A Journal of Two Campaigns of the Fourth Regiment of U.S. Infantry Part 7

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About five hundred regulars, under Colonel Paul, occupied the narrow s.p.a.ce between the road and river; they were ordered to advance and amuse the enemy; and, if an opportunity offered, to seize the cannon of the enemy. A small party of friendly Indians were directed to move under the bank. Col. Johnson's regiment was drawn up in close column, with its right at a few yards distant from the road with orders to charge at full speed as soon as the enemy delivered his fire. The Kentucky volunteers, under Major-Gen. Henny, were formed in the rear of the mounted regiment, in three lines, extending from the road to the swamp. Gen. Desha's division covered the left of Johnson's regiment. Gov. Shelby was at the _crotchet_ formed by the front line and Gen. Desha's division. This was an important point. Gen. Ca.s.s and Commodore Perry, volunteered as aids to Gen. Harrison, who placed himself at the head of the front line of infantry, to direct the movements of the cavalry, and to give them the necessary support. Such was the order of battle.

The army moved in this order till the mounted men received the fire of the enemy, at the distance of two hundred yards. The charge was beat, in an instant one thousand horse were in motion at full speed--the right led on by lieut. Col. James Johnson broke through the British lines and formed in their rear, the enemy's pieces were unloaded--their bayonets were not fixed--they surrendered at discretion--the whole was the work of a minute. In breaking through their ranks our men killed twelve and wounded 37 of the British regulars. The shock was unexpected. They were not prepared to resist it, some were trampled under the feet of our horses; others were cut down by the soldiers; very few were shot by our men, for our fire was not general. Had the enemy shown the least symptoms of resistance, after we broke through their lines, the greater part would have been destroyed, but they were as pa.s.sive as sheep. Never was terror more strongly depicted on the countenances of men. Even the officers were seen with uplifted hands, exclaiming "quarter!" There is no doubt, that they expected to be ma.s.sacred, believing that the Kentuckians would retaliate the b.l.o.o.d.y scenes of Raisin and Miami; but nothing was farther from their intentions, except it should be on the persons of Proctor and Elliott--these, neither the authority of Harrison nor of Shelby could have saved, if they had been found in battle.

On the left the contest was more serious. Col. Johnson, who commanded on that flank of his regiment received a terrible fire from the Indians, was kept up for some time.--The Col. most gallantly led the head of his column into the hottest of the enemy's fire, and was personally opposed to Tec.u.mseh.--At this point a condensed ma.s.s of savages had collected. Yet regardless of danger, he rushed into the midst of them, so thick were the Indians at this moment that several might have reached him with their rifles. He rode a white horse and was known to be an officer of rank; a shower of b.a.l.l.s was discharged at him--some took effect--his horse was shot under him--his clothes, his saddle, his person were pierced with bullets. At the moment his horse fell, Tec.u.mseh rushed towards him with an uplifted tomahawk, to give the fatal stroke, but his presence of mind did not forsake him in this perilous predicament--he drew a pistol from his holster and laid his daring opponent dead at his feet. He was unable to do more, the loss of blood deprived him of strength to stand. Fortunately at the moment of Tec.u.mseh's fall the enemy gave way, which secured him from the reach of their tomahawks; he was wounded in five places; he received three shots in the right thigh and two in the left arm. Six Americans and twenty-two Indians fell within twenty yards of the spot where Tec.u.mseh was killed and the trails of blood almost covered the ground.

The Indians continued a brisk fire from the margin of the swamp and made some impression on a line of Kentucky volunteers, but Gov. Shelby brought up a regiment to its support--the fire soon became too warm for the enemy. A part of Johnson's men having gained the rear of a part of the Indian line the rout became general. A small part of the Indians attempted to gain the village by running up the narrow strip of dry land; they were soon overtaken and cut down. The Indians fought bravely and sustained a severe loss in killed and wounded. The death of Tec.u.mseh was an irreparable loss.

The American army had fifteen killed and thirty wounded. Among the slain was Colonel Whitley, of the Kentucky volunteers, a man of seventy years of age, and a soldier of the revolution. He was in easy circ.u.mstances at home, and possessed an excellent character.

Among the trophies of the day were six bra.s.s field pieces, which had been surrendered by Hull--I read on two of them this pleasing motto: "Surrendered by Burgoyne at Saratoga."

The day after the battle a part of the army took possession of the Moravian town, where we found most kinds of vegetables in abundance--these were acceptable to men who had for several days subsisted on fresh beef, without bread or salt. We found plenty of green corn; the fields were extensive and our horses had an excellent range.

The town was deserted; so panic struck were some of the women in their flight, that they are said to have thrown their children into the Thames, to prevent their being butchered by the Americans!

