Pamela Censured Part 2
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The positively p.r.o.nouncing a Thing quite perfect, and the only good one of its Kind upon your meer _ipse Dixi_, is something so novel, and tacitly calling all Fools who shall dare to swerve from that Opinion, gives it such an Air of Consequence and a.s.sur'd Success, as may prevail on many, who search no farther than the Surface to believe it to _be_ what it is _represented_; but to Persons who may be as _sensible_, tho'
perhaps not so bigotted to an Opinion, as the Editor, it must only afford Matter for Laughter and Ridicule.
If it is not ludicrous, (tho' what can be too light a Counterpoise for such frothy Affectation!) I once met with a Story from an honest Country Man, which seems very applicable to the Case in Question. A Doctor, says the Farmer, once did us the Honour of a Visit at our Village, he appeared in all the Ornament of Dress necessary to excite Curiosity in simple unmeaning Clowns, he began his Harangue, by inveighing bitterly against the Errors and Tricks of his Brother Pract.i.tioners, their Advice was deficient, their Drugs unwholsome, and instead of healing, they did but taint the Body; he only prescribed what was proper, and his Arcanum was the grand Restorative of Health then _first published_, with a salutary Design of confirming the whole Country's Health to the utter Ruin of all Physicians, Apothecaries, _&c._ Name what Disease you would, his little Pill was an immediate and sovereign Remedy. During the Doctor's Oration there appear'd behind him a surly Sort of a Fellow, dress'd in all the Accoutrements that could be collected together to make him look terrible, yet through all, you might discern a sly leering Grin: No sooner had the Doctor p.r.o.nounced his Nostrum universal, but _Andrew_ (for he, it seems, was the formidable Hero in Disguise) advancing forward with an Air military flourishes his broad Sword over his Head; and being mildly ask'd by the Doctor, what was the Occasion of that tremendous Visage, he boldly answered----_to Kill any one that dare dispute it_.
Thus you, Sir, as _Editor_ stand boldly a _Swiss_ at your own Portal, to invite in your Friends with recommendatory Letters, and hard strain'd complemental Rhimes to yourself as _Author_, to usher your doughty Performance into the World.
I shall pa.s.s over them in a cursory Manner, as they only appear to be _Aiders_ and _Abetters_, and not concerned; they only tend to sound forth the Praise of the Book, and amount to little more than what the Vulgar call a _Puff_. The first of them insinuates a _French Translation_, and as I see one is since advertised to be published, it may not be amiss to congratulate the Gentleman, whoever he is, on his lucky Thought, and wish him as much Success on his being _Translator_, as you have met with in being _Editor_; tho' upon Consideration I must confess that would be doing wrong, for as I think the Book to have a bad Tendency in general, (which I shall endeavour to prove presently) to transmit it into another Language is but spreading the Infection farther.
The next Epistle abounds with the same fulsome Flattery as the former, it is there--"full of Instruction and Morality,--a pure clear Fountain of Truth and Innocence;--a Magazine of Virtue and unblemish'd Thoughts:--ALL others tend only to corrupt our Principles and mislead our Judgments, but _Pamela_ must be for the universal Benefit of Mankind, 'twill reclaim the Vicious, and mend the Age in general."
The Introduction to the Second Edition is only calculated to load us with still more Stuff of the same Kind as the former; You would do well, Sir, before you so confidently affirm the Gentleman who hath given his Opinion upon the Objections that have been offered to be a Person of _distinguish'd Taste_ and _Abilities_, either to have let us known _who_ he was, or some of his former Works, which might have convinced us of those _Abilities_, for I think the long Harangue prefix'd to _Pamela_ will never be deem'd a sufficient Proof thereof----The Gentleman himself acknowledges that _when it has dwelt all Day long upon the Ear, it takes Possession all night of the Fancy_; That is, I suppose, it contributes to make his _Dreams_ something pleasanter than usual; and I am sorry if I am mistaken, but it seems to me, that he wrote his Dissertation half awake and half asleep, just as he was disturb'd from one of those agreeable Reveries----His Return from his Walk in the Snow and the Reflection there made, is far from holding good, if it shall appear that the Author of _Pamela_, instead of being Father to _Millions of Minds_, serves only to inspire them with Thoughts and Ideas, which must infallibly make the Mind subservient to the Body, and Reason not only fall a Victim to, but, quite debauch'd, a.s.sist the sensual Appet.i.tes.
The Objections pretended to be made by an anonymous Gentleman were in my Opinion only formed on Purpose for the Sake of the Answers; so pa.s.sing over them:--_Parson_ Williams's _Dove_ without serpentine Mixture; the natural Story of the little Boy, for which Sort of Admirers _Pamela_ seems to be more immediately calculated, &c. I come to the Objection the Gentleman makes himself, which I cant think would be sufficiently _obviated_ by any _Alteration_ in the _Front of another Edition_, while the same is retained in the very Body of the Story; his Objection take in his own Words.
"There are Mothers or Grandmothers (saith he) in all Families of affluent Fortune who tho' they may have none of _Lady Davers's Insolence_, will be apt to feel one of her _Fears_--That the Example of a Gentleman so amiable as Mr. _B----_ may be follow'd by the _Jackies_ their Sons, with too blind and unreflecting a Readiness; nor does the Answer of that Gentleman to his Sister's Reproach come quite up to the Point they will rest on: For though indeed it is true, all the World would acquit the best Gentleman in it, if he married such a Waiting Maid as _Pamela_, yet there is an ill discerning Partiality in Pa.s.sion that will overthrow all the Force of that Argument: _Because every beloved Maid would be a Pamela_, in a Judgment obscured by her Influence."
Nor can I think he has stated his own Objection as strong as it might be, or even sufficiently answer'd it as it is, for where he recommends "the purpos'd Excitement of Persons in _Pamela's_ Condition of Life, by an Emulation of her Sweetness, Humility, Modesty, Patience and Industry to attain some faint Hope of arriving in Time within View of her Happiness?----What a delightful Reformation, says he, should we see in all Families, where the Vanity of their Maids took no Turn toward Ambition to please, but by such innocent Pleasures as _Pamelia's_."
This is first of all making an Objection, then denying it to be one; for what does he defend in the last Paragraph, but the very Thing that is allowed to be the general bad Tendency of the Book, _viz_: That every Maid Servant from what low Stock soever she sprung, if she is pretty modest, _&c._ has an undoubted Right to attempt to entice her Master to Marriage:----Nay in what he allows is proposed to teach the _Gay World_ and the _Fortunate_, he more particularly acknowledges it to be this.----"By Comparison with that infinite Remoteness of her Condition from the Reward which her Virtue procured her, one great Proof is derived, (_which_, says he expressly; _is Part of the Moral of Pamela_) that Advantages from _Birth_, and Distinction of _Fortune_ have no Power at all, when consider'd against those of _Behaviour_ and Temper of Mind: Because where the _last_ are not added, all the _first_ will be boasted in Vain. Whereas she who possesses the last, finds _no Want_ of the first in her Influence."----If this is proper Instructions for young Ladies I am deceived, for by the same Rule that it may hold good with _Servant Maids_ in regard to their obtaining their _Young Masters_ (which he would call as above----_the Reward their Virtue procured them._). It must equally make the Ladies conclude that if they can find any thing mere deserving in their _Footmen_ than the _Young Gentlemen_, who by a suitable Rank and Fortune are designed to be their Suitors, they are under no Obligation to chuse the latter, but _are meritoriously_ throwing down all Distinction of _Family_ and taking up with the former.
Thus much, Sir, I have thought proper to observe in regard to your a.s.sistants; now give me Leave to say, that I think your _Pamela_ so far from being a proper Entertainment for the Youth of both s.e.xes, especially the young Ladies, that it is indisputable no young Girl however innocent she may be; at the Age when Nature softens and moulds the tender yielding Heart to Love can possibly read several Pa.s.sages in it, which I shall point out, without conceiving Ideas she otherwise might never have dream'd of; and instead of recommending it to my Daughters I would keep it from their Sight, as too pernicious for them to converse with.
But before I enter into any particular Parts, I will take a short Summary of the whole Tale as you would willingly have it represented, with my Objections thereto, and wherein I think you fall short of what you have promised in your t.i.tle Page, and is directly the Reverse of the Encomiums bestow'd in your Preface.
The Foundation of _Pamela_'s Story is _Truth_ and _Nature_ as you have laid it down at first, pursuant to this you would have represented to us, in the Characters you have drawn, a Young Girl born of honest but mean Parents, who by some Means or other had procured for their only surviving Child a Place in a Lady of Fas.h.i.+on's Family, where her Education and growing Beauty just at her blooming Age, by the Death of her old Lady, left her a warm Temptation to a succeeding Heir, who had joined all the Prejudices of modern polite Education to the insulting Affluence of Fortune; he accordingly among his deceased Mother's Treasure finds this beauteous Virgin, and thinking that his Fortune might or juvenile Gaiety attract her an easy devoted Prey to his amorous Inclinations, he tries all Arts to seduce her thereto, but finding them all ineffectual, he at last flies even to Threats and Anger to force her to gratify a then raging brutal Pa.s.sion which became too fierce to be endured, and too predominant to be stifled or overcome, and in order to bring her to Compliance, he is guilty of the basest Treachery and Perfidiousness; for instead of letting her return in Safety to her Father and Mother as he had promised her, and which more speciously to make her believe, he complements her with his own Chariot to carry her, but at the same Time gives private Orders to his Servants to convey her far from the Place she desires to go to, there to be immur'd like a Prisoner, and all this in Hopes of forcing her into Compliance. There commited to the safe Custody of a _Swiss_, and one that is nothing better than an _old Bawd_; there a thousand Difficulties surround her, the poor artless Maid still unacquainted with Love, and all it's little Artifices, here lights of a Minister, who professing a Value and Esteem For her, undertakes at the Hazard and Expence of his own Welfare and Subsistence to engage in her Cause and procure her Liberty; but meeting with a severe Disappointment even to his then seeming utter Ruin, the Design proves abortive, and the poor Girl is still left to further and terrible Trials of her Chast.i.ty; 'till at last overcomeing all, she captivates her Tyrant, binds him in _soft Fetters of Love_, when he only means to enslave her in _Chains of l.u.s.t_. Thus by a quick Transition from a Servant Maid, she becomes the lawful Mistress of the Dwelling she so lately waited in; and is supposed to give as excellent Example as a _Wife_, as she gave of _Chast.i.ty_ as a Maid. And _thus is Virtue Rewarded_.
The most sanguine of your Admirers could not, I fancy, more inpartially state the Case, as it has been represented by them in your Behalf. Now let us examine what is the Opinion of as many on the other Side. Their first great Charge, is, that in the narrative Part of her Letters, you have interspersed too many Scenes that directly tend to inflame the Minds of Youth: Next, that _Pamela_ instead of being artless and innocent sets out at first with as much Knowledge of the Arts of the Town, as if she had been born and bred in _Covent_ Garden, all her Life Time; that your fine Gentleman does not come up to the Character you would fain have him be thought to a.s.sume, that his Sister Lady _Davers_, is little better than a downright _Billingsgate_, and her poor Lord is the only one who meets with Pity. That Mrs. _Jewkes_ might take _Colbrand_ with her and set up in a House somewhere in the Purlieus of _St. Giles_, while honest Mother _Jervis_ might marry _Jonathan_, and perhaps be promoted to a little Inn of Squire _B_'s in the Country, even that Mrs. _Pamela_ stopp'd at in her Journey to the _Lincolns.h.i.+re_ Estate. Thus, Sir, do many enter into Conversation with the Character of Men of Taste and Pleasantry, find Fault in Opposition to the exuberant Praises bestow'd on _Pamela_ by others.
I however was much more pleas'd for my own Part with the Opinion of a stay'd sober Gentleman, who was then call'd upon to declare his Sentiments, tho' I don't send it to you as an Extract from a _Curious Letter_, neither was it submitted to him, as a Gentleman of the MOST distinguish'd Taste and Abilities. But to the best of my Remembrance he express'd himself something like the following Manner.
I don't approve, said he, of the _Extravagancies_ which People have run into on both sides of the Question in regard to _Pamela_, neither of those who have cried it up as a Masterpiece in its Kind and the most perfect Thing that ever was published; nor of those who depreciate it as the most insignificant Trifle they ever met with, and hardly worth Notice, on the contrary, I think it is very artfully work'd up, and the Pa.s.sions so strongly touch'd that it is impossible for Youth to read it without Sympathy, and even wis.h.i.+ng themselves in such a Situation, which must be attended with very bad Consequences. _Pamela_ under the Notion of being a Virtuous Modest Girl will be introduced into all Families, and when she gets there, what Scenes does she represent? Why a fine young Gentleman endeavouring to debauch a beautiful Girl of Sixteen. The Advances are regular, and the amorous Conflicts so agreeably and warmly depicted, that the young Gentleman Reader will at the best be tempted to rehea.r.s.e some of the same Scenes with some _Pamela_ or other in the Family, and the Modest Young Lady can never read the Description of Naked b.r.e.a.s.t.s being run over with the Hand, and Kisses given with such Eagerness that they cling to the Lips; but her own soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s must heave at the Idea and secretly sigh for the same Pressure; what then can she do when she comes to the closer Struggles of the Bed, where the tender Virgin lies panting and exposed, if not to the last Conquest, (which I think the Author hath barely avoided) at least to all the Liberties which ungoverned Hands of a determined Lover must be supposed to take? If she is contented with only wis.h.i.+ng for the same Trial to shew the Steadiness of her Virtue it is sufficient; but if Nature should be too powerful, as Nature at Sixteen is a very formidable Enemy tho'
Shame and the Censure of the World may restrain her from openly gratifying the criminal Thought, yet she privately may seek Remedies which may drive her to the most unnatural Excesses.
This then, said he, in short is my Opinion of _Pamela_; that the _Story_ is prettily related, the _Pa.s.sions_ finely wrought up, and the _Catastrophe_ beautifully concluded, but in the Course of the Narrative, and almost interspersed throughout the Whole, there are such _Scenes_ of _Love_, and such _lewd Ideas_, as must fill the Youth that read them with _Sentiments_ and _Desires_ worse than ROCHESTER can, and for this Reason, they will start at a gross Expression, which if nicely and artfully convey'd they'll dwell on with Rapture. Therefore I think it wholly _unfit_ for _Youth_, and declare freely I would by no Means trust my _Daughters_ with reading it.
This Gentleman's Opinion induced me to read over your _Pamela_, and I really find it too true: There is a perfect System of Intrigue, and they begin so gently by Degrees, and are led on so methodically to the last Grand Attack, and this with amorous Attacks in View, even thro' the gravest Sentences of Morality that it is impossible to read it without endeavouring to gratify the Pa.s.sion he hath raised; let us view _Pamela_ then, divested of the Drapery in which she is enclos'd, tho' not hid, and then her Charms will appear thus: The wise Father will never think it proper for his Son's Closet, and the careful Mother banish that with other Novels and Romances from her Daughter's Cabinet.
_PAMELA_ begins from the Death of her Lady, and tho' she gives the Narrative in her own Person, yet let us take it as a Tale only, without any Consideration had to it's being epistolary, and the loose Images will be the more connected, and glare the stronger; which Mr. Editor, that I may not misrepresent, I will quote in your own Words, and make Remarks on them as they occur.
The young Gentleman coming to take Possession of his Treasure, finds this young Virgin among it, the good old Gentlewoman, on her Death-bed, recommends her to his Care with one Design, and he receives her with quite another. Here's a fine Field open'd for a luscious Tale, the Game is started, and the Author like a staunch Sportsman never once loses Sight;----Mr. _B._ begins very tenderly: After a little Toying, Kissing, _&c._ he makes Miss a Present of several fine Things, and here, says the Author, I'll just give my Readers a soft Touch to see how they will entertain amorous Reflections; _p._ 12. "I was inwardly ashamed to take the Stockens; for Mrs. _Jervis_ was not there; If she had, it would have been nothing. I believe I received them very awkwardly; for he smiled at my Awkwardness, and said, _Don't blush_, Pamela: _Dost think I don't know pretty Maids wear Shoes and Stockens?_" Yes, to be sure, and Garters and Stomachers and Smocks,----but ola! little Miss would have cried, that's a Pah Word, and my Mamma wont let me read such naughty Books!
Well! the young Gentleman grows a little bolder, his Sister indeed the good Lady _Davers_! She thinks the poor Girl is designed to be ruin'd: And she does no more to prevent it then shake her Head and cry, _Ah Brother!_ Now Miss is at Work in the Summer House, and let us see the Interview, I a.s.sure you the Scene rises a little, and the _innocent Girl_ appears mighty skillful; p. 17, 18. "I saw some Reason to _suspect_; for he would _look upon me_, whenever he saw me, _in such a manner as shew'd not well_; and at last he came to me, as I was in the Summer-house in the little Garden, at work with my Needle, and Mrs.
_Jervis_ was just gone from me; and I would have gone out; but he said, No, don't go, _Pamela_; I have something to say to you; and you always fly me, when I come near you, as if you were afraid of me. I was much out of Countenance, you may well think; but said at last, It does not become your poor Servant to stay in your Presence, Sir, without your Business requir'd it; and I hope I shall always know my Place. Well, says he, my Business does require it sometimes, and I have a Mind you should stay to hear what I have to say to you. I stood all-confounded, and began to tremble, and the more when he took me by the Hand; for now no Soul was near us. My Sister _Davers_, said he (and seem'd, I thought, to be as much at a Loss for Words as I) would have had you live with _her_; but she would not do for you what I am resolved to do, if you continue faithful and obliging. What say'st thou, my Girl? said he, with some Eagerness; had'st thou not better stay with me, than go to my Sister _Davers_? _He look'd so_, as fill'd me with Affrightment; _I don't know how_; wildly, I thought. I said, when I could speak, Your Honour will forgive me; but as you have no Lady for me to wait upon, and my good Lady has been now dead this Twelvemonth, I had rather, if it would not displease you, wait upon Lady _Davers_, _because_--I was proceeding, and he said a little hastily _Because_ you are a little Fool, and know not what's good for yourself. I tell you, I will make a Gentlewoman of you, if you'll be obliging, and don't stand in your own Light, and so saying, _he put his Arm about me and kiss'd me_! Now you will say, all his Wickedness appear'd plainly. I _struggled, and trembled_, and was so benumb'd with Terror, _that I sunk down, not in a Fit, and yet not myself; and I found myself in his Arms, quite void of Strength; and he kissed me two or three times, with frightful Eagerness_.----At last I burst from him, and was getting out of the Summer House; but he held me back, and shut the Door." He then bids her have done blubbering, and offers her some Money. After this Miss is afraid to lie alone, and wants a Confidante. Well good Mrs. _Jervis_ to be sure is glad of the Offer, and some Time 'till the 'Squire comes to Town again. And here the Author (fearing least his Male Readers should have no Entertainment, the former being more adapted to improve the Female,) contrives to give us an Idea of _Pamela_'s hidden Beauties, and very decently to spread her upon the Floor, for all who will peep thro' the Door to surfeit on the Sight; but first takes care to put them in Life by a Flurry lest they should appear too dead and languid: _p._ 30. "At last he came in again, but, alas! with Mischief in his heart!
and raising me up, he, said, Rise, _Pamela_, rise; you are your own Enemy. Your perverse Folly will be your Ruin; I tell you this, that I am very much displeased with the Freedoms you have taken with my Name to my House-keeper, as also to your Father and Mother; and you may as well have _real_ Cause to take these Freedoms with me, as to make my Name suffer for _imaginary_ ones. And saying so, he offered _to take me on his Knee, with some Force_. O how I was terrify'd! I said, like as I had read in a Book a Night or two before, Angels, and Saints, and all the Host of Heaven, defend me! And may I never survive one Moment, that fatal one in which I shall forfeit my Innocence. Pretty Fool! said he, how will you forfeit your Innocence, if you are oblig'd to yield to a Force you cannot withstand? Be easy, said he; for let the worse happen that can, _you'll_ have the Merit, and I the Blame; and it will be a Subject for Letters to your Father and Mother, and a Tale in the Bargain for Mrs. _Jervis_. He by Force kissed my Neck and Lips; Who even blamed _Lucretia_, but the _Ravisher_ only? And I am content to take all the Blame upon me; as I have all ready born too great a Share for what I have deservd. May I, said I, _Lucretia_ like, justify myself with my Death, if I am used barbarously? O my good Girl! said he, tauntingly, you are well read, I see; and we shall make out between us, before we have done, a pretty Story in Romance, I warrant ye. He then put his Hand in my Bosom, and the Indignation gave me double Strength, and I got loose from him by a sudden Spring, and ran out of the Room and the next Chamber being open, I made s.h.i.+ft to get into it, and threw-to the Door; and the Key being of the Inside, it locked; but he followed me so close, he got hold of my Gown, and tore a Piece off, which hung without the Door. I just remember I got into the Room; for I knew nothing further of the Matter till afterwards; for I fell into a Fit with my Fright and Terror, _and there I lay, till he, as I suppose, looking through the Key-hole,_ SPY'D ME LYING ALL ALONG UPON THE FLOOR, STRETCH'D OUT AT MY LENGTH; and then he call'd Mrs. _Jervis_ to me, who, by his a.s.sistance, bursting open the Door, he went away, I seeming to be coming to myself; and bid her say nothing of the Matter, if she was wise. Poor Mrs.
_Jervis_ thought it was worse."
Was not the Squire very modest to withdraw? for she lay in such a pretty Posture that Mrs. _Jervis thought it was worse_, and Mrs. _Jervis_ was a Woman of Discernment; but however _Pamela_ did no more than what Ladies of Fas.h.i.+on do to their Footmen every Morning, shew herself in Dishabille or so.
The Young Lady by thus discovering a few latent Charms, as the snowy Complexion of her Limbs, and the beautiful Symmetry and Proportion which a Girl of about fifteen or sixteen must be supposed to shew by tumbling backwards, after being put in a Flurry by her Lover, and agitated to a great Degree takes her smelling Bottle, has her Laces cut, and all the pretty little necessary Things that the most luscious and warm Description can paint, or the fondest Imagination conceive. How artfully has the Author introduced an Image that no Youth can read without Emotion! The Idea of peeping thro' a Key-hole to see a fine Woman extended on a Floor in a Posture that must naturally excite Pa.s.sions of Desire, may indeed be read by one in his _grand Climacteric_ without ever wis.h.i.+ng to see one in the same Situation, but the Editor of _Pamela_ directs himself to the _Youth_ of both s.e.xes, therefore all the Instruction they can possibly receive from this Pa.s.sage is, first to the young Men that the more they endeavour to find out the hidden Beauties of their Mistresses, the more they must approve them; and for that Purpose all they have to do, is, to move them by some amorous Dalliance to give them a _transient View_ of the _Pleasure_ they are afterwards to reap from the _beloved Object_. And Secondly, to the young Ladies that whatever Beauties they discover to their Lovers, provided they grant not the last Favour, they only ensure their Admirers the more; and by a Glimpse of Happiness captivate their Suitor the better. So that a young Lover in order to encourage his _growing Virtue_ is not to blame to see his Mistress in her s.h.i.+ft, nor the young Lady to permit it, if she can discreetly do it so as not to let him think she is sensible of it, 'tis as much as to say, ye Rakes! Raise the Inclination of the Girls 'till they can scarce refuse complying, then let them fly from ye to their Chambers, and there reveal in private to your longing Sight the Beauties which upon no Account they would openly entertain ye with.
The lovely, the innocent _Pamela_, after her Master had seen her like _a new born Venus rising from the Waves_, as one of the Poets expresses it, seems to know nothing of the Matter, and yet with all the Inconsistence imaginable expresses herself as cunningly and knowing upon the Subject as the best bred Town La.s.s of them all could have done: The Squire offers her Money, which she refuses; and in her Conversation with Mrs.
_Jervis_, upon that Head, she expresses herself thus: _p._ 41. "After such Offers, and such Threatnings, and his comparing himself to a wicked Ravisher, in the very Time of his last Offer; and making a Jest of me, that we should make a pretty Story in Romance; can I stay, and be safe?
Has he not demean'd him self twice? And it behoves me to beware of the third Time, for fear he should lay his Snares surer; for mayhap he did not expect a poor Servant would resist her Master so much. And must it not be look'd upon as a sort of Warrant for such Actions, if I stay after this? For I think, when one of our s.e.x finds she is attempted, it is an Encouragement to a Person to proceed, if one puts one's self in the Way of it, when one can help it; and it shews one can forgive what in short ought, _not_ to be forgiven: Which is no small Countenance to foul Actions, I'll a.s.sure you."
Yet notwithstanding all this, her _Virtue_ is only founded on _Shame_, and she seems to imply that could she be secure from the Censure of the World she would not hesitate to commit the Sin, _p._ 44. "Well, but, Mrs. _Jervis_, said I, let me ask you, if he can stoop to like such a poor Girl as I, as perhaps he may (for I have read of Things almost as strange, from great Men to poor Damsels) What can it be _for_?--He may condescend, mayhap, to think I may be good enough for his Harlot; and those Things don't disgrace Men, that ruin poor Women, as the World goes. And so, if I was wicked enough, he would keep me till I was undone, and 'till his Mind changed; for even wicked Men, I have read, soon grow weary of Wickedness of _one_ Sort, and love _Variety_. Well then, poor _Pamela_ must be turn'd off, and look'd upon as a vile abandon'd Creature, and every body would despise her; ay, and _justly_ too, Mrs. _Jervis_; for she that can't keep her Virtue, ought to live in Disgrace." Fine Instruction truly! That is, My Master lik'd me, he would have made a Harlot of me, but then if I should consent, he may be tired perhaps in a Month or two, or meet with Somebody he likes better, then poor _Pamela_ will be turn'd off, and the World will call her a Fool.
I must now address you Sir, as Author and acknowledge that your Skill in Intrigue is most apparent, not content with permitting us to fill our Fancy with the naked Charms of the lovely _Pamela_, luxuriant in your Art, you contrive to give us her Picture in a simple rural Dress; the Squire fir'd at the View of those lovely Limbs is still kept warm by Variety, and, cloath'd in a Disguise, they are again to attack him in another Shape: She, who could charm so much in a loose Undress on the Floor, must doubtless keep that Ardour still alive, dress'd in the unaffected Embellishments of a neat Country Girl. And tho' the _Servant Maid_ might fail to please, the _Farmer's Daughter_ must inevitably catch the _Country Squire_; yet how artfully is this _Masquerade_ introduced! The poor Girl for not complying at once to his Request, is threaten'd to be turn'd away, and accordingly to go Home to her Father and Mother, in a Condition agreeable to theirs, dresses herself in the most alluring Habit that her Circ.u.mstances will afford: p. 63. "I trick'd myself up as well as I could in my Garb, and put on my round-ear'd Cap; _but with a green Knot however_, and my home-spun Gown and Petticoat, and plain-leather Shoes; but yet they are what they call _Spanish_ Leather, and my ordinary Hose, ordinary I mean to what I have been lately used to; tho' I shall think good Yarn may do very well for every Day, when I come home. A plain Muslin Tucker I put on, and my black Silk Necklace, instead of the _French_ Necklace my Lady gave me; and put the Ear-rings out of my Ears; and when I was quite 'quipp'd, I took my Straw Hat in my Hand, with its two blue Strings, and look'd about me in the Gla.s.s, as proud as any thing----To say Truth, I never lik'd myself so well in my Life."
_PAMELA_ is now become a beautiful young Rustic, each latent Grace, and every blooming Charm is called forth to wound, not in affected Finery, but in an artful Simplicity; nor is your Conduct less, Sir, in introducing her to the Squire: Beauties that might grow familiar to the Eye and pall upon the Pa.s.sion by being often seen in one Habit, thus varied take a surer Aim to strike.----The Instruction here then is to the _Ladies_, that by altering their Appearance they are more likely to catch their Lover's Affections than by being always the same; and that a neat cherry cheek'd Country La.s.s tripping along with a Straw Hat in her Hand may _allure_, when perhaps a pale faced Court Lady might be _despised_; and I dare say, that no young Gentleman who reads this, but wishes himself in Mrs. _Jervis_'s Place to _turn_ Pamela _about and about and examine all her Dress to her under Petticoat_.
The next Thing is how to introduce her to the Squire, and in that Mrs.
_Jervis_ is as decently drawn in for a Procuress as can be; he sees her talking with Mrs. _Jervis_, and thinking her to be a _fresh Lady_, sends for Mrs. _Jervis_ to him, who notwithstanding she would do all she can to preserve the Maiden's Virtue, yet insists upon her going to him in her new Garb, tho' she must certainly know it could only tend to _inflame_ his Desire the more, and urge him to still greater Liberties: _p._ 65, 66: "She stept to me, and told me, I must go in with her to my Master; but, said she, for Goodness sake, let him not find you out; for he don't know you. O fie, Mrs. _Jervis_, said I, how could you serve me so? Besides, it looks too free both _in me_, and _to him_. I tell you, said she, you _shall_ come in; and pray don't reveal yourself till he finds you out. So I went in, foolish as I was; tho' I must have been seen by him another Time, if I had not then. And she would make me take my Straw-hat in my Hand. I dropt a low Curt'sy, but said never a Word. I dare say, he knew me as soon as he saw my Face; but was as cunning as _Lucifer_. He came up to me, and took me by the Hand, and said, whose pretty Maiden are you?--I dare say you are _Pamela_'s Sister, you are so like her. So neat, so clean, so pretty! Why, Child, you far surpa.s.s your Sister _Pamela_! I was all Confusion, and would have spoken, but he took me about the Neck; Why, said he, you are very pretty, Child; I would not be so free with your Sister, you may believe; but I must kiss you. O Sir, said I, I am _Pamela_, indeed I am _Pamela_, _her ownself_! He kissed me for all I could do; and said, Impossible! You are a lovelier Girl by half than _Pamela_; and sure I may be innocently free with you, tho' I would not do her so much Favour. This was a sad Bite upon me indeed, and what I could not expect; and Mrs. _Jervis_ look'd like a Fool as much as I, for her Officiousness. At last I got away, and ran out of the Parlour, _most sadly vex'd, as you may well think_."
This occasioned an Emotion in him, which is admirably described, but in a Piece designed only to encourage Virtue, no ways necessary to be introduced: _p._ 67. "He then took me in his Arms, and presently push'd me from him. Mrs. _Jervis_, said he, take the little Witch from me; I can neither bear, nor forbear her! (Strange Words these!)--But stay, you shan't go! Yet begone!--No, come back again. I thout he was mad, for my Share; for he _knew not what he would have_. But I was going however, and he stept after me, and took hold of my Arm, and brought me in again: I am sure he made my Arm black and blue; for the Marks are upon it still. Sir, Sir, said I, pray have Mercy; I will, I will come in! He sat down, and _look'd at me_, and, as I thought afterwards, as sillily as such a poor Girl as I."
Nat. _Lee's fiery Kisses_, _melting Raptures_, and the most luxuriant Flowers of amorous Rhetoric cannot more fully express the Onset of a declining stifled Pa.s.sion kindled anew; the warm Struggle, the sudden Grasp, and the languis.h.i.+ng Eye can hardly be painted in stronger Terms: And tho' I think it beautiful Colouring, yet I should be sorry my Son or Daughter should be delighted with it. What follows this, is what any one might expect, the Squire, fired with this View of his _Pamela_, grows more eager to accomplish his Designs; but least the Reader should mistake the Purport of the Author, he takes Care to inform them of it by the Mouth of Mrs. _Jervis_: p. 73, 74. "Upon my Word, says she, _Pamela_, I don't wonder he loves you; for, without Flattery, you are a charming Girl! and I never saw you look more lovely in my Life, than in that same new Dress of yours. And then it was such a Surprize upon us all!----I believe truly, you owe some of your Danger to the lovely _Appearance_ you made."
Squire _B._ supposed to be quite impatient, as I observed before, had now resolved to have a last Trial; and for that Purpose concealed himself in the Room where _Pamela_ lay; _p._ 71. "I went to Mrs.
_Jervis_'s Chamber; and, O my dear Father and Mother, my wicked Master had hid himself, base Gentleman as he is! In her Closet, where she has a few Books, and Chest of Drawers, and such-like. I little suspected it; tho' I used, till this sad Night, always to look into that Closet, another in the Room, and under the Bed, ever since the Summer House Trick, but never found any Thing; and so I did not do it then, being fully resolved to be angry with Mrs. _Jervis_ for what had happened in the Day, and so thought of nothing else. I sat myself down on one Side of the Bed, and she on the other, and we began to undress ourselves." A very fine Instruction this Pa.s.sage must give us truly! Here he again is to feast his Eyes with her naked Charms, and wait but a little longer before he rushes out to seize them as his own: _p._ 74. "Hus.h.!.+ said I, Mrs. _Jervis_, did you not hear something stir in the Closet? No, silly Girl! said she; your Fears are always awake.----But indeed, said I, I think I heard something rustle.----May-be, says she, the Cat may be got there: But I hear nothing. I was hush, but she said, Pr'ythee, my good Girl, make haste to-bed. See if the Door be fast. So I did, and was thinking to look in the Closet; but hearing no more Noise, thought it needless, and so went again and sat myself down on the Bed-side, and went on undressing myself. And Mrs. _Jervis_, being by this Time undress'd, stepp'd into Bed, and bid me hasten, for she was sleepy. I don't know what was the Matter; but my Heart sadly misgave me; but Mr.
_Jonathan_'s Note was enough to make it do so, with what Mrs. _Jervis_ had said. _I pulled off my Stays and my Stockens; and all my Cloaths to an Under Petticoat_; and then hearing a rustling in the Closet; I said, Heaven protect us! but before I say my Prayers, I must look into the Closet. And so was going to it slip-shod, when, O dreadful! out rush'd my Master, in a rich silk and silver Morning Gown. I scream'd, and ran to the Bed; and Mrs. _Jervis_ scream'd too; and he said, I'll do you no Harm, if you forbear this Noise; but otherwise take what follows: Instantly he came to the Bed, (for I had crept into it, to Mrs.
_Jervis_, with my Coat on, and my Shoes) and, taking me in his Arms, said, Mrs. _Jervis_, rise, and just step up Stairs, to keep the Maids from coming down at this Noise; I'll do no Harm to this Rebel."
Here the lovely Nymph is undress'd in her Bed Chamber, without Reserve, and doing a Hundred little Actions, which every one's Fancy must help him to form who reads this Pa.s.sage, and in the Midst of all this, the Squire is introduced: And however she and Mrs. _Jervis_ may endeavour to keep down the _Under Petticoat_, yet few Youths but would secretly wish to be in the Squire's Place, and naturally conclude they would not let the Nymph escape so easily.--Now the Scene rises, the Colours begin to glow and rise to the Life: _p._ 75. "_I found his Hand in my Bosom_, and when my Fright let me know it, _I was ready to die; and I sigh'd, and screamed, and fainted away_. And still he had his Arms about my Neck; and Mrs. _Jervis_ was about my Feet, and upon my Coat. And all in a cold clammy Sweat was I. _Pamela! Pamela!_ said Mrs. _Jervis_, as she tells me since, O--h, and gave another Shriek, my poor _Pamela_ is dead for certain!--And so, to be sure I was for a Time; _for I knew nothing more of the Matter_, one Fit following another, till about three Hours after, as it prov'd to be, I found myself in Bed, and Mrs. _Jervis_ sitting up on one Side, with her Wrapper about her, and _Rachel_ on the other."
_Feeling of the b.r.e.a.s.t.s, fainting, and dying away_, may, in your Opinion, Sir, be Excitements to _Virtue_, but they are too VIRTUOUS a Description in my Mind for any young untainted Mind to peruse.
Miss after this is ill, and when she had _blubber'd_, and cried three or four Days, the Squire to bring her to herself, and allure her Fancy, takes care to shew himself to her in all the Advantages of Dress and Finery; _p._ 81. 'Yesterday he had a rich Suit of Cloaths brought home, which they call a Birth-day Suit.' Here is the Contraste to _Pamela_'s plain Neatness, he had found that her amiable Figure had caused fresh Emotions in him, and consequently he imagined his must have the same Effect on her. _p._ 81. 'He had these Cloaths come home, and he try'd them on. And before he pull'd them off, he sent for me, when n.o.body else was in the Parlor with him: _Pamela_, said he, you are so neat and so nice in your own Dress, (Alack-a-day, I did'n't know I was!) that you must be a Judge of ours. How are these Cloaths made? Do they fit me? I am no Judge, said I, and please your Honour; but I think they look very fine. His Waistcoat stood an End with Gold Lace, and he look'd very grand.'
And at the same Time that he endeavours to charm her with his own Person, he as artfully allures her with the most fulsome Flattery: _p._ 83. 'Well, said he, you are an ungrateful Baggage; but I am thinking it would be Pity, with _these soft Hands_, and that _lovely Skin_, (as he called it, and took hold of my Hand) that you should again return to hard Work, as you must, if you go to your Father's; and so _I would advise her to take a House in_ London, _and let Lodgings to us Members of Parliament_, when we come to Town; and such a _pretty Daughter_ as you may pa.s.s for, will always _fill her House_, and she'll get a great deal of Money.'
This Compliment was a little of the grossest for a fine Gentleman! But the Heightening is still behind: After some little tart Repartees and Sallies aiming at Wit, the Author seems to indulge his Genius with all the Rapture of lascivious Ingenuity: _p._ 84, 85. 'I wish, said he, (I'am almost ashamed to write it, _impudent Gentleman_) I wish, I had thee as QUICK ANOTHER WAY, as thou art in thy Repartees.----And he laugh'd, and I s.n.a.t.c.h'd my Hands from him, and I tripp'd away as fast I could. _Ah! thought I marry'd?_ I'm sure _'tis Time you were married_, or at this Rate no honest Maiden ought to live with you!' Here's Virtue encouraged with a Vengeance and the most obscene Idea express'd by a double Entendre, which falls little short of the coa.r.s.est Ribaldry; yet _Pamela_ is designed to _mend_ the _Taste_ and _Manners_ of the Times, and _instruct_ and _encourage Youth in Virtue_; if that were the Case there was no absolute Necessity in my Opinion for the inserting of this Pa.s.sage. How artfully is the Turn of the Entendre wrought up for the INSTRUCTION of both _s.e.xes_. The young Gentleman will find the Squir's Wish to be, that his beloved _Pamela_ would quite the _cold Air_ of a reserved Modesty, immediately yield to his Wishes, and meet him in an _amorous Conflict_, with all the _Vivacity_ that simple Nature unrestrain'd by Art could inspire. And little Miss, who just begins to sigh and wish for she knows not what, will be encouraged to wish for a Husband, and think a _double Entendre_ strictly virtuous, even tho' it turns upon the _Closet Commerce_ between the s.e.xes: And should any one intrusted with her Education inform her that she is in the Wrong, or strive to check the rising Pa.s.sion; may she not pertly answer. _Why sure! There's no Harm in it, for_ Pamela _does so; there are several such Things in that_ good Book, _and my_ Mother _recommended me to the reading of it, nay, and the_ Parson _says it is the_ best Book in the World _except the_ Bible.
Miss _Pamela_ tho' very angry with her Master, yet in some Measure seems to be very fond of excusing him: 'He's very wicked indeed, says she, but then there are others as bad, 'tis Time he was married truely; for he grows so rampant he'll overrun the Parish else, but if he does there are others that will keep him in Countenance; there's Squire _Martin_ he keeps a Seraglio of his own, and has had _three Lyings in_, it seems, in his House, within these three Months; and several more of my Master's Companions who are as bad as he. Alack a day! What a World we live in!
It is grown more Wonder that Men are _resisted_ than that Women _comply_.' Indeed Mr. _Pamela_ is very discerning of her Age!
Mrs. _Jervis_ notwithstanding her motherly Goodness, seems still to be Procuress in Ordinary, though indeed she doth not prove so pac'd an One as Mrs. _Jewkes_ doth afterwards; but wou'd any sober Matron after what Attempts have been made before, ever so far comply with the loose Inclinations of her Master as to introduce him into a Closet to overhear a private Conversation and her Charge? But the _five Guineas_ the Squire gave her upon closing her yearly Accounts seem to have soften'd her a little more to his Interest, for in _p._ 95. she conveys him into the Green Room, where was a Sash Door and a Curtain conveniently that he might both hear and see, tho' _Pamela_ confesses _she had reason to remember the last Closet Work_.
Her harmless Tattle o'er her Things whilst she was seperating them from those she intended to leave behind her, but added fresh Fuel to the Squire's Flame; and here he first takes Heart to make an Open Declaration of his Love. _p._ 102, 103. 'He took me up, in a kinder manner, than ever I had known; and he said, Shut the Door, _Pamela_, and come to me in my Closet: I want to have a little serious Talk with you.
How can I, Sir, said I, how can I? and wrung my Hands! O pray, Sir, let me go out of your Presence, I beseech you. By the G.o.d that made me, said he, I'll do you no harm, Shut the Parlour-door, and come to me in my Library. He then went into his Closet, which is his Library, and full of rich Pictures besides; a n.o.ble Apartment, tho' called a Closet, and next the private Garden, into which it has a Door that opens. I shut the Parlour-door, as he bid me; but stood at it irresolute. Place some Confidence in me surely, said he, you may, when I have spoken thus solemnly. So I crept towards him with trembling Feet, and my Heart throbing through my Handkerchief. Come in, said he, when I bid you. I did so. Pray, Sir, said I, pity and spare me. I will said he, as I hope to be sav'd. He sat down upon a rich Settee; and took hold of my Hand, and said, Don't doubt me, _Pamela_. From this Moment I will no more consider you as my Servant; and I desire you'll not use me with Ingrat.i.tude for the Kindness I am going to express towards you. This a little embolden'd me; and he said, holding both my Hands in his, You have too much Wit and good Sense not to discover, that I, inspite of my Heart, and all the Pride of it, cannot _but love you_. Yes, look up to me, my sweet-fac'd Girl! I must say I love you; and have put on a Behaviour to you, that was much against my Heart, in hopes to frighten you to my Purposes. You see I own it ingenously.'
By this Means he perswades the Maid to stay a Fortnight longer, and then Parson _Williams_ is first introduced: Thinks he if I can debauch this Girl 'tis but marrying her to my Chaplain afterwards, giving him a good Living and all's right; and this he brings in with an Offer of Fifty Guineas. However all will not do and she is to go away when she pleases; upon which melancholy occasion Miss must grow poetical and entertain us with a Ditty.
The Squire's Intrigues, the Author has laid the Scene of himself; which take in his own Words: _p._ 114, 115. 'Here it is necessary to observe, that the fair _Pamela_'s Trials were not yet over; but the worst of all were yet to come, at a Time when she thought them at an End, and that she was returning to her Father: For when her Master found that her Virtue was not to be subdu'd, and he had in vain tried to conquer his Pa.s.sion for her, _being a Gentleman of Intrigue_, he had order'd his _Lincolns.h.i.+re_ Coachman to bring his travelling Chariot from thence, not caring to trust his Body Coachman, who, with the rest of the Servants, so greatly lov'd and honour'd the fair Damsel; and having given him Instructions accordingly, and prohibited his other Servants, on Pretence of resenting _Pamela_'s Behaviour, from accompanying her any Part of the Way, he drove her Five Miles on the Way to her Father's; and then turning off, cross'd the Country, and carried her onward towards his _Lincolns.h.i.+re_ Estate. It is also to be observ'd, that the Messenger of her Letters to her Father, who so often pretended Business that Way, was an Implement in his Master's Hands, and employ'd by him for that Purpose; and who always gave her Letters first to him, and his Master used to open and read them, and then send them on.'
Not to mention the little Occurrences upon the Road, the _Chaste_ Discourse at the Inn, her Interview with Mrs. _Jewkes_, &c. we now transpose the Scene from _Bedfords.h.i.+re_ to the Mansion House in _Lincolns.h.i.+re_, where the poor Turtle is now coop'd up; and certainly it must be allowed, that the Author has contrived to heighten his _Amorous Tale_ by just Degrees, so as at once to court the Expectation, and raise the glowing Pa.s.sions 'till it is almost impossible but they must burst forth in a Blaze.
Mrs. _Jewkes_ enters into the Business with all the a.s.surance of an experienc'd Bawd. It was contrived that Miss should bait at an Inn upon the Road, kept by her Sister, and there Mrs. _Jewkes_ receives her fair Charge: p. 136. 'The naughty Woman came up to me with an Air of Confidence, and _kiss'd me_: See, Sister, said she, here's a _charming Creature_! Would she not tempt the best Lord in the Land to run away with her? O frightful! thought I; here's an Avowal of the Matter at once: I am now gone, that's certain. And so was quite silent and confounded; and seeing no Help for it, (for she would not part with me out of her Sight) I was forc'd to set out with her in the Chariot.'
Her behaviour there was a Piece with the first Onset; _p._ 137. 'Every now and then she would be _staring in my Face_, in the Chariot, and _squeezing my Hand_, and saying, Why you are very pretty, my silent Dear! And once she offer'd to kiss me. But I said, I don't like this Sort of Carriage, Mrs. _Jewkes_; _it is not like two Persons of one s.e.x_. She fell a laughing very confidently, and said, That's prettily said, _I vow! Then thou hadst rather be kiss'd by the other s.e.x?
"Isackins, I commend thee for that"!_' There are at present, I am sorry to say it, too many who a.s.sume the Characters of Women of Mrs.
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