A Brief Handbook of English Authors Part 11

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=Gatty, Mrs. Margaret.= 1809-1873. Wife to A. G. Author Parables from Nature, The Fairy G.o.dmother, Proverbs Ill.u.s.trated, Aunt Judy's Tales, etc. _Pub. Ca. Put._

=Gauden, John.= 1605-1664. Bp. Worcester. His Ik[=o]n Basilik[=e]

professed to be the work of Charles I., of whose sufferings it was an account, and its true authors.h.i.+p has occasioned much controversy.

=Gay, John.= 1688-1732. Poet and dramatist. G. wrote The Beggar's Opera, a famous musical drama, and numerous other works. _See edition of his Poems, London, 1806._ _See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3, and Gay's Fables edited by Austin Dobson._ _Pub. Apl._

=Gell [j[)e]l], Sir Wm.= 1777-1836. Archaeologist. Author Topography of Rome, etc.

=Geoffrey [j[)e]f'r[)i]] of Dunstable.= ---- 1146. Author of a miracle play of St. Catherine [1110], usually considered the first dramatic work in any modern language.

=Geoffrey of Monmouth.= c. 1100-1154. Bp. St. Asaph, Anglo-Saxon Chronicler.

=Gibbon, Edward.= 1737-1794. Historian. Author of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire; a masterly work, artistically conceived and carried out, with great research and careful detail. See Milman's edition, 1845. _See Autobiography edited by Milman, 1839._ _Pub. Har.


=Gifford, Wm.= 1757-1826. Critic and reviewer. G. wrote the Baviad and Maeviad, two sharp literary satires, and as editor of the Quarterly Review was author of many bitter, satirical reviews. _See Hazlitt's Spirit of the Age._

=Gilbert, Wm.= 1540-1603. Philosophical writer. Author De Magnete.

=Gilbert, Wm.= 18-- ----. Novelist. Author De Profundis, etc.

=Gilbert, Wm. Schevenck.= 183 Dramatist and humorous poet; son to preceding. Author of The Bab Ballads, Original Plays, and of the librettos of Pinafore, Pirates of Penzance, The Sorcerer, Patience, Iolanthe, etc. _See Scribner's Mag., Sept. 1879._ _Pub. Por. Rou.


=Gilchrist, Alexander.= 1827-1861. Biographer and art writer. Author lives of Blake and Etty.

=Gildas.= fl. c. 510. Anglo-Latin Chronicler. _See Stevenson's edition, London, 1838._

=Gilfillan, George.= 1813-1878. Scotch miscellaneous writer. Author Gallery of Literary Portraits, Life of Walter Scott, Bards of the Bible, etc. _Pub. Har._

=Gilfillan, Robert.= c. 1798-1850. Scotch poet.

=Gillies, John.= 1747-1836. Scotch historian. Author Hist. Ancient Greece, etc.

=Gilpin, John.= 1724-1804. Critic and biographer. Author Life of Bernard Gilpin, etc.

=Giraldus, Cambrensis.= 1147-1216. Welsh historian and poet.

=Girdlestone, Chas.= 1797-1881. Religious writer. Author Concordance to the Prayer-Book, etc.

=Gladstone, Wm. Ewart.= 180 Statesman and essayist. Author of Juventus Mundi, Homeric Studies, The Vatican Decrees, etc. Style polished and able. _See Sketch of, by H. W. Lucy, Short Life of, by C.

H. Jones, and Life, by Geo. Barnett Smith._ _Also Harper's Mag., April, 1882._ _Pub. Apl. Har. Scr._

=Gloucester [gl[)o]s-ter], Robert of.= fl. c. 1280. Rhyming chronicler.

=Glover, Richard.= 1712-1785. Poet. Author of Leonidas, an epic, Hosier's Ghost, etc. _See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3._

=G.o.dwin, Mrs. Mary Wollstonecraft.= 1759-1797. Wife to W. G. Author Vindication of the Rights of Women, etc. Style bold and able. _See Atlantic Monthly, Dec. 1880._

=G.o.dwin, Wm.= 1756-1836. Philosopher and novelist. Author Caleb Williams, St. Leon, Cloudesly, Answer to Malthus, Political Justice, etc. _See Life, by Kegan Paul, 1876, and Leslie Stephen's Hours in a Library._ _Pub. Har._

=Goldsmith, Oliver.= 1728-1774. Irish poet and novelist. A writer of great delicacy and purity of sentiment, possessing a simple, delightful style. His poems, The Deserted Village and The Traveller, are charming pieces of description; his comedies, The Good-Natured Man and She Stoops to Conquer, are bright and sparkling, the latter being perennially fresh; and his novel, The Vicar of Wakefield, is an Eng.

cla.s.sic. _See Lives, by Prior, Forster, W. Irving, and Goldsmith by Wm. Black in Eng. Men of Letters._ _See Select Poems of, edited by W.J. Rolfe._ _Pub. Clx. Har._

=Good, John Mason.= 1764-1827. Physician and miscellaneous writer.

