Student's Hand-book of Mushrooms of America, Edible and Poisonous Part 37

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The fatal poisoning of Count Achilles de Vecchj, in November, 1897, by eating the Amanita muscaria, is so fresh in the public recollection, and the details in regard to it were so widely published through the newspaper press, that it is unnecessary to take up s.p.a.ce in recapitulating the circ.u.mstances.

The death of Chung Yu Ting, in 1894, was occasioned by eating mushrooms which he had collected in a patch of woods near Was.h.i.+ngton, D. C., and which I identified at the time as Amanita phalloides, sometimes called the "Death Cup." He had eaten very freely of this mushroom and died after great suffering, although ten hours had elapsed before the toxic effects began to show themselves.

Since it has been shown that vinegar and the solution of common salt have the power to dissolve the alkaloids of the poisonous mushrooms, it follows that the liquor thus formed must be extremely injurious. It should, therefore, be obvious that vinegar and salt should not be introduced into the stomach after poisonous mushrooms have been eaten.

The result would only be to hasten death. Ether and volatile alkali are also attended with danger. A physician should in all cases be promptly called, and, if muscarin poisoning is suspected, hypodermic injections of the sulphate of atropin, the only chemical antidote known to be efficacious, should be administered, the dose being from 1/180 up to 1/35 of a grain. Small doses of atropin can also be taken internally, to accelerate heart action. To relieve the pains and irritation in the abdomen sweet oil and mucilaginous drinks should be given.



Berkeley, M. J. "Fungi of Arctic Expedition, 1875-'76." Linn. Journ., xvii. 1880.

---- "Decades of Fungi," viii-x, in Hook. Journ., vol. iv. London. 1845.

---- "Decades of Fungi," xii-xiv. "Ohio Fungi," Hook. Journ., vol. vi.

London. 1847.

---- "Decades of Fungi," xxi-xxii. "North and South Carolina." Hook.

Journ., vol. i. 1849.

Berkeley, M. J., and Curtis, M. A. "North American Fungi" in _Grevillea_, vols. i-iv. London. 1871-'75.

Bessey, C. E. The Erysiphei. (Monograph.) Michigan.

Curtis, M. A. "Contributions to the Mycology of North America," Silliman Journal. 8vo. 1848.

---- "Catalogue of the Plants of North Carolina." 8vo. Raleigh. 1867.

Cooke, M. C. "Fungi of Texas." Linn. Journ., vol. xvii.

---- and Ellis, J. B. "New Jersey Fungi," in _Grevillea_. 1878-'80.

Ellis, J. B. "Canadian Fungi." Journ. Mycol., vol. 1. Manhattan. 1885.

Farlow, W. G. List of Fungi found in the vicinity of Boston. _Bulletin of the Bussey Inst_., vol. 1.

Gibson, Hamilton Wm. Our Edible Toadstools and Mushrooms. Harper Bros., New York.

Harkness, H. W. Pacific Coast Fungi, i, iv. San Francisco. 1885-'87.

Peck, C. H. Reports of the New York Museum of Natural History. Albany.

1872-'97. Albany, N. Y.

Ravenel. "Fungi Carolinia," Fasc.: v. 90.

Schweinitz, L. de _Synopsis fungorum_ in _Amer. boreali media degentium_. 4to. Philadelphia. 1831.

Taylor, Thomas. _Mildew of the Native Grape Vine_. _Peronospora viticola_.

---- _Erysiphei of the European Grape Vine_.

---- _Fungoid Diseases of the Peach Tree_.

---- _Mildew of the Lilac_. Ill.u.s.trated. An. Report of the U. S. Dept.

of Agriculture, 1871, pages 110 to 122, inclusive.

---- _Black-knot on Plum and Cherry Trees_. Ill.u.s.trated.

---- _Blight and Rot of the Potato_, "_Peronospora infestans_."


---- _Blight and s.m.u.t in Onions_. Ill.u.s.trated. An. Report of the U. S.

Dept. of Agriculture, 1872, pages 175 to 198, inclusive.

---- _Potato Blight and Rot_. Pages 118 to 123 and 251-253.

---- _New Fungus of the Hawthorn_. _Roestelia aurantiaca_. Pages 431-433. Ill.u.s.trated.

---- _Rust of the Orange_. Pages 588-594. An. Report of Dept. of Agriculture, 1873.

Taylor, Thomas. _Fungoid Disease of the Cherry._ Page 173.

---- _Grape-vine Disease._ Page 175.

---- Cranberry Scald and Rot. Page 171. Ill.u.s.trated. An. Report of Dept.

of Agriculture, 1874.

---- _Fungoid Diseases of the Cranberry._ Page 206.

---- _Fungoid Diseases of the Plum and Cherry Trees._ Pages 119 and 413.

An. Report Dept. of Agriculture, 1877.

---- Food Product Reports, Mushrooms, Edible and Poisonous. Annual Reports of U. S. Dept. Agriculture, 1885-1895.

---- Student's Handbook of Mushrooms of America, Edible and Poisonous.

Watt, D. A. P. Provisional Catalogue of Canadian Cryptogams.

Bulletins of the Boston, New York, and Philadelphia Mycological Societies. Published in Boston, Ma.s.s., New York, N. Y., and Philadelphia, Penn., respectively.


Student's Hand-book of Mushrooms of America, Edible and Poisonous Part 37

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Student's Hand-book of Mushrooms of America, Edible and Poisonous Part 37 summary

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