Student's Hand-book of Mushrooms of America, Edible and Poisonous Part 16

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M. _oreades_ Fr., "Fairy Ring."

M. _scorodonius_ Fr.

M. _alliaceus_ Fr.


H. _sublateritium_ Schaeff.

H. _candolleanum_ Fr.

H. _perplexum._ H. _appendiculatum_ Bull.


C. _comatus_ Fr., "s.h.a.ggy Mane."

C. _ovatus_ Fr.

C. _atramentarius_.

C. _micaceus_ Fr.

C. _fimetarius_ Fr.


C. _turmalis_ Fr.

C. _sebaceus_ Fr.

C. _caerulescens_ Fr.

C. _collinitus_ Fr.

C. _violaceus_ Fr.

C. _albo violaceus_ Pers.

C. _cinnamomeus_ Fr.

C. _cinnamomeus_ var. _semi-sanguineus_ Fr.


C. _clavipes_ Fr.

C. _odora_ Fr.

C. _dealbata_ Low.

C. _laccata_ Scop.

C. _multiceps_ Pk.

C. _infundibuliformis_ Schaeff.


C. _dryophila_ Bull.

C. _velutipes_ Curt.


P. _ostreatus_ Fr.

P. _sapidus_ Kalch.

P. _ulmarius_ Fr., Elm-tree Mushroom.

P. _pluteus cervinus_ Schaeff.


C. _prunulus_ Scop.

C. _orcella_ Bull.

C. _unitinctus_ Pk.

C. _Seymouria.n.u.s_ Pk.


P. _caperata_ Pers., "The Gypsy."

P. _praec.o.x_ (when too old is bitter).

P. _adiposa_.

AGARICUS (Psalliota).

A. _arvensis_.

A. _cretaceus_ Fr.

A. _campester_ L.

A. _silvicola_ Vilt.


S. _crispa_ Fr.


(Any and all Clavarias found are generally eaten by us without identification).

C. _botrytes_ Pers.

C. _amethystina_ Bull.

C. _coralloides_ L.

C. _cinerea_ Bull.

C. _aurea_ Schaeff.

C. _rugosa_ Bull.

C. _pistillaris_ L.

Student's Hand-book of Mushrooms of America, Edible and Poisonous Part 16

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Student's Hand-book of Mushrooms of America, Edible and Poisonous Part 16 summary

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