Marjorie Dean College Freshman Part 13
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"Now I told you Busy Buzzy was on the job all the time. She ought to be our press agent. Only we don't need one. True worth will always be discovered, sooner or later. Who else knows our home town and past history as given out by our little Buzz-about?"
"No one else, so far as I know." Marjorie was forced to smile at Jerry's nonsense. She did not altogether approve of Busy Buzzy and Buzz-about as names for the odd little manager. She doubted if Miss Remson would hail either with joy. "I met another girl, too. One of those we saw at Baretti's last night." Marjorie briefly described her and the circ.u.mstances of the meeting.
"Yes; I remember her. I took a good look at those four. They were watching us, too. They were very clever about it, though."
Marjorie said nothing for a little. Engaged with her hair at the dressing table, a decided frown shadowed her forehead.
"What's the matter?" Seated where she could see her chum's face in the mirror, Jerry had instantly noted the shadow.
"Oh, nothing much. It seemed to me this girl didn't care about being friendly. She acted more as if she were trying to find out what sort of person I was. It wasn't what she said to me, but her manner that made me think it. I felt toward her as I might have toward a stranger I had chanced to meet somewhere in public and exchanged courtesies with."
"She was probably trying to find out your principles and so forth. She may be either a sn.o.b or a sn.o.b-hater. It wouldn't surprise me if that were the main issue here," was Jerry's shrewd guess. "In either case she would be anxious to know how to cla.s.s you. According to Miss Archer's friend, Miss Hutchison, the sn.o.b proposition has become a grand nuisance here. Who knows? Before long we may be taking part in a regular fight against 'our crowd.' Maybe both sides are looking for freshman recruits."
"Well, if it's a fight based on money, you and Ronny are eligible to 'our crowd,'" retorted Marjorie mischievously. "The rest of us can't qualify."
"It's a good thing," Jerry said sarcastically. "Any time you catch me toddling along with that foolish aggregation you may discard me forever."
The measured raps on the door turned the attention of both girls to it.
Jerry answered it, admitting Muriel.
"Top of the morning," she saluted. "Ready to go down to breakfast? Have you seen Ronny and Lucy yet?"
"I am ready and Marjorie soon will be. No; the girls haven't appeared.
We have loads of time for breakfast this morning. No danger of getting left."
Muriel at once began to recount her meeting in the lavatory with two freshmen. She was in the midst of it when more rapping announced Ronny and Lucy.
"I was afraid you had gone down stairs," were Ronny's first words. "I slept until the last minute as usual. Lucy was up long before me. She set off for the lavatory, bold as you please. When she opened the door and saw half a dozen strangers, she took fright and hustled back to our room. Then she sat around like a goose until I woke up."
Lucy merely smiled a little at this expose. "I needed Ronny's moral support," she said whimsically. "Afterward I was sorry I didn't brave it out. The second time the lavatory held twice as many girls."
"We landed in the middle of 'our crowd,'" reported Veronica, looking extremely bored. "They paid no attention to us, for which I was duly thankful. Like myself, I suppose they hate to get up early. I didn't mind it at home, for I can take my time. I often get up at five o'clock when Father and I are going for a long ride over the ranch. But to rise early, then have to hurry!" Ronny made a gesture eloquent of disfavor.
"Miss Weyman said there were eighteen girls in their sorority,"
interposed Jerry. "I wonder how many of them room in this house?"
"A dozen at least; perhaps the whole eighteen," replied Ronny. "There were eight or nine of them in the lavatory. I heard them asking where Florence and Lita were, so I daresay they are among the elect. Miss Weyman wasn't there nor Miss Cairns. I saw and heard Miss Vale, she was talking at the top of her lungs."
"Did that Miss Vale speak to you?" Jerry questioned abruptly.
"I happened to catch her eye and she gave me a wee little nod and a sickly smile," Ronny answered, in satirical amus.e.m.e.nt.
"Marjorie and I have an inkling that there are two factions at the Hall.
If that's the case-Good-bye to a peaceful college life," predicted Jerry. "While we may think we can keep clear of both factions, we can never do it. Mark my words, within six weeks from now we'll be all out of patience with 'our crowd.' Then look out for fireworks."
Following Jerry's ominous prophecy, nothing of any special moment occurred to mar the Five Travelers' peace of mind during their first week at Hamilton. So occupied were they in choosing their subjects, arranging their recitation periods and adapting themselves to the new life that they paid small attention to the comings and goings of the coterie of millionaire's purse-proud daughters which Wayland Hall housed.
The Sans Soucians were deep in a round of sociabilities, to which it appeared that only a few juniors and seniors were eligible. To the other girls of the soph.o.m.ore cla.s.s, they accorded a cool shoulder. A handful of moneyed freshmen found favor with them and were therefore made much of. The Lookouts, however, were not among these. They had been privately rated by their quondam callers as plebians and dropped.
While Marjorie and Muriel had chosen the cla.s.sical course, Lucy and Jerry had decided on the scientific and Ronny on the philosophical. As they had arrived at Hamilton three days before the official opening of the college, they had plenty of time to discuss together the respective merits of their chosen courses and arrange satisfactorily their recitation periods.
The making of these necessary arrangements, together with unpacking their trunks and attention to the countless details relative to their physical comfort, left them little time during those first busy days for social amenities outside their own intimate circle.
With Helen Trent, Martha Merrick and Rosalind Black they had become fairly friendly. Helen, in particular, had already become a welcome visitor to their rooms. She had a habit of dropping in on one or another of them with a bit of lively, but harmless, college gossip, that was infinitely diverting. She never prolonged her visits to the wearisome point. She was never in the way. In fact, she was usually in a hurry.
The difficulty lay in trying to hold her, never in wis.h.i.+ng for her to depart.
Thanks to Miss Remson, the five girls had been given places at one table in the dining room. At meal time they were, therefore, a close corporation. Muriel's acquaintance with the two freshmen, Mary Cornell and Eva Ingram, both from New York City, had flourished to the extent that they had made her one evening call which she had returned. Like herself, they had made no acquaintances outside the Hall since their arrival and relied on each other for company.
Toward the end of the Sanford girls' second week at Hamilton a number of things happened. First of all, Muriel acquired a room-mate as a result of persistent "buzzing" on the part of the manager. When first asked to share her room with the dissatisfied junior, Miss Barlow, Muriel had thought it over and decided in the negative. Miss Barlow was not to be thus easily balked of her desire. She persisted with Miss Remson and Miss Remson persisted with Muriel until the latter finally revoked her earlier refusal.
"Anything to have the subject off my mind," she confided to her chums.
"I'm tired of being waylaid by Miss Remson. I don't blame Jeremiah for calling her Busy Buzzy. Just wait until you see my room-mate! Her name is Hortense. It ought to be Moretense. She is the stiffest person I ever saw. She walks as though she were wired and then starched for the occasion. I had a lovely conversation with her last night. She moved in after yesterday. I talked quite a lot. All she said was 'Yes,'
'Do you?' and 'I believe not.'"
The name "Moretense" found instant favor with Jerry, while the other three Lookouts had hard work to keep their faces straight when they chanced to encounter dignified Miss Barlow about the Hall. Very tall and straight to rigidity, her set features never seemed to relax. Even an abundant head of blue black hair, loosely coiffed, did not serve to soften the wax-like immobility of her rather broad face. Whether her disposition and temperament matched her peculiar physical presence was something Muriel had not had time to fathom.
Muriel's room-mate, nevertheless, was of more interest to the Five Travelers than the notice of the cla.s.s election which was to take place at the beginning of their third week at Hamilton. They had long since learned that the majority of the freshmen had made harbor at Acasia House and Silverton Hall, both noted as freshmen domiciles. Recitations had familiarized them with the other members of their cla.s.s, which was a small one for Hamilton, numbering only eighty-two students. Still they had not become much acquainted with their cla.s.smates and they had not yet reached a stage of active interest in their cla.s.s.
Summoned to election one windy Tuesday afternoon, following recitations, the Lookouts began to experience the beginning of cla.s.s enthusiasm. The majority of 19- were bright-faced, bright-eyed girls who reminded Marjorie of her cla.s.s at Sanford High. It was seeing them together that brought to her a tardy realization that she had been too entirely wrapped up in her own affairs to cultivate a proper cla.s.s spirit. Had she entered Hamilton College alone, she would have made acquaintances in her cla.s.s more quickly. Surrounded by four of her intimate friends, her hours of leisure were always spent with them. Of the five girls, she had the peculiar personality which invites friends.h.i.+p. Muriel came next in this, Ronny was not interested in acquiring new friends. Jerry was hard to please, and Lucy was too reserved. A large number of freshmen at Wayland Hall would have also made a difference. As this was not the case, the Lookouts were obliged to admit among themselves that they had been lacking in cla.s.s spirit.
The freshmen from Silverton Hall, about thirty in number, were, to all appearances, taking the lead in the cla.s.s election. Three of the candidates nominated for office who won, respectively, the presidency, vice-presidency and secretarys.h.i.+p were from there. As the candidates were obliged to come up to the front of Science Hall where the meeting was held, the Lookouts had at least the opportunity to see the nominees and judge their fitness, as nearly as they could, from their personal appearance. All five approved in particular the new president, Miss Graham, a fair-haired, pink-cheeked young woman with sparkling brown eyes and a ready, suns.h.i.+ny smile.
The treasurer-elect was an Acasia House girl, while the various committees were about equally divided between the two houses. While the Lookouts were entirely satisfied with the result of the election, they felt, nevertheless, a trifle out of things. They had had no part in the merry electioneering which had evidently gone on under their very noses.
More, it appeared that another cla.s.s meeting had been held before this, of which they had seen no notice on the Hall bulletin board, neither had they received a written or verbal summons to it.
During a recess after the election granted for the purpose of shaking hands with the officers, Marjorie found the golden brown eyes of the president fixed very kindly on her.
"You are at Wayland Hall, aren't you? I know you are Miss Dean, for I saw you on the campus over two weeks ago and made inquiry about you. It is too bad we don't have any of the same recitation periods. I would have met you before this. I thought you would be at our other cla.s.s meeting, but neither you nor your four friends came. I haven't time to talk any more now. Observe that line of congratulators. After the meeting, if you will wait for me, several of the Silverton girls would like to meet you and your friends."
"Of course we will wait, and feel highly honored." Marjorie flashed the president a winsome smile, albeit she was nonplussed as to why pretty Miss Graham had been so anxious to meet her, in particular. She was also bent on learning more of the other cla.s.s meeting from which they had in some strange manner been cut out.
The meeting over, the Sanford quintette stood off to one side, waiting for Miss Graham. She presently came up to them, accompanied by half a dozen freshmen, evidently close friends of hers. An introducing session ensued, punctuated by laughter and gay pleasantries. It produced a more comforting effect on the Five Travelers than had anything since the day when Helen Trent, by her kindly manner, had taken the strain off their arrival.
"What do you think of that, girls? Miss Dean and her friends did not know a _thing_ about the other cla.s.s meeting we held here! We sent notices to all the campus houses, requesting them bulletined. There was a notice on the big bulletin board, too. The one outside Hamilton Hall, you know."
"Why, Portia, don't you remember? It was awfully windy that day and some one came into the Hall and said that there wasn't a sign of our notice on the large board. It must have blown away. That was at noon. We were to put out another and I believe it was forgotten." This information came from a small girl with very wide-open gray eyes and brown hair, cropped close to her head. She had the face of a mischievous, small boy.
"Yes, Robin, I do recall it, now that you have reminded me. Much obliged. That explains, perhaps, why you did not see it on the main bulletin board. It seems strange that the notice we sent to Wayland Hall was not posted there. Miss Remson, I understand, is always particularly careful to post the notices sent her."
"If Miss Remson received it, she would not fail to post it," a.s.serted Marjorie. "Was it mailed or delivered by a freshman messenger?"
"I took it to Wayland Hall." It was the girl Miss Graham addressed as Robin who answered. "I handed it to a maid in a sealed envelope, addressed to Miss Remson."
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