The Voice of the People Part 11
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"I want to join the church," he said bluntly.
The rector, a kindly, middle-aged man, with a love for children, turned to him in half-puzzled, half-sympathetic inquiry.
"You are young, my child," he replied, "to be so zealous a Christian."
"'Tain't that, sir," said the boy slowly. "I don't set much store by that. But I've got to go to heaven--because I can't see Thomas Jefferson no other way."
The rector did not smile. He was wiser than his generation, for he left the great man's own religion to himself and G.o.d. He said merely:
"When you are older we shall see, my boy--we shall see."
Nicholas left with a chill of disappointment, but as he pa.s.sed along the street his name was called by Juliet Burwell, and she fluttered across to him in all her mystifying flounces and her gracious smile.
"I was at the rector's," she said, "and he told me that you wanted to be confirmed--and I want you to come into my Sunday-school cla.s.s."
Nicholas met the kind eyes and blushed purple. Her beauty took away his breath and made his pulses leap. The slow, musical drawl of her speech soothed him like the running of clear water. He felt the image of Thomas Jefferson totter upon its pedestal, but it was steadied with a tremendous lurch. Jefferson was a man, after all, and this was only a woman.
"Will you come?" asked the soft voice, and he stammered an amazed and awkward a.s.sent.
On the after the day upon which Nicholas had pledged himself to attend Sunday-school Juliet Burwell asked him to come into Kingsborough and talk over the lesson for the following morning. At five o'clock in the afternoon he dressed himself with trembling hands and a perturbed heart; and for the first time in his life turned to look at his reflection in the small, cracked mirror hanging above the washstand in his stepmother's room.
As a finis.h.i.+ng touch Marthy Burr tied a flaming plaid cravat beneath his collar.
"You ain't much on looks," she remarked as she drew back to survey him, "but you've got as peart a face as I ever seed. I reckon you'll be plenty handsome for a man. I was al'ays kind of set against one of these pink an' white men, somehow. They're pretty enough to look at when you're feelin' first-rate, but when you git the neuralgy they sort of turns yo' stomach. I've a taste for sober colours in men and caliky."
"I think he looks beautiful," said Sairy Jane, her eyes on the cravat, and Nicholas felt a sudden glow of grat.i.tude, and silently resolved to save up until he had enough money to buy her a hair ribbon.
"I ain't sayin' he don't," returned Marthy Burr with a severe glance in the direction of her eldest daughter, who was minding Jubal in the kitchen doorway. "Thar's red heads an' red heads, an' his ain't no redder than the reddest. But he came honestly by it, which is more than some folks can say as is got yellow. His father had it befo' him, an'
thar's one good thing about it, you've got to be born with it or you ain't goin' to come by it no other way. I never seed a dyer that could set hair that thar colour 'cep'n the Lord Himself--an' I ain't one to deny that the Lord has got good taste in His own line."
Then, as Nicholas took up his hat, she added: "If they ask after me, Nick, be sure an' say I'm jes' po'ly."
Nicholas nodded and went out, followed to the road by Sairy Jane and Jubal, while his stepmother called after him to walk in the gra.s.s and try to keep his feet clean.
When he reached Kingsborough and crossed the green to the Burwell's house, which was in the lane called "Back Street," he fell to a creeping pace, held back by the fluttering of his pulses. Not until he saw Juliet standing at the little whitewashed gate did he brace himself to the full courage of approaching. When he spoke her name she opened the gate and gave him her hand, while all sense of diffidence fell from him.
"I've been looking at you for a long ways," he said boldly, "an' you were just like one of them tall lilies bordering the walk."
She blushed, turning her clear eyes upon him, and he felt a great desire to kiss the folds of her skirt or the rose above her left temple. He had never seen any one so good or so kind or so beautiful, and he vowed pa.s.sionately in his rustic little heart that he would always love her best--best of all--that he would fight for her if he might, or work for her if she needed it. There was none like her--not his stepmother--not Sairy Jane--not even Eugenia. She was different--something of finer clay, made to be waited upon and wors.h.i.+pped like the picture of the G.o.ddess standing on the moon that he had seen in the judge's study.
