The Persian Literature Volume I Part 33

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"Methinks I see Isfendiyar again, Thou hast the form, the very look he bore, And since thy glorious father is no more, Long as I live thou must with me remain."


Firdusi seems to have derived the account of Shughad, and the melancholy fate of Rustem, from a descendant of Sam and Nariman, who was particularly acquainted with the chronicles of the heroes and the kings of Persia. Shughad, it appears, was the son of Zal, by one of the old warrior's maid-servants, and at his very birth the astrologers predicted that he would be the ruin of the glorious house of Sam and Nariman, and the destruction of their race.

Throughout Sistan the prophecy was heard With horror and amazement; every town And city in Iran was full of woe, And Zal, in deepest agony and grief, Sent up his prayers to the Almighty Power That he would purify the infant's heart, And free it from that quality, foretold As the destroyer of his ancient house.

But what are prayers, opposed by destiny?

The child, notwithstanding, was brought up with great care and attention, and when arrived at maturity, he was sent to the king of Kabul, whose daughter he espoused.

Rustem was accustomed to go to Kabul every year to receive the tribute due to him; but on the last occasion, it is said that he exacted and took a higher rate than usual, and thus put many of the people to distress. The king was angry, and expressed his dissatisfaction to Shughad, who was not slow in uttering his own discontent, saying, "Though I am his brother, he has no respect for me, but treats me always like an enemy. For this personal hostility I long to punish him with death."--"But how," inquired the king, "couldst thou compa.s.s that end?" Shughad replied, "I have well considered the subject, and propose to accomplish my purpose in this manner. I shall feign that I have been insulted and injured by thee, and carry my complaint to Zal and Rustem, who will no doubt come to Kabul to redress my wrongs. Thou must in the meantime prepare for a sporting excursion, and order a number of pits to be dug on the road sufficiently large to hold Rustem and his horse, and in each several swords must be placed with their points and edges upwards. The mouths of the pits must then be slightly covered over, but so carefully that there may be no appearance of the earth underneath having been removed. Everything being thus ready, Rustem, on the pretence of going to the sporting ground, must be conducted by that road, and he will certainly fall into one of the pits, which will become his grave." This stratagem was highly approved by the king, and it was agreed that at a royal banquet, Shughad should revile and irritate the king, whose indignant answer should be before all the a.s.sembly: "Thou hast no pretensions to be thought of the stock of Sam and Nariman. Zal pays thee no attention, at least, not such attention as he would pay to a son, and Rustem declares thou art not his brother; indeed, all the family treat thee as a slave." At these words, Shughad affected to be greatly enraged, and, starting up from the banquet, hastened to Rustem to complain of the insult offered him by the king of Kabul. Rustem received him with demonstrations of affection, and hearing his complaint, declared that he would immediately proceed to Kabul, depose the king for his insolence, and place Shughad himself on the throne of that country. In a short time they arrived at the city, and were met by the king, who, with naked feet and in humble guise, solicited forgiveness. Rustem was induced to pardon the offence, and was honored in return with great apparent respect, and with boundless hospitality.

In the meantime, however, the pits were dug, and the work of destruction in progress, and Rustem was now invited to share the sports of the forest. The champion was highly gratified by the courtesy which the king displayed, and mounted Rakush, antic.i.p.ating a day of excellent diversion. Shughad accompanied him, keeping on one side, whilst Rustem, suspecting nothing, rode boldly forward. Suddenly Rakush stopped, and though urged to advance, refused to move a step. At last the champion became angry, and struck the n.o.ble animal severely; the blows made him dart forward, and in a moment he unfortunately fell into one of the pits.

It was a place, deep, dark, and perilous, All bristled o'er with swords, leaving no chance Of extrication without cruel wounds; And horse and rider sinking in the midst, Bore many a grievous stab and many a cut In limb and body, ghastly to the sight.

Yet from that depth, at one prodigious spring, Rakush escaped with Rustem on his back; But what availed that effort? Down again Into another pit both fell together, And yet again they rose, again, again; Seven times down prostrate, seven times bruised and maimed, They struggled on, till mounting up the edge Of the seventh pit, all covered with deep wounds, Both lay exhausted. When the champion's brain Grew cool, and he had power to think, he knew Full well to whom he owed this treachery, And calling to Shughad, said: "Thou, my brother!

Why hast thou done this wrong? Was it for thee, My father's son, by wicked plot and fraud To work this ruin, to destroy my life?"

Shughad thus sternly answered: "'Tis for all The blood that thou hast shed, G.o.d has decreed This awful vengeance--now thy time is come!"

Then spoke the king of Kabul, as if pity Had softened his false heart: "Alas! the day That thou shouldst perish, so ign.o.bly too, And in my kingdom; what a wretched fate!

But bring some medicine to relieve his wounds-- Quick, bring the matchless balm for Rustem's cure; He must not die, the champion must not die!"

But Rustem scorned the offer, and in wrath, Thus spoke: "How many a mighty king has died, And left me still triumphant--still in power, Unconquerable; treacherous thou hast been, Inhuman, too, but Feramurz, the brave, Will be revenged upon thee for this crime."

Rustem now turned towards Shughad, and in an altered and mournful tone, told him that he was at the point of death, and asked him to string his bow and give it to him, that he might seem as a scare-crow, to prevent the wolves and other wild animals from devouring him when dead.

Shughad performed the task, and lingered not, For he rejoiced at this catastrophe, And with a smile of fiendish satisfaction, Placed the strong bow before him--Rustem grasped The bended horn with such an eager hand, That wondering at the sight, the caitiff wretch Shuddered with terror, and behind a tree s.h.i.+elded himself, but nothing could avail; The arrow pierced both tree and him, and they Were thus transfixed together--thus the hour Of death afforded one bright gleam of joy To Rustem, who, with lifted eyes to Heaven, Exclaimed: "Thanksgivings to the great Creator, For granting me the power, with my own hand, To be revenged upon my murderer!"

So saying, the great champion breathed his last, And not a knightly follower remained, Zuara, and the rest, in other pits, Dug by the traitor-king, and traitor-brother, Had sunk and perished, all, save one, who fled, And to the afflicted veteran at Sistan Told the sad tidings. Zal, in agony, Tore his white hair, and wildly rent his garments, And cried: "Why did not I die for him, why Was I not present, fighting by his side?

But he, alas! is gone! Oh! gone forever."

Then the old man despatched Feramurz with a numerous force to Kabul, to bring away the dead body of Rustem. Upon his approach, the king of Kabul and his army retired to the mountains, and Feramurz laid waste the country. He found only the skeletons of Rustem and Zuara, the beasts of prey having stripped them of their flesh: he however gathered the bones together and conveyed them home and buried them, amidst the lamentations of the people. After that, he returned to Kabul with his army, and encountered the king, captured the cruel wretch, and carried him to Sistan, where he was put to death.

Gushtasp having become old and infirm, bequeathed his empire to Bahman, and then died. He reigned one hundred and eight years.


Bahman, the grandson of Gushtasp, having at the commencement of his sovereignty obtained the approbation of his people, by the clemency of his conduct and the apparent generosity of his disposition, was not long in meditating vindictive measures against the family of Rustem. "Did not Kai-khosrau," said he to his warriors, "revenge himself on Afrasiyab for the murder of Saiawush; and have not all my glorious ancestors pursued a similar course? Why, then, should not I be revenged on the father of Rustem for the death of Isfendiyar?" The warriors, as usual, approved of the king's resolution, and in consequence one hundred thousand veteran troops were a.s.sembled for the immediate invasion of Sistan. When Bahman had arrived on the borders of the river Behermund, he sent a message to Zal, frankly declaring his purpose, and that he must sacrifice the lives of himself and all his family as an atonement for Rustem's guilt in shedding the blood of Isfendiyar.

Zal heard his menace with astonishment, Mingled with anguish, and he thus replied: "Rustem was not in fault; and thou canst tell, For thou wert present, how he wept, and prayed That he might not be bound. How frequently He offered all his wealth, his gold, and gems, To be excused that ignominious thrall; And would have followed thy impatient father To wait upon Gushtasp; but this was scorned; Nothing but bonds would satisfy his pride; All this thou know'st. Then did not I and Rustem Strictly fulfil Isfendiyar's commands, And most a.s.siduously endow thy mind With all the skill and virtues of a hero, That might deserve some kindness in return?

Now take my house, my treasure, my possessions, Take all; but spare my family and me."

The messenger went back, and told the tale Of Zal's deep grief with such persuasive grace, And piteous accent, that the heart of Bahman Softened at every word, and the old man Was not to suffer. After that was known, With gorgeous presents Zal went forth to meet The monarch in his progress to the city; And having prostrated himself in low Humility, retired among the train Attendant on the king. "Thou must not walk,"

Bahman exclaimed, well skilled in all the arts Of smooth hypocrisy--"thou art too weak; Remount thy horse, for thou requirest help."

But Zal declined the honour, and preferred Doing that homage as ill.u.s.trious Sam, His conquering ancestor, had always done, Barefoot, in presence of the royal race.

Fast moving onwards, Bahman soon approached Sistan, and entered Zal's superb abode; Not as a friend, or a forgiving foe, But with a spirit unappeased, unsoothed; True, he had spared the old man's life, but there His mercy stopped; all else was confiscate, For every room was plundered, all the treasure Seized and devoted to the tyrant's use.

After remorselessly obtaining this booty, Bahman inquired what had become of Feramurz, and Zal pretended that, unaware of the king's approach, he had gone a-hunting. But this excuse was easily seen through, and the king was so indignant on the occasion, that he put Zal himself in fetters. Feramurz had, in fact, secretly retired with the Zabul army to a convenient distance, for the purpose of acting as necessity might require, and when he heard that Zal was placed in confinement, he immediately marched against the invader and oppressor of his country. Both armies met, and closed, and were in desperate conflict three long days and nights. On the fourth day, a tremendous hurricane arose, which blew thick clouds of dust in the face of the Zabul army, and blinding them, impeded their progress, whilst the enemy were driven furiously forward by the strong wind at their backs. The consequence was the defeat of the Zabul troops. Feramurz, with a few companions, however, kept his ground, though a.s.sailed by showers of arrows. He tried repeatedly to get face to face with Bahman, but every effort was fruitless, and he felt convinced that his career was now nearly at an end. He bravely defended himself, and aimed his arrows with great precision; but what is the use of art when Fortune is unfavorable?

When Fate's dark clouds portentous lower, And quench the light of day, No effort, none, of human power, Can chase the gloom away.

Arrows may fly a countless shower, Amidst the desperate fray; But not to sword or arrow death is given, Unless decreed by favouring Heaven

And it was so decreed that the exertions of Feramurz should be unsuccessful. His horse fell, he was wounded severely, and whilst insensible, the enemy secured and conveyed him in fetters to Bahman, who immediately ordered him to be hanged. The king then directed all the people of Sistan to be put to the sword; upon which Bashutan said: "Alas! why should the innocent and unoffending people be thus made to perish? Hast thou no fear of G.o.d? Thou hast taken vengeance for thy father, by slaying Feramurz, the son of Rustem. Is not that enough? Be merciful and beneficent now to the people, and thank Heaven for the great victory thou hast gained." Bahman was thus withdrawn from his wicked purpose, and was also induced to liberate Zal, whose age and infirmities had rendered him perfectly harmless. He not only did this, but restored to him the possession of Sistan; and divesting himself of all further revenge, returned to Persia. There he continued to exercise the functions of royalty, till one day he happened to be bitten by a snake, whose venom was so excruciating, that remedies were of no avail, and he died of the wound, in the eighth year of his reign. Although he had a son named Sa.s.san, he did not appoint him his successor; but gave the crown and the throne to his wife, Humai, whom he had married a short time before his death, saying: "If Humai should have a son, that son shall be my successor; but if a daughter, Humai continue to reign."


Wisdom and generosity were said to have marked the government of Humai.

In justice and beneficence she was unequalled. No misfortune happened in her days: even the poor and the needy became rich. She gave birth to a son, whom she entrusted to a nurse to be brought up secretly, and declared publicly that it had died the same day it was born. At this event the people rejoiced, for they were happy under the administration of Humai. Upon the boy attaining his seventh month, however, the queen sent for him, and wrapping him up in rich garments, put him in a box, and when she had fastened down the cover, gave it to two confidential servants, in the middle of the night, to be flung into the Euphrates.

"For," thought she, "if he be found in the city, there will be an end to my authority, and the crown will be placed upon his head; wiser, therefore, will it be for me to cast him into the river; and if it please G.o.d to preserve him, he may be nurtured, and brought up in another country." Accordingly in the darkness of night, the box was thrown into the Euphrates, and it floated rapidly down the stream for some time without being observed.

Amidst the waters, in that little ark Was launched the future monarch. But, vain mortal!

How bootless are thy most ingenious schemes, Thy wisest projects! Such were thine, Humai!

Presumptuous as thou wert to think success Would crown that deed unnatural and unjust.

But human pa.s.sions, human expectations Are happily controlled by righteous Heaven.

In the morning the ark was noticed by a washerman; who, curious to know what it contained, drew it to the sh.o.r.e, and opened the lid. Within the box he then saw splendid silk-embroidered scarfs and costly raiment, and upon them a lovely infant asleep. He immediately took up the child, and carried it to his wife, saying: "It was but yesterday that our own infant died, and now the Almighty has sent thee another in its place."

The woman looked at the child with affection, and taking it in her arms fed it with her own milk. In the box they also found jewels and rubies, and they congratulated themselves upon being at length blessed by Providence with wealth, and a boy at the same time. They called him Darab, and the child soon began to speak in the language of his foster-parents. The washerman and his wife, for fear that the boy and the wealth might be discovered, thought it safest to quit their home, and sojourn in another country. When Darab grew up, he was more skilful and accomplished, and more expert at wrestling than other boys of a greater age. But whenever the washerman told him to a.s.sist in was.h.i.+ng clothes, he always ran away, and would not stoop to the drudgery. This untoward behavior grieved the washerman exceedingly, and he lamented that G.o.d had given him so useless a son, not knowing that he was destined to be the sovereign of all the world.

How little thought he, whilst the task he prest, A purer spirit warmed the stripling's breast, Whose opening soul, by kingly pride inspired, Disdained the toil a menial slave required; The royal branch on high its foliage flung, And showed the lofty stem from which it sprung.

Darab was now sent to school, and he soon excelled his master, who continually said to the washerman: "Thy son is of wonderful capacity, acute and intelligent beyond his years, of an enlarged understanding, and will be at least the minister of a king." Darab requested to have another master, and also a fine horse of Irak, that he might acquire the science and accomplishments of a warrior; but the washerman replied that he was too poor to comply with his wishes, which threw the youth into despair, so that he did not touch a morsel of food for two days together. His foster-mother, deeply affected by his disappointment, and naturally anxious to gratify his desires, gave an article of value to the washerman, that he might sell it, and with the money purchase the horse required. The horse obtained, he was daily instructed in the art of using the bow, the javelin, and the sword, and in every exercise becoming a young gentleman and a warrior. So devouringly did he persevere in his studies, and in his exertions to excel, that he never remained a moment unoccupied at home or abroad. The development of his talents and genius suggested to him an inquiry who he was, and how he came into the house of a washerman; and his foster-mother, in compliance with his entreaties, described to him the manner in which he was found.

He had long been miserable at the thoughts of being the son of a washerman, but now he rejoiced, and looked upon himself as the son of some person of consideration. He asked her if she had anything that was taken out of the box, and she replied: "Two valuable rubies remain." The youth requested them to be brought to him; one he bound round his arm, and the other he sold to pay the expenses of travelling and change of place.

At that time, it is said, the king of Rum had sent an army into the country of Iran. Upon receiving this information, Humai told her general, named Rishnawad, to collect a force corresponding with the emergency; and he issued a proclamation, inviting all young men desirous of military glory to flock to his standard. Darab heard this proclamation with delight, and among others hastened to Rishnawad, who presented the young warriors as they arrived successively to Humai. The queen steadfastly marked the majestic form and features of Darab, and said in her heart: "The youth who bears this dignified and royal aspect, appears to be a Kaianian by birth;" and as she spoke, the instinctive feeling of a mother seemed to agitate her bosom.

The queen beheld his form and face, The scion of a princely race; And natural instinct seemed to move Her heart, which spoke a mother's love; She gazed, but like the lightning's ray, That sudden thrill soon pa.s.sed away.

The army was now in motion. After the first march, a tremendous wind and heavy rain came on, and all the soldiers were under tents, excepting Darab, who had none, and was obliged to take shelter from the inclemency of the weather beneath an archway, where he laid himself down, and fell asleep. Suddenly a supernatural voice was heard, saying:--

"Arch! stand firm, and from thy wall Let no ruined fragment fall!

He who sleeps beneath is one Destined to a royal throne.

Arch! a monarch claims thy care, The king of Persia slumbers there!"

The voice was heard by every one near, and Rishnawad having also heard it, inquired of his people from whence it came. As he spoke, the voice repeated its caution:--

"Arch! stand firm, and from thy wall Let no ruined fragment fall!

Bahman's son is in thy keeping; He beneath thy roof is sleeping.

Though the winds are loudly roaring, And the rain in torrents pouring, Arch! stand firm, and from thy wall Let no loosened fragment fall."

Again Rishnawad sent other persons to ascertain from whence the voice proceeded; and they returned, saying, that it was not of the earth, but from Heaven. Again the caution sounded in his ears:--

"Arch! stand firm, and from thy wall Let no loosened fragment fall."

And his amazement increased. He now sent a person under the archway to see if any one was there, when the youth was discovered in deep sleep upon the ground, and the arch above him rent and broken in many parts.

Rishnawad being apprised of this circ.u.mstance, desired that he might be awakened and brought to him. The moment he was removed, the whole of the arch fell down with a dreadful crash, and this wonderful escape was also communicated to the leader of the army, who by a strict and particular enquiry soon became acquainted with all the occurrences of the stranger's life. Rishnawad also summoned before him the washerman and his wife, and they corroborated the story he had been told. Indeed he himself recognized the ruby on Darab's arm, which convinced him that he was the son of Bahman, whom Humai caused to be thrown into the Euphrates. Thus satisfied of his ident.i.ty, he treated him with great honor, placed him on his right hand, and appointed him to a high command in the army. Soon afterwards an engagement took place with the Rumis, and Darab in the advanced guard performed prodigies of valor. The battle lasted all day, and in the evening Rishnawad bestowed upon him the praise which he merited. Next day the army was again prepared for battle, when Darab proposed that the leader should remain quiet, whilst he with a chosen band of soldiers attacked the whole force of the enemy.

The proposal being agreed to, he advanced with fearless impetuosity to the contest.

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