Assimilative Memory Part 12

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Ample practice in translating the sounded consonants of words into figures, or of figures into the sounded consonants of words will now be given. If the reader can _remember_ the foregoing consonant equivalents of figures in connection with the tabulated Figure Alphabet on the 74th page of this lesson, he can at once pa.s.s on through the book. If not, he must carefully study the intervening pages with painstaking--for when once learned, no further difficulty can arise.

The tabulated Figure Alphabet on the 74th page of this lesson expresses the consonant values of the nought and nine digits in perpendicular columns, as under nought (0) are placed _s_, _z_, and _c_^soft; under nine are placed _b_ and _p_; under six are placed _sh_, _j_, _ch_, and _g_^soft, &c. Only those who possess first-rate natural memories can learn the equivalents of the sounded consonants in figures from this table. But when learned in this way, the pupil requires much practice in translating words into figures and figures into words. Even this exceptional pupil had better carefully study the ensuing examples.

The first thing to be done is to learn _which_ consonants are used to stand for and represent the nought (0) and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

Let the student remember that we use vowels to make words with, but we do not give the vowels [a, e, i, o, u], or w, or y, _any number value whatever_.


The figure value of "sew," therefore equals or is represented by a cipher [0]. S = 0, and the vowel "e" and the consonant "w" have _no figure value_. Cannot the student understand at once that {S}ay = 0, {S}ee = 0, Ea{s}e = 0, I{s} = 0, and {Z}oe = 0, and {S}ei{z}e = 00, {S}i{z}e = 00, {S}au{c}e = 00?

The following is another way of fixing in mind this first rule.

If the capital letter =S= were cut into two parts, and the bottom half attached to the top half, it would make a nought (=0=). _So it is easy to remember that S represents =0=._ C^soft as in _cease_ has the same sound as S, and should therefore stand for the same figure, _viz._, 0; and Z is a cognate of S--that is, it is _made by the same organs of speech in the same position_ as when making S, only it is an undertone, and S is a whispered letter. Besides Z should represent =0= because it begins the word Zero--C^soft should also stand for =0= for the additional reason that C^soft begins the word cipher. _In translating a word into figures we always turn S, Z, or C^soft into nought (0); in turning figures into words we always translate a nought (0) into S, Z, or C^soft._

1. What is the first thing to be done?

2. What must the student remember in connection with vowels?

3. By what do we represent the cipher?

4. What other way is given for fixing the first rule in the mind?

5. What is meant by a "cognate"?

6. What kind of a letter is S?


{T}oy = 1. As "t" stands for 1, and o and y are vowels, and have no figure value, the numerical value of Toy _must_ be 1.

{Th}ee = 1, {Th}ou = 1, {D}ay = 1, {D}ew = 1, {Th}i{s} = 10, {Th}u{s} = 10, {D}oe{s} = 10, {T}ie{s} = 10, {T}oe{s} = 10, {D}ee{d} = 11, {D}o{th} = 11, {T}o-{d}ay = 11, {T}a{t}too[B] = 11, {T}u{t} = 11, {T}oa{d} = 11, {T}ie{d} = 11, {S}a{t} = 01, {S}ai{d} = 01, {S}ea{t}= 01, {D}ay{s} = 10, {T}oy{s} = 10, {Th}e{s}e = 10, {Th}o{s}e = 10.

[B] See rules on page 72.

"t" stands for 1, because it is made with _one_ downward stroke. "h" has no figure value except when it is united with "s" or "c" in sh or ch, and therefore "th" _must_ represent 1, and d, being the cognate of "t,"

it is represented by 1. Hence we translate "t," "th," and "d" by the figure 1, and when we want to represent 1, by letters, we translate it into t, th, or d.

2 IS REPRESENTED BY "N," because it is made by two downward strokes.

{N}o = 2, A{n}y = 2, O{n}e = 2, {N}oi{s}e = 20, {N}i{c}e = 20, {N}e{s}{t} = 201, {N}o{t}e = 21, {Th}e{n} = 12, {N}u{n} = 22, {N}a{n} = 22, {S}o{n} = 02, {S}i{n}e = 02, {Z}o{n}e = 02, {N}i{n}e = 22, {Z}e{n}o = 02, {S}ow{n} = 02.

3 IS REPRESENTED BY "M," because the written m is made by _three_ downward strokes. Ai{m} = 3, {S}u{m} = 03, {M}u{m} = 33, {M}ai{m} = 33, {M}o{n}ey = 32, {M}o{th} = 31, {M}oo{n} = 32, {M}a{n} = 32, {M}o{n}{th} = 321, A{m}e{n}{d}{s} = 3210, {Th}i{n} = 12, E{n}e{m}ie{s} = 230, Ho{m}e = 3.

