The Iliad of Homer Part 30
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But the shouting did not entirely escape the notice of Nestor, although drinking, but he addressed winged words to the son of aesculapius: "Consider, n.o.ble Machaon, how these things will be; greater, certainly, [grows] the shouting of the blooming youths at the s.h.i.+ps. But sitting here at present, drink indeed the dark wine, until fair-haired Hecamede has warmed the tepid baths, and washed away the b.l.o.o.d.y gore; whilst I, going with speed to a watchtower, will gain information."
So saying, he took the well-made s.h.i.+eld of his own son, horse-breaking Thrasymedes, [which was] lying in the tent, all s.h.i.+ning with bra.s.s (for he had the s.h.i.+eld of his sire); and seized a strong spear, pointed with sharp bra.s.s; and stood without the tent, and soon beheld an unseemly deed,--these [the Greeks] in confusion, and those, the haughty Trojans, routing them in the rear; but the wall of the Greeks had fallen. And as when the vast deep blackens with the noiseless[454] wave, foreboding with no effect, the rapid courses of the shrill blasts, nor yet is it rolled forwards or backwards, before some decisive blast comes down from Jove: so meditated the old man, distracted in his mind between two opinions: whether he should go amongst the throng of fleet-horsed Greeks, or to Agamemnon, the son of Atreus, shepherd of the people. But to him thus reflecting, it appeared better to go in quest of the son of Atreus. Meanwhile they kept slaughtering each other, contending, and the solid bra.s.s around their bodies rang, as they were stricken with the swords and two-edged spears.
[Footnote 454: Literally, "deaf." So "surdi fluctus," Ovid, Epist. xviii. 211; "Omnia surda tacent," Propert. iv. 3, 53; "Surdaque vota condidit Ionio," Pers. Sat. vi. 28.]
But the Jove-cherished kings, coming up from the vessels, met Nestor, as many as had been wounded with the bra.s.s,--Tydides, and Ulysses, and Agamemnon, the son of Atreus. Their s.h.i.+ps indeed were drawn up upon the sh.o.r.e of the h.o.a.ry deep, very far away from the battle; for they had drawn the first as far as the plain, and had built a wall at their sterns. For, broad as it was, the sh.o.r.e was by no means able to contain their vessels, and the people were crowded. Wherefore they drew them up in rows one behind the other, and filled the wide mouth of the whole sh.o.r.e, as much as the promontories enclosed. There then were they walking together, leaning upon the spear, in order to behold the tumult and the battle; and the heart in their bosoms was grieved. But aged Nestor met them, and terrified the souls in the b.r.e.a.s.t.s of the Greeks: whom first king Agamemnon addressing, said:
"O Nelean Nestor, great glory of the Greeks, why, leaving the man-destroying battle, comest thou hither? Truly I fear lest impetuous Hector make good his speech, as once he threatened, haranguing among the Trojans, that he would not return to Ilium from the s.h.i.+ps, before that he had burned the s.h.i.+ps with fire, and slain us also: thus indeed he harangued; and now are all things fulfilling. Ye G.o.ds, surely the other well-greaved Greeks, as well as Achilles, store up wrath against me in their minds; nor are they willing to fight at the sterns of the s.h.i.+ps."
But him the Gerenian knight Nestor then answered: "a.s.suredly these things are in active accomplishment, nor could even lofty-thundering Jove himself contrive them otherwise; for the wall, in which we trusted that it would be an impregnable defence to the s.h.i.+ps and to ourselves, has now fallen. But they are sustaining an obstinate contest at the swift s.h.i.+ps; nor couldst thou any longer distinguish, though examining particularly, on which side the Greeks, confounded, are routed; so promiscuously are they slain, whilst the shout reaches heaven. Let us, however, deliberate how these things will be, if counsel avail anything; although I advise not that we enter the battle; for it is by no means proper that a wounded man should fight."
But him then answered Agamemnon, king of men. "Nestor, since they are combating at the sterns of the s.h.i.+ps, and the constructed rampart avails not, nor the ditch, at which the Greeks suffered much, and hoped in their minds that it would be an impregnable defence to the s.h.i.+ps and to themselves, surely it will be agreeable to all-powerful Jove that the Greeks perish here, inglorious, far away from Argos. For I was conscious when he willingly gave a.s.sistance to the Greeks, and I now know that he honours those [the Trojans] equally with the happy G.o.ds, but hath fettered our courage and our hands. But come, let us all obey as I shall advise. Let us draw down the s.h.i.+ps, as many as are drawn up first near the sea, and launch them all into the vast ocean. Let us moor them at anchor in the deep, till mortal-deceiving[455] night arrive, if even then the Trojans may abstain from battle, and then we may perhaps draw down all the vessels; for there is no disgrace in flying from evil, not even during the night. It is better for a flying man to escape from evil, than to be taken."
[Footnote 455: '???t? is akin to ???t?? from ?a?t???, and therefore = "making mortals go astray," or else = ???s?? in ii.
57. See Lexil. p. 82. Or it may be regarded as the "nox intempesta," _i.e._ "muita nox, qua nihil agi tempestivum est,"
Censorinus de Die Nat. xxiv.]
But him sternly regarding, wise Ulysses then addressed: "Son of Atreus, what speech hath escaped thy lips? Lost man! thou shouldst command some worthless army, and not rule over us, to whom Jove hath granted, from youth even unto old age, to accomplish toilsome wars, until we, each of us, shall perish. Dost thou then desire thus to leave wide-wayed Troy, on account of which we have endured so many woes? Be silent, lest some other of the Greeks hear a speech, which a man ought not to have brought through his mouth, whoever understands in his mind how to speak prudent things, who is a sceptre-bearer, and whom so many people obey, as many as thou dost govern among the Greeks. For now do I reprobate thy judgment, in what thou hast said; who commandest us, whilst the war and battle are waged, to draw down the well-benched s.h.i.+ps to the sea, in order that the wishes of the Trojans may be still better fulfilled, victorious though they be, and dire destruction fall upon us: for the Greeks will not maintain the fight whilst the s.h.i.+ps are being dragged to the sea, but will look back, and retire from the combat. Then will thy counsel be injurious, O leader of the people."
But him Agamemnon, the king of men, then answered: "Much, O Ulysses, hast thou touched me to the soul with thy severe reproof; yet I commanded not the sons of the Greeks against their will to draw the well-benched s.h.i.+ps down to the sea. But now would that there were one, either young or old, who would deliver an opinion better than this; it would be to my joy." [456]
But among them Diomede, valiant in the din of battle, also spoke: "The man is near, we need not seek far, if indeed ye are willing to be persuaded; and do not find fault each through wrath, because I am by birth the youngest amongst you; for I boast that my race is from a n.o.ble sire, Tydeus, whom the heaped-up earth[457] covers at Thebes. For to Portheus were born three distinguished sons, and they dwelt in Pleuron and lofty Calydon: Agrius and Melas, but the third was the knight neus, the father of my father, who was conspicuous among them for valour. He indeed remained there, but my father, as an exile, dwelt at Argos, for so Jove willed and the other G.o.ds. But he married [one] of the daughters[458] of Adrastus, and he inhabited a mansion opulent in resources, and corn-bearing fields were his in abundance, and there were many rows[459] of plants around him. Numerous were his herds, and he surpa.s.sed the Greeks in the use of the spear; but these things ye ought to know, since it is a truth. Do not, therefore, dispute the opinion freely delivered, which I give advisedly, deeming that I am base by birth, and unwarlike. Come, then, let us go to battle, wounded as we are, from necessity. There, then, let us ourselves approach the combat, out [of the reach] of weapons, lest any one receive wound upon wound; and, encouraging others, we will urge them on, who hitherto, gratifying their souls, have stood apart, nor fought."
[Footnote 456: For this use of the dative, cf. Plato Phaedon, -- 24. So Tacit. Agric. "Quibus bellum volentibus erat."--Kennedy.
Cf. aesch. Prom. s.i., ?s??? d? s?? ? p?????e??? ??? ?p?????e?
[Footnote 457: See my note on Od. ii. p. 21, n. 35, ed. Bohn, and an admirable dissertation on these cla.s.sic barrow-tombs in Stephen's notes on Saxo-Grammaticus, pp. 90-92.]
[Footnote 458: Deipyle. See Scholiast.]
[Footnote 459: Not "gardens." Schol. Theocrit. i. 48. ???at?? t??
?p?st???? f?te?a? ... ?a? ???st?f???? t? eta?? t?? f?t??
et?????? ????ese? ?? t??? ?e??????' ?a? ?s??d?? ????? ???e? t??
?p?st???? t?? ?p???? f?te?a?. Cf. Schol. on Lycophr. 857; Hesych. t. ii. p. 792.]
Thus he spoke; and to him they all listened readily, and obeyed.
Wherefore they hastened to advance, and the king of men, Agamemnon, led them.
Nor did the ill.u.s.trious Earth-shaker keep a negligent look-out, but he went amongst them like unto an aged man, and he caught the right hand of Agamemnon, the son of Atreus, and addressing him, spoke winged words:
"Son of Atreus, now perchance the revengeful heart of Achilles rejoices in his breast, beholding the slaughter and rout of the Greeks; since there is no feeling in him, not even a little. May he, however, thus perish, and may a G.o.d cover him with disgrace. But with thee the blessed G.o.ds are not yet altogether enraged, but again the leaders and chiefs of the Trojans will perchance raise the dust upon the wide plain, and thou wilt behold them flying towards the city from the s.h.i.+ps and the tents."
So saying, he shouted aloud, rus.h.i.+ng over the plain. As loud as nine or ten thousand men shout, beginning the contest of Mars, so loud a cry did king Neptune send forth from his breast; and he cast great resolution into every heart among the Greeks, to war and to fight incessantly.
But golden-throned Juno, standing, looked down with her eyes from the summit of Olympus, and immediately recognized her own brother, [who was] also her brother-in-law, exerting himself through the glorious battle, and she rejoiced in her mind. She also beheld Jove sitting upon the highest top of many-rilled Ida, and he was hateful to her soul. Then the venerable large-eyed Juno next anxiously considered how she could beguile the mind of aegis-bearing Jove. And now this plan appeared best to her mind, to proceed to Ida, having well arrayed herself, if perchance he might desire to lie beside her form[460] in dalliance, so that she might pour upon his eyelids and vigilant mind careless and genial sleep. And she proceeded to her chamber, which Vulcan, her dear son, had made for her, and had fitted the thick doors to the lintels with a secret bolt;[461] and this no other G.o.d could remove. There entering in, she closed the s.h.i.+ning doors. First she washed all impurities from her lovely person with rich oil, ambrosial,[462] and anointed herself with rich oil, ambrosial and agreeable,[463] which was odoriferous to her; and the perfume of which, when shaken in the brazen-floored[464] mansion of Jove, reached even to earth and to heaven. With this having anointed her body, and having also combed her hair, with her hands she arranged her s.h.i.+ning locks, beautiful, ambrosial, [which flowed] from her immortal head. Next she threw around her an ambrosial robe, which Minerva had wrought[465] for her in needlework, and had embroidered much varied work upon it, and she fastened it upon her breast with golden clasps. Then she girded herself with a zone, adorned with a hundred fringes, and in her well-perforated ears placed her triple-gemmed, elaborate,[466]earrings, and much grace shone from [her]. From above she, divine of G.o.ddesses, covered herself with a veil, beautiful, newly wrought, and it was bright as the sun; and beneath her s.h.i.+ning feet she fastened her beautiful sandals. But when she had arranged all her ornaments around her person, she proceeded straight from her chamber; and having called Venus apart from the other G.o.ds, addressed her in speech:
[Footnote 460: Construe pa?ad?a??e?? ? ?????.]
[Footnote 461: Respecting the different meanings of ??e??, see Kennedy.]
[Footnote 462: See Lexil. p 81, 3.]
[Footnote 463: b.u.t.tmann, p. 242, regards ?da??? as "perhaps a stronger and higher meaning of ???, or ???, _good_, which may be compared with ??t?da???, ??eda???."]
[Footnote 464: See my note on Od. ii. 2.]
[Footnote 465: "The proper sense of ???se is, _sc.r.a.ped_ or _rubbed over_ and its use here is best explained by supposing a reference to some process among the ancients whereby a s.h.i.+ning appearance was given to their vestments, as by _calendering_ or _glazing_ with us."--Kennedy.]
[Footnote 466: ????e?ta, pe?? ? ????se? ? te???t??.--Schol.]
"Wilt thou now be at all obedient to me, dear child, in what I shall say? Or wilt thou refuse, enraged in thy mind on this account, because I aid the Greeks whilst thou [aidest] the Trojans?"
But her Venus, the daughter of Jove, then answered: "Juno, venerable G.o.ddess, daughter of mighty Saturn, declare whatsoever thou dost meditate; for my mind urges me to accomplish it, if indeed I can accomplish it, and if it be practicable."
But her the venerable Juno, meditating guile, addressed: "Give now to me that loveliness and desire with which thou dost subdue all, immortals, and mortal men; for I go to visit the limits of the fertile earth, and Ocea.n.u.s, the parent of the G.o.ds, and mother Tethys; who, receiving me from Rhea, nurtured and educated me with care in their abodes, when far-resounding Jove cast down Saturn beneath the earth and the fruitless sea. These I go to visit, and I will put an end to eternal quarrels.[467] For already have they abstained for a length of time from the couch and embrace of each other, since anger fell upon their mind.
But if, by persuading their hearts by my words, I should lead them back to the bed, to be united in love, then should I always be called by them beloved and revered."
[Footnote 467: These pa.s.sages were regarded by the ancients as referring to the perpetual strife of the elements. Thus Plato, in Theaetet. says: ????? e?p??, ??ea??? te ?e?? ???es??, ?a?
?t??a ?????, p??ta e????e? ?????a ???? te ?a? ????se??. See s.e.xtus Empir. adv. Grammat. i. 13, p. 280, ed. Fabr.; Stobaeus, Ecl. i. 11. Grote, vol. i. p. 16, note, observes that, "Ocea.n.u.s and Tethys seem to be presented in the Iliad as the primitive father and mother of the G.o.ds," although he says that "Uranos and Gaea, like Ocea.n.u.s, Tethys, and Nyx, are with Homer great and venerable G.o.ds, but neither the one nor the other present the character of predecessors of Kronos and Zeus."]
But her laughter-loving Venus in turn addressed: "It is not possible nor becoming to refuse thy request, for thou reclinest in the arms of mightiest Jove."
She said, and loosed from her bosom the embroidered, variegated cestus;[468] where all allurements were enclosed. In it were love, and desire, converse, seductive speech, which steals away the mind even of the very prudent. This then she placed in her hands, spoke, and addressed her:
"Take[469] this, now place in thy bosom this variegated belt, in which all things are contained; and I think that thou wilt not return with thy object unaccomplished, whatsoever thou desirest in thy mind."
[Footnote 468: I have avoided translating "cestus," as it is very doubtful what is meant by it. It could not have been an ordinary girdle, since it was to be hidden in the bosom (ver. 219), and since its power appears to have been secret. See Heyne's note.]
[Footnote 469: ?? is an old imperative from a root ??--"formed like ???, according to Doric a.n.a.logy.... In all cases it stands either quite absolute, that is, with the object understood, or the accusative belongs to a verb immediately following."
Lexil. pp. 505, sq.]
Thus she spake, and the large-eyed, venerable Juno smiled, and smiling, then placed it in her bosom. But Venus, the daughter of Jove, departed to the palace; and Juno, hastening, quitted the summit of Olympus, and, having pa.s.sed over Pieria and fertile Emathia, she hastened over the snowy mountains of equestrian Thrace, most lofty summits, nor did she touch the ground with her feet. From Athos she descended to the foaming deep, and came to Lemnos, the city of divine Thoas, where she met Sleep, the brother of Death; to whose hand she then clung, and spoke, and addressed him:
"O Sleep,[470] king of all G.o.ds and all men,[471] if ever indeed thou didst listen to my entreaty, now too be persuaded; and I will acknowledge grat.i.tude to thee all my days. Close immediately in sleep for me the bright eyes of Jove under his eyelids, after I couch with him in love; and I will give thee, as gifts, a handsome golden throne, for ever incorruptible. And my limping son, Vulcan, adorning it, shall make it, and below thy feet he shall place a footstool, upon which thou mayest rest thy s.h.i.+ning feet while feasting."
[Footnote 470: Cf. Hesiod, Theog. 214. The dying words of Gorgias of Leontium are very elegant: ?de e ? ?p??? ???eta?
pa?a?atat??es?a? t? ?de?f?.--aelian, Var. Hist. ii. 35.]
[Footnote 471: So in the Orphic hymn: ?p?e, ??a? p??t?? a?????
???t?? t' ?????p??.]
But her sweet Sleep answering, addressed: "Juno, venerable G.o.ddess, daughter of great Saturn, any other of the everlasting G.o.ds could I easily lull to sleep, and even the flowing of rapid Ocean, who is the parent of all; but I could not approach Saturnian Jove, nor lull him to sleep, unless, at least, he himself command me. For once already, at least, has he terrified me by his threats, on that day when the magnanimous son of Jove (Hercules) sailed from Ilium, having sacked the city of the Trojans. Then I lulled the mind of aegis-bearing Jove, being poured gently around him, whilst thou wast planning evils in thy mind [against the hero], rousing the blasts of bitter winds over the deep; and thou didst afterwards carry him away apart from all his friends to well-inhabited Cos. But he, when awakened, was enraged, hurling about the G.o.ds through his mansion, and me chiefly of all he sought, and would have cast me down, a lost one, from the aether into the deep, had not Night, vanquisher of G.o.ds and men, preserved me, to whom I came flying.
So he restrained himself, angry as he was; for he dreaded lest he should do things which were disagreeable to swift[472] Night. And now again dost thou urge me to perform this another dangerous deed."
But him the venerable large-eyed Juno in turn answered: "O Sleep, why thinkest thou these things within thy mind? Canst thou suppose that far-sounding Jove favours the Trojans, as he was enraged on account of Hercules, his own son? But come, [do this], and I will give thee one of the younger Graces to wed, and to be called thy spouse, Pasithea,[473]
whom thou fondly desirest day after day."
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