A Brief Handbook of English Authors Part 26

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=Rose, Henry John.= 1801-1873.} Authors of a General} Biographical =Rose, Hugh James.= 1795-1838.} Dict., etc. Bro. to preceding.}

=Rose, Wm.= 1762-1790. Scotch pastoral poet. His Praise of the Highland Maid is one of his best poems. _See Grant Wilson's Poetry of Scotland._

=Rose, Wm. Stewart.= 1775-1843. Poet. Translator of Ariosto.

=Ross, Alexander.= 1699-1784. Scotch poet. Best known by his ballad Woo'd and Married and a'. _See Irving's Scottish Writers._

=Ross-Church, Mrs. Florence [Marryatt].= 183 Novelist. Author Her Lord and Master, The Prey of the G.o.ds, No Intentions, etc. _Pub.


=Rossetti [r[)o]s-s[)e]t'tee], Christina Georgina.= 183 Poet.

Author of The Pageant, Sonnet of Sonnets, Goblin Market, etc. Style serious and earnest. _See Stedman's Victorian Poets._ _Pub. Mac. Rob._

=Rossetti, Dante Gabriel.= 1828-1882. Poet and artist. Bro. to C. G.

R. A writer of the so-called Pre-Raphaelite school, whose verse is pa.s.sionate and musical. Sister Helen, The Blessed Damozel, and Rose Mary are his most striking poems. _See Stedman's Victorian Poets, Swinburne's Essays and Studies, Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4, 2d edition, Essays Modern, by F. W. H. Myers, Wm. Sharp's_ _Record and Study of Rossetti, Cornhill Mag. Feb. 1883, Contemporary Rev. Feb. 1883, Harper's Mag. Nov. 1882, and English Illus. Mag. Oct. 1883._ _Pub.


=Rossetti, Maria Francesca.= 1827-1875. Commentator on Dante. Sister to two preceding. Author The Shadow of Dante, etc. _Pub. Rob._

=Rossetti, Wm. Michael.= 182 Biographer and critic. Author Fine Art, etc. Bro. to three preceding. _Pub. Mac._

=Rowe [r[=o]], Nicholas.= 1673-1718. Dramatist and Shakespearean editor. Author Jane Sh.o.r.e, Fair Penitent, etc. His dramas are melancholy, but never licentious, like those of his contemporaries.

=Rowley, Wm.= fl. c. 1625. Dramatist. Colleague of Dekker and Ford in the Witch of Edmonton, and of Ma.s.singer and Middleton in the Old Law.

=Roy, William.= fl. c. 1525. Poet. Author of a singular satire upon Wolsey and the clergy, ent.i.tled Read me and be not Wroth, for I say Nothing but Troth.

=Roydon, Matthew.= fl. c. 1585. Poet. Author of the beautiful Lament for Astrophel, an elegy upon Sir Philip Sidney.

=Ruskin, John.= 181 Art critic. Author Modern Painters, Stones of Venice, Seven Lamps of Architecture, Sesame and Lilies, Fors Clavigera, etc. Style original, masterly, and of rare beauty. Its chief defect is a vein of petulance and intolerance, which is strongest in his latest books. _Pub. Wil._

=Russell, John, Earl.= 1792-1878. Statesman. Author Causes of the French Revolution, Life and Times of Chas. James Fox, Establishment of the Turks in Europe, etc. _Pub. Rob._

=Russell, John Scott.= 180 Engineer. Author Modern System of Naval Architecture, a work of great practical value. _Pub. Apl._

=Russell, Michael.= 1781-1848. Bp. Glasgow. Scotch historian.

=Russell, Lady Rachel.= 1636-1723. Her Letters are of much literary and historical value. _See Earl Russell's edition, 1854._

=Russell, Wm.= 1741-1793. Scotch historian. Author Hist. Modern Europe, etc. _Pub. Har._

=Russell, Wm. Clark.= 184 Marine novelist. Author Wreck of the Grosvenor, A Sailor's Sweetheart, An Ocean Free Lance, Jack's Courts.h.i.+p, Little Loo, etc. Style original and spirited. _Pub. Har._

=Russell, Wm. Howard.= 182 Journalist. Author Hist. of the Crimean War, Diary North and South, Diary in India, Hesperothen, etc.

_Pub. Har. Rou._

=Ryle, John Charles.= 181 Bp. Liverpool. A popular religious writer. Author Expository Thoughts on the Gospels, etc. _Pub. Ca. Phi.


=Rymer, Thos.= 1638-1714. Antiquary and critic. Author of Edgar, a play, The Tragedies of the Last Age Considered, etc., and compiler of Rymer's F[oe]dera, a collection of treatises, etc.

=Sackville, Chas., Earl of Dorset.= 1637-1705. Poet Author of the bright, lively song To all you Ladies now on Land. _See Ward's Eng.

Poets, vol. 2._

=Sackville, Thos., Earl of Dorset and Lord Buckhurst.= 1536-1608.

Poet. Author of the Induction and one tale of the Mirror for Magistrates, and, with Thos. Norton, of the tragedy of Gorboduc. _See edition 1820._

=Sadler, Michael Thos.= 1780-1830. Author of The Law of Population, etc.

=Sainsbury, Wm. Noel.= 182 Editor of Colonial Calendar of State Papers, America and West Indies, 1574-1668, etc.

=St. John, Bayle.= 1822-1859. Miscellaneous writer. Son to J. A. St.

John. Author Village Life in Egypt, Memoirs of St. Simon, The Turks in Europe, etc.

=St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke.= 1678-1751. Political essayist. His Letter to Sir Wm. Windham [a vol. of 300 pages] is his chief work.

=St. John, Horace Roscoe.= 183 Son to J. A. St. John. Author The Indian Archipelago, Hist. British Conquests in India, etc.

=St. John, James Augustus.= 1801-1875. Miscellaneous writer. Author of The Anatomy of Society, The Nemesis of Power, Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece.

=St. John, Percy Bolingbroke.= 182 Writer of tales of adventure.

Son to J. A. St. John. Author The Arctic Crusoe, The Creole Bride, The Red Queen, etc.

=St. John, Spenser.= 182 Son to J. A. St. John. Author Life in the Forests of the Far West, etc.

=Saintsbury, Geo. Warner.= 184 Litterateur. Author Dryden, in Eng. Men of Letters, Primer of French Lit., etc. _Pub. Har. Mac._

=Sala, George Augustus.= 182 Novelist, essayist, and journalist.

Author Quite Alone, Twice Round the Clock, Paris Herself Again, etc.

_Pub. Fu. Har. Rou._

=Sale, George.= 1680-1736. Orientalist. Translator of the Koran. _Pub.


=Sanderson, Robert.= 1587-1663. Bp. Salisbury. Theological writer of great learning. _Pub. Mac._

=Sandys, George.= 1577-1644. Poet and traveler. Translator of Ovid.

_See Tyler's Am. Lit. vol. 1._

=Sartoris, Mrs. Adelaide [Kemble].= 1816-1879. Author of A Week in a French Country House, a work of great freshness and beauty, and of Medusa and Other Tales.

=Savage, Marmion.= ---- 1872. Irish novelist. Author of The Bachelor of the Albany, The Woman of Business, Reuben Medlicott, etc. _Pub. Apl._

=Savage, Richard.= 1698-1743. Poet. A writer of languid verse, and held in remembrance mainly by Johnson's Biography of him.

=Saville, George, Marquess of Halifax.= 1630-1695. Political writer.

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