.mference of the circle but frome D, I haue drawen more, yet maye it appear readily vnto your eye, that of all the lines whiche be drawen from E. and F, vnto the circ.u.mference, there are but twoo equall, and more can not bee, for G.E. nor E.H.
hath none other equal to theim, nor canne not haue any beinge drawen from the same point E. No more can L.F, or F.K, haue anye line equall to either of theim, beinge drawen from the same pointe F. And yet from either of those two poinctes are there drawen twoo lines equall togither, as A.E, is equall to E.B, and B.F, is equall to F.C, but there can no third line be drawen equall to either of these two couples, and that is by reason that they be drawen from a pointe distaunte from the centre of the circle. But from D, althoughe there be seuen lines drawen, to the circ.u.mference, yet all bee equall, bicause it is the centre of the circle. And therefore if you drawe neuer so mannye more from it vnto the circ.u.mference, all shall be equal, so that this is the priuilege (as it were of the centre) and therfore no other point can haue aboue two equal lines drawen from it vnto the circ.u.mference. And from all pointes you maye drawe ij.
equall lines to the circ.u.mference of the circle, whether that pointe be within the circle or without it.
_The lv. Theoreme._
No circle canne cut an other circle in more pointes then two.
The first circle is A.B.F.E, the second circle is B.C.D.E, and they crosse one an other in B. and in E, and in no more pointes.
Nother is it possible that they should, but other figures ther be, which maye cutte a circle in foure partes, as you se in this exple. Where I haue set forthe one tunne forme, and one eye forme, and eche of them cutteth euery of their two circles into foure partes. But as they be irregulare formes, that is to saye, suche formes as haue no precise measure nother proportion in their draughte, so can there scarcely be made any certaine theorem of them. But circles are regulare formes, that is to say, such formes as haue in their protracture a iuste and certaine proportion, so that certain and determinate truths may be affirmed of them, sith they ar vniforme and vnchaungable.
_The lvi. Theoreme._
If two circles be so drawen, that the one be within the other, and that they touche one an other: If a line bee drawen by bothe their centres, and so forthe in lengthe, that line shall runne to that pointe, where the circles do touche.
The one circle, which is the greattest and vttermost is A.B.C, the other circle that is y^e lesser, and is drawen within the firste, is A.D.E. The c?tre of the greater circle is F, and the centre of the lesser circle is G, the pointe where they touche is A. And now you may see the truthe of the theoreme so plainely, that it needeth no farther declaracion. For you maye see, that drawinge a line from F. to G, and so forth in lengthe, vntill it come to the circ.u.mference, it wyll lighte in the very poincte A, where the circles touche one an other.
_The Lvij. Theoreme._
If two circles bee drawen so one withoute an other, that their edges doo touche and a right line bee drawnenne frome the centre of the one to the centre of the other, that line shall by the place of their touching.
The firste circle is A.B.E, and his centre is K, The secd circle is D.B.C, and his c?tre is H, the point wher they do touch is B. Nowe doo you se that the line K.H, whiche is drawen from K, that is centre of the firste circle, vnto H, beyng centre of the second circle, doth (as it must nedes by the pointe B,) whiche is the verye poynte wher they do to touche together.
_The .lviij. theoreme._
One circle can not touche an other in more pointes then one, whether they touche within or without.
For the declaration of this Theoreme, I haue drawen iiij.
circles, the first is A.B.C, and his centre H. the second is A.D.G, and his centre F. the third is L.M, and his centre K. the .iiij. is D.G.L.M, and his centre E. Nowe as you perceiue the second circle A.D.G, toucheth the first in the inner side, in so much as it is drawen within the other, and yet it toucheth him but in one point, that is to say in A, so lykewaies the third circle L.M, is drawen without the firste circle and toucheth hym, as you maie see, but in one place. And now as for the .iiij. circle, it is drawen to declare the diuersitie betwene touchyng and cuttyng, or crossyng. For one circle maie crosse and cutte a great many other circles, yet can be not cutte any one in more places then two, as the fiue and fiftie Theoreme affirmeth.
_The .lix. Theoreme._
In euerie circle those lines are to be counted equall, whiche are in lyke distaunce from the centre, And contrarie waies they are in lyke distance from the centre, whiche be equall.
In this figure you see firste the circle drawen, whiche is A.B.C.D, and his centre is E. In this circle also there are drawen two lines equally distaunt from the centre, for the line A.B, and the line D.C, are iuste of one distaunce from the centre, whiche is E, and therfore are they of one length. Again thei are of one lengthe (as shall be proued in the boke of profes) and therefore their distaunce from the centre is all one.
_The lx. Theoreme._
In euerie circle the longest line is the diameter, and of all the other lines, thei are still longest that be nexte vnto the centre, and they be the shortest, that be farthest distaunt from it.
The Path-Way to Knowledg, Containing the First Principles of Geometrie Part 19
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