Lancashire Folk-lore Part 16
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1. If swallows, or martins, begin to build their nests about a house or barn, it is looked upon as predicating good luck to the occupier. "The _more_ birds the _better_ luck." 2. On the contrary, when they forsake a haunt, the occupiers become apprehensive of misfortune. Hence farmers will always protect such birds, and often ill-use boys who may be stoning them, or attempting to rob their nests.
There are, at least in Lancas.h.i.+re and Yorks.h.i.+re, many curious superst.i.tions connected with this bird. Its appearance _singly_ is still regarded in both these counties by many even of the educated representatives of the last generation, as an evil omen, and some of the customs supposed to break the charm are curious. One is simply to raise the hat as in salutation, another to sign the cross on the breast, and to make the same sign by crossing the thumbs. This last custom is confined to Yorks.h.i.+re, and I know one elderly gentleman who not only crosses his thumbs, but spits over them when in that position, a practice which was, he says, common in his youth. The superst.i.tion applies only to a single magpie, according to the old nursery legend:--
"One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a wedding, And four for a birth."[93]
I met a person the other day who solemnly a.s.sured me that he had seen a 'pynot' as he came along the road; but he had made the figure of a cross on the mire in the road, in order to avert the evil omen.[94]
In Lancas.h.i.+re they say:--
"One for anger, Two for mirth, Three for a wedding, Four for a birth, Five for rich, Six for poor, Seven for a witch: I can tell you no more."[95]
But in Tim Bobbin it is expressly said that two magpies are indicative of ill-fortune:--"I saigh two rott'n pynots, hong 'um, that wur a sign of bad fas.h.i.+n; for I heerd my gronny say hoo'd as leef o' seen two Owd Harries os two pynots."[96] "I shall catch none to-day," we heard a man advanced in life, exclaim in a melancholy tone, who was angling in the river Ribble. "Why?" we asked, "the day is not inauspicious." "No; but do you not see that magpie?" In fact _pynots_, that is, magpies, according to an old Lancas.h.i.+re superst.i.tion, are considered birds of ill-omen. In spring it is considered by old-fas.h.i.+oned anglers unlucky to see a single magpie; but two are a favourable auspice, because in cold weather one bird only leaves the nest in search of food, the other remaining to keep the eggs or the young ones warm; but when both are out together, the weather is warm, mild, and favourable for fis.h.i.+ng.[97]
This might well form a great division of itself, in any work on Folk-lore. Yet a little reflection will serve to show that it is only one branch, though a very large one, of the general subject of "Omens."
Dreams are regarded by the superst.i.tious simply for what they predicate as about to happen; in other words, they are important to the credulous only as _omens_ of coming events. Itinerant hawkers and small village shops drive a considerable trade in "Dream Books," or "Books of Fate,"
which profess to interpret every dream and to explain every omen, whether of good or evil import. Of the great variety and extent of "Dream-Book literature" we cannot treat, for want of s.p.a.ce. Hawkers and small shops sell a vast quant.i.ty of penny dream-books in Lancas.h.i.+re. One of the oldest specimens of these chap-books we have met with is a little 32mo. volume, ent.i.tled "_Mother s.h.i.+pton's Legacy_, or a favourite Fortune-book, in which is given a pleasing interpretation of dreams, and a collection of prophetic verses, moral and entertaining." (York, 1797, price 4_d._) Cap. I. treats of Lucky and Unlucky Days; II. of Moles on the Person; III. Miscellaneous; IV. Dreams; and V. a Magical Table. A few specimens of the dream portion may suffice:--To dream of joy denotes grief; of fine clothes, poverty; of sweetmeats, a whipping; of flying, falling down; of fire, anger; of serpents, private enemies; of money, loss; of weeping, joy; of bathing, ease from pain; of kissing, strife; of feasting, want; of many people, affliction; of singing, sorrow; of changing abode, sudden news; of fis.h.i.+ng, good luck; of death, marriage; of finding money, bad luck; of gold, death; of embracing, death; of being bald, misfortune; of a long nose, death; of growing fat, wealth; of drinking water, good entertainment; of the sun rising, preferment; of flashes of fire, sudden death; of being among tombs, riches by the death of relations; of your teeth falling out, losses; of a lean ox, famine; of a fine garden, much pleasure.
Though plain and palpable each subject seems, Yet do not put your trust too much in dreams; Events may happen, which in dreams you see, And yet as often quite contrary be: This learned hint observe, for s.h.i.+pton's sake-- Dreams are but interludes which fancies make.
