A Brief Handbook of English Authors Part 15

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of the Great Rebellion. His style is defective, but he is fully master of his subject.

=Inchbald, Mrs. Elizabeth.= 1753-1821. Novelist and dramatist. Her novels, A Simple Story and Nature and Art were once popular, and some of her plays are yet acted. The best are Such Things Are, Wives as They Were and Maids as They Are, and Lovers' Vows. _See Boaden's Life of, 1833; also Miss Kavanagh's Eng. Women of Letters._ _Pub. Har._

=Ingelow [[)i]n'j[)e]-low], Jean.= 183 Poet and novelist. Her novels Off the Skelligs, Don John, etc., though popular and entertaining, are inartistic in construction. Her poetry, though occasionally obscure, is always graceful and beautiful. Songs of Seven, The High Tide, and Divided are among the best. _Pub. Rob. Rou._

=Ingleby, Clement Mansfield.= 182 Shakespearean scholar. Author of Shakespeare--the Man and the Book, View of the Shakespeare Controversy, etc.

=Inglis, Henry David.= 1795-1835. Scotch writer of travels.

=Ingulphus.= 1030?-1109. A monk to whom was long ascribed the famous History of the Abbey of Croyland. _See Bohn's Antiquarian Library._

=Ireland, Wm. Henry.= 1777-1835. Shakespearean forger. Author of a wretched play called Vortigern, which he a.s.serted to be by Shakespeare. _See Ingleby's Shakespeare, The Man and the Book, Part 2._

=Irons, Wm.= 1812-1883. Theologian. Author of The Whole Doctrine of Final Causes, Parochial Lect., Sermons for the People, Hymns from the Hebrew, Athanasius Contoa Mundum, etc. _Pub. Dut._

=Irving, Edward.= 1792-1834. Scotch theologian. Founder of the Irvingite, or Catholic Apostolic Church. _See Lives by Wilkes and Mrs.

Oliphant; also Carlyle's Reminiscences._

=James I.= King of Scotland. 1394-1437. Poet. The King's Quhair is a long love poem in 7-line stanzas, and pure and sweet in sentiment.

_See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 1._

=James V.= King of Scotland. 1511-1542. Poet. Supposed author of Peebles to the Play and Christ's Kirk on the Green: comic and satirical ballads.

=James VI.= of Scotland, I. of England. 1566-1625. Author of some feeble poetry, a number of theological treatises and a famous Counterblast Against Tobacco.

=James, George Payne Rainsford.= 1801-1860. Novelist. Author of an immense number of novels with a strong likeness to each other.

Beginning by imitating Scott, he ended by copying himself. _Pub. Har.


=Jameson, Mrs. Anna.= 1797-1860. An able writer who touched upon many topics. Characteristics of Women, Sacred and Legendary Art, and Diary of an Ennuyee, are some of her books. Her dissertations upon Shakespeare's women are keenly appreciative. _See Memoir of, by Geraldine Macpherson; also H. Martineau's Biographical Sketches._ _Pub. Apl. Har. Hou. Por. Rou._

=Jeaffreson, John Cordy.= 183 Novelist and biographer. Author Live It Down, The Real Lord Byron, etc. _Pub. Har._

=Jeffrey, Lord Francis.= 1773-1850. Scotch critic and essayist. One of the founders of the Edinburgh Review. A writer of great merit, but one whose judgment was often warped by prejudice. _See Life by Lord c.o.c.kburn, 1852._

=Jenkins, Edward.= 183 Political satirist. Author Ginx's Baby, Lord Bantam, Haverholme, etc. _Pub. Har._

=Jenyns, Soame.= 1704-1787. Moralist. _See complete works of, London, 1790._

=Jephson, Robert.= 1736-1803. Dramatist. The Court of Narbonne and Duke of Braganza were successful tragedies in their day.

=Jerdan, Wm.= 1782-1869. Journalist. _See Autobiography, 1853._

=Jerrold, Douglas Wm.= 1803-1857. Dramatist and humorist. Black-Eyed Susan and Rent Day are his best dramas. Of his other works, A Man Made of Money, Chronicles of Clovernook, and The Caudle Lectures are most noted. _See Life by his son._ _Pub. Har. Hou. Rou._

=Jerrold, Wm. Blanchard.= 182 Miscellaneous writer. Son to D. W.

