The Gold Hunters' Adventures Part 157

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"Don't be rash," I whispered, laying a hand on Fred's shoulder; "remember that he is high in rank, and won't meet you."

"But I will post him in every town in Australia, unless he apologizes or fights."

"When the government solicited our company to establish a daily line of stages between Ballarat and Melbourne, we were promised all the a.s.sistance that officials could afford, and no interference was to be allowed; I see that the commissioner, and you, Colonel Kellum, are desirous of driving us from the town, and compelling us to abandon our enterprise. I shall take immediate steps to let the government know the reason of our refusal to continue the contract."

The speech of the agent was a telling one on the colonel and commissioner, for they knew that government would never pardon interference with a line that cost so much money to establish, and which was carrying information through the country at an unprecedentedly rapid rate. No wonder they stopped to consider, and changed their fierce aspect for one of conciliation, for they knew that suspension from duty would probably follow a remonstrance from the company.

"If you have bought the horses we have nothing further to say," the commissioner remarked, turning to the agent; "it was a mistake on our part in supposing that they belonged to these gentlemen, whom we are proud to call friends, and to whom we now desire to state that we only proposed to borrow the animals for a short time, and return them after these unhappy troubles."

"If the d----d brutes were not killed," muttered the colonel, _sotto voce_, and with a look of the most intense hatred.

"Colonel Kellum, you accuse me of acting unfairly in this business, and I desire an explanation," Fred said, the matter still rankling in his mind.

"I have given the only explanation that I shall give, and with that you must rest satisfied," was the reply of the red-faced Briton.

"Then I suppose that you will favor me with a meeting at an early hour?"

Fred asked.

"What!" cried the military man, with some surprise, "a colonel in her majesty's army meet a dealer in tea and coffee? You must be mad!"

The red face of the military man grew purple as he thought of the indignity.

"Then I can only suppose that you are a coward, and that even a blow would not induce you to fight. Is that the case, sir?"

The colonel smiled with bitter scorn, and turned to leave the store.

"You refuse me an apology, do you?" Fred demanded, springing in front of Kellum, and barring his way to the door.

"Out of my way, grocer," the colonel shouted, with a laugh so insulting that Fred could contain himself no longer. He raised his hand and struck his opponent a light blow across his face.

Kellum swelled until I thought that every vein in his body would burst at the indignity. He muttered a few inaudible words, and then rubbed his forehead as though he did not half comprehend the insult, and wished to recall his scattered senses to know whether it was real.

"Now," said Fred, "you can go. I have repaid you insult for insult, and we are even-handed. If you desire satisfaction for the blow, you know where to find me."

"Yes, I can find you now!" Kellum hissed, with an oath of some magnitude; "you have struck me, and have sold your last pound of tea on earth."

"Look out!" shouted the stage agent; and his words of caution were none too soon, for the colonel drew his sword suddenly, and made a desperate lunge at Fred, which he avoided, and the point of the blade struck against a nail keg, and broke short off.

"A brave man, to refuse to meet a grocery dealer," my friend said, sarcastically; "I hope that the British army is not composed of such n.o.ble spirits as you; if it is must be held in repute wherever there is a regiment."

The colonel was too angry to reply, but I thought that he seemed ashamed of his late attempt on the life of my friend, for he sheathed his sword without seeking to again use it.

"You shall hear from me in the course of the day," Kellum said, and without looking to the right or left he marched from the store, mounted his horse, and left our part of the town in peace.

"He is the most unscrupulous colonel in the English army," the agent said, after we had got rid of our unwelcome visitors; "he is feared by his men, and disliked by his officers, and he was never yet quartered in a town without finding cause to quarrel with some of the inhabitants. He has been sent here to crush this rebellion, and unless you shoot him he will do it, even if he has to shed torrents of blood.

"By the way," the agent said, as he turned to leave the store, "the miners must have employed our countrymen to chop wood for them last night, if I might judge from appearances."

"How so?"

"Why, haven't you heard the news?" he asked, in surprise.

"No; what has transpired?"

"Why, the miners are building fortifications on Gravel Pit Hill, and last night the sound of axes was heard from dark until light. A thousand trees were felled and trimmed, and cut into suitable lengths for a palisade, and even now men are at work digging holes in the sand to insert the ends of the timber. The miners mean mischief, and we shall have a hot fight before long."

"But why don't the commissioner interfere, and prevent the men from continuing the work?" I asked.

"That is something that I cannot explain, although I have endeavored to solve the mystery. The miners think that he is frightened, and therefore count on an easy victory."

The agent bade us a good morning, and walked off to attend to his duties.

"Can't you see through this seeming indifference?" asked Mr. Brown; "the commissioner has sent for artillery, and expects the arrival of the company in a day or two at farthest. The palisade will afford but trifling resistance to a twelve pound cannon ball. Besides, there is more glory for the officers if the miners are fortified. Be a.s.sured that the commissioner winks at the operations of the disaffected, simply because he can crush them more effectually if cooped up, than displayed upon the plain."

"But if the artillery were cut off and sent back to Melbourne with the loss of their guns, the miners would have the best of the bargain," I suggested.

"By the Lord Harry, I never thought of that," cried Mr. Brown, with enthusiasm; "that would be worth a careful consideration if Ross only could get the idea. I've half a mind to suggest it to him."

While he was speaking Steel Spring entered the store, ostensibly to buy a plug of tobacco, but in reality not to pay for it.

"Well," I whispered, while serving him, "did you convey the information to Ross?"

"Of course," he replied, promptly.

"And what did he say?" I asked.

"That he now knew his friends, and would take measures to prewent the sogers from getting here in a hurry."

I had no time to talk farther with Steel Spring, for he seemed impatient to be gone, so I slyly slipped the money into his hand, and he left the store with a chuckle of such intense delight that a tall policeman near the door asked him where he got his swipes.

Trade was remarkably good that day. There was a steady stream of gold dust pouring in, in exchange for many articles which were usually slow of sale. A large portion of our stock of liquors was sold in bottles and demijohns, and there were many inquiries for powder and lead, but we were not allowed by the authorities to deal in such articles, and even if we had been, we should have declined to sell them under the circ.u.mstances, knowing that the ammunition was intended for the especial benefit of the soldiers and police officers, and in the latter force we had many friends.

We closed the store earlier than usual that night, for there was an agitation pervading the working cla.s.s that showed that the eventful hour was approaching when the miners were to measure their strength with the disciplined soldiers of their country. The red coats were under arms at their barracks, and a man informed me that he had seen each soldier served with ball cartridges, and that afterwards they loaded their guns carefully, as though determined to make every shot tell.

Two or three times during the evening we were on the point of venturing into the streets; but a fear of getting embroiled with the military prevented us.

We heard the heavy tramp of men as they marched through the street, and each moment expected to listen to the roar of musketry. While we were thus expectant, a light rap at the door, and a voice with which we were familiar, attracted our attention.

I unbarred the door and let in Steel Spring.

"Things is vorking," he said, rubbing his hands with glee; "'fore morning we'll 'ave a fight, and I don't care vich vins, I don't."

"How do the miners remain?" I asked; "are they firm?"

"Vell, vot there is of 'em is brave 'nough, but that 'ere Ross has sent avay 'is best men, and let others go 'ome for the night. He vill catch it afore mornin'."

"The man is mad," remarked Mr. Brown. "He should have kept every miner under arms through the night. The commissioner means mischief, I'll warrant."

The Gold Hunters' Adventures Part 157

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The Gold Hunters' Adventures Part 157 summary

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