This village is situated on the right bank of the Thames, about forty miles from its entrance into lake St. Clair. The town was built by emigrants from Muskingum, and contained at the time of the battle nearly 100 houses, mostly well built. The Rev. John Scoll, from Bethlehem, (Penn.) was established here as a missionary. Many of the inhabitants speak English--there was a school house and a chapel. The gardens were luxuriant and cultivated with taste.

The town was destroyed as well as the cornfields in its vicinity, by the troops previous to their leaving it. Among other reasons a.s.signed to justify the measure, it was alleged that these Indians had been among the foremost in ma.s.sacring our men at the river Raisin, and that the town, if it was spared, would afford a convenient shelter for the British allies during the winter, and from which they could easily pa.s.s into the Michigan territory to rob and murder the inhabitants.

I have yet to learn, that it is either good policy or justice, for the American troops, in every instance, to burn the Indian towns that fall into their power. Are the Indians to be reclaimed by fire?

General Proctor abandoned his army at the very moment Johnson's regiment beat the charge. About forty dragoons accompanied him as a guard. In twenty-four hours he was sixty-five miles from the Moravian town. A few of the mounted men pursued him, and at one time were within one hundred yards of him, but they were too weak to attack his guard. His carriage and papers were taken.

Three waggons loaded with specie escaped, but might have been overtaken, if proper measures had been taken to pursue the fugitives.

A depot of three hundred barrels of flour was within a day's march of the Moravian town.

The army returned to Detroit. Capt. Elliot of the Niagara, volunteered his services to command a naval expedition against Michilimackinac and Fort St. Joseph; but the weather proving unfavorable for a number of days the season became too far advanced to risk the squadron on lake Huron, till spring.

While Gen. Harrison was pursuing Proctor up the Thames, the Ottawas, Chippewas, Potawattimies, Miamies and Kickapoos, proposed to Gen.

M'Arthur a suspension of hostilities, and agreed to "take hold of the same tomahawk with the Americans, and to strike all who are or may be enemies of the United States, whether British or Indians." They brought in their women and children and offered them as hostages for their good behavior.

Lieut. Le Breton arrived at Detroit on the 15th, bearing a flag and a letter from Gen. Proctor to Gen. Harrison. This letter requested humane treatment to the prisoners, and a restoration of certain property and papers taken on the 5th. As the letter was addressed to the General "at Moravian towns," he saw no reason for Le Breton's journey to Detroit, and ordered him to join Gen. Proctor by the way of Buffalo and Fort George.

After the return of the commander in chief to Detroit, Walk-in-the-water, who had been in the battle of the Thames, came in to implore peace.

When he crossed from Sandwich, the white flag which he bore in his hand had attracted a great crowd to the wharf, all anxious to get a near view of this distinguished chief. I was struck with admiration at the firmness and apparent nonchalance with which he ascended the bank and pa.s.sed through the ranks of the Kentucky volunteers, whom he had so gallantly opposed in battle but a few days before. I never saw more real dignity of carriage, or a more striking firmness of countenance.

Yet his situation was calculated to depress his spirits and produce humility. His town was in the power of the Americans--the British were all taken; the Indians had just suffered a signal defeat--almost all other chiefs had submitted--he was without the means of living or resistance; still his manner was that of a conqueror.

Gov. Shelby's corps and twelve month's volunteers, were all honorably discharged. Travelling became safe, and business at Detroit began to resume its wonted course, but the _price current_ of the territory was exorbitant for every thing to eat, drink or wear. Whiskey sold at 4 dolls. a gallon, beef at 24 cents a pound, cheese at 66 do,--b.u.t.ter 75 do--potatoes two dollars a bushel. The army was well supplied with rations, as were also about three hundred of the inhabitants of Michigan, and about two thousand Indians, men, women, and children, who had no other means of subsistence. Adventurers soon came on with a sufficient supply of dry goods.

On the 23d of October, Gen. Harrison, with all his disposable regular troops, embarked on board the fleet and sailed for Buffalo, in obedience to orders from the secretary of war. Previous to his departure, he appointed Gen. Ca.s.s provisional Governor of the Michigan territory--the civil ordinances as they stood at Hull's surrender were proclaimed in force. Gen. Ca.s.s was left with about one thousand men, not more than seven hundred of whom were effective.--The men were industriously employed in preparing winter quarters at the fort. The Scorpion and Ohio schooners were engaged in transporting supplies from Erie and Cleveland, for the troops during winter. Troops were stationed at Malden and Sandwich.--The campaign closed.


A Journal of Two Campaigns of the Fourth Regiment of U.S. Infantry Part 7

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A Journal of Two Campaigns of the Fourth Regiment of U.S. Infantry Part 7 summary

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