J. Author Imperial Paris, Napoleon III., etc.

=Jevons, Wm. Stanley.= 1835-1882. Political economist. Author The State in Relation to Labor, Methods of Social Reform and other Essays, Investigations in Currency and Finance, etc. _Pub. Apl. Mac._

=Jewsbury, Geraldine Endsor.= 1821-1880. Novelist and journalist.

Author of Zoe, Half Sisters, Constance Herbert, etc. _Pub. Har._

=Jewsbury, Maria Jane.= Sister to G. E. J. See Fletcher, Mrs.

=Johnson, Samuel.= 1705-1773. Dramatist. Author Hurlothrumbo, etc.

=Johnson, Samuel.= 1709-1784. Lexicographer and miscellaneous writer.

Author of London, a poetical satire, Ra.s.selas, a didactic novel, Lives of the Poets, Dict. of the Eng. Lang., and numerous other works. His style is heavy and ponderous, but dignified, sonorous, and peculiarly his own. He was the greatest literary figure in England between 1745 and 1784. _See Boswell's Life of, edited by J. W. Croker; also Johnson by Leslie Stephen in Eng. Men of Letters._ _Pub. Har. Le. Lit. Mac._

=Johnston, Arthur.= 1587-1641. Scotch poet. Noted for a fine Latin translation of the Psalms.

=Johnstone, Charles.= ---- 1800. Novelist. His Adventures of a Guinea was once popular. _See W. Scott's Lives of Eminent Novelists._

=Jones, Sir Wm.= 1746-1794. Poet, Orientalist, and translator. _See edition of 1807 with Life._

=Jonson, Ben.= 1574-1637. Dramatist. A robust, dignified writer, more popular in his day than Shakespeare. Volpone, Silent Woman, Alchemist, Every Man in his Humor, and Every Man out of his Humor are his best comedies: Catiline and Seja.n.u.s his only tragedies. His pastoral drama, The Sad Shepherd, is graceful and sweet. _See Cunningham's edition of Johnson, 1870, and Schlegel's Dramatic Literature._ _Pub. Apl. Rou._

=Jortin, John.= 1698-1770. Ecclesiastical historian.

=Jowett, Benjamin.= 181 Greek scholar. Translator of Plato and Thucydides. _Pub Scr._

=Junius.= See Francis, Sir Philip.

=Kames, Lord.= See Home, Henry.

=Kavanagh [kav'a-na' or kav'a-nah'], Julia.= 1824-1877. Irish novelist. Author Nathalie, Eng. Women of Letters, Beatrice, etc. _Pub.

Apl. Ho._

=Kaye, Sir John Wm.= 1814-1876. Military historian. Author Hist. War in Afghanistan [1851], Hist. Sepoy War, Lives of Indian Officers, Essays of an Optimist, etc. _Pub. Lip. Rou._

=Keary, Annie.= 1825-1879. Novelist. Author Castle Daly, A Doubting Heart, Heroes of Asgard, Clemency Franklyn, etc. _See Memoir of, by her Sister; also Catholic World, July, 1879._ _Pub. Har. Mac. Por._

=Keats, John.= 1795-1821. Poet. A great master of the music of verse.

The Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode to a Nightingale are nearly perfect poems. The Eve of St. Agnes, Isabella, Hyperion and Endymion are longer poems, full of sensuous richness of expression and intensity of feeling. _See Rossetti's edition of._ _See Life of, by Lord Houghton._

=Keble [k[)e]b'l], John.= 1792-1866. Religious poet. Author Christian Year, Lyra Innocentium, etc. Versification musical and refined. _See Shairp's Studies in Poetry and Philosophy, C. Yonge's Musings over the Christian Year, Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4, and Memoir by J. T.

Coleridge._ _Pub. Dut._

=Keddie, Henrietta=, "Sarah Tytler." 182 Novelist. Author Citoyenne Jacqueline, What She Came Through, and several valuable literary and artistic handbooks. _Pub. Har. Rob. Rou._

A Brief Handbook of English Authors Part 15

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