The Path-Way to Knowledg, Containing the First Principles of Geometrie Part 21

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Firste I haue sette for an exaumple twoo equall circles, that is A.B.C.D, whose centre is K, and the second circle E.F.G.H, and his centre L, and in eche of th? is there made two angles, one on the circ.u.mference, and the other on the centre of eche circle, and they be all made on two equall arche lines, that is B.C.D. the one, and F.G.H. the other. Now saieth the Theoreme, that if the angle B.A.D, be equall to the angle F.E.H, then are they made in equall circles, and on equall arch lines of their circ.u.mference. Also if the angle B.K.D, be equal to the angle F.L.H, then be they made on the centres of equall circles, and on equall arche lines, so that you muste compare those angles together, whiche are made both on the centres, or both on the circ.u.mference, and maie not conferre those angles, wherof one is drawen on the circ.u.mference, and the other on the centre. For euermore the angle on the centre in suche sorte shall be double to the angle on the circ.u.mference, as is declared in the three score and foure Theoreme.

_The .lxx. Theoreme._

In equall circles, those angles whiche bee made on equall arche lynes, are euer equall together, whether they be made on the centre, or on the circ.u.mference.


This Theoreme doth but conuert the sentence of the last Theoreme before, and therfore is to be vnderstande by the same examples, for as that saith, that equall angles occupie equall archelynes, so this saith, that equal arche lines causeth equal angles, consideringe all other circ.u.mstances, as was taughte in the laste theoreme before, so that this theoreme dooeth affirming speake of the equalitie of those angles, of which the laste theoreme spake conditionally. And where the laste theoreme spake affirmatiuely of the arche lines, this theoreme speaketh conditionally of them, as thus: If the arche line B.C.D. be equall to the other arche line F.G.H, then is that angle B.A.D.

equall to the other angle F.E.H. Or els thus may you declare it causally: Bicause the arche line B.C.D, is equal to the other arche line F.G.H, therefore is the angle B.K.D. equall to the angle F.L.H, consideringe that they are made on the centres of equall circles. And so of the other angles, bicause those two arche lines aforesaid ar equal, therfore the angle D.A.B, is equall to the angle F.E.H, for as muche as they are made on those equall arche lines, and also on the circ.u.mference of equall circles. And thus these theoremes doo one declare an other, and one verifie the other.

_The lxxi. Theoreme._

In equal circles, equall right lines beinge drawen, doo cutte awaye equalle arche lines frome their circ.u.mferences, so that the greater arche line of the one is equall to the greater arche line of the other, and the lesser to the lesser.



The circle A.B.C.D, is made equall to the circle E.F.G.H, and the right line B.D. is equal to the righte line F.H, wherfore it foloweth, that the ij. arche lines of the circle A.B.D, whiche are cut from his circ.u.mference by the right line B.D, are equall to two other arche lines of the circle E.F.H, being cutte frome his circ.u.mference, by the right line F.H. that is to saye, that the arche line B.A.D, beinge the greater arch line of the firste circle, is equall to the arche line F.E.H, beynge the greater arche line of the other circle. And so in like manner the lesser arche line of the firste circle, beynge B.C.D, is equal to the lesser arche line of the seconde circle, that is F.G.H.

_The lxxij. Theoreme._

In equall circles, vnder equall arche lines the right lines that bee drawen are equall togither.


This Theoreme is none other, but the conuersion of the laste Theoreme beefore, and therefore needeth none other example. For as that did declare the equalitie of the arche lines, by the equalitie of the righte lines, so dothe this Theoreme declare the equalnes of the right lines to ensue of the equalnes of the arche lines, and therefore declareth that right lyne B.D, to be equal to the other right line F.H, bicause they both are drawen vnder equall arche lines, that is to saye, the one vnder B.A.D, and thother vnder F.E.H, and those two arch lines are estimed equall by the theoreme laste before, and shal be proued in the booke of proofes.

_The lxxiij. Theoreme._

In euery circle, the angle that is made in the halfe circle, is a iuste righte angle, and the angle that is made in a cantle greater then the halfe circle, is lesser thanne a righte angle, but that angle that is made in a cantle, lesser then the halfe circle, is greatter then a right angle. And moreouer the angle of the greater cantle is greater then a righte angle and the angle of the lesser cantle is lesser then a right angle.


In this proposition, it shal be meete to note, that there is a greate diuersite betwene an angle of a cantle, and an angle made in a cantle, and also betwene the angle of a semicircle, and y^e angle made in a semicircle. Also it is meet to note y^t al angles that be made in y^e part of a circle, ar made other in a semicircle, (which is the iuste half circle) or els in a cantle of the circle, which cantle is other greater or lesser then the semicircle is, as in this figure annexed you maye perceaue euerye one of the thinges seuerallye.


