Contract Marriage Chapter 17 Part2

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Translated by -[iana]-, read at :anameescans [DOT] wordpress [DOT] com


As he dropped kisses along the younger man's nape, Helian Qing also drew small mounds of the lad's skin into his mouth — sucking them, leaving behind tiny traces of red in his wake. Afterwards, his lips travelled downwards, the tip of his tongue gliding down Han Yang's spine, a trail of moisture left behind it. His hand soon reaching out to draw that lad's waist towards him, his hands slowly caressing the other's abdomen, running them all the way down before finally coming to a halt at that intimate place between Han Yang's legs, where his broad palm soon engulfed it.

It was not the first time Han Yang had ridden in HeLian Qing's car, but it his first time noticing the man's affinity towards sports cars. The car they were riding in drove extremely fast, so much so, that as he laid halfway down on the front pa.s.senger seat, he could not help but randomly think about being flung from his seat because of the swift speed they were going at. Translated by -[iana]-, Parts of this can only be read on :anameescans [DOT] wordpress [DOT] comHowever, toit yumwas hi obvious gawthat marandom mobthought rodoccurring begwas fenunlikely. roeThough rottheir aitspeed aftwas ripquite jawfast, mixdue fezto jigthe robgood begquality jemof anthe vievehicle, aimhe socould roebarely dibfeel digany yamfluctuations toeas ruehe of laid jawdown.

Han jayYang gilnever rumknew rumthe aimhospital vanwas yawso upclose yeato pewthe barapartment. arkHe yumwas yetnot batquite persure, onbut rimguessed at.i.t tommust gilhave veetaken runat yamleast vatten yesminutes pabefore beghe banwas gapagain jemlifted geeinto yapHeLian anyQing's rotembrace itas gelthey toentered begthe yeabuilding.

There, the doctor asked a few questions, did an examination, then said he was suffering from acute gastroenteritis and although it was not a very severe case of the illness, the pain would unfortunately be a lot to bear. The physician then proceeded to write a prescription for the medicine Han Yang needed, after which he prompted a nurse to start an IV for the lad. He then had HeLian Qing follow him to his office in order to fill out a medical record for the ill boy.
[T/n: IV – intravenous therapy]

“Does the patient have any allergies to medication?” The doctor asked.

“No.” HeLian Qing answered.

“Are you sure you don't need to go ask him?” The doctor stopped writing, raising his gaze towards the man.

“There's no need.” HeLian Qing stated, his expression remaining unchanged.

Taking the medical record with him when he left the doctor's office, his eyes swept over the chart as he snorted.
I know more about that kid than he himself knows.

HeLian Qing did not go directly to the pharmacy, but instead first went back to Han Yang's room to check up on him.

The lad was in the same curled position he had before with one hand clutching his stomach but now the other had a IV-line attached, while his face was still drenched in that same pallid hue.

HeLian Qing made his way over to him, from the small box atop the cabinet by the bedside, he took out a couple of tissues, then began wiping the perspiration that formed on the boy's forehead.

Feeling his movements, Han Yang's eyes soon opened.

“Does it feel a little better?” the man asked, using his finger to push aside the other's sweat soaked bangs, inwardly hoping he was able to feel even the smallest amount of relief.

Unfortunately, the medicine was given not that long ago so for the time being there was not that much of a difference, but Han Yang nevertheless nodded, “Thank you.”

“En.[Okay]” HeLian Qing sat down on the stool beside him. Han Yang still had two-thirds of the liquid in the IV bag left and given that, the man was in no hurry to go get the prescription filled, nor was he anxious to leave just yet.

Afterwards, Han Yang still tried to vomit two separate times, inside his stomach had become absolutely deserted to the point where even stomach acid would not come out. So now, every time he retched, he felt as if there were countless hands all squeezing his gut and that feeling was extremely difficult for him to endure.

HeLian Qing knew the boy was still suffering from the pain, sadly, he also knew there was nothing much he could do about it. He could only give him sips of water to drink, so even if he did vomit again, he could at the very least feel a just a tad better.

Fortunately, ohthe perattached arcIV Jewalso jetcontained arcsome topainkillers yetand bayafter beta tipwhile G.o.dHan jarYang's airpain aftwas jayslowly myalleviated, bameven arcif rowit arkwas feyonly bayby gapa begsmall fibdegree. yamAlthough githis mycomplexion gawstill yethad fewthat dewterribly jigpale beetinge, gethis apeexpression orin piecontrast, acebecame antmore vangentle robas diehis tomfeatures rubrelaxed.

At tipthis rotmoment, gigHeLian gobQing's weheart gnufinally rotsettled. toHe t.i.treached batover jetto rugthe momcabinet, robputting ifthe jibused addcup yepaside banthen vetonce pipagain uppulled amout yawa baycouple vatof toopaper geltowels, diba.s.sisting bedHan viaYang toby aftdabbing jawaway roethe modsweat yeswhich yawformed rodon Jewhis gobears aitand bibneck.

Feeling ohhow momtenderly actthe yeaperspiration fibfrom airhis momface anywas yepbeing acewiped pewaway rimby onthe gelman's bibhand piewas aptincredibly jemhard denfor gaphim upto denbelieve. barHe modwas adsso itastounded rowthat afthe mothad bibnot gapeven G.o.drealised, pinpresently gason onhis addface, rugwas beythe gofirst gigsmile toehe arehad madirected robtowards gelHeLian yapQing batsince yeathey gobbecame picacquainted fezwith orone itanother.

He getthen, barto gigthe persilent amman oxbefore vethis beeeyes, jigsaid, yew”I bibfeel toemuch gnubetter arknow, alethank atyou.”

When gasthe geewordless rowman's ripgaze anyfinally bedcaught bansight fewof agothat yawsmile, rubthat hi hand noof ithis viaoccupied rumwith agocleaning vieaway rugthose roewet indroplets robcame rugto jeta beevery yapsudden geehalt. gnuThe momused pintissue afthe ailheld mobwas rumtossed robinto viethe roetrash yowbin arebeside gaphis amfeet, yepafter runwhich dighe pipthen diereached tomfor pigthe totblanket jayspread gitover yenthe tinboy, rocpulled mogit yumup, piesimply jigreplying, rim”Why petare goyou dibalways roetalking mixso of much annonsense? rocI'm aftheading yeaout bibto tingo toeget gigyour vetmedicine, roeso ripbehave yewyourself aptand gigdon't aitmove. gelIf viayou vieneed ampanything, gojust begpress yetthe tombuzzer ohnext antto batyou. ads”With roethat jemstatement, rumhe petdidn't begwait jarfor roeHan yepYang's didreply, dibjust G.o.doing bedan ripabout-turn wethen fezleft addthe G.o.dward.

Han Yang stared on at the withdrawing figure, not exactly understanding the reason behind it, before a sudden soft laugh escaped him.

Thankfully, the pharmacy was not that far away from the hospital, it was located just right next door, therefore HeLian Qing got back to the room very quickly. Upon his return he immediately lowered his hand, resting it on Han Yang's forehead to check his temperature, noticing it was no longer as scalding hot as it was before as well as his once tightly crinkled face seeming slightly more at ease. Seeing this, he gave the younger man some water, then got him to swallow the medicine.

Noticing Han Yang staring at him, he asked, “Do you still want to vomit?” To which the boy replied by simply shaking his head in denial.

HeLian Qing nodded before reaching to pull up the blanket again. This time even the hand attached to the IV drip was covered, “Then just go to sleep.”

“What about you?”, Han Yang asked.

HeLian Qing, with a twinge of impatience responded, “Listen you, just lie down and get some sleep. Since when do kids talk so much? I'm not going anywhere. I'll just stay here to wipe your sweat and give you water.”

Han Yang, “……”

Recalling how he was just a while ago throwing up in the waste basket, Han Yang's face was suddenly overtaken with a splash of red. He shrunk under the cover of the blanket, stopping when the comforter was at his chin. Softly, he hummed in agreement to the man's request then proceeded to close his eyes.

Having tossed and turned until midnight, Han Yang was indeed quite tired and very sleepy. It was not easy for him to get comfortable but once he did, he nodded off to sleep quite quickly.

Just as he said, HeLian Qing did not go anywhere. He simply sat on the chair beside the boy's bed keeping close watch. Han Yang still had two more bags of IV left, so he needed to observe them and be ready to call in a nurse to switch them once one was finished.


His bedcellphone picvibrated arcin acthis rigpocket vexsuddenly. didDisplayed ason bet.i.t's gilscreen apewas geea pernew vatmessage. goCurrently, feyit rigwas actthe rubwee modhours of of perthe gigmorning, geealmost rugtwo toeo'clock. yetHeLian monQing antwondered arewho adswould beepossibly jigbe digsending fiba baymessage jemthat motlate, inas pahe pinunlocked ruethe batscreen batto tipsee gnuthe andfollowing yettwo rimwords: air”Han gapYang”.

[[Today yewI'll asbe yumgoing gapto tona aimgroup antdinner Jewwith yipsome jetcla.s.smates viaso antI yencan't rubmake aft.i.t arkback gemin toptime viafor padinner dewsince aptI'll gawprobably andreturn soa vanbit aillate. amThere's atstill aleleftovers antfrom golunch ruein digthe arkfridge, anyyou modcan gobjust beyreheat toeit jibto peweat did]]

That vanmessage yamwas atsent rubto hi him orat acttwo upin vatthe veeafternoon yamand get.i.t gobexplained yeswhy aidHan dibYang rigdid Jewnot yepreturn mefor alldinner. rigHe bamcould gitnot bamof airfathomed gelthe moginternet dibwould allsomehow ohdelay righis ginreceipt topof diethe asmessage aleuntil jarthis t.i.tvery betmoment.

HeLian aitQing batslowly atread rocthe asmessage aida tincouple totimes yawmore aftbefore toeputting rigthe yeaphone gasaway, sohis jemeyes addthen dewturned begtowards digHan dibYang's G.o.dface. jawA gobgood rowwhile addhad piepa.s.sed yowsince getthe goyounger banman ginhad runbeen anyfast gayasleep. anyHis motface yumwas ruenow viahalfway andconcealed pewunder actthe yamcovers picwith ohonly baythe mybridge gasof jayhis monnose, yawas yumwell toeas fezthat didbright yewand yepclean rimforehead tonof viehis, rigexposed.

HeLian picQing yetstood mogup, rimreached isfor begHan of Yang's diequilt, ondragging of it getdown yamjust yaya goblittle, add”Not yawtoo fibworried batabout anysuffocating, rubare bayyou?”

Still diestanding atbeside viethe tonbed, addhe picgently toetouched yapHan areYang's arkface. gnuThe Jewlad's gilskin banwas gemvery roesmooth, gitHeLian ampQing's aithand—for mixa upwhile—lingered ailon didthat yapplace betbefore pewtaking anhold anof andthe digbuzzer, inpressing perit onto agecall aptin isa vatnurse dieto perchange denout ginthe ampIV rigbag.

The middle of the night.

Because of the intravenous drip, Han Yang woke up in the middle of the night wanting to use the toilet. His eyes opened to see by his bedside, leaning back in a chair and sound asleep, none other than HeLian Qing. The man was especially tall. As he sat in slumber, one of his legs was bent whilst the other stretched out straight, both his arms lay folded across his chest and his head tilted downwards, so all Han Yang could see on his face was the bridge of his nose.

When HeLian Qing had rushed to the hospital with Han Yang in tow, he had only dressed himself casually. The hem of his s.h.i.+rt was left untucked, his hair was not as neatly combed as it usually was, and he still wore his house slippers on his feet. Compared to his usual self, this image was like the difference between the heavens and the earth.

Feeling that most sensitive place of his being grasped, Han Yang immediately straightened his back, his legs clamping shut out of reflex. Unluckily, they just so happened to have also trapped that teasing hand of Helian Qing's between them.

“Why are you so anxious?” Helian Qing asked with a light laugh, before he again buried his head within the hollow of the lad's shoulder, nipping at the rise of his clavicle, while his teasing hand began to slide up and down.

“… don't do that…” Han Yang whispered, as he did his best to keep control of his own desire. Sadly, the pleasure which came from Helian Qing's hand simply could not be ignored, so little by little, the longing between his legs rose.

Helian Qing turned the smaller man's body around, tilting his own head to have a good look only to notice the water within the tub concealed some of the scenery, making his view clouded. Crinkling his brows, he simply drained most of the water from the tub, leaving only a shallow layer behind. That remaining amount was now good enough, since it allowed Han Yang's already erected member to be exposed. Since Han Yang's skin was fair, and because he rarely did that himself, that organ of his also had a very light complexion, causing it to appear pristine.

Han Yang wanted to pull his legs together. Helian Qing, on the contrary, used his hand to obstruct the lad's efforts, holding onto his ankles, then lifted his left leg over the side of the tub.

Such a position had Han Yang's legs spread wide open, enabling the sight between them to be right in plain view.

“Helian Qing…” Han Yang felt a bit panicked.

“Shh…” Helian Qing moved closer to the lad, lowering his head, but stopped just as he neared the boy's lips, coaxing, “let me touch it.”

With those words said, he reached for the tip of Han Yang's p.e.n.i.s, grasped it, then gently be pressed his thumb against its tiny hole a few times, before swirling his finger around its head, urging that place to very quickly spill its essence by his provocation. At the same time he did this, the movements made by his lips also did not cease, as his tongue twirled nimbly within Han Yang's mouth, licking up and down, in a this simultaneous attack.

“Helian Qing…” the lad whimpered.

“Hush…” Helian Qing nibbled on the lad's lips, soon capturing his tongue, sucking it, while the movement of his hand increased rapidly as it held Han Yang's member, sliding up and down.

Being teased from both ends made Han Yang moan, his reason drifting away from him, thus allowing his other leg to open unconsciously. Both his and that man's tongue tugging at one another in unison. Their lips and tongues winding around each other's, creating a delicately sweet, wet sound.

Helian Qing dragged his tongue at the corner of Han Yang's lips, proceeding downwards only to pause at the small projection of his left pec. Curling his tongue around that nub, he suddenly began sucking, doing so until that peak was quite red, moist and glossy.

“… mnn, aahh…” Han Yang gasped from the p.r.i.c.kling sensation of his nipple, his arms moving with the intent of pus.h.i.+ng Helian Qing's head away, but that man instead released the small pearl, then continued his descent. That tongue of his persistently licked the entire way down until he came to a stop over the lad's navel. Briefly, he gently caressed that place with his nose, after which, that trailing tip entered the small crevice, again licking tenderly.

The sensitivity of that belly b.u.t.ton, was no less than that of his loins, so by this much stimulation, Han Yang's entire body trembled. While his stomach contracted, he uttered, “… it tickles.”
[T/n: tickles, could also be itches.]

It was not the first time Han Yang had ridden in HeLian Qing's car, but it his first time noticing the man's affinity towards sports cars. The car they were riding in drove extremely fast, so much so, that as he laid halfway down on the front pa.s.senger seat, he could not help but randomly think about being flung from his seat because of the swift speed they were going at. Translated by -[iana]-, Parts of this can only be read on :anameescans [DOT] wordpress [DOT] com

However, toit yumwas hi obvious gawthat marandom mobthought rodoccurring begwas fenunlikely. roeThough rottheir aitspeed aftwas ripquite jawfast, mixdue fezto jigthe robgood begquality jemof anthe vievehicle, aimhe socould roebarely dibfeel digany yamfluctuations toeas ruehe of laid jawdown.

Han jayYang gilnever rumknew rumthe aimhospital vanwas yawso upclose yeato pewthe barapartment. arkHe yumwas yetnot batquite persure, onbut rimguessed at.i.t tommust gilhave veetaken runat yamleast vatten yesminutes pabefore beghe banwas gapagain jemlifted geeinto yapHeLian anyQing's rotembrace itas gelthey toentered begthe yeabuilding.

There, the doctor asked a few questions, did an examination, then said he was suffering from acute gastroenteritis and although it was not a very severe case of the illness, the pain would unfortunately be a lot to bear. The physician then proceeded to write a prescription for the medicine Han Yang needed, after which he prompted a nurse to start an IV for the lad. He then had HeLian Qing follow him to his office in order to fill out a medical record for the ill boy.
[T/n: IV – intravenous therapy]

“Does the patient have any allergies to medication?” The doctor asked.

“No.” HeLian Qing answered.

“Are you sure you don't need to go ask him?” The doctor stopped writing, raising his gaze towards the man.

“There's no need.” HeLian Qing stated, his expression remaining unchanged.

Taking the medical record with him when he left the doctor's office, his eyes swept over the chart as he snorted.
I know more about that kid than he himself knows.

HeLian Qing did not go directly to the pharmacy, but instead first went back to Han Yang's room to check up on him.

The lad was in the same curled position he had before with one hand clutching his stomach but now the other had a IV-line attached, while his face was still drenched in that same pallid hue.

HeLian Qing made his way over to him, from the small box atop the cabinet by the bedside, he took out a couple of tissues, then began wiping the perspiration that formed on the boy's forehead.

Feeling his movements, Han Yang's eyes soon opened.

“Does it feel a little better?” the man asked, using his finger to push aside the other's sweat soaked bangs, inwardly hoping he was able to feel even the smallest amount of relief.

Unfortunately, the medicine was given not that long ago so for the time being there was not that much of a difference, but Han Yang nevertheless nodded, “Thank you.”

“En.[Okay]” HeLian Qing sat down on the stool beside him. Han Yang still had two-thirds of the liquid in the IV bag left and given that, the man was in no hurry to go get the prescription filled, nor was he anxious to leave just yet.

Afterwards, Han Yang still tried to vomit two separate times, inside his stomach had become absolutely deserted to the point where even stomach acid would not come out. So now, every time he retched, he felt as if there were countless hands all squeezing his gut and that feeling was extremely difficult for him to endure.

HeLian Qing knew the boy was still suffering from the pain, sadly, he also knew there was nothing much he could do about it. He could only give him sips of water to drink, so even if he did vomit again, he could at the very least feel a just a tad better.

Fortunately, ohthe perattached arcIV Jewalso jetcontained arcsome topainkillers yetand bayafter beta tipwhile G.o.dHan jarYang's airpain aftwas jayslowly myalleviated, bameven arcif rowit arkwas feyonly bayby gapa begsmall fibdegree. yamAlthough githis mycomplexion gawstill yethad fewthat dewterribly jigpale beetinge, gethis apeexpression orin piecontrast, acebecame antmore vangentle robas diehis tomfeatures rubrelaxed.

At tipthis rotmoment, gigHeLian gobQing's weheart gnufinally rotsettled. toHe t.i.treached batover jetto rugthe momcabinet, robputting ifthe jibused addcup yepaside banthen vetonce pipagain uppulled amout yawa baycouple vatof toopaper geltowels, diba.s.sisting bedHan viaYang toby aftdabbing jawaway roethe modsweat yeswhich yawformed rodon Jewhis gobears aitand bibneck.

Feeling ohhow momtenderly actthe yeaperspiration fibfrom airhis momface anywas yepbeing acewiped pewaway rimby onthe gelman's bibhand piewas aptincredibly jemhard denfor gaphim upto denbelieve. barHe modwas adsso itastounded rowthat afthe mothad bibnot gapeven G.o.drealised, pinpresently gason onhis addface, rugwas beythe gofirst gigsmile toehe arehad madirected robtowards gelHeLian yapQing batsince yeathey gobbecame picacquainted fezwith orone itanother.

He getthen, barto gigthe persilent amman oxbefore vethis beeeyes, jigsaid, yew”I bibfeel toemuch gnubetter arknow, alethank atyou.”

When gasthe geewordless rowman's ripgaze anyfinally bedcaught bansight fewof agothat yawsmile, rubthat hi hand noof ithis viaoccupied rumwith agocleaning vieaway rugthose roewet indroplets robcame rugto jeta beevery yapsudden geehalt. gnuThe momused pintissue afthe ailheld mobwas rumtossed robinto viethe roetrash yowbin arebeside gaphis amfeet, yepafter runwhich dighe pipthen diereached tomfor pigthe totblanket jayspread gitover yenthe tinboy, rocpulled mogit yumup, piesimply jigreplying, rim”Why petare goyou dibalways roetalking mixso of much annonsense? rocI'm aftheading yeaout bibto tingo toeget gigyour vetmedicine, roeso ripbehave yewyourself aptand gigdon't aitmove. gelIf viayou vieneed ampanything, gojust begpress yetthe tombuzzer ohnext antto batyou. ads”With roethat jemstatement, rumhe petdidn't begwait jarfor roeHan yepYang's didreply, dibjust G.o.doing bedan ripabout-turn wethen fezleft addthe G.o.dward.

Han Yang stared on at the withdrawing figure, not exactly understanding the reason behind it, before a sudden soft laugh escaped him.

Thankfully, the pharmacy was not that far away from the hospital, it was located just right next door, therefore HeLian Qing got back to the room very quickly. Upon his return he immediately lowered his hand, resting it on Han Yang's forehead to check his temperature, noticing it was no longer as scalding hot as it was before as well as his once tightly crinkled face seeming slightly more at ease. Seeing this, he gave the younger man some water, then got him to swallow the medicine.

Noticing Han Yang staring at him, he asked, “Do you still want to vomit?” To which the boy replied by simply shaking his head in denial.

HeLian Qing nodded before reaching to pull up the blanket again. This time even the hand attached to the IV drip was covered, “Then just go to sleep.”

“What about you?”, Han Yang asked.

HeLian Qing, with a twinge of impatience responded, “Listen you, just lie down and get some sleep. Since when do kids talk so much? I'm not going anywhere. I'll just stay here to wipe your sweat and give you water.”

Han Yang, “……”

Recalling how he was just a while ago throwing up in the waste basket, Han Yang's face was suddenly overtaken with a splash of red. He shrunk under the cover of the blanket, stopping when the comforter was at his chin. Softly, he hummed in agreement to the man's request then proceeded to close his eyes.

Having tossed and turned until midnight, Han Yang was indeed quite tired and very sleepy. It was not easy for him to get comfortable but once he did, he nodded off to sleep quite quickly.

Just as he said, HeLian Qing did not go anywhere. He simply sat on the chair beside the boy's bed keeping close watch. Han Yang still had two more bags of IV left, so he needed to observe them and be ready to call in a nurse to switch them once one was finished.


His bedcellphone picvibrated arcin acthis rigpocket vexsuddenly. didDisplayed ason bet.i.t's gilscreen apewas geea pernew vatmessage. goCurrently, feyit rigwas actthe rubwee modhours of of perthe gigmorning, geealmost rugtwo toeo'clock. yetHeLian monQing antwondered arewho adswould beepossibly jigbe digsending fiba baymessage jemthat motlate, inas pahe pinunlocked ruethe batscreen batto tipsee gnuthe andfollowing yettwo rimwords: air”Han gapYang”.

[[Today yewI'll asbe yumgoing gapto tona aimgroup antdinner Jewwith yipsome jetcla.s.smates viaso antI yencan't rubmake aft.i.t arkback gemin toptime viafor padinner dewsince aptI'll gawprobably andreturn soa vanbit aillate. amThere's atstill aleleftovers antfrom golunch ruein digthe arkfridge, anyyou modcan gobjust beyreheat toeit jibto peweat did]]

That vanmessage yamwas atsent rubto hi him orat acttwo upin vatthe veeafternoon yamand get.i.t gobexplained yeswhy aidHan dibYang rigdid Jewnot yepreturn mefor alldinner. rigHe bamcould gitnot bamof airfathomed gelthe moginternet dibwould allsomehow ohdelay righis ginreceipt topof diethe asmessage aleuntil jarthis t.i.tvery betmoment.

HeLian aitQing batslowly atread rocthe asmessage aida tincouple totimes yawmore aftbefore toeputting rigthe yeaphone gasaway, sohis jemeyes addthen dewturned begtowards digHan dibYang's G.o.dface. jawA gobgood rowwhile addhad piepa.s.sed yowsince getthe goyounger banman ginhad runbeen anyfast gayasleep. anyHis motface yumwas ruenow viahalfway andconcealed pewunder actthe yamcovers picwith ohonly baythe mybridge gasof jayhis monnose, yawas yumwell toeas fezthat didbright yewand yepclean rimforehead tonof viehis, rigexposed.

HeLian picQing yetstood mogup, rimreached isfor begHan of Yang's diequilt, ondragging of it getdown yamjust yaya goblittle, add”Not yawtoo fibworried batabout anysuffocating, rubare bayyou?”

Still diestanding atbeside viethe tonbed, addhe picgently toetouched yapHan areYang's arkface. gnuThe Jewlad's gilskin banwas gemvery roesmooth, gitHeLian ampQing's aithand—for mixa upwhile—lingered ailon didthat yapplace betbefore pewtaking anhold anof andthe digbuzzer, inpressing perit onto agecall aptin isa vatnurse dieto perchange denout ginthe ampIV rigbag.

The middle of the night.

Because of the intravenous drip, Han Yang woke up in the middle of the night wanting to use the toilet. His eyes opened to see by his bedside, leaning back in a chair and sound asleep, none other than HeLian Qing. The man was especially tall. As he sat in slumber, one of his legs was bent whilst the other stretched out straight, both his arms lay folded across his chest and his head tilted downwards, so all Han Yang could see on his face was the bridge of his nose.

When HeLian Qing had rushed to the hospital with Han Yang in tow, he had only dressed himself casually. The hem of his s.h.i.+rt was left untucked, his hair was not as neatly combed as it usually was, and he still wore his house slippers on his feet. Compared to his usual self, this image was like the difference between the heavens and the earth.

“Really? It just so happens that I have something to relieve your itching.” That man only paused briefly before he quickly began licking even deeper, until the entire hole was filled with his tongue. His hands now moved more wantonly as they clutched Han Yang's stalk, traveling from its tip to its base, from time to time, also kneading those two spheres beneath it. Because of his actions, Han Yang leant on the side of the bathtub, releasing soft whimpers every now and again.

Toying with him for a stretch, Helian Qing finally released that pitiful b.u.t.ton, but he was not done quite yet. He still journeyed downwards, readily capturing Han Yang's endowment.

“Ngh…” Having the head of his d.i.c.k enclosed by the warmth and moisture of the man's mouth, made Han Yang grunt. His eyes quickly shot open only to see Helian Qing's lowered head, and his member being held between the man's lips.

Such a sight caused the lad's blood to run cold. With him wanting to push the man away, but at that very second, Helian Qing took two-thirds of his d.i.c.k deep into his mouth.

The softness of that orifice, as it squeezed his sensitive tip, led to an instantaneous burst of tingling numbness in his brain. His hand stopped midair, as all he manage were moans. The him, who originally wanted to use that hand to push the man away, instead now rested it atop that same man's shoulder.

Helian Qing drew in the other man's member, attempting to take him deeply in his throat, only to discover it was a bit difficult, so he simply withdrew slightly, as he kept sucking that little head, using his tongue to lick it, while pressing his own tip into the small opening of that head teasingly. His movements were rusty, yet even though they was so, it still made Han Yang unable to endure.

“Aahh…” his sucking had caused the rims of Han Yang's eyes to redden, “… enough, Helian Qing…”

Sensing the organ in his mouth had already been pushed to its limit, the man lifted his head and released it, though his tongue still slid over that little pit. Those dabs caused Han Yang to s.h.i.+ver, as he let out a trembling moan which was well beyond t.i.tillating.

It was to the extent where the utterance of such a stirring whimper aroused Helian Qing till his manhood erected, wanting so much to immediately do him, but with the fear of such a rash entrance harming Han Yang, he simply chose to firmly reach for the swollen sacks below the quivering man's shaft, kneading them.

Han Yang's member was now moist and glistening because of that man's actions, its head tinted with a flush. This previously sporadically trembling member, now bore the appearance of one in need of release. At the man's touch, Han Yang's d.i.c.k shook, impatiently splurting a stream of clouded liquid which fell on top of his abdomen.

It was not the first time Han Yang had ridden in HeLian Qing's car, but it his first time noticing the man's affinity towards sports cars. The car they were riding in drove extremely fast, so much so, that as he laid halfway down on the front pa.s.senger seat, he could not help but randomly think about being flung from his seat because of the swift speed they were going at. Translated by -[iana]-, Parts of this can only be read on :anameescans [DOT] wordpress [DOT] com

However, toit yumwas hi obvious gawthat marandom mobthought rodoccurring begwas fenunlikely. roeThough rottheir aitspeed aftwas ripquite jawfast, mixdue fezto jigthe robgood begquality jemof anthe vievehicle, aimhe socould roebarely dibfeel digany yamfluctuations toeas ruehe of laid jawdown.

Han jayYang gilnever rumknew rumthe aimhospital vanwas yawso upclose yeato pewthe barapartment. arkHe yumwas yetnot batquite persure, onbut rimguessed at.i.t tommust gilhave veetaken runat yamleast vatten yesminutes pabefore beghe banwas gapagain jemlifted geeinto yapHeLian anyQing's rotembrace itas gelthey toentered begthe yeabuilding.

There, the doctor asked a few questions, did an examination, then said he was suffering from acute gastroenteritis and although it was not a very severe case of the illness, the pain would unfortunately be a lot to bear. The physician then proceeded to write a prescription for the medicine Han Yang needed, after which he prompted a nurse to start an IV for the lad. He then had HeLian Qing follow him to his office in order to fill out a medical record for the ill boy.
[T/n: IV – intravenous therapy]

“Does the patient have any allergies to medication?” The doctor asked.

“No.” HeLian Qing answered.

“Are you sure you don't need to go ask him?” The doctor stopped writing, raising his gaze towards the man.

“There's no need.” HeLian Qing stated, his expression remaining unchanged.

Taking the medical record with him when he left the doctor's office, his eyes swept over the chart as he snorted.
I know more about that kid than he himself knows.

HeLian Qing did not go directly to the pharmacy, but instead first went back to Han Yang's room to check up on him.

The lad was in the same curled position he had before with one hand clutching his stomach but now the other had a IV-line attached, while his face was still drenched in that same pallid hue.

HeLian Qing made his way over to him, from the small box atop the cabinet by the bedside, he took out a couple of tissues, then began wiping the perspiration that formed on the boy's forehead.

Feeling his movements, Han Yang's eyes soon opened.

“Does it feel a little better?” the man asked, using his finger to push aside the other's sweat soaked bangs, inwardly hoping he was able to feel even the smallest amount of relief.

Unfortunately, the medicine was given not that long ago so for the time being there was not that much of a difference, but Han Yang nevertheless nodded, “Thank you.”

“En.[Okay]” HeLian Qing sat down on the stool beside him. Han Yang still had two-thirds of the liquid in the IV bag left and given that, the man was in no hurry to go get the prescription filled, nor was he anxious to leave just yet.

Afterwards, Han Yang still tried to vomit two separate times, inside his stomach had become absolutely deserted to the point where even stomach acid would not come out. So now, every time he retched, he felt as if there were countless hands all squeezing his gut and that feeling was extremely difficult for him to endure.

HeLian Qing knew the boy was still suffering from the pain, sadly, he also knew there was nothing much he could do about it. He could only give him sips of water to drink, so even if he did vomit again, he could at the very least feel a just a tad better.

Fortunately, ohthe perattached arcIV Jewalso jetcontained arcsome topainkillers yetand bayafter beta tipwhile G.o.dHan jarYang's airpain aftwas jayslowly myalleviated, bameven arcif rowit arkwas feyonly bayby gapa begsmall fibdegree. yamAlthough githis mycomplexion gawstill yethad fewthat dewterribly jigpale beetinge, gethis apeexpression orin piecontrast, acebecame antmore vangentle robas diehis tomfeatures rubrelaxed.

At tipthis rotmoment, gigHeLian gobQing's weheart gnufinally rotsettled. toHe t.i.treached batover jetto rugthe momcabinet, robputting ifthe jibused addcup yepaside banthen vetonce pipagain uppulled amout yawa baycouple vatof toopaper geltowels, diba.s.sisting bedHan viaYang toby aftdabbing jawaway roethe modsweat yeswhich yawformed rodon Jewhis gobears aitand bibneck.

Feeling ohhow momtenderly actthe yeaperspiration fibfrom airhis momface anywas yepbeing acewiped pewaway rimby onthe gelman's bibhand piewas aptincredibly jemhard denfor gaphim upto denbelieve. barHe modwas adsso itastounded rowthat afthe mothad bibnot gapeven G.o.drealised, pinpresently gason onhis addface, rugwas beythe gofirst gigsmile toehe arehad madirected robtowards gelHeLian yapQing batsince yeathey gobbecame picacquainted fezwith orone itanother.

He getthen, barto gigthe persilent amman oxbefore vethis beeeyes, jigsaid, yew”I bibfeel toemuch gnubetter arknow, alethank atyou.”

When gasthe geewordless rowman's ripgaze anyfinally bedcaught bansight fewof agothat yawsmile, rubthat hi hand noof ithis viaoccupied rumwith agocleaning vieaway rugthose roewet indroplets robcame rugto jeta beevery yapsudden geehalt. gnuThe momused pintissue afthe ailheld mobwas rumtossed robinto viethe roetrash yowbin arebeside gaphis amfeet, yepafter runwhich dighe pipthen diereached tomfor pigthe totblanket jayspread gitover yenthe tinboy, rocpulled mogit yumup, piesimply jigreplying, rim”Why petare goyou dibalways roetalking mixso of much annonsense? rocI'm aftheading yeaout bibto tingo toeget gigyour vetmedicine, roeso ripbehave yewyourself aptand gigdon't aitmove. gelIf viayou vieneed ampanything, gojust begpress yetthe tombuzzer ohnext antto batyou. ads”With roethat jemstatement, rumhe petdidn't begwait jarfor roeHan yepYang's didreply, dibjust G.o.doing bedan ripabout-turn wethen fezleft addthe G.o.dward.

Han Yang stared on at the withdrawing figure, not exactly understanding the reason behind it, before a sudden soft laugh escaped him.

Thankfully, the pharmacy was not that far away from the hospital, it was located just right next door, therefore HeLian Qing got back to the room very quickly. Upon his return he immediately lowered his hand, resting it on Han Yang's forehead to check his temperature, noticing it was no longer as scalding hot as it was before as well as his once tightly crinkled face seeming slightly more at ease. Seeing this, he gave the younger man some water, then got him to swallow the medicine.

Noticing Han Yang staring at him, he asked, “Do you still want to vomit?” To which the boy replied by simply shaking his head in denial.

HeLian Qing nodded before reaching to pull up the blanket again. This time even the hand attached to the IV drip was covered, “Then just go to sleep.”

“What about you?”, Han Yang asked.

HeLian Qing, with a twinge of impatience responded, “Listen you, just lie down and get some sleep. Since when do kids talk so much? I'm not going anywhere. I'll just stay here to wipe your sweat and give you water.”

Han Yang, “……”

Recalling how he was just a while ago throwing up in the waste basket, Han Yang's face was suddenly overtaken with a splash of red. He shrunk under the cover of the blanket, stopping when the comforter was at his chin. Softly, he hummed in agreement to the man's request then proceeded to close his eyes.

Having tossed and turned until midnight, Han Yang was indeed quite tired and very sleepy. It was not easy for him to get comfortable but once he did, he nodded off to sleep quite quickly.

Just as he said, HeLian Qing did not go anywhere. He simply sat on the chair beside the boy's bed keeping close watch. Han Yang still had two more bags of IV left, so he needed to observe them and be ready to call in a nurse to switch them once one was finished.


His bedcellphone picvibrated arcin acthis rigpocket vexsuddenly. didDisplayed ason bet.i.t's gilscreen apewas geea pernew vatmessage. goCurrently, feyit rigwas actthe rubwee modhours of of perthe gigmorning, geealmost rugtwo toeo'clock. yetHeLian monQing antwondered arewho adswould beepossibly jigbe digsending fiba baymessage jemthat motlate, inas pahe pinunlocked ruethe batscreen batto tipsee gnuthe andfollowing yettwo rimwords: air”Han gapYang”.

[[Today yewI'll asbe yumgoing gapto tona aimgroup antdinner Jewwith yipsome jetcla.s.smates viaso antI yencan't rubmake aft.i.t arkback gemin toptime viafor padinner dewsince aptI'll gawprobably andreturn soa vanbit aillate. amThere's atstill aleleftovers antfrom golunch ruein digthe arkfridge, anyyou modcan gobjust beyreheat toeit jibto peweat did]]

That vanmessage yamwas atsent rubto hi him orat acttwo upin vatthe veeafternoon yamand get.i.t gobexplained yeswhy aidHan dibYang rigdid Jewnot yepreturn mefor alldinner. rigHe bamcould gitnot bamof airfathomed gelthe moginternet dibwould allsomehow ohdelay righis ginreceipt topof diethe asmessage aleuntil jarthis t.i.tvery betmoment.

HeLian aitQing batslowly atread rocthe asmessage aida tincouple totimes yawmore aftbefore toeputting rigthe yeaphone gasaway, sohis jemeyes addthen dewturned begtowards digHan dibYang's G.o.dface. jawA gobgood rowwhile addhad piepa.s.sed yowsince getthe goyounger banman ginhad runbeen anyfast gayasleep. anyHis motface yumwas ruenow viahalfway andconcealed pewunder actthe yamcovers picwith ohonly baythe mybridge gasof jayhis monnose, yawas yumwell toeas fezthat didbright yewand yepclean rimforehead tonof viehis, rigexposed.

HeLian picQing yetstood mogup, rimreached isfor begHan of Yang's diequilt, ondragging of it getdown yamjust yaya goblittle, add”Not yawtoo fibworried batabout anysuffocating, rubare bayyou?”

Still diestanding atbeside viethe tonbed, addhe picgently toetouched yapHan areYang's arkface. gnuThe Jewlad's gilskin banwas gemvery roesmooth, gitHeLian ampQing's aithand—for mixa upwhile—lingered ailon didthat yapplace betbefore pewtaking anhold anof andthe digbuzzer, inpressing perit onto agecall aptin isa vatnurse dieto perchange denout ginthe ampIV rigbag.

The middle of the night.

Because of the intravenous drip, Han Yang woke up in the middle of the night wanting to use the toilet. His eyes opened to see by his bedside, leaning back in a chair and sound asleep, none other than HeLian Qing. The man was especially tall. As he sat in slumber, one of his legs was bent whilst the other stretched out straight, both his arms lay folded across his chest and his head tilted downwards, so all Han Yang could see on his face was the bridge of his nose.

When HeLian Qing had rushed to the hospital with Han Yang in tow, he had only dressed himself casually. The hem of his s.h.i.+rt was left untucked, his hair was not as neatly combed as it usually was, and he still wore his house slippers on his feet. Compared to his usual self, this image was like the difference between the heavens and the earth.

“Haa…” the hazy moan left him at the instant of his release. He now weakly leaned against the bathtub, the satisfaction of coming leaving him in a daze. It was to the point where his hand unconsciously went down to rub his softening manhood, enjoying his unfinished tide.

This kind of Han Yang made Helian Qing's eyes darken. He then leant down to capture Han Yang's lips, the tip of his tongue seeking entry. Due to his recent climax, the younger man obediently allowed him to enter, even slightly lifting his head so both he and that man could engage in the exchange of the fluids between them.

He quite liked kissing Helian Qing, it was very intimate, and very warm.

But kissing alone could not satisfy Helian Qing, so aside from their merging lips, one of his hands slid down the curve of the lad's waist, arriving at that place between his legs where his cheeks parted, lingering, then touching that tight hole hidden inside.

Having been soaked in the tub's water, that place was somewhat softer, even though it was still quite tight. Helian Qing's finger just by moving up to touch it, had that place contracting with urgency and pulled Han Yang, who was utterly immersed in their kiss, back to reality. With him then withdrawing out of reflex to gaze at that man with widened eyes.

Lightly pressing his finger over that opening, Helian Qing tilted his head lower to look at Han Yang, “Are you going to push me away?”

Looking at that man's face, Han Yang clearly saw the desire and the restraint  within his eyes. Both were so powerful, it made one's heart throb.

Still, just like before, that finger of Helian Qing's pressed against that shameful place, but he did not take it a step further. It appeared that if the lad said no, he would then withdraw right away.

In reply, Han Yang stretched his arms around Helian Qing's neck, burying his head within the man's shoulder, whispering, “… be gentle. I'm a little scared.”

Once their cages of desire were opened, they could no longer simply turn back, but could only submit to their instincts, and descend into depravity together.

With one of the smaller man's legs over over the edge of the tub, Helian Qing used a hand to lift Han Yang's waist, while the other slipped into the tunnel between his legs, entering — sliding in and out, as it emitted a wet sound.

Helian Qing used the water within the tub to his advantage, inserting his finger into Han Yang's a.n.u.s, dragging against his inner wall from time to time until he was able to fit three fingers inside before pulling them out.

Following that, the bashful hole closed slightly when his fingers were retracted. Helian Qing continued by parting Han Yang's b.u.t.t-cheeks, pressing his burgeoning member against that partially contracted entrance, his waist then descending as it sank his huge head inside.

The unfamiliar feeling of the foreign object entering him caused Han Yang's  opening to reflexively tighten, clenching that large, hard instrument to a stop at his entrance.

Helian Qing gritted out a groan at the intensity of the constriction. He did not move, remaining at the opening, before lowering his head and asking huskily, “Do you want to slice off your husband's during our first time?”

Han Yang's cheeks flushed at his words. He wanted to relax, but was unable to compose himself, so now he contracted even more, almost to the point of driving the other man insane.

Cursing softly, Helian Qing then lifted the younger man's other leg around his waist, dipping his head to kiss him, while simultaneously inserting his stiffened member into that moist and narrow hole.

Due to the sudden plunge, the hands Han Yang rested on top Helian Qing's shoulders, dug in, leaving a trail of red scars behind them, and almost causing him to bite that man while their tongues were entangled.

After that thrust, Helian Qing did not move again. He simply stayed deeply within that moist, warm pa.s.sageway, before reaching to touch Han Yang's face, “Is it okay? Does it hurt?”

Han Yang gasped lightly, unsure of whether or not he should respond. There was definitely pain, since that man's fingers, while they were in that place, were completely different. His was even harder, hotter, filling his gut entirely, and apart from the pain, there was also a bloated sensation. But, even more than those, there was the awareness that he was being possessed.

An awareness in knowing, the one who pierced inside him, was Helian Qing.

It was not the first time Han Yang had ridden in HeLian Qing's car, but it his first time noticing the man's affinity towards sports cars. The car they were riding in drove extremely fast, so much so, that as he laid halfway down on the front pa.s.senger seat, he could not help but randomly think about being flung from his seat because of the swift speed they were going at. Translated by -[iana]-, Parts of this can only be read on :anameescans [DOT] wordpress [DOT] com

However, toit yumwas hi obvious gawthat marandom mobthought rodoccurring begwas fenunlikely. roeThough rottheir aitspeed aftwas ripquite jawfast, mixdue fezto jigthe robgood begquality jemof anthe vievehicle, aimhe socould roebarely dibfeel digany yamfluctuations toeas ruehe of laid jawdown.

Han jayYang gilnever rumknew rumthe aimhospital vanwas yawso upclose yeato pewthe barapartment. arkHe yumwas yetnot batquite persure, onbut rimguessed at.i.t tommust gilhave veetaken runat yamleast vatten yesminutes pabefore beghe banwas gapagain jemlifted geeinto yapHeLian anyQing's rotembrace itas gelthey toentered begthe yeabuilding.

There, the doctor asked a few questions, did an examination, then said he was suffering from acute gastroenteritis and although it was not a very severe case of the illness, the pain would unfortunately be a lot to bear. The physician then proceeded to write a prescription for the medicine Han Yang needed, after which he prompted a nurse to start an IV for the lad. He then had HeLian Qing follow him to his office in order to fill out a medical record for the ill boy.
[T/n: IV – intravenous therapy]

“Does the patient have any allergies to medication?” The doctor asked.

“No.” HeLian Qing answered.

“Are you sure you don't need to go ask him?” The doctor stopped writing, raising his gaze towards the man.

“There's no need.” HeLian Qing stated, his expression remaining unchanged.

Taking the medical record with him when he left the doctor's office, his eyes swept over the chart as he snorted.
I know more about that kid than he himself knows.

HeLian Qing did not go directly to the pharmacy, but instead first went back to Han Yang's room to check up on him.

The lad was in the same curled position he had before with one hand clutching his stomach but now the other had a IV-line attached, while his face was still drenched in that same pallid hue.

HeLian Qing made his way over to him, from the small box atop the cabinet by the bedside, he took out a couple of tissues, then began wiping the perspiration that formed on the boy's forehead.

Feeling his movements, Han Yang's eyes soon opened.

“Does it feel a little better?” the man asked, using his finger to push aside the other's sweat soaked bangs, inwardly hoping he was able to feel even the smallest amount of relief.

Unfortunately, the medicine was given not that long ago so for the time being there was not that much of a difference, but Han Yang nevertheless nodded, “Thank you.”

“En.[Okay]” HeLian Qing sat down on the stool beside him. Han Yang still had two-thirds of the liquid in the IV bag left and given that, the man was in no hurry to go get the prescription filled, nor was he anxious to leave just yet.

Afterwards, Han Yang still tried to vomit two separate times, inside his stomach had become absolutely deserted to the point where even stomach acid would not come out. So now, every time he retched, he felt as if there were countless hands all squeezing his gut and that feeling was extremely difficult for him to endure.

HeLian Qing knew the boy was still suffering from the pain, sadly, he also knew there was nothing much he could do about it. He could only give him sips of water to drink, so even if he did vomit again, he could at the very least feel a just a tad better.

Fortunately, ohthe perattached arcIV Jewalso jetcontained arcsome topainkillers yetand bayafter beta tipwhile G.o.dHan jarYang's airpain aftwas jayslowly myalleviated, bameven arcif rowit arkwas feyonly bayby gapa begsmall fibdegree. yamAlthough githis mycomplexion gawstill yethad fewthat dewterribly jigpale beetinge, gethis apeexpression orin piecontrast, acebecame antmore vangentle robas diehis tomfeatures rubrelaxed.

At tipthis rotmoment, gigHeLian gobQing's weheart gnufinally rotsettled. toHe t.i.treached batover jetto rugthe momcabinet, robputting ifthe jibused addcup yepaside banthen vetonce pipagain uppulled amout yawa baycouple vatof toopaper geltowels, diba.s.sisting bedHan viaYang toby aftdabbing jawaway roethe modsweat yeswhich yawformed rodon Jewhis gobears aitand bibneck.

Feeling ohhow momtenderly actthe yeaperspiration fibfrom airhis momface anywas yepbeing acewiped pewaway rimby onthe gelman's bibhand piewas aptincredibly jemhard denfor gaphim upto denbelieve. barHe modwas adsso itastounded rowthat afthe mothad bibnot gapeven G.o.drealised, pinpresently gason onhis addface, rugwas beythe gofirst gigsmile toehe arehad madirected robtowards gelHeLian yapQing batsince yeathey gobbecame picacquainted fezwith orone itanother.

He getthen, barto gigthe persilent amman oxbefore vethis beeeyes, jigsaid, yew”I bibfeel toemuch gnubetter arknow, alethank atyou.”

When gasthe geewordless rowman's ripgaze anyfinally bedcaught bansight fewof agothat yawsmile, rubthat hi hand noof ithis viaoccupied rumwith agocleaning vieaway rugthose roewet indroplets robcame rugto jeta beevery yapsudden geehalt. gnuThe momused pintissue afthe ailheld mobwas rumtossed robinto viethe roetrash yowbin arebeside gaphis amfeet, yepafter runwhich dighe pipthen diereached tomfor pigthe totblanket jayspread gitover yenthe tinboy, rocpulled mogit yumup, piesimply jigreplying, rim”Why petare goyou dibalways roetalking mixso of much annonsense? rocI'm aftheading yeaout bibto tingo toeget gigyour vetmedicine, roeso ripbehave yewyourself aptand gigdon't aitmove. gelIf viayou vieneed ampanything, gojust begpress yetthe tombuzzer ohnext antto batyou. ads”With roethat jemstatement, rumhe petdidn't begwait jarfor roeHan yepYang's didreply, dibjust G.o.doing bedan ripabout-turn wethen fezleft addthe G.o.dward.

Han Yang stared on at the withdrawing figure, not exactly understanding the reason behind it, before a sudden soft laugh escaped him.

Thankfully, the pharmacy was not that far away from the hospital, it was located just right next door, therefore HeLian Qing got back to the room very quickly. Upon his return he immediately lowered his hand, resting it on Han Yang's forehead to check his temperature, noticing it was no longer as scalding hot as it was before as well as his once tightly crinkled face seeming slightly more at ease. Seeing this, he gave the younger man some water, then got him to swallow the medicine.

Noticing Han Yang staring at him, he asked, “Do you still want to vomit?” To which the boy replied by simply shaking his head in denial.

HeLian Qing nodded before reaching to pull up the blanket again. This time even the hand attached to the IV drip was covered, “Then just go to sleep.”

“What about you?”, Han Yang asked.

HeLian Qing, with a twinge of impatience responded, “Listen you, just lie down and get some sleep. Since when do kids talk so much? I'm not going anywhere. I'll just stay here to wipe your sweat and give you water.”

Han Yang, “……”

Recalling how he was just a while ago throwing up in the waste basket, Han Yang's face was suddenly overtaken with a splash of red. He shrunk under the cover of the blanket, stopping when the comforter was at his chin. Softly, he hummed in agreement to the man's request then proceeded to close his eyes.

Having tossed and turned until midnight, Han Yang was indeed quite tired and very sleepy. It was not easy for him to get comfortable but once he did, he nodded off to sleep quite quickly.

Just as he said, HeLian Qing did not go anywhere. He simply sat on the chair beside the boy's bed keeping close watch. Han Yang still had two more bags of IV left, so he needed to observe them and be ready to call in a nurse to switch them once one was finished.


His bedcellphone picvibrated arcin acthis rigpocket vexsuddenly. didDisplayed ason bet.i.t's gilscreen apewas geea pernew vatmessage. goCurrently, feyit rigwas actthe rubwee modhours of of perthe gigmorning, geealmost rugtwo toeo'clock. yetHeLian monQing antwondered arewho adswould beepossibly jigbe digsending fiba baymessage jemthat motlate, inas pahe pinunlocked ruethe batscreen batto tipsee gnuthe andfollowing yettwo rimwords: air”Han gapYang”.

[[Today yewI'll asbe yumgoing gapto tona aimgroup antdinner Jewwith yipsome jetcla.s.smates viaso antI yencan't rubmake aft.i.t arkback gemin toptime viafor padinner dewsince aptI'll gawprobably andreturn soa vanbit aillate. amThere's atstill aleleftovers antfrom golunch ruein digthe arkfridge, anyyou modcan gobjust beyreheat toeit jibto peweat did]]

That vanmessage yamwas atsent rubto hi him orat acttwo upin vatthe veeafternoon yamand get.i.t gobexplained yeswhy aidHan dibYang rigdid Jewnot yepreturn mefor alldinner. rigHe bamcould gitnot bamof airfathomed gelthe moginternet dibwould allsomehow ohdelay righis ginreceipt topof diethe asmessage aleuntil jarthis t.i.tvery betmoment.

HeLian aitQing batslowly atread rocthe asmessage aida tincouple totimes yawmore aftbefore toeputting rigthe yeaphone gasaway, sohis jemeyes addthen dewturned begtowards digHan dibYang's G.o.dface. jawA gobgood rowwhile addhad piepa.s.sed yowsince getthe goyounger banman ginhad runbeen anyfast gayasleep. anyHis motface yumwas ruenow viahalfway andconcealed pewunder actthe yamcovers picwith ohonly baythe mybridge gasof jayhis monnose, yawas yumwell toeas fezthat didbright yewand yepclean rimforehead tonof viehis, rigexposed.

HeLian picQing yetstood mogup, rimreached isfor begHan of Yang's diequilt, ondragging of it getdown yamjust yaya goblittle, add”Not yawtoo fibworried batabout anysuffocating, rubare bayyou?”

Still diestanding atbeside viethe tonbed, addhe picgently toetouched yapHan areYang's arkface. gnuThe Jewlad's gilskin banwas gemvery roesmooth, gitHeLian ampQing's aithand—for mixa upwhile—lingered ailon didthat yapplace betbefore pewtaking anhold anof andthe digbuzzer, inpressing perit onto agecall aptin isa vatnurse dieto perchange denout ginthe ampIV rigbag.

The middle of the night.

Because of the intravenous drip, Han Yang woke up in the middle of the night wanting to use the toilet. His eyes opened to see by his bedside, leaning back in a chair and sound asleep, none other than HeLian Qing. The man was especially tall. As he sat in slumber, one of his legs was bent whilst the other stretched out straight, both his arms lay folded across his chest and his head tilted downwards, so all Han Yang could see on his face was the bridge of his nose.

When HeLian Qing had rushed to the hospital with Han Yang in tow, he had only dressed himself casually. The hem of his s.h.i.+rt was left untucked, his hair was not as neatly combed as it usually was, and he still wore his house slippers on his feet. Compared to his usual self, this image was like the difference between the heavens and the earth.

This knowledge made Han Yang's heart throb. Making it seem as if all of that pain was something he was able to bear. So with such a thought, he leaned upwards and kissed the other man's lips, whispering, “… it's okay.”

That kind of action in Helian Qing's eyes, was him practically begging to be f.u.c.ked.

Helian Qing started off with small strokes, allowing Han Yang to adapt to his presence. Apart from the insertion, he also kissed Han Yang's lips, to ease the lad's mood, as well as distract his attention. Such a kiss was quite effective, as Han Yang slowly began to ignore the aching of that place between his legs, and unconsciously extended his tongue to lick the other man's lips, imitating the way he had been kissed tenderly.

With the help of the water, Helian Qing's thrusts became much smoother, and it was not long before he felt that pa.s.sageway's tissue slowly open up around his d.i.c.k. The pressure of it wrapping around him was now so pleasurable, it made him release a low growl.

After going in and out for a while, Helian Qing held his hardened thing at that rear's entrance, now feeling as if that place had gotten much softer, and thus he began to increase his strength.

“Aaahh…” at Helian Qing's slowly increasing pace, Han Yang arched his head, letting out a pleasure filled sound in the wake of that man's thrusts. That leg of his which hung over the side of the tub, acceptingly returned to wrap itself around Helian Qing's waist.

A position like that was a lot more beneficial for Helian Qing's current movements, as he was now clutching onto the other man's waist, which moved to and fro from his force. He then pulled out his shaft halfway, before driving it inside again, over and over, stimulating that narrow little hole between the lad's legs to soften and redden, on account of his acts. Their love-making while immersed in the water filled bath, resulting in Helian Qing's thrusting, creating splashes, whose sound echoed throughout the bathroom.

Having toyed with him for a while, Helian Qing raised Han Yang to change his position by letting the lad sit on his lap. This posture caused his p.e.n.i.s to penetrate the other man even deeper, their lower halves also joining together tightly. With the man's upward thrust to that place of his, Han Yang cried out in excitement with his waist was also being made weak, prompting him to support himself by holding onto that man's chest.

“… too deep.” He muttered in a daze, as that huge thing bore into him, seeming as if it had directly pushed itself all the way to his deepest parts.

Helian Qing was very satisfied by the lad's praise, reaching out to touch his lips, saying, “I can still go a bit deeper.” With that said, he thrust his hips upward a few times, each jab targeting the sensitive flesh within Han Yang's body.

“… ah!” The pleasure he derived from the head of that man's d.i.c.k, as it stabbed the inner part of his pa.s.sage, made Han Yang's entire body tingle. His back-end tightened instinctively and his waist jolted uncontrollably by Helian Qing's thrusts, as his rear rubbed against the man's groin.

His compliance made Helian Qing pause his movements, following which, he drilled with even more ferocity. His hands kneading the lad's b.u.t.t, mercilessly pus.h.i.+ng into that tight, wet, little hole.

“Helian… Qing…” the force of his thrusts made Han Yang's legs tremble, as he intermittently called out the man's name.

“What did you call me?” Helian Qing nibbled on his nipple out of dissatisfaction, the sound of sucking proceeding his actions.

“… mmnnh…” Han Yang clutched the other man's head, “Qing'er…”

Helian Qing gave an abrupt thrust, his lower head stabbing into that soft place wretchedly, saying, “What did you call me?” as he jabbed him.

From within that hole came a satiating p.r.i.c.kling which had Han Yang's brain all muddled. He still held onto that man's neck, dazedly crying out, “Qing Gége…”
[T/n:  Gége = Princess]

The sound of that “Qing Gége” was said so vaguely it could not be heard clearly. Therefore, it appeared as if he had said “Qing Gēge”, which made Helian Qing's member tremble.
{T/n: Gēge = Oppa [1]}

“… little b.a.s.t.a.r.d.” Helian Qing cursed, “I'm going to f.u.c.k the life out of you.”

He pinched Han Yang's b.u.m fiercely before pressing the lad down once more, pulled out his p.e.n.i.s from that pa.s.sage, then thrusting that member inside once again. That large, stiff thing rammed into the soft — wet tunnel, all the way to its deepest part, stroking with vigor. The pleasure feeling as if an electrical current shot through every inch of the two, giving them both unending gratification.

“Ah…” such an intense effort made Han Yang shriek. He clutched the rim of the bathtub with both hands, his toes trembling, curling.

“Again, cry out again!” Helian Qing's hip shook rapidly, as he pounded into Han Yang, his d.i.c.k driving to that place's limit, hitting the lad's prostate, again and again. Every time he thrust inside, that pa.s.sage's tender lining would tightly enclose him. That soft, slippery place, felt so amazingly comfortable, he very much wanted to bury himself there forever.

“…” Han Yang bit his lips firmly, refusing to let out another embarra.s.sing cry, while he felt his lower half experience a p.r.i.c.kling numbness due to Helian Qing's a.s.sault.

But… it was too stimulating… too satisfying…

A place like this was clearly not used for copulation [2], but because of the immense pleasure which arose from such a seamless insertion into it, as well as that st.u.r.dy tool seeming as if it wanted to bury itself within him and fuse them both together, to where the frequent pulsations coming from it's surface, were all distinctly felt by him. Along with, every single time, it rubbed against his inner wall, that thing aroused an irresistible limpness, bringing a faint itch, which altogether smashed Han Yang's rationality to pieces.

“Aah… Helian… Qing… gentle… a bit gentler…” Han Yang was unable to help cry out in the end. His grip on the edge of tub now released so he could cover his eyes, as he ignored his own broken voice and drowned himself in the pa.s.sionate tide of desire within.

“You really are hard to please.” Helian Qing complained, yet his waist obediently slowed its pace. His head, again, lowered to place a kiss upon those lips of Han Yang's, reddened from the lad's own biting, licking them lightly as added,”The one f.u.c.king you, is me. What sense does it make to bite yourself like this, huh?”

The meaning behind those words was him allowing Han Yang to bite him instead. So Han Yang was very eager to give the man face, grabbing the other's hand and clamping down — not that hard, but enough to leave bite-marks.

Helian Qing gazed at the tooth-marks on his hand, laughing gently, “You've still got some strength it seems, let's save it for something else, yeah?” With that said, he lifted Han Yang's leg over his shoulder, and again thrust his stiffened member into the other man.

Entering from such a position was even easier, to the point where the hair at the base of his shaft had stuck to Han Yang's b.u.t.t. The lad cried out, wanting to take his leg down, but Helian Qing's next surge of attack had begun. Its strength so fierce, he had forgotten what he ever wanted to do, as all he could now do was moan.


His d.i.c.k did not stop drilling into that narrow little hole. Upon its entrance, the friction caused that place's softened tissue to redden, and every instance where he pulled out, that soft place seemed to have also been brought out before it was again sent back in, the entire sight appearing exceptionally erotic. Helian Qing's swollen sack slapped against the lad's a.s.s, creating a symphony of sounds when accompanied by Han Yang's impatient moans. It was all enough to cause a person blush incessantly.

By the movement of those two men, the water inside the tub sloshed, falling all over both of their bodies, but neither of the men cared as they were both immersed in the act of love making.

Han Yang had already come twice, his d.i.c.k was now trembling pitifully, as its head could only let out sporadic bursts of s.e.m.e.n.

Issuing a few powerful thrusts, Helian Qing also felt he too was nearing that critical point, now pulled his member from that wet hole. At that tool's separation from that place, he let out a faint groan, releasing a fine strand of silver. He then took his flouris.h.i.+ng member, pressed it against Han Yang's to rub them both together with haste, before finally growling lowly as he shot off on top of the younger man's abdomen.

His thick s.e.m.e.n dripped between those pale abs. Helian Qing then released several loads before he finished, however, that rigid member of his did not soften completely at all.

Han Yang unfurled his legs from the man's waist, leaning them against the tub weakly. His cheeks were flushed, his eyes filled with a teary mist, as he now stared at that man absentmindedly.

That kind of small animal-like look, made Helian Qing unable to resist, urging his just emptied member to raise its head once more. Pinching Han Yang's chin lightly, he lowered himself to kiss him fiercely, his tone relentless, as he asked, “What are you looking at? Do you want your husband to f.u.c.k you a second time?”

Han Yang recalled his, very recent, debauched appearance, his face growing hot as he stammered, “What nonsense are you spouting? Let me go.”

“Tsk, it wasn't that long ago that you were crying out desperately in my arms, but now that the pleasure is finished, you're just going to kick me out.” Helian Qing did not release him, and instead took hold of Han Yang's flaccid member, giving it a squeeze.

This situation was so intense, it made Han Yang's legs weaken, his waist also faltered. His only option was to glare and curse, spitting out the four words, “Son of a b.i.t.c.h!”

It was Helian Qing's first time hearing Han Yang curse someone. After staring at him for while, he could not help but laugh.

When laughing, that man was indeed very handsome. Han Yang, who had never seen him laugh with such a lack of restraint, for a while, simply gazed at him, forgetting entirely what he was about to say.

After he was done laughing, Helian Qing scooped Han Yang into his arms, kissing him for a bit with all his might, then said, “Yep, this ‘son of a b.i.t.c.h' is your husband.” After which, he bowed to bite one of the lad's nipples that was already swollen from his sucking, “You know, when it's swollen like this it looks like a red bean, it looks really good.”

That statement made the lost spirit of Han Yang's return, as he slapped the man's hand, “Let go!”

Helian Qing scoffed, “Today, I'll let you off, because in the future, there'll be other opportunities.”

Han Yang, “…”

My b.u.t.t hurts, is it possible for me to return this…

The answer to that is, no.

Dried Salted Fish can only obediently be eaten after all~



[1] Oppa: Korean term for older male or elder brother used by women. Calling ones boyfriend Oppa is common. Ge/Gege: 哥哥; Big brother, is used similarly in Chinese but without the gender specificity of the Korean term (with extra meanings). Using the literal translation while they're doing it was cringy so… Oppa!  The only word I know of used in English with the same connotation here is “Daddy/its variations”, and I ain't putting that one either☺

[2] 交合: jiāohè: to join; s.e.xual intercourse; copulation; mating. When copulating was used here it seemed to imply “baby-making”. Han Yang is a traditional small-town (technically village) boy after all. s.e.x = procreation, was how he was raised.


So, you all got your s.m.u.t.
Sadly, I am p.o.o.ped out for this year so this was my gift to you for this season.  See you next year everyone~

???Happy Holidays???

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