Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of Infantry of the Army of the United States, 1917 Part 30

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Example: Being at the ENGAGE RIGHT, 1. Number two, engage left; 2. Number one, at chest, thrust; 3. Number two, parry left; 4.


Number two initiates the movement, number one thrusts as soon as the opening is made, and number two then attempts to parry.

79. A COUNTER ATTACK or RETURN is one made instantly after or in continuation of a parry. The parry should be as narrow as possible. This makes it more difficult for the opponent to recover and counter parry. The counter attack should also be made at or just before the full extension of the opponent's attack, as when it is so made a simple extension of the arms will generally be sufficient to reach the opponent's body.

Example: Being at ENGAGE, 1. Number two, at chest, lunge; 2.

Number one, parry right and at stomach (chest, head, etc.), thrust; 3. a.s.sAULT.


80. These movements are made for the purpose of forcing or disclosing an opening into which an attack can be made. They are the PRESS, the BEAT, and the TWIST.

81. In the PRESS the attack quickly presses against the opponent's bayonet or rifle with his own and continues the pressure as the attack is delivered.

Example: Being at the ENGAGE, 1. Number one, press, and at chest, thrust; 2. Number two, parry right; 3. a.s.sAULT.

82. The attack by DISENGAGEMENT is particularly effective following the PRESS.

Example: Being at the ENGAGE, 1. Number one, press, and at stomach, thrust; 2. Number two, low parry left; 3. a.s.sAULT.

83. The BEAT is an attack in which a sharp blow is struck against the opponent's rifle for the purpose of forcing him to expose an opening into which an attack immediately follows. It is used when there is but slight opposition or no contact of rifles.

Example: Being at the ENGAGE, 1. Number one, beat, and at stomach (chest, etc.), thrust; 2. Number two, parry left; 3. a.s.sAULT.

84. In the twist the rifle is crossed over the opponent's rifle or bayonet and his bayonet forced downward with a circular motion and a straight attack made into the opening. It requires superior strength on the part of the attack.

Example: Being at the ENGAGE, 1. Number one, twist, and at stomach, thrust; 2. Number two, low parry left; 3. a.s.sAULT.


85. Feints are movements which threaten or simulate attacks and are made with a view to inducing an opening or parry that exposes the desired point of attack. They are either single or double, according to the number of such movements made by the attack.

86. In order that the attack may be changed quickly, as little force as possible is put into a feint.

Example: Being at the ENGAGE, 1. Number one, feint head thrust; at stomach, lunge; 2. Number two, parry right and low parry right; 3. a.s.sAULT.

Number one executes the feint and then the attack. Number two executes both parries.

87. In double feints first one part of the body and then another is threatened and a third attacked.

Example: Being at the ENGAGE, 1. Number one, feint straight thrust at chest; disengagement at chest; at stomach, lunge; 2. Number two, parry right, parry left, and low parry left; 3. a.s.sAULT.

88. An opening may be offered or procured by opposition, as in the PRESS or BEAT.

89. In fencing exercises every FEINT should at first be parried.

When the defense is able to judge or divine the character of the attack the feint is not necessarily parried, but may be nullified by a counter feint.

90. A COUNTER FEINT is a feint following the opponent's feint or following a PARRY of his attack and generally occurs in combined movements.


91. When the men have become thoroughly familiar with the various foot movements, parries, guards, attacks, feints, etc., the instructor combines several of them and gives the commands in quick succession, increasing the rapidity and number of movements as the men become more skillful. Opponents will be changed frequently.

1. Example: Being at the ENGAGE. 1. Number one, by disengagement at chest, thrust; 2. Number two, parry left, right step (left foot first), and lunge; 3. a.s.sAULT.

2. Example: Being at ENGAGE LEFT, 1. Number one, press and lunge; 2. Number two, parry right, left step, and thrust; 3. a.s.sAULT.

3. Example: Being at the ENGAGE, 1. Number one, by disengagement at chest, thrust; 2. Number two, parry left, front pa.s.s, and at head b.u.t.t strike; 3. Number one, right step; 4. a.s.sAULT.

92. Examples 1 and 2 are typical of movements known as CROSS COUNTERS, and example No. 3 of movements known as CLOSE COUNTERS.

93. A CHANCERY is an attack by means of which the opponent is disarmed, which causes him to lose control of his rifle, or which disables his weapon.

94. When the different combinations are executed with sufficient skill the instructor will devise series of movements to be memorized and executed at the command a.s.sAULT. The accuracy and celerity of the movements will be carefully watched by the instructor, with a view to the correction of faulty execution.

95. It is not intended to restrict the number of movements, but to leave to the discretion of company commanders and the ingenuity of instructors the selection of such other exercises as accord with the object of the drill.


96. As satisfactory progress is made the instructor will proceed to the exercises at will, by which is meant a.s.saults between two men, each endeavoring to hit the other and to avoid being hit himself. Fencing at will should not be allowed to degenerate into random attacks and defenses.

97. The instructor can supervise but one pair of combatants at a time. Frequent changes should be made so that the men may earn different methods of attack and defense from each other.

98. The contest should begin with simple, careful movements, with a view to forming a correct opinion of the adversary; afterwards everything will depend on coolness, rapid and correct execution of the movements, and quick perception of the adversary's intentions.

99. Continual retreat from the adversary's attack and frequent dodging to escape attacks should be avoided. The offensive should he continually encouraged.

100. In fencing at will, when no commands are given, opponents facing each other at the position of order arms, salute. They then immediately and simultaneously a.s.sume the position of guard rifles engaged. Neither man may take the position of guard before his opponent has completed his salute. The choice of position is decided before the salute.

101. The opponents being about two paces apart and the fencing salute having been rendered, the instructor commands 1. _At_ _will_, 2. a.s.sAULT, after which either party has the right to attack. To interrupt the contest the instructor will command HALT, at which the combatants will immediately come to the order.

To terminate the contest, the instructor will command, 1.

_Halt_, 2 SALUTE, at which the combatants will immediately come to the order, salute, and remove their masks.

102. When men have acquired confidence in fencing at will, one opponent should be required to advance upon the other in quick time at CHARGE BAYONET, from a distance not to exceed 10 yards, and deliver an attack. As soon as a hit is made by either opponent the instructor commands, HALT, and the a.s.sault terminates. Opponents alternate in a.s.saulting. The a.s.sailant is likewise required to advance at double time from a distance not exceeding 20 yards and at a run from a distance not exceeding 30 yards.

103. The instructor will closely observe the contest and decide doubtful points. He will at once stop the contest upon the slightest indication of temper. After conclusion of the combat he will comment on the action of both parties, point out errors and deficiencies and explain how they may be avoided in the future.

104. As additional instruction, the men may be permitted to wield the rifle left handed, that is on the left side of the body, left hand at the small of the stock. Many men will be able to use this method to advantage. It is also of value in case the left band is wounded.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Par. 104.]

105. After men have fenced in pairs, practice should be given in fencing between groups, equally and unequally divided. When practicable, intrenchments will be used in fencing of this character.

In group fencing it will be necessary to have a sufficient number of umpires to decide hits. An individual receiving a hit is withdrawn at once from the bout, which is decided in favor of the group having the numerical superiority at the end. The fencing salute is not required in group fencing.

Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of Infantry of the Army of the United States, 1917 Part 30

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Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of Infantry of the Army of the United States, 1917 Part 30 summary

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