Juliet smiled upon his ardour, and, leading him to a bench beneath a flowering myrtle, made him sit down beside her, while she spoke pious things about Adam and the catechism and the salvation of the world--to all of which he listened with wide-opened eyes and a fluttering heart.
He wondered why no one had ever before told him such beautiful things about G.o.d and the manifold importance of keeping a clean heart and loving your neighbour as yourself. It seemed to him that he had been living in sin for the twelve years of his life and he feared that he should find it impossible to purge his mind of evil pa.s.sions and to love the coloured boy Boss who had stolen his best fis.h.i.+ng line. He asked Juliet if she thought he would be able to withstand the a.s.saults of Satan as the minister told him to do; but she laughed and said that there was no Satan who went about like a roaring lion--only cruelty and anger and ill-will, and that he must be kind to his brothers and sisters, and to animals, and not rob birds' nests, which was very wrong.
Then she added as an afterthought, with a saintly look in her eyes, that he must love G.o.d. He promised that he should try to do so, though he wished in his heart that she had told him to love herself instead. As he sat in the soft light, watching her beautiful face rising against a background of lilies, his young brain thrilled with the joy of life. It was such a glorious thing to live in a great, kind world, with a big, beneficent G.o.d above the blue, and to love all mankind--not harbouring an angry thought or an ill feeling! He looked into the kind eyes beside him and felt that he should like to be a saint or a minister--not a lawyer, which might be wicked after all. Then he remembered the waxen-faced, choleric clergyman of the church his stepmother attended, but he put the memory away. No, he would not be like that; he would not preach fire and brimstone from a white-pine pulpit. He would be large and just and merciful like G.o.d; and Juliet Burwell would come to hear him preach, looking up at him with her blue, blue glance. In the meantime he would not rob that marsh hen's nest which he had found. He would never steal another egg. He wished that he didn't have that drawerful at home. He would give them to Sairy Jane if she wanted them--all except the snake's egg, which he might keep, because serpents were an accursed race. Yes, Sairy Jane might have them all, and he wouldn't pull her hair again when he caught her looking at them on the sly.
Presently Juliet called Sally and took him into the quaint old dining-room and gave him cakes and jam on a table that shone like gla.s.s.
There he saw Mr. Burwell--a pink-cheeked, little gentleman who wore an expansive air of innocence and a white pique waistcoat--and Mrs.
Burwell, a pretty, gray-haired woman, who ruled her husband with the velvet-pawed despotism which was the heritage of the women of her race and day. She had never bought a bonnet without openly consulting his judgment; he had never taken a step in life without unconsciously following hers.
"Really, my dear Sally," he had said when he heard of Nicholas's reception by his daughter, "Juliet must a--a--be taught to recognise the existence of cla.s.s. Really, I cannot have her bringing all these people into my house. You must put a stop to it at once, my dear."
Mrs. Burwell had smiled placidly as she patted her gray fringe.
"Of course you know best, Mr. Burwell," she had replied with that touching humility which forbade her to address her husband by his Christian name. "Of course you know best about such matters, and I'll tell Juliet what you say. Poor child, she has such confidence in your judgment that she will believe whatever you say to be right; but she does love so to feel that she is exerting a good influence over the boys, and, perhaps, helping them to work out their future salvation. She thinks, too, that it is so well for them to have a chance of talking to you. I heard her tell Dudley Webb that he must take you for an example--"
"Ah!--ahem!" said Mr. Burwell, who wors.h.i.+pped the ground his daughter trod upon. "I suppose it would be a pity to interfere with her, eh, my dear?"
"Well, I can't help wis.h.i.+ng myself, Mr. Burwell, that she would select children of her own cla.s.s in life, but, as you say, she has taken a fancy to that Burr boy, and he seems to be a decent, respectful kind of child. Of course I know it is your soft heart that makes you look at it in this way--but I love you all the better for it. I remember the day you proposed to me for the sixth time, I had just seen you bandage up the head of a little darkey that had cut himself--and I accepted you on the spot."
