Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of Infantry of the Army of the United States, 1917 Part 50

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346. The morning and evening gun will be fired by a detachment of the guard, consisting, when practicable, of a corporal and two privates. The morning gun is fired at the first note of reveille, or, if marches be played before the reveille, it is fired at the beginning of the first march. The retreat gun is fired at the last note of retreat.

The corporal marches the detachment to and from the piece, which is fired, sponged out, find secured under his direction.


347. Guard mounting will be formal or informal as the commanding officer may direct. It will be held as prescribed in the drill regulations of the arm of the service to which the guard belongs.

If none is prescribed, then as for infantry. In case the guard is composed wholly of mounted organizations, guard mounting may be held mounted.

348. When infantry and mounted troops dismounted are united for guard mounting, all details form as prescribed for infantry.


349. Formal guard mounting will ordinarily be held only in posts or camps where a band is present.

350. At the a.s.sembly, the men designated for the guard fall in on their company parade grounds as prescribed in paragraph 106, I. D. R. The first sergeant then verifies the detail, inspects it, replaces any man unfit to go on guard, turns the detail over to the senior noncommissioned officer, and retires. The band takes its place on the parade ground so that the left of its front rank shall be 12 paces to the right of the front rank of the guard when the latter is formed.

351. At adjutant's call, the adjutant, dismounted and the sergeant major on his left, marches to the parade ground. The adjutant halts and takes post so as to be 12 paces in front of and facing the center of the guard when formed; the sergeant major continues on, moves by the left flank and takes post facing to the left, 12 paces to the left of the front rank of the hand; the band plays in quick or double time; the details are marched to the parade ground by the senior noncommissioned officers; the detail that arrives first is marched to the line so that, upon halting, the breast of the front rank men shall be near to and opposite the left arm of the sergeant major; the commander of the detail halts his detail, places himself in front of and facing the sergeant major, at a distance equal to or a little greater than the front of his detail, and commands: 1. _Right_, 2. DRESS. The detail dresses up to the line of the sergeant major and its commander, the right front rank man placing his breast against the left arm of the sergeant major; the noncommissioned officers take post two paces in rear of the rear rank of the detail. The detail aligned, the commander of the detail commands: FRONT, salutes, and then reports; "The detail is correct," or "(So many) sergeants, corporals, or privates are absent"; the sergeant major returns the salute with the right hand after the report is made. The commander then by the right of the guard and takes post in the line of noncommissioned officers in rear of the right file of his detail.

Should there be more than one detail, it is formed in like manner on the left of the one preceding. The privates, noncommissioned officers, and commander of each detail dress on those of the preceding details in the same rank or line. Each detail commander closes the rear rank to the right and fills blank files as far as practicable with the men from his front rank.

Should the guard from a company not include a noncommissioned officer, one will be detailed to perform the duties of commander of the detail. In this case the commander of the detail, after reporting to the sergeant major, around the right flank between the guard and the band and retires.

352. When the last detail has formed, the sergeant major takes a side step to the right, draws sword, verifies the detail, takes post two paces to the right and two paces to the front of the guard, facing to the left, causes the guard to count off, completes the left squad, if necessary, as in the School of the Company, and if there be more than three squads, divides the guard into two platoons, again takes post as described above and commands: 1. _Open_ranks_, 2. MARCH.

At the command march, the rear rank and file closers march backward four steps, halt, and dress to the right. The sergeant major aligns the ranks and file closers and again taking post as described above, commands: FRONT, moves parallel to the front rank until opposite the center, turns to the right, halts midway to the adjutant, salutes and reports: "Sir, the details are correct,"

or "Sir, (so many) sergeants, corporals, or privates are absent"; the adjutant returns the salute, directs the sergeant major: Take your post, and then draws saber; the sergeant major faces about, approaches to within two paces of the center of the front rank, turns to the right, moves three paces beyond the left of the front rank, turns to the left, halts on the line of the front rank, faces about, and brings his sword to the order. When the sergeant major has reported the officer of the guard takes post, facing to the front three paces in front of the center of the guard, and draws saber.

The adjutant then commands: 1. _Officer_(or_officer)_and_ _noncommissioned_officers_, 2. _Front_and_center_, 3. MARCH.

At the command center, the officers carry saber. At the command MARCH, the officer advances and halts three paces from the adjutant, remaining at the carry; the noncommissioned officers pa.s.s by the flanks, along the front, and form in order of rank from right to left, three paces in rear of the officer, remaining at the right shoulder; if there is no officer of the guard the noncommissioned officers halt on a line three paces from the adjutant; the adjutant then a.s.signs the officers and noncommissioned officers according to rank, as follows: Commander of the guard, leader of first platoon, leader of second platoon, right guide of first platoon, left guide of second platoon, left guide of first platoon, right guide of second platoon, and file closers, or, if the guard is not divided into platoons: Commander of the guard, right guide, left guide, and file closers.

The adjutant then commands: 1. _Officer_(or_officers)_and_ _noncommissioned_officers_, 2. POSTS, 3. MARCH.

At the command posts, all, except the officer commanding the guard, face about. At the command MARCH, they take the posts presented in the school of the company with open ranks. The adjutant directs: Inspect your guard, sir; at which the officer commanding the guard faces about, commands: Prepare for inspection, returns saber and inspects the guard.