4 IS REPRESENTED BY "R," because it terminates the word _four_ in several languages. Ai{r} = 4. A and i are vowels, and count for no figure value in Air, and hence that word represents only the figure 4. Wi{r}e = 4, {R}ow = 4, Wo{r}{t} = 41, W{r}a{th} = 41, Wo{r}{th} = 41, {R}i{d}e = 41, Hei{r}{s} = 40, {R}ui{n}{s} = 420, {R}oa{s}{t} = 401, {R}u{m} = 43, {R}oa{r} = 44, {S}au{c}e{r} = 004, {S}wo{r}{d}{s}{m}a{n} = 041032, {R}a{z}o{r}{s} = 4040, A{r}i{s}e{n} = 402, He{r}{m}i{t}{s} = 4310.

1. In translating a word into figures, what do we always do?

2. By what letters is the figure 1 represented?

3. Why does "t" stand for 1?

4. When does the letter "h" have a figure value?

5. By what is 2 represented?

6. Why?

7. How do we represent 3?

8. Why?

9. By what consonant is 4 represented?

10. Why?

5 IS REPRESENTED BY "L," because in the Roman alphabet L stood for 50, and we disregard the cipher and make it stand for 5 only--as, Oi{l} = 5.

O and i, being vowels, may be _used_ in a word, but having no figure value, do not change the numerical value of the word; therefore the figure value of "oi{l}" is 5, the same as though the "l" stood alone.

{L}ay = 5, {L}aw = 5, Ho{l}y = 5, Awhi{l}e = 5, Whee{l} = 5, {L}i{t} = 51, Wea{lth} = 51, {L}a{d} = 51, {S}o{l}o = 05, {S}a{l}e{s} = 050, {S}{l}owe{r} = 054, {L}a{n}e = 52, A{l}o{n}e = 52, {L}a{m}a = 53, Ea{r}{l}ie{r} = 454, Who{l}e{s}a{l}e = 505, U{n}{m}i{l}i{t}a{r}y{n}e{s}s = 2351420.

6 IS REPRESENTED BY "SH," "J," "CH," AND "G^soft." WE HAVE THE LETTER VALUES OF 6, THROUGH THE INITIAL CONSONANTS OF THE PHRASE: (Six), {Sh}y {J}ewesses {Ch}ose {G}eorge. In the following words, the vowels have no figure value, hence in translation are never counted. {Sh}ow = 6, {J}oy = 6, Ha{tch} = 6, Hu{g}e = 6, {S}a{g}e = 06, {Ch}ea{t}{s} = 610, {Sh}e{d} = 61, {Sh}ea{th} = 61, {Sh}o{t} = 61, {G}i{n} = 62, {Sh}i{n} = 62, {J}ea{n} = 62, {Ch}i{n} = 62, {G}e{m} = 63, {J}a{m} = 63, {Sh}a{m}e = 63, {Ch}i{m}e = 63, U{sh}e{r} = 64, {J}u{r}y = 64, {Ch}ai{r} = 64, Wa{g}e{r} = 64, {Sh}a{l}l = 65, {J}ai{l} = 65, {Ch}i{l}l = 65, {G}e{ntl}e = 6215, {J}ewi{sh} = 66.

7 IS REPRESENTED BY "G^hard" "K," "C^hard" "Q," AND "NG." WE FIND THE LETTER EQUIVALENTS OF 7 IN THE INITIAL CONSONANTS OF THE PHRASE: (Seven), {G}reat {K}ings {C}ame {Q}uarrelli{ng}. We thus use the termination "ng" to express 7. Ho{g} = 7, {K}ey = 7, {C}ue = 7, You{ng} = 7, Yo{k}e = 7, Wi{g} = 7. As no vowels have any figure value, they cut no figure in translating into numbers. {D}e{ck} = 17, {D}e{s}{k} = 107, {K}i{d} = 71. {S}{k}a{t}e = 071, A{s}{k} = 07, A{s}{k}i{ng} = 077, {S}{k}e{tch} = 076, {S}{q}ui{r}e = 074, {C}a{s}e{s} = 700, {G}a{t}e = 71, E{g}a{d} = 71, {K}i{t}e = 71, {Q}uo{t}e = 71. This first "{g}" is hard (7) and the second "{g}" is soft (6) in {G}an{g}es. The "{g}" in Governor is hard and in General is soft in {G}overnor-{G}eneral. The first "{c}" is hard (7) and the second "{c}"

is soft (0) in a{c}{c}i{d}e{n}{t}, = 70121, Ha{g}g{l}e = 75, A{c}{m}e = 73, {C}a{n}no{n} = 722, {G}ui{t}a{r} = 714, {S}{q}uea{k} = 077.

