Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play Part 4

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A Q 10 " " " " 3 "

A 10 9 7 2 " " " " 3 "


To double spades, you should hold in your hand 4 tricks and a possible 5th.

To double hearts, diamonds, or clubs, you should hold five tricks and a possible 6th.

To double "no-trumps," you should hold 6 tricks and a possible 7th.

Be careful about doubling "no-trumps," unless you hold a long established suit. Your adversary may have seven tricks in _his_ long suit, and it is hard to discard from a "good all-round hand."

Spades may be doubled when weak in trumps; but, to double hearts, diamonds, or clubs, you should have some trump strength.

When doubling remember

That you show the dealer where the strength lies.

That you stand a better chance of winning the odd trick by not exposing your strength.

That when the "maker" is on your right, you have the advantage that your trumps are over his.

That when the "maker" is on your left you are at a disadvantage; his trumps are over yours.

That it is a good time to double when the odd trick wins the game for your adversaries, and does not win it for you.

That it is a poor time to double when the odd trick wins the game for you and does not win it for your adversaries.

That with a doubtful hand it is better to be satisfied with what you can make without doubling.

That if you double "no-trumps" your partner will lead you his best heart.


When your partner has doubled, the opening lead must depend greatly on the scheme you adopt for the play of your hand. It is a mistake to suppose your partner wishes a trump led EVERY time he doubles. On the contrary, spades--when doubled--are seldom led by good players, unless with a strong hand, until they have gained information to justify the trump lead.

The majority of hands will be covered by the following rules:

If spades have been doubled and you hold four or more trumps you should usually lead trumps.

It is fair to a.s.sume that your partner has doubled with a good suit hand. Lead trumps if you are weak in spades, but hold a strong suit hand. Your partner has probably doubled with trump strength.

If hearts, diamonds, or clubs have been doubled and dummy is the "maker"

it is usually good play to lead trumps; that is, when you have no short suit and so are unable to use your trumps for ruffing.

If possible lead to take the first trick. After you have seen the dummy you are in a position to judge as to the advisability of the trump lead.

When hearts, diamonds, or clubs have been doubled and the dealer is the maker, it is not sound play to lead trumps. You would place your partner in a bad position by leading up to the dealer's declared strength.

When leading trumps always lead the top of two or three and the lowest of four.


When you have the first lead and your partner has doubled a "no-trump"

make you are expected to lead your highest heart. As there are very few hands where it is advisable to double "no-trump" on general strength, it is necessary for the leader to know what suit to lead when his partner has doubled.

When the leader holds an A K or an A K Q suit he should first lead the K of that suit and then his highest heart.


In England and in some parts of this country the leader tries to guess his partner's suit by leading the one in which he himself is weakest.

While this convention affords many more opportunities of doubling, it is not nearly so safe as the heart convention. There is about an even chance that the weak suit led will put the dealer or the dummy hand in the lead.


The principles of play adopted against a trump and against a no-trump declaration are entirely different; and it is for this reason that Bridge is confusing to the beginner.

The important principles that govern the play against a trump declaration are:

To hold the lead in order to see the dummy hand.

To make high cards before they can be trumped.

To give your partner information.

The importance of first seeing the thirteen cards in the dummy is self-evident. The play of an entire hand is often influenced by the cards in the dummy; therefore, if you can win the first trick, you are in a better position on the second lead to play your own and your partner's hand to advantage.

These combinations should be selected in their order for the original lead without reference to the length of the suit.


Ace from any other combination except A Q with one or two more.

K Q J K Q Q J 10

As the maker, more especially if the trump is red, has shown strength, your first consideration should be to save the game. This is best done by leading your Aces and other high cards before the dealer has a chance to discard and to trump. This is particularly true when there is an established suit in the dummy hand; for then the dealer may be able to exhaust trumps and discard his own losing cards on this established suit.


+------------------+----------------------+ FROM LEAD +------------------+----------------------+ A K Q King, then Queen. A K King. +------------------+----------------------+ K Q J and others King. K Q +------------------+----------------------+ Q J 10 Queen. Q J 9 +------------------+----------------------+ K J 10 10. +------------------+----------------------+ A x x x or more. Ace, then small one. A J x x " " " " A Q J x Ace, then Queen. A Q x x x Ace, then small one. +------------------+----------------------+

When opposed to the dealer, aim to give your partner as much information as possible. You certainly cannot expect to gain much by deceiving the dealer--he knows what is held against him--and it is a decided advantage for your partner to know where certain cards are and to understand what you are trying to do. The best method of indicating the cards you hold is to adhere strictly to the correct lead from each combination of cards.

From all other combinations, such as

Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play Part 4

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