"Yes, yes, my love," Mr. Burwell had responded, kissing his wife as they left the room. "I am convinced that I am right, and I am glad that you agree with me. We won't speak of it to Juliet."
In the hall below they met Nicholas Burr, and greeted him with hospitable kindness.
"So this is your new scholar, eh, Juliet? You must do justice to your teacher, my boy."
Juliet laughed and went out into the yard to meet several young men who were coming up the walk, and Nicholas noticed with a jealous pang that she sat with them beneath the myrtle and talked in the same soft voice with the same radiant smile. She was not speaking of heaven now. She was laughing merrily at pointless jokes and promising to embroider a handkerchief for one and to make a box of caramels for another.
He knew that they all loved her, and it gave him a miserable feeling. He felt that they were unworthy of her--that they would not wors.h.i.+p her always and become ministers for her sake, as he was going to do. He even wondered if it wouldn't be better, after all, to become a prize fighter and to knock them all out in the first round when he got a chance.
In a moment Juliet called him to her side and laid her hand upon his arm. "He has promised not to rob birds' nests and to love me always,"
she said.
But the young men only laughed.
"Ask something harder," retorted one. "Any of us will do that. Ask him to stand on his head or to tie himself into a bow knot for your sake."
Nicholas reddened angrily, but Juliet told the jester to try such experiments himself--that she did not want a contortionist about. Then she bent over the boy as he said good-bye, and he went down the walk between the lilies and out into the lane.
He recrossed the green slowly, turning into the main street at the court-house steps. As he pa.s.sed the church, a little further on, the iron gate opened and the rector came out, jingling the heavy keys in his hand as he talked amicably to a tourist who followed upon his heels.
"Yes, my good sir," he was saying in his high-pitched, emphatic utterance, "this dear old churchyard is never mowed except by living lawn-mowers. I a.s.sure you that I have seen thirty heads of cattle upon the vaults--positively, thirty heads, sir!"
But the boy's thoughts were far from the church and its rector, and the words sifted rapidly through his brain. He touched his hat at the tourist's greeting and smiled into the clergyman's face, but his actions were automatic. He would have nodded to the horse in the street or have smiled at the sun.
As he pa.s.sed the small shops fronting on the narrow sidewalk and followed the whitewashed fence of the college grounds until it ended at the Old Stage Road, he was conscious of the keen, pulsating harmony of life. It was good to be alive--to feel the warm suns.h.i.+ne overhead and the warm dust below. He was glad that he had been born, though the idea had never formulated itself until now. He would be very good all his life and never do a wicked thing. It was so easy to be good if you only wanted to. Yes, he would study hard and become learned in the law, like those old prophets with whom G.o.d spoke as man with man. Then, when he had grown better and wiser than any one on earth, his tongue would become loosened, and he would go forth to preach the Gospel, and Juliet would listen to him for his wisdom's sake. Oh, if she would only love him best--best of all!
This evening the road through the wood did not frighten him, though the sun was down. He thought neither of the ghosts that Uncle Dan'l had seen, nor of the bug-a-boos that had chased Viney's husband home. He was too old for these things now. He had grown taller and stronger in a day.
When he reached the pasture gate opposite the house he opened it and went in to look for the sheep.
The west was fast losing colour, like a bright-hued fabric that has been drenched in water, and a thick, blue mist, shot with fireflies, shrouded the wide common. A fresh, sharp odour rose from the dew-steeped earth, giving place, as he gained upon the flock, to the smell of moist wool.
As he brushed the heavy, purple tubes of Jamestown weeds long-legged insects flew out and struck against his arm before they fell in a drunken stupor to the gra.s.s below.
The boy made his way cautiously, his figure becoming blurred as the mist wrapped him like a blanket. The darkness was gathering rapidly.
The Voice of the People Part 11
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