Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play Part 15

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8. Little slam is twelve tricks similarly scored, and adds twenty points to the honour count.

9. Chicane (one hand void of trumps) is equal in value to three honours, _i.e._, if partner of player having chicane scores honours he adds the value of three honours to his honour score, while, if the adversaries score honours, it deducts an equal value from their honour score. Double Chicane (a player and his partner both void of trumps) is equal in value to four honours, and the value thereof may be deducted from the total honour score of the adversaries.

10. The value of honours, slam, little slam, or chicane, is in nowise affected by doubling or redoubling.

11. At the conclusion of a rubber the scores for tricks, honours, Chicane, and Slam, obtained by each side are added, and one hundred points are added to the score of the winners of the rubber. The difference between the completed scores is the number of points won or lost by the winners of the rubber.

12. If an erroneous score affecting tricks be proven, such mistake must be corrected prior to the conclusion of the game in which it has occurred, and such game shall not be considered as concluded until the following deal has been completed and the trump declared, unless it be that the game is the last one of the rubber,--then the score is subject to inquiry until an agreement between the sides (as to the value of the rubber) shall have been reached.

13. If an erroneous score affecting honours, chicane or slam be proven, such mistake may be corrected at any time before the score of the rubber has been made up and agreed upon.


14. The ace is the lowest card.

15. In all cases every player must cut from the same pack.

16. Should a player expose more than one card, he must cut again.


17. The prior right of playing is with those first in the room. If there are more than four candidates for seats at a table, the privilege of playing is decided by cutting. The four who cut the lowest cards play first.

18. After the table is formed, the players cut to decide on partners; the two lowest play against the two highest. The lowest is the dealer, who has choice of cards and seats, and who, having once made his selection, must abide by it.

19. Should the two players who cut lowest, secure cards of equal value, they shall re-cut to determine which of the two shall deal, and the lower on the re-cut deals.

20. Should three players cut cards of equal value, they cut again; if the fourth card be the highest, the two lowest of the new cut are partners and the lower of the two the dealer; if, however, the fourth card be the lowest, the two highest on the re-cut are partners and the original lowest the dealer.

21. Six players const.i.tute a full table, and no player shall have a right to cut into a game which is complete.

22. When there are more than six candidates, the right to succeed any player who may retire is acquired by announcing the desire to do so, and such announcement shall const.i.tute a prior right to the first vacancy.


23. If at the end of a rubber, should admission be claimed by one or two candidates, the player or players having played a greater number of consecutive rubbers shall withdraw; but when all have played the same number, they must cut to decide upon the outgoers; the highest are out.


24. A candidate desiring to enter a table must declare such wish before any player at the table cuts a card, either for the purpose of beginning a new rubber or of cutting out.

25. In the formation of new tables, those candidates who have neither belonged to nor played at any other table have the prior right of entry.

Those who have already played decide their right of admission by cutting.

26. A player who cuts into one table while belonging to another, shall forfeit his prior right of re-entry into the latter, unless by doing so he enables three candidates to form a fresh table. In this event he may signify his intention of returning to his original table, and his place at the new one can be filled.

27. Should any player quit the table during the progress of a rubber, he may, with the consent of the other three players, appoint a subst.i.tute during his absence; but such appointment shall become void with the conclusion of the rubber, and shall not in any way affect the subst.i.tute's rights.

28. If anyone break up a table, the remaining players have a prior right to play at other tables.


29. The pack must neither be shuffled below the table nor so the face of any card be seen.

30. The dealer's partner must collect the cards for the ensuing deal and he has the first right to shuffle the cards. Each player has the right to shuffle subsequently. The dealer has the right to shuffle last, but should a card or cards be seen during his shuffling, or whilst giving the pack to be cut, he must re-shuffle.

31. Each player, after shuffling, must place the cards properly collected and face downward to the left of the player next to deal.


32. Each player deals in his turn; the order of dealing goes to the left.

33. The player on the dealer's right cuts the pack, and in dividing it he must not leave fewer than four cards in either packet; if in cutting or in replacing one of the two packets a card be exposed, or if there be any confusion of the cards or a doubt as to the exact place in which the pack was divided, there must be a fresh cut.

34. When the player whose duty it is to cut has once separated the pack he can neither re-shuffle nor re-cut the cards.

35. Should the dealer shuffle the cards, after the pack is cut, the pack must be cut again.

36. The fifty-two cards shall be dealt face downward. The deal is not completed until the last card has been dealt face downward.



38. There must be a new deal--

_a_ If the cards be not dealt into four packets, one at a time, and in regular rotation, beginning at the dealer's left.

_b_ If, during a deal, or during the play of a hand, the pack be proven incorrect or imperfect.

_c_ If any card be faced in the pack.

_d_ If any player have dealt to him a greater number of cards than thirteen.

_e_ If the dealer deal two cards at once and then deal a third before correcting the error.

_f_ If the dealer omit to have the pack cut and the adversaries call attention to the fact prior to the conclusion of the deal and before looking at their cards.

_g_ If the last card do not come in its regular order to the dealer.

39. There may be a new deal--

Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play Part 15

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Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play Part 15 summary

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