Many persons persuade themselves into the belief that events are revealed to them in dreams. Those who can neither _see_ nor _hear_ spirits generally presume to have this faculty. _One_ dream is not taken much notice of, but if the dream be repeated substantially _three_ times, the events of the dreams are supposed to be sure to come to pa.s.s.
Some _see_ all the circ.u.mstances as _realities_ in their dreams, others only have dim recollections; they _hear_ all but do not _see_ the persons. This agrees with the supposed _prophetical_ dreams of the ancient Greeks and Romans. (_Homer_, _Virgil_, _Ovid_, &c.) Morning dreams are more to be relied on than those of any other time. Those of the morning twilight are most valued. Horrid dreams, or those in which the dreamer feels very uneasy, are supposed to predict bad luck, or misfortune to the family. "Dreams," they say, "always go by contraries."
There is a very general belief in dreams among the people of Lancas.h.i.+re.
The following are a few not hitherto noticed by the writer:--1. Dreaming of _misfortune_ betokens _prosperity_.
"Content and happy may they be Who dream of cold adversity; To married man and married wife It promises a happy life."
2. To dream of sickness betokens _marriage_ to young persons. 3.
Dreaming of being before an altar indicates sorrow and misfortune. 4. To see angels is a sure sign of coming happiness. 5. When you dream of being angry with any one, you may count that person amongst your best friends. 6. To dream of catching fish is very unfortunate; every fish you take betokens the death of some valued friend. 7. Dreaming about b.a.l.l.s, dances, &c., indicates coming good fortune. To the young we may say:--
"Who dreams of being at a ball, No cause have they for fear; For soon they will united be To those they hold most dear."
8. When persons dream of losing their hair, it is a sign of loss of health, friends, or property. 9. If a person dream of losing _one_, or _more_, of his teeth, it is a sign that he will lose _one_, or _more_, lawsuits which he may happen to be engaged in. I knew a person who had a case in our county court. The case was to come on on the Thursday; but on Wednesday night he dreamt he had lost a tooth. On the case being decided against him, he appealed to his dream as a sure indication of his non-success. 10. Dreaming of bees is counted lucky, because they are industrious.
"Happy the man who dreaming sees The little humble busy bees Fly humming round their hive."
If the bees sting you, it is a sign of bad luck, crosses and difficulties. 11. Dreaming of marriage, brides, &c., is a sign of death, or long sickness. 12. To dream of a candle burning _brightly_ betokens health, prosperity; and _vice versa_. 13. Dreaming of cats betokens treachery; but if you kill the cat you will have revenge. 14. To dream of seeing a _coffin_ is unlucky; but to dream of seeing a _corpse_ betokens a speedy marriage. 15. Dreaming of _death_ betokens long life and happiness. 16. To dream that you are _dirty_ implies sickness for a longer or shorter period. 17. If you dream of being _drowned_ you will experience some loss. 18. To dream of _falling_ indicates loss. 19. To dream of _flying_ implies that you will not succeed in accomplis.h.i.+ng high things. 20. If you dream of the water in a river being very _clear_ you will have good luck; if the water be _muddy_ you will have misfortune. 21. When a widow dreams of seeing her husband, it is a sure sign that she will soon have an eligible offer. 22. If you dream that you are daubed with ink, you may be sure that some one is _writing_ evil of you. 23. Dreaming of going on a journey indicates a change in your circ.u.mstances. 24. To dream of flying kites, or playing with bunches of keys, betokens prosperity and advancement in business. 25. To dream of cutting yourself, or of being infested with lice, indicates misfortune or disease. 26. It is very fortunate to dream of milk. 27. To dream of being naked indicates shame and misfortune. 28. To dream of the nose bleeding is a very sure sign of misfortune and loss. 29. Dreaming of seeing the ocean in a calm state betokens steadiness of circ.u.mstances; and _vice versa_. 30. To dream of rats indicates difficulties; of snow, prosperity and success; of a wedding, death; and of a widow, that your husband, wife, or lover, will desert you.
All the preceding, and many more, are well-known to every Lancas.h.i.+re lad and la.s.s.
Our farmers predict fair weather, or the reverse, according as the new moon "lies on her back," or "stands upright." It is also very unlucky for anyone to look at the new moon, for the first time, through the window.
A "quarter" of the heavens, or compa.s.s, or direction; "a lucky haever" is a fortunate or desirable direction. The origin of this word is somewhat difficult of explanation; nor is it certain whether its proper etymon has yet been ascertained. It is still in common use among some of the farmers in East Lancas.h.i.+re, and was much more frequently used some thirty or forty years ago. "What _haever_ is the wind in this morning?"
was a common inquiry when any prediction respecting the weather for the day was about to be hazarded. "I don't expect much rain," would probably be the reply, "the wind is in a good _haever_." There is generally most rain in these parts of Lancas.h.i.+re when the wind blows from the south or south-west; and hence if the wind came from the eastward continued rain was not to be expected.
Most persons have a notion that the East is the most sacred point of the compa.s.s. The Star of the Nativity was seen in the east; the chancel, or most holy portion of a church is placed at the east; and the dead are buried so as to rise with their faces towards the east on the morning of the resurrection. These considerations have been applied to the _haever_ from which the wind may blow; and hence the proverb occasionally met with among those who live in the neighbourhood of Mellor and Ramsgreave, near Blackburn, to the effect that "the East is a lucky _haever_."
A writer who signs himself "F. C. H." in _Notes and Queries_, 3rd series, vol. vii. p. 310, asks whether _haever_ is not "a peculiar p.r.o.nunciation of ever, so that the above inquiry would be in plain English, _whatever_ is the wind in this morning?" This derivation appears both too fanciful and insufficient; for when we consider that Lancas.h.i.+re formed part of the Danelagh, and was long a Danish kingdom, and that its dialect contains a large admixture of Danish words; we are naturally led to examine whether such a term may not be found in the Danish language. On examination this proves to be the fact, for "Hive,"
(p.r.o.nounced "heeve," as "high" is p.r.o.nounced "hee,") is the verb "to blow;" and hence "hiver" or "haever," as applied to the place whence the wind is blowing. This derivation appears to be both natural and sufficient, since it fully accounts for the use of this peculiar term; which, by the way, is not found in Halliwell's _Dictionary of Archaic Words_, or in Wright's more recent work on the same subject.
These are Celtic names for going round by way of ensuring good fortune.
The former name is derived from the Gaelic _deas_ or _des_, the right hand, and _Syl_, the sun, and denotes a motion from east to west, or according to the apparent motion of the sun; and is a custom of high antiquity in religious ceremonies. In the western isles fire was carried in the right hand in this course, about the house, corn, cattle, &c., about women before they were churched, and children before they were baptized. So the fishermen rowed the boat about first sun-wise to ensure a lucky voyage. On the other hand, the Highland _Wider-sinnis_ (whence the Lancas.h.i.+re _Wither-s.h.i.+ns_) was from left to right or west to east, or opposed to the course of the sun, a course used in magical ceremonies, and said to be the mode of salutation given by witches and warlocks to the devil.[98]--(See page 140 _supra_.)
In a Saxon MS. we find that "If the Kalends, or first of January, fall on the Lord's-day, then will the winter be good, pleasant and warm."[99]
Another Saxon MS. in the Cotton Library contains the omens to the following effect:--"If the Kalends of January be on the moon's day (Monday) then there will be a severe and confused winter, a good spring, windy summer, and a rueful year, in which there will be much sickness.
If the Kalends fall on Tuesday, then the winter will be dreary and severe, a windy heat and rainy summer, and many women will die; s.h.i.+ps will voyage in danger, and kings and princes will die. If on Wednesday, there will be a hard winter and bad spring; but a good summer. The fruits of the earth will be much beaten down, honey will be scarce, and young men will die. If on Thursday, there will be a good winter, windy spring, good summer, and abundance of the fruits of the earth, and the plough will be over the earth; but sheep and children will die. If on Friday, there will be a variable winter, good spring and summer, with great abundance, and sheep's eyes will be tender in the year. If on, there will be a snowy winter, blowing spring, and rainy summer; earth fruits will labour, sheep perish, old men die, and other men be sick; the eyes of many will be tender, and fires will be prevalent in the course of the year. If the Kalends fall on Sunday, there will be a good winter, windy spring, and dry summer; and a very good year this year will be; sheep will increase, there will be much honey, and plenty and peace will be upon the earth."[100]
The death tick is not yet forgotten in the district around Burnley. Very recently the insect has disturbed the imagination of a young lady, and its ticks have led to more than one gloomy conjecture. It is a curious circ.u.mstance that the _real_ death tick must only tick _three_ times on each occasion.
[91] T. D., in _Notes and Queries_.
[92] See Halliwell's _Archaic Dictionary_, in voce.
[93] E. B., (Liverpool) in _Notes and Queries_, 3rd series, vol. ix. p.
[94] T. T. W.
[95] Another version has the last four lines thus:--
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