WE REPRESENT 8 BY "F" AND "V," BECAUSE YOU CAN IMAGINE A WRITTEN "F" TO BE AN ELONGATED 8, AND "V" IS A COGNATE OF "F," hence equivalent to the same number; as, Wi{f}e = 8, Wo{v}e = 8. The vowels, although used in the words, have no figure values, neither do "w," "y," or "h," when not a part of "sh" or "ch." {S}a{f}e = 08, {S}a{v}e = 08, I{v}y = 8, Hi{v}e = 8, {F}oe = 8, {D}i{v}e = 18, E{d}i{f}y = 18, {T}i{f}f = 18, {Th}ie{f} = 18, {Th}ie{v}e = 18, {T}ou{gh} = 18, E{n}ou{gh} = 28, {N}a{v}y = 28, K{n}a{v}e = 28, {N}e{f}a{r}iou{s} = 2840, {M}u{f}f = 38, {M}o{v}e = 38, {R}u{f}f = 48, {R}oo{f} = 48, {R}ou{gh} = 48, {R}e{v}iew = 48, A{l}i{v}e = 58, A{l}oo{f} = 58, {L}ea{v}e = 58, {L}ea{f} = 58, A{lph}a = 58, {Sh}ea{f} = 68, {Ch}a{f}f = 68, {J}o{v}e = 68, {Sh}a{v}e = 68, {Sh}o{v}e = 68, {C}a{v}e = 78, {C}al{f} = 78, {G}a{v}e = 78, {C}ou{gh} = 78, {Q}ua{f}f = 78, {Q}ui{v}e{r} = 784, {F}i{v}e = 88, {F}i{f}e = 88, {F}eo{f}f = 88, {F}i{fth} = 881, {V}i{v}i{d} = 881, {F}a{c}e{s} = 800.

9 IS REPRESENTED BY "B" AND "P." (Nine) {B}eautiful {P}eac.o.c.ks would indicate the figure value of 9, in the initial consonants of "{b}eautiful {p}eac.o.c.ks." {B}ee = 9, and the two vowels "ee" have no figure value. {B}ow = 9, {P}ie = 9, {P}ew = 9, {P}ay = 9, A{p}e = 9, U{p} = 9, {B}y = 9, {B}a{s}e = 90, {B}ia{s} = 90, {P}o{s}e = 90, {P}au{s}e = 90, {B}oa{t} = 91, {B}o{th} = 91, {B}ea{d} = 91, {B}ea{n} = 92, {B}o{n}e = 92, {P}o{t} = 91, {P}a{th} = 91, {P}a{d} = 91, {P}i{n}e = 92, {B}ea{m} = 93, {B}a{r} = 94, {B}a{l}e = 95, {B}a{dg}e = 96, {B}u{sh} = 96, {B}u{f}f = 98, {B}a{b}y = 99, {P}oe{m} = 93, {P}ai{r} = 94, {P}i{l}e = 95, {P}u{sh} = 96, {P}a{g}e = 96, {P}u{f}f = 98, {P}i{p}e = 99, {P}o{p}e = 99, {P}ac{k} = 97.

1. Why is 5 represented by "L"?

2. By what is 6 represented?

3. Through the initial consonants of what sentence, not considering the six in brackets?

4. Where do we find the letter equivalents of 7, not regarding the seven in brackets?

5. What termination do we also use to express 7?

6. If the termination "ng" represent 7, what is the figure value of Singing?

7. Give the figure value of Hong-kong.

8. By what two consonants do we represent 8?

9. Why?

10. Give the figure value of the vowels in these ill.u.s.trations, if you find they have any value.

The representatives of the figures from 0 up to 9 are given in the initial consonants of the ten subsequent phrases following the figures:--

"{S}i{d}{n}ey {M}e{r}{l}i{sh} {g}a{v}e a {b}ow"[C]

= 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

Nought (0) {S}o {Z}ealous {C}eases.

One (1) {T}ankard {th}is {D}ay.

Two (2) {N}ostrils. (or 2 {N}ations. Ex. 35, 10; 37, 22.) Three (3) {M}eals. (or 3 {M}ighty {M}en. 2 Sam. 23.) Four (4) {R}oads. (or 4 {R}ings. Ex. 25, 26; 38, 5.) Five (5) {L}oaves. (Matt. 14; Mark 6; Luke 9.) Six (6) {Sh}y {J}ewesses {Ch}ose {G}eorge.

Seven (7) {G}reat {K}ings {C}ame {Q}uarrelli{ng}.

Eight (8) {F}old {V}alue. (or 8 '{V}arsity {F}ellows.) Nine (9) {P}in {B}owling.

[C] Gouraud said: "{S}a{t}a{n} {m}ay {r}e{l}i{sh} {c}o{f}fee {p}ie."

This explanation is a help to remember the _letter-values of the figures_. Another way to fix these values in mind for permanent use is to turn _words into figures_, as in going through an ordinary spelling-book. This practice quickly enables you to _turn figures into words_, and to translate them back into figures. Facility will be attained long before the lessons are completed. But this lesson, _thoroughly_ studied, will secure the needful proficiency.

1. By what two consonants is the figure value of 9 represented?

2. What are represented in the initial consonants of the ten Phrases here given, not including, of course, the words before the figures in brackets?

3. Are these sentences of any help in remembering the letter values of the figures?

4. What other way is there to fix these values in mind?

5. What does this practice enable you to do?


_Not to be glanced at or skipped, but to be carefully studied._

Assimilative Memory Part 12

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