During the inspection the band plays; the adjutant returns saber, observes the general condition of the guard, and falls out any man who is unfit for guard duty or does not present a creditable appearance. Subst.i.tutes will report to the commander of the guard at the guardhouse.

353. The adjutant, when so directed, selects orderlies and color sentinels, as prescribed in paragraphs 140 and 141, and notifies the commander of the guard of his selection.

354. If there be a junior officer of the guard he takes post at the same time as the senior, facing to the front, three paces in front of the center of the first platoon; in going to the front and center he follows and takes position on the left of the senior and is a.s.signed as lender of the first platoon; he may be directed by the commander of the guard to a.s.sist in inspecting the guard.

If there be no officer of the guard, the adjutant inspects the guard. A noncommissioned officer commanding the guard takes post on the right of the right guide when the guard is in line, and takes the post of the officer of the guard when in column or pa.s.sing in review.

355. The inspection ended, the adjutant faces himself about thirty paces in front of and facing the center of the guard and draws saber; the new officer of the day takes post in front of and facing the guard, about thirty paces from the adjutant; the old officer of the day takes post three paces to the right of and one pace to the rear of the new officer of the day; the officer of the guard takes post three paces in front of its center, draws saber with the adjutant, and comes to the order; thereafter he takes the same relative position as a captain of a company.

The adjutant then commands: 1. _Parade_, 2. REST, 3. SOUND OFF, and comes to the order and parade rest.

The band, playing, in front of the officer of the guard to the left of the line and back to its post on the right, when it ceases playing.

The adjutant then comes to attention, carries saber and commands: 1. _Guard_, 2. ATTENTION, 3. _Close_ranks_, 4. MARCH.

The ranks are opened and closed as in paragraph 745, I. D. R.

The adjutant then commands: 1. _Present_, 2. ARMS, faces toward the new officer of the day, salutes, and then reports: Sir, the guard is formed. The new officer of the day, after the adjutant has reported, returns the salute with the hand and directs the adjutant: March the guard in review, sir.

The adjutant caries saber, faces about, brings the guard to an order, and commands: 1. _At_trail,_platoons_(or_guard)_right_, 2. MARCH, 3. _Guard_, 4. HALT.

The platoons execute the movement; the band turns to the right and places itself 12 paces in front of the first platoon.

The adjutant places himself six paces from the flank and abreast of the commander of the guard; the sergeant major six paces from the left flank of the second platoon.

The adjutant then commands: 1. _Pa.s.s_in_review_, 2. FORWARD, 3. MARCH.

The guard marches in quick time past the officer of the day, according to the principles of review, and is brought to eyes right at the proper time by the commander of the guard; the adjutant, commander of the guard, leaders of platoons, sergeant major, and drum major salute.

The band, having pa.s.sed the officer of the day, turns to the left of the column, places itself opposite and facing him, and continues to play until the guard leaves the parade ground. The field music detaches itself from the band when the latter turns out of the column, and, remaining in front of the guard, commences to play when the band ceases.

Having pa.s.sed 12 paces beyond the officer of the day, the adjutant halts; the sergeant major halts abreast of the adjutant and 1 pace to his left; they then return saber, salute, and retire; the commander of the guard then commands: 1. _Platoons,_right_ _by_squads_, 2. MARCH, and marches the guard to its post.

The officers of the day face toward each other and salute; the old officer of the day turns over the orders to the new officer of the day.

While the band is sounding off, and while the guard is marching in review, the officers of the day stand at parade rest with arms folded. They take this position when the adjutant comes to parade rest, resume the attention with him, again take the parade rest at the first note of the march in review, and resume attention as the head of the column approaches.

The new officer of the day returns the salute of the commander of the guard and the adjutant, making one salute with the hand.

356. If the guard be not divided into platoons, the adjutant commands: 1. _At_trail,_guard_right_, 2. MARCH, 3. _Guard_, 4. HALT, and it in review as above; the commander of the guard is 3 paces in front of its center; the adjutant places himself 6 paces front the left flank and abreast of the commander of the guard; the sergeant covers the adjutant on a line with the front rank.


357. Informal guard mounting will be held on the parade ground of the organization from which the guard is detailed. If it is detailed from more than one organization, then at such place as the commanding officer may direct.

358. At a.s.sembly, the detail for guard falls in on the company parade ground. The first sergeant verifies the detail, inspects their dress and general appearance, and replaces any man unfit to march on guard. He then turns the detail over to the commander of the guard and retires.

359. At adjutant's call, the officer of the day takes his place 15 paces in front of the center of the guard and commands: 1.

_Officer_(or_officers)_and_noncommissioned_officers_, 2.

_Front_and_center_, 3. MARCH; whereupon the officers and noncommissioned officers take their positions, are a.s.signed and sent to their posts as prescribed in formal guard mounting. (Par.


The officer of the day will then inspect the guard with especial reference for its fitness for the duty for which it is detailed and will select, as prescribed in paragraphs 140 and 141, the necessary orderlies and color sentinels. The men found unfit for guard will be returned to quarters and will be replaced by others found to be suitable, if available in the company. If none are available in the company the fact will be reported to the adjutant immediately after guard mounting.

When the inspection shall have been completed the officer of the day resumes his position and directs the commander of the guard to march the guard to its post.


Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of Infantry of the Army of the United States, 1917 Part 50

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Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of Infantry of the Army of the United States, 1917 Part 50 summary

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