Firste the circle is, as you see, A.B.C.D, and his centre E, his diameter is A.D, Then is ther a line draw? from A. to B, and so forth vnto F, which is without the circle: and an other line also frome B. to D, whiche maketh two cantles of the whole circle. The greater cantle is D.A.B, and the lesser cantle is B.C.D, In whiche lesser cantle also there are two lines that make an angle, the one line is B.C, and the other line is C.D.

Now to showe the difference of an angle in a cantle, and an angle of a cantle, first for an example I take the greter ctle B.A.D, in which is but one angle made, and that is the angle by A, which is made of a line A.B, and the line A.D, And this angle is therfore called an angle in a cantle. But now the same cantle hathe two other angles, which be called the angles of that cantle, so the twoo angles made of the righte line D.B, and the arche line D.A.B, are the twoo angles of this cantle, whereof the one is by D, and the other is by B. Wher you must rem?bre, that the gle by D. is made of the right line B.D, and the arche line D.A. And this angle is diuided by an other right line A.E.D, which in this case must be omitted as no line. Also the gle by B. is made of the right line D.B, and of the arch line .B.A, & although it be deuided with ij. other right lines, of w^{ch} the one is the right line B.A, & thother the right line B.E, yet in this case they ar not to be csidered. And by this may you perceaue also which be the angles of the lesser cantle, the first of th? is made of y^e right line B.D, & of y^e arch line B.C, the secd is made of the right line .D.B, & of the arch line D.C. Then ar ther ij. other lines, w^{ch} deuide those ij. corners, y^t is the line B.C, & the line C.D, w^{ch} ij.

lines do meet in the poynte C, and there make an angle, whiche is called an angle made in that lesser cantle, but yet is not any angle of that cantle. And so haue you heard the difference betweene an angle in a cantle, and an angle of a cantle. And in lyke sorte shall you iudg of the gle made in a semicircle, whiche is distinct fr the angles of the semicircle. For in this figure, the angles of the semicircle are those angles which be by A. and D, and be made of the right line A.D, beeyng the diameter, and of the halfe circ.u.mference of the circle, but by the angle made in the semicircle is that angle by B, whiche is made of the righte line A.B, and that other right line B.D, whiche as they mete in the circ.u.mference, and make an angle, so they ende with their other extremities at the endes of the diameter. These thynges premised, now saie I touchyng the Theoreme, that euerye angle that is made in a semicircle, is a right angle, and if it be made in any ctle of a circle, th?

must it neds be other a blut gle, or els a sharpe angle, and in no wise a righte angle. For if the cantle wherein the angle is made, be greater then the halfe circle, then is that angle a sharpe angle. And generally the greater the ctle is, the lesser is the angle comprised in that cantle: and contrary waies, the lesser any cantle is, the greater is the angle that is made in it. Wherfore it must nedes folowe, that the angle made in a cantle lesse then a semicircle, must nedes be greater then a right angle. So the angle by B, beyng made at the right line A.B, and the righte line B.D, is a iuste righte angle, because it is made in a semicircle. But the angle made by A, which is made of the right line A.B, and of the right line A.D, is lesser then a righte angle, and is named a sharpe angle, for as muche as it is made in a cantle of a circle, greater then a semicircle. And contrary waies, the angle by C, beyng made of the righte line B.C, and of the right line C.D, is greater then a right angle, and is named a blunte angle, because it is made in a cantle of a circle, lesser then a semicircle. But now touchyng the other angles of the cantles, I saie accordyng to the Theoreme, that the .ij. angles of the greater cantle, which are by B. and D, as is before declared, are greatter eche of them then a right angle. And the angles of the lesser cantle, whiche are by the same letters B, and D, but be on the other side of the corde, are lesser eche of them then a right angle, and be therfore sharpe corners.

_The lxxiiij. Theoreme._

If a right line do touche a circle, and from the pointe where they touche, a righte lyne be drawen crosse the circle, and deuide it, the angles that the saied lyne dooeth make with the touche line, are equall to the angles whiche are made in the cantles of the same circle, on the contrarie sides of the lyne aforesaid.



The circle is A.B.C.D, and the touche line is E.F. The pointe of the touchyng is D, from which point I suppose the line D.B, to be drawen crosse the circle, and to diuide it into .ij. cantles, wherof the greater is B.A.D, and the lesser is B.C.D, and in ech of them an angle is drawen, for in the greater cantle the angle is by A, and is made of the right lines B.A, and A.D, in the lesser cantle the angle is by C, and is made of y^e right lines B.C, and C.D. Now saith the Theoreme that the angle B.D.F, is equall to the angle made in the cantle on the other side of the said line, that is to saie, in the cantle B.A.D, so that the angle B.D.F, is equall to the angle B.A.D, because the angle B.D.F, is on the one side of the line B.D, (whiche is according to the supposition of the Theoreme drawen crosse the circle) and the angle B.A.D, is in the ctle on the other side. Likewaies the angle B.D.E, beyng on the one side of the line B.D, must be equall to the angle B.C.D, (that is the gle by C,) whiche is made in the ctle on the other side of the right line B.D. The profe of all these I do reserue, as I haue often saide, to a conuenient boke, wherein they shall be all set at large.

_The .lxxv. Theoreme._

In any circle when .ij. right lines do crosse one an other, the likeiamme that is made of the portions of the one line, shall be equall to the lykeiamme made of the partes of the other lyne.


Because this Theoreme doth serue to many vses, and wold be wel vnderstande, I haue set forth .ij. examples of it. In the firste, the lines by their crossyng do make their portions somewhat toward an equalitie. In the second the portis of the lynes be very far fr an equalitie, and yet in bothe these and in all other y^e Theoreme is true. In the first exple the circle is A.B.C.D, in which thone line A.C, doth crosse thother line B.D, in y^e point E. Now if you do make one likeime or lgsquare of D.E, & E.B, being y^e .ij. portions of the line D.B, that longsquare shall be equall to the other longsquare made of A.E, and E.C, beyng the portions of the other line A.C.

Lykewaies in the second example, the circle is F.G.H.K, in whiche the line F.H, doth crosse the other line G.K, in the pointe L. Wherfore if you make a lykeiamme or longsquare of the two partes of the line F.H, that is to saye, of F.L, and L.H, that longsquare will be equall to an other longsquare made of the two partes of the line G.K. which partes are G.L, and L.K.

Those longsquares haue I set foorth vnder the circles containyng their sides, that you maie somewhat whet your own wit in practisyng this Theoreme, accordyng to the doctrine of the nineteenth conclusion.

_The .lxxvi. Theoreme._

If a pointe be marked without a circle, and from that pointe two right lines drawen to the circle, so that the one of them doe runne crosse the circle, and the other doe touche the circle onely, the long square that is made of that whole lyne which crosseth the circle, and the portion of it, that lyeth betwene the vtter circ.u.mference of the circle and the pointe, shall be equall to the full square of the other lyne, that onely toucheth the circle.


The circle is D.B.C, and the pointe without the circle is A, from whiche pointe there is drawen one line crosse the circle, and that is A.D.C, and an other lyne is drawn from the said to the marge or edge of the circ.u.mference of the circle, and doeth only touche it, that is the line A.B. And of that first line A.D.C, you maie perceiue one part of it, whiche is A.D, to lie without the circle, betweene the vtter circ.u.mference of it, and the pointe a.s.signed, whiche was A. Nowe concernyng the meanyng of the Theoreme, if you make a longsquare of the whole line A.C, and of that parte of it that lyeth betwene the circ.u.mference and the point, (whiche is A.D,) that longesquare shall be equall to the full square of the touche line A.B, accordyng not onely as this figure sheweth, but also the saied nyneteenth conclusion dooeth proue, if you lyste to examyne the one by the other.


_The lxxvii. Theoreme._

If a pointe be a.s.signed without a circle, and from that pointe .ij. right lynes be drawen to the circle, so that the one doe crosse the circle, and the other dooe ende at the circ.u.mference, and that the longsquare of the line which crosseth the circle made with the porti of the same line beyng without the circle betweene the vtter circ.u.mference and the pointe a.s.signed, doe equally agree with the iuste square of that line that endeth at the circ.u.mference, then is that lyne so endyng on the circ.u.mference a touche line vnto that circle.


In as muche as this Theoreme is nothyng els but the sentence of the last Theoreme before conuerted, therfore it shall not be nedefull to vse any other example then the same, for as in that other Theoreme because the one line is a touche lyne, therfore it maketh a square iust equal with the longsquare made of that whole line, whiche crosseth the circle, and his portion liyng without the same circle. So saith this Theoreme: that if the iust square of the line that endeth on the circ.u.mference, be equall to that longsquare whiche is made as for his longer sides of the whole line, which commeth from the pointt a.s.signed, and crosseth the circle, and for his other shorter sides is made of the portion of the same line, liyng betwene the circ.u.mference of the circle and the pointe a.s.signed, then is that line whiche endeth on the circ.u.mference a right touche line, that is to saie, yf the full square of the right line A.B, be equall to the longsquare made of the whole line A.C, as one of his lines, and of his portion A.D, as his other line, then must it nedes be, that the lyne A.B, is a right touche lyne vnto the circle D.B.C.

And thus for this tyme I make an ende of the Theoremes.


The Path-Way to Knowledg, Containing the First Principles of Geometrie Part 21

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