Author Study of Medicine, The Book of Nature, Medical Technology, etc.

_Pub. Har._

=Gordon, George, Lord Byron.= 1788-1824. Childe Harold, Prisoner of Chillon, and Don Juan are his finest poems. A writer of great power and strong personality, whose talent was warped by license and self-will. Don Juan, his most brilliant poem, sins deeply against morality. Manfred, The Giaour, and Lara are striking poems. _See Lives by Galt, Moore, E. Brydges, Lake, and Elze; also, Byron, by Nichols, in Eng. Men of Letters, and the Real Lord Byron by J. C. Jeaffreson._ _See Quarterly Rev., July, 1868, and prefaces to respective editions by Wm. Rossetti and A. C. Swinburne._

=Gore, Mrs. Catherine Grace.= 1799-1861. Novelist. A prolific writer of society tales. Author of The Cabinet Minister, The Royal Favorite, etc. _Pub. Har._

=Gosse, Edmund W.= 184 Poet and critic. Son to P. H. G. Author of Viol and Flute, King Erik, New Poems, Grey in Eng. Men of Letters, etc. A lyrist of much merit. _See Harper's Mag. May, 1882, "Some London Poets."_ _Pub. Har. Ho._

=Gosse, Philip Henry.= 181 Zoologist. Author Romance of Natural Hist., Marine Zoology, Evenings with the Microscope, etc. _Pub. Apl.

A. T. S. Lip._

=Goulbourn, Edward Meyrick.= 181 Religious writer. Author Thoughts on Personal Religion, The Holy Catholic Ch., Pursuit of Holiness, etc. _Pub. Apl._

=Gould, Baring.= See Baring-Gould.

=Gower, John.= 1350-1402. Poet. G. wrote the Speculum Meditantis, in French, Vox Clamantis, in Latin, and Confessio Amantis in Eng. _See edition, 3 vols. 8vo, London, 1857._ _See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 1; also Rolfe's edition of Pericles._

=Graeme [gr[=a]m], John.= 1748-1772. Scotch poet.

=Graham, Ennis.= See Molesworth, Mrs.

=Grahame, James.= 1765-1811. Scotch poet. Author of The Sabbath, etc.

=Grahame, James, Marquis of Montrose.= 1612-1650. Lyric poet. Author of the famous lyric My Dear and Only Love. _See Biographies by Napier, 1856, and Grant, 1858._

=Grahame, James.= 1790-1842. Scotch historian. Author Hist. U. S., etc. Style dignified and impartial.

=Granger, James.= 1716-1766. Historian. Author Biographical Hist. of England.

=Grant, Mrs. Anne= [of Laggan]. 1755-1838. Scotch poet and miscellaneous writer. Author Memoirs of an American Lady [1808], etc.

_See Memoirs and Correspondence of, 3 vols., 1844._ _Pub. Mu._

=Grant, James.= 180 Journalist. Author of The Bench and the Bar, Sketches in London, etc.

=Grant, James.= 182 Scotch novelist. Author Hist. of India, and a long list of novels which do not take a very high rank. _Pub. Cas.


=Grattan, Thos. Colley.= 1796-1864. Irish novelist and poet. Author Highways and Byways, Hist. of the Netherlands, etc. _Pub. Har._

=Gray, David.= 1831-1861. Scotch poet. Author of The Luggie, etc. _See H. G. Bell's edition, 1874._ _See R. Buchanan's David Gray and Other Essays, 1868._

=Gray, Thomas.= 1716-1771. Poet. Author of The Bard, Progress of Poesy, Elegy in a Country Churchyard, etc. A writer of much refinement of expression and quiet sentiment. The calm beauty of the Elegy has made it one of the most popular of Eng. poems. _See Gray, by E. W.

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