Magi Craft Meister Chapter 675

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Magi Craft Meister

Chapter 675: Father

On that day reserved solely for temporary crew, the newly constructed s.h.i.+p, Bernstein, returned to the newly established port after a simple navigation test.

Although called a port, it was essentially a pier designated for large vessels. Temporarily, a pier was constructed in a deep-water area.

Subsequently, a full-fledged port would be constructed.

“Slowly, steadily…”

With the aid of auxiliary jet thrusters, Bernstein was safely moored to the pier, easily executing slight forward and backward movements.

A gangway was set up, and the temporary crew began to disembark.

Leading the way was Reinhardt, followed by Kubalt, Clea, Generos, and others.

Then came Mayor Barial, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Magic Technology, and lastly, Elsa.

While the applause and cheers had been enthusiastic since Reinhardt’s descent, they reached a crescendo when Elsa appeared.

Elsa had ascended the podium at the Golem Boat Races in Potlock with an expressionless face, but she seemed somewhat surprised by the fervor of this reception.

Jin stepped forward to greet Elsa as she descended the gangway.

Just before the final step, Jin reached out his hand, and Elsa took it.

As the last crew member, when Elsa’s foot touched the ground, it could be said that the launching ceremony concluded without a hitch.

* * *


Elsa, now out of her dress, let out a sigh.

“Bernstein is a fine s.h.i.+p. It’s all thanks to Jin’s involvement.”

Throughout the trial voyage, Elsa had stood at the s.h.i.+p’s bow, literally experiencing the magnificence of the new vessel.

“Elsa-sama, your attire.”

“Thank you, Edgar.”

Elsa slipped into the usual clothes Edgar offered, made of the familiar magical silk fabric, Magisilk, with its comforting texture.

“Edgar, let’s go see Jin.”


In Jin’s room, besides Reinhardt, Rodrigo was also present.

“Hey, Elsa, well done.”

“Big brother Jin, big brother Rai, and Rodrigo-san, well done to you all too.”

They laughed together, the four of them.

“The jet thrusters were amazing, weren’t they? I wonder if they’ll become the standard from now on?”

Reinhardt spoke rapidly, still filled with excitement from the voyage.

“Absolutely, Jin-sama is incredible! The jet thrusters will revolutionize s.h.i.+ps!”

“On that note, it seems that for the time being, only s.h.i.+ps directly built by the Empire will be equipped with those jet thrusters.”

Rodrigo mentioned, having been informed unofficially by the Prime Minister before returning to the hotel.

“It’s likely to be announced at tonight’s party.”

It seemed that it would take a little longer for them to be installed on ordinary s.h.i.+ps.

“I see… That’s unfortunate.”

Rodrigo sighed, his shoulders slumping a bit. Seeing his tired expression, Elsa decided to offer him treatment.

“Rodrigo-san, it’s just the right time for some treatment for your body… Jin, is that alright?”

Elsa checked with Jