Edmond Dantes Part 34
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Leaning on the arm of Louis Blanc, the youngest member of the Government, the venerable Dupont de l'Eure, the eldest, accompanied by the other members, now appeared on the balcony of the room formerly called the Chamber of the Throne, but now the Chamber of the Republic!
Lamartine then advanced a step before his colleagues, and in a brief and eloquent address proclaimed to that immense throng the existence of the Republic.
The announcement was received with, acclamations of joy, and shouts of "Vive le Gouvernement!"--"Vive Lamartine!"--"Vive Louis Blanc!" mingled with those of "Vive la Republique!" loudly rose.
From the Hotel de Ville, the Provisional Government proceeded in a body, despite the rain which fell in torrents, accompanied by the people, to the Place de la Bastille, there officially to inaugurate the Republic, agreeably to announcement.
At the appointed hour, the Place de la Bastille was thronged. The National Guard, consisting of two battalions from each of the twelve legions of Paris, together with the Thirteenth Legion of cavalry and two battalions of the Banlieu, were drawn up from the Church of the Madeleine to the Column of July. And, there, at the base of that column erected in commemoration of the Revolution which had made Louis Philippe King of the French, his downfall was commemorated, and on the ruins of the throne then established was now inaugurated a Republic!
During the ceremony of the inauguration, the "Ma.r.s.eillaise" was sung by the National Guard and the people, and, at its conclusion, about the hour of three, the troops filed off before the Column of July to the thrilling strains of the "Ma.r.s.eillaise" and the "Mourir Pour la Patrie"
of the Girondins. The members of the Provisional Government, preceded by a detachment of the National Guard and accompanied by the pupils of the Polytechnic School and the Military School of St. Cyr, then descended the boulevards, followed by the whole of the military and civic array, who chanted the national songs. The effect was stupendous. Hour after hour the immense procession moved on like a huge serpent through the streets of Paris; and, at length, when its head was at the Hotel de Ville, its extremity had hardly left the Column of July.
It was night, on Sunday, the 27th of February, when the members of the Provisional Government, for the first time during four days, returned to their homes. But their work was accomplished. A Republic was gained, proclaimed and inaugurated!
It was a tempestuous night. The wind howled dismally through the streets of Paris, and the rain and sleet dashed fiercely against the cas.e.m.e.nts.
At intervals a wild shout might be caught as the blast paused in its furious career, and then a distant shot might be heard. But they pa.s.sed away, and nothing save the wail of the storm-wind or the rus.h.i.+ng sleet of the winter tempest was distinguished.
But, while all was thus wild, dark and tempestuous without, light, warmth, comfort and elegance, rendered yet more delightful by the elemental war, reigned triumphant within a large and splendidly furnished apartment in the n.o.ble mansion of M. Dantes, the Deputy from Ma.r.s.eilles, in the Rue du Helder. Every embellishment which art could invent, luxury court, wealth invoke, or even imagination conceive, seemed there lavished with a most prodigal hand. The soft atmosphere of summer, perfumed by the exotics of a neighboring conservatory, delighted the senses, the mild effulgence of gaslight transmitted through opaque globes of gla.s.s melted upon the sight, while sofas, divans and ottomans in luxurious profusion invited repose. To describe the rare paintings, the rich gems of statuary and the other miracles of art which were there to be seen would be as impossible as it would be to portray the exquisite taste which enhanced the value of each and const.i.tuted more than half its charm.
Upon one of the elegant sofas reclined Edmond Dantes, his tall and graceful figure draped in a dressing robe, while beside him on a low ottoman sat his beautiful wife, her arm resting on his knee, and her dark, glorious eyes gazing with confiding fondness into his face.
Mercedes was no longer the young, light-hearted and thoughtless being who graced the village of the Catalans. Many years had flown since then and many sorrows pa.s.sed over her. Each of these years and each of these sorrows, like retiring waves of the sea, upon the smooth and sandy beach, had left behind its trace. No, Mercedes was not now the young, light-hearted and thoughtless girl she once was; but she was a being far more perfect, far more winning, far more to be loved--she was a matured, impa.s.sioned, accomplished, and still, despite the flight of years, most lovely woman. She was one who could feel pa.s.sion as well as inspire it, and having once felt or inspired it, that pa.s.sion, it was plain, could never pa.s.s lightly away. Her face could not now boast, perhaps, that full and perfect oval which it formerly had, but the lines of care and of reflection, which here and there almost imperceptibly appeared, rendered it all the more charming. In the bold yet beautiful contour of those features, in the full red lips, in the high pale forehead and, above all, in those dark and haunting eyes lay a depth of feeling and profundity and n.o.bleness of thought, which to a reflective mind have a charm infinitely more irresistible than that which belongs to mere youthful perfection. There was a bland beauty in the smile which slept upon her lips, a delicacy of sentiment in the faint flush that tinged her soft cheek, and a deep meaning in her dark and eloquent eye which told a whole history of experience even to a stranger; while the full and rounded outline of the figure, garbed in a loose robe of crimson, which contrasted beautifully with her luxuriant dark tresses, had that voluptuous development and grace which only maturity and maternity can impart to the female form. In short, never had Mercedes, in the days of her primal bloom, presented a person so fascinating as now. She was a woman to sigh for, perchance to die for, and one whom a man would willingly wish to live for, if he might but hope she would live for him, or, peradventure, he might even be willing not only to risk, but ultimately to resign his life, would that fair being not only live for him, but love him with that entire and pa.s.sionate devotedness which beamed from her dark eyes up into his who now gazed upon her as she sat at his feet. As for him, as for Edmond Dantes, his figure had now the same elegance, his hand the same delicate whiteness, his features the same spiritual beauty, his brow the same marble pallor, and his eye which beamed beneath its calm expanse the same deep brilliancy which, years before, had distinguished him from all other men and made the Count of Monte-Cristo the idol of every salon in Paris and the hero of every maiden's dream. Yet that face was not without its changes. Tears, care, thought and sorrow had done their work; in the deep lines upon his brow and cheek, in the silvery threads which thickly sprinkled his night-black hair, and, more than all, in the mild light of those eyes which once glowed only with vindictive hate or gratified revenge and in the softened expression of those lips which once, in their stern beauty, had but curled with scorn or quivered with rage could be read that the lapse of time, though it might, indeed, have made him a sadder man, had made him also a better one.
The husband and wife were alone. They still loved as warmly as ever, and, if possible, more fondly than when first they were made one.
Dantes stretched himself out on the sofa, and Mercedes, dropping lower upon the low ottoman at his side, pa.s.sed her full and beautiful arm around his waist and pressed her lips to his forehead. He returned the embrace with warmth, and placing his own arm about her form, drew it closely to his bosom. Thus they remained, clasped in each other's arms, and thus they fixed on each other eyes beaming with love, pa.s.sion, bliss, happiness unutterable.
"My own Edmond!" murmured Mercedes. "At length you are again with me--all my own!"
"Am I not always your own, dearest?" was the fond reply.
"But during the week past, I might almost say during the month past, you have been compelled to be so often absent from me."
"Ah! love, you know I was not willingly absent!" was the quick answer.
"No--no--no--but it was hardly the more endurable for that," said the lady, with a smile. "Oh! the anxiety of the last three days and nights!
Dearest, I do believe I have not slept three hours during the whole of those three days and nights!"
"And I, dear, have slept not one!" was the laughing rejoinder.
"But all is over now, is it not?"
"In one sense all is over, and in another all now begins. The monarchy is ended in France, I believe, forever. The Republic has begun, and, I trust, will prove lasting."
"And all the grand objects for which you have been striving with your n.o.ble colleagues for years and years are at length accomplished, are they not?"
"That is a question, love, not easily answered. That the cause of man and France has wonderfully triumphed during the past three days is, no doubt, most true. But this victory, love, I foresaw. Indeed, it was but the inevitable result of an irresistible cause. It was neither chance, love, nor a spontaneous burst of patriotism that, on the first day, filled the boulevards with fifty thousand blouses, which on the second won over to the people eighty thousand National Guards, and on the third choked the streets of Paris with barricades constructed by engineers and defended by men completely armed. The events of the last three days, Mercedes, have been maturing in the womb of Providence for the past ten years. It is their birth only which has now taken place, and to some the parturition seems a little premature, I suppose. This banquet caused the fright that hastened the event," added Dantes, laughing.
"You are very scientific in your comparisons," replied Mercedes, slightly blus.h.i.+ng, "and I suppose I must admit, very apt. But tell me, love, is all over? That is, must you be away from me any more at night, and wander about, Heaven only knows where, in this dark and dangerous city, or Heaven only knows with whom or for what?"
Dantes kissed his fair wife, and, after a pause, during which he gazed fondly into her eyes, replied:
"I hope, I trust, I believe, dear, that all is over--at least all that will take me from you, as during the past week. France has or will have a Republic. That is as certain as fate can make it. But first she will have to pa.s.s through strife and tribulation--perhaps bloodshed. The end surely, love, is not yet. But France is now comparatively free. The dreadful problem is now nearer solution than it ever was. Labor will hereafter be granted to all, together with the adequate reward of labor.
Dest.i.tution will not be deemed guilt. The death-penalty is abolished.
The rich will not with impunity grind the poor into powder beneath their heels. Asylums for the suffering, the distressed, the abandoned of both s.e.xes will be sustained. The efforts which, as individuals, we have some of us made for years to ameliorate the condition of mankind, to a.s.suage human woes and augment human joys, will henceforth be encouraged and directly aided by the State. This Revolution, love, is a social Revolution, and during the sixty-four hours the Provisional Government was in session, in the Hotel de Ville, I became thoroughly convinced that the thousands and tens of thousands who, with sleepless vigilance, watched their proceedings, had learned the deep lesson too well to be further deceived, and that the fruits of the Revolution they had won would not again be s.n.a.t.c.hed from their lips."
"And the result of this triumph of the people you believe has advanced the cause of human happiness?" asked Mercedes.
"Most unquestionably, dear, and most incalculably, too, perhaps."
"All your friends are not as disinterested as you have been, Edmond,"
said Mercedes.
"And why think you that, dear?"
"For six full years I know you have devoted all your powers of mind and body and all your immense wealth to one single object."
"And that object?"
"Has been the happiness of your race."
"Well, dear?"
"And now, when a triumph has been achieved--now, when others, who have been but mere instruments--blind instruments, many of them, in your hands to accomplish they knew not what--come forward and a.s.sume place and power--you, Edmond, the n.o.ble author and first cause of all, remain quietly in seclusion, unknown, unnamed, unappreciated and uncommended, while the others reap the fruits of your toil!"
"Well, dear?" said Dantes, smiling at the warmth of his wife in his behalf.
"But it is not 'well,' Edmond. I say no one is as disinterested as you."
"Ah! love, what of ambition?"
Mercedes smiled.
"Let me tell you all, love, and then you will not, I fear, think me disinterested," said Dantes seriously. "I should blush, indeed, at praise so little deserved. You know all my early history. I suffered--I was wronged--I was revenged. But was I happy? I sought happiness. All men do so, even the most miserable. Some seek happiness in gratified ambition, some in gratified avarice, some in gratified vanity, and some in the gratification of a dominant l.u.s.t for pleasure or for power. I sought happiness in gratified revenge!"
Mercedes shuddered, and, hiding her face on the bosom of her husband, clung to it more closely as if for protection. Dantes drew her form to his as he would have drawn that of a child, and continued:
"I sought happiness in vengeance for terrible wrongs, and to win it I devoted a life and countless wealth. What was the result?
"Poor Edmond!" murmured Mercedes, clinging to him closer than ever.
Edmond Dantes Part 34
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