The Visions of Quevedo Part 7
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"Without doubt," said the notaries, "we are the book merchants of ma.n.u.scripts; we compose and publish our works, to which the public accord the same faith, as to things they have themselves seen; we are faithful public witnesses, the guarantees of contracts, promises, and obligations; the guardians of t.i.tles, rights, and privileges; our testimony is true, infallible; above suspicion, deceit, and fraud."
"Why," said the devil, "are you come to h.e.l.l? for if you fulfilled those duties, you are honest people, and I declare, not only useful, but necessary to the public; for, between ourselves, there is so little public sincerity, that if one could not prove, by writings and witnesses, the price at which he bought or sold, he would often find himself cheated of his money."
"It is," said one of the notaries, "for some antedates or superfluous ciphers, that we are d.a.m.ned; judge you, if the matter is of such vital consequence; one is so often deceived by writings, and one figure is so easily subst.i.tuted for another;-the pen too, slips sometimes, and a nought is so easily made!"
"You are right, in truth," said the devil, addressing himself to me; "they wrong these poor people, in sending them to us; they have committed trifling faults, while they do not punish the apothecaries, even, for putting up the recipes sent them. I have a great mind to send these unfortunate persons home again.-Go; return, my friends; you have suffered great injustice."
"And we also," said the corps of bankrupts; for they had done them the honour to separate them from the merchants, who had dealt honestly.
"As to you, Signors," said the devil, "enter into the furnace, without further examination: we leave it to the notaries to enter at pleasure; they have within them a torment as cruel as fire; it is conscience, that never yet respected any person."
"Oh, oh! ah, ah!" cried the bankrupts, "if they had not wronged us, we should have kept our faith with every one: would you, because we were cheated, that we should send our families to the almshouse?"
"I did not go to Holland, or to the islands, when I failed," said one; "I shut myself up in a private room in my house, and there negotiated, through my wife, with my creditors, making each one to remit a part of his just claims: you know what would have happened, had I appeared; there is seldom much charity among creditors."
"I," said another, "did much better; for I transported from Madrid to Venice all the merchandises I had collected, changed my name, and after having made a fortune upon these goods, paid the, on condition they would remit the interest: was there not in this bankruptcy, good faith, justice, and prudence?"
"Yes," replied the devil, "and I cannot conceive on what grounds you were condemned; it is very evident it must have been for something else."
"No," continued the man, "it was for this very thing; because they pretend that for these twenty years, I have injured my creditors, in depriving them of the enjoyment and possession of their property; consider, Signor devil, if I am under an obligation to repair this damage? would it not only be ridiculous, but render them guilty of usury towards me."
"Ah! the honest man," said the devil; "why do they send to us folks so upright and sincere? but my friend," continued he, "you have the ill luck to be found in bad company; we cannot help you; arm yourself, therefore, with courage, and prepare to support the sufferings to which the bankrupts are destined; you will be forced to accustom yourself to much pain; but console yourself, by uniting your complaints with those of your comrades."
Directly the devil stamped upon the pavement, where the publishers, notaries, and bankrupts stood, when a trap door, springing open, engulphed them all, and closed itself as before.
At this stage of my dream, I was awakened by a serenade of violins and hautboys, that some one gave to a young lady of the house. I immediately arose, and looking from the window, saw a number of young men, who, after a prelude upon their instruments, began to sing. As there was no window but mine open, they imagined they beheld the beauty to whom their homage was addressed; and to amuse myself at their expense, I threw out a splendid handkerchief, which one of them eagerly caught; he kissed it more than an hundred times; then putting a diamond, worth thirty pistoles, into a purse, threw it into my chamber, with a billet couched in these terms:-
"My charming princess, at night my heart awakes for thee; by day, I am only occupied with your charms. I burn, without cessation, with the love you have inspired; when shall I have the happiness to express to you in private, what I feel, and what your silence causes me to suffer? one sweet line from your hand, shall re-a.s.sure and console me. Speak, and nothing can equal my happiness; continue silent, my misery is at its height, and I have no relief, but in death."
After perusing this billet, I answered it in the following manner, the substance of which was furnished by a song I happened to remember.
"When one reigns, or when one loves, the pain is not without its pleasures; solicitude renders them more vivid. Happy prince! Happy lover! it is not in vain you suffer; they will resist you but slightly, when they themselves suffer from protracted resistance; yes, when one reigns, or when one loves, the pain is not without its pleasures."
I cast my billet from the window, and it was soon taken up. The adventure seemed to me very pleasant: behold what followed; I deposited in the bed of the fair, the diamond that was designed for her, not being able to keep it longer with honour, and without exposing myself to the anger of the young lady, who would soon know by what window it entered.
Upon retiring the next night, she found it; she informed her lover of the discovery, and he explained the whole affair. She thanked me graciously for my gallantry; I gave her the billet I had received, and she returned my handkerchief. The mistake arose from my having lain, that night, in the chamber ordinarily occupied by this young lady, her bed having been removed to that of her father, and on that account was unable, as usual, to answer her gallant. She made me the confidant of her attachment, and besought my good offices with her father, which I so zealously used, that in less than a month, I a.s.sisted at the marriage of these lovers.
Those who interpret dreams, say, that the one I had concerning h.e.l.l, hardly presaged this adventure. I pray those who read my reveries, or nocturnal visions, to consider that they contain more truth, than one would be apt, at first, to imagine: by day they ought to occupy themselves with thoughts upon h.e.l.l, as intently as they would in the most important affair; or as they would seek the means of deliverance, if shut up in prison, for a crime against the state. One is d.a.m.ned for a less offence than the robbery of the treasury, revolt, or parricide. Yes, for a much slighter fault, one shall be eternally tormented in h.e.l.l.-Reflect often upon this, dear readers, lest you have it to say, through the interminable ages of futurity, "_I could not have thought it_."
AS I promenaded one day in my garden, thinking of demons, which are always at the back of every one, the foolish idea struck me, that it would not be wholly useless to reform my life. I felt a curiosity to see my evil demon; but, thought I to myself, if I should see him I believe I should die with fear. No, said I again, I should not be terrified, if he would but show himself in a human shape. After having repressed this improper curiosity, and resumed my composure, I heard a man speaking to me; and turning my eyes to that side from whence the voice proceeded, I perceived, through a grated door, which separated the garden from the park, on the other side, a gentleman of a good mien, who requested me to open the gate, as he wished to have some conversation with me. As he resembled a man with whom I had formerly some misunderstanding, I refused; but he pa.s.sed over it before I had the power to prevent him.
Immediately drawing my sword, I set upon him; and he doing the same, parried my thrusts and stood upon the defensive only. As I perceived that his figure at one moment contracted, and anon dilated to a huge magnitude, I began to suspect that he was either a magician or a demon; and stepping rearward some paces, demanded who he was. He answered that he was my demon, and wished to render me a service.
"I have no need of such service," said I to him; "for demons are both deceptive and malicious."
"No, no," replied he; "fear nothing; only come with me."
Forthwith he transported me into the air, and I soon lost sight of my house and garden. In a short time we drew near the moon; and while pa.s.sing, I gazed attentively upon those valleys, mountains, and lakes, which are but imperfectly perceived from the earth by the aid of telescopes. The demon transported me to Sicily and set me down upon the summit of a mountain covered with cinders yet hot, which he told me was Etna. There was, from this place, a very fine prospect; one sees all the beauties of the isle, and of the surrounding seas: in the distance, the highlands of Africa are distinguished, like fleecy clouds, upon the verge of the horizon; a mult.i.tude of vessels were sailing in view, which seemed like white ants, or flies, sporting upon the surface of the ocean. After we had rested there about one hour, the demon told me to follow him. We descended into an aperture from whence belched forth smoke and flame that illumined the whole mountain.
"It is here," said the demon, "that Pliny fell, when he had the temerity to approach too near."
The whole way, as we proceeded, was composed of rocks and fat earth, like bitumen, and from time to time, might be seen veins of sulphur. The rocks were full of little crevices, from whence issued vapours and sulphurous exhalations, and sometimes slight gusts of wind. When we had travelled downwards about the s.p.a.ce of an hour, we came to a vast cavern, into which we entered; at its extremity was an immense palace, hewn in the rock, and elevated upon ma.s.sive pillars.
"This," said the demon, "is the palace of Lucifer. Let us enter into the great hall, where we shall see him give a general audience to the d.a.m.ned: listen attentively to what shall be said; examine the events that take place, and let what you shall see serve for your instruction."
The following is a correct account of what I saw in these subterraneous abodes.-For a long time, Lucifer, the ruler of h.e.l.l had not given audience to his subjects: the disorder that ordinarily obtain in states from the negligence of princes, are incidental as well among demons as men. The evil spirits remained sometimes for ages in the world, without rendering any account of the souls they had gained, and often suffered themselves to be driven from the tenements of which they were masters; the address of some monk or priest s.n.a.t.c.hing from them their conquest.
Men performed in h.e.l.l the office of demons; and as they frequently left their chains to seek their enemies, battles were as common, as formerly between the Romans and Gauls. Lucifer, either from a fear for his crown, or weariness at seeing so many combats, resolved one day to hear, in general convention, the complaints of the d.a.m.ned; to introduce a reform among the demons; to re-establish the submission and obedience due to his sceptre, and to extend the boundaries of his empire by new conquests: this was very easy of execution, provided he would give access and free parlance to his subjects, and compel his demons to render an exact account of their administrations. With this design he secretly consulted with Belzebub, the prince of devils, Belial, the governor-general of Pagan nations, and Ashtaroth, the princess who commands all women. At the termination of this council, circular letters were published, which ordained that all those who had complaints to prefer, and all the demons scattered over the world, should a.s.semble upon an appointed day in the great hall of the palace, when and where they should be heard.
The day fixed being arrived, the hall was presently filled, and measures taken, that as soon as one party was heard, another should enter.
Lucifer was seated upon his golden throne, having upon each side those princes I have before mentioned. After having inveighed against the disorders prevalent in h.e.l.l, and stated his determination to rectify them, he signified his permission to the standers by to speak. At this intimation there arose an old man of a haughty appearance, and having a crown of laurel upon his head; he read the Roman laws touching parricides, and amplified upon the ingrat.i.tude of natural and adopted children towards their parents.
"The parties," said Belzebub to Lucifer, "must be ordered, before commencing their speeches, to announce their names, because many of them have been dead a great length of time."
Such a decree was accordingly made; and he who had now spoken about half an hour, said that he was Julius Caesar, the first emperor of the Romans.
"Under the pretext of the liberty of our common country," continued he, "Brutus and Ca.s.sius, to gratify their ambition, me in the midst of the senate, their enmity was not directed against the empire and monarchy, which were, on the contrary, the object of their desires; but they hated the emperor, who had magnified the Roman power, and extended its dominion both north and east. Was the government better administered in the hands of those senators, who, by their feuds and personal dislikes, perilled the salvation of the republic, by resigning it into the hands of a perpetual dictation, whom they were obliged shortly afterwards to elect? Rome having once tasted the benefits of monarchy, preferred rather to obey a Nero, a Tiberius, a Caligula, or a Heliogabulus, than to re-establish this pretended public liberty, for which Brutus and Ca.s.sius, those two traitors, took up arms against the father of their country."
He continued his discourse in this strain, and concluded by moving, that they should be treated in h.e.l.l as, public disturbers, and traitors.
Brutus then arose, and with a trembling voice, said: "Senators, you have heard Caesar; have you not been bia.s.sed by his eloquence? But will you forget the services I have rendered? Remember the advice you privately gave me, to encourage the glorious design I had conceived in favour of your liberty? Answer then to Caesar, that it was by your advice I gave the fatal stab; that if the laws had not been abrogated and violated by the formidable power of tyranny, you would, yourselves, have put him to death under the forms of justice; and that your silence, after the execution of my project, was an evidence of your approbation."
Ca.s.sius, a.s.suming the discourse, said he would not undertake to plead his own cause if Cicero was present.
"I will not," said Caesar, "listen to this timid sycophant; this cowardly soul; this selfish orator: when he feared my power, he said, in full senate, that he would be my buckler against enemies, and, at the same time, conspired against my life, and defends the act of Brutus and Ca.s.sius. His cupidity was so eager, that for money, he might be bought on the same day to speak upon both sides of a case; and so sober-tongued, that there was not a soldier in the army, who would have bestowed upon his greatest foe one t.i.ttle of the scurrility he heaped upon Anthony.
You recollect, Signors, his phillipics: he had not the courage to support a change of fortune; and the common cause was abandoned by this patriotic man before he was slain by Anthony."
"May all such wretches be ever punished in the same manner! and with what can they reproach me? Did I put any senator to death? Did I pillage the commonwealth? Did I not return, by my will, what I had ama.s.sed and conserved for her defence? Will they accuse me of tyranny and usurpation? I, who delivered the Romans from the ambition of a Pompey?
Will they charge me with cruelty? I, who could not behold without weeping the head of my most inveterate enemy? Yes, I can truly say, that it was grief at the sad fate of Pompey, that invited me to declare war against Egypt. I was desirous of avenging the death of this great man.
He would have made himself master of Rome if I had not prevented him; and because I stood forth as the defender of the public liberty, was as a usurper. What wickedness! What perfidy! What cruelty! The senate recognized every thing I had done, when, after my death, they erected statues, and built me temples. Infernal judge, will you bear with these impious men, who killed him whom the empire delighted to honour?"
Cicero would have spoken, fearing the eloquence of Caesar, or his vehemency, would impose upon the judges; but Caesar constantly interrupting him, Lucifer, tired with their clamours and the length of the cause, ordered that the emperor, as a punishment for not having profited by the advice he received on his way to the senate, upon the day of his death, should remain in his present place.
"It was I," said Cicero, "who caused this information to be sent him."
"Base liar! perfidious man!" cried Caesar, "it was you who gave me this information! why did you not bring it yourself?"
"It was the will of Fate, that Brutus, Ca.s.sius, and other senators, involved in this conspiracy, should be marks for infamy, as traitors to their country, and as having afforded a direful example of politicians without courage."
After him arose Alexander the Great, very much vexed that Caesar had spoken before him, and pretending that the cause of this Roman emperor should not be considered before that of the emperor of the world; but he abandoned his pretensions, when a crier had made proclamation, that in h.e.l.l, all conditions were equal, and that the d.a.m.ned had among them, no other distinctions than those of crime.
"Infamous prince," said Clytus, who stood behind Alexander, "dare you speak, after having murdered the best of your friends? Is not the brightness of thy conquests tarnished by the shame of thy cruelty? What punishment dost thou merit, for having despoiled princes so distant from Macedon, who, so far from having wronged or injured you, did not even know you?"
"Silence," said Alexander.
"What! I be silent! if Lucifer, the chief of this empire, imposes silence upon me, I will obey: but shall I yet receive orders from you, cruel brigand, notorious robber, sacrilegious rascal, debauchee, fool, drunkard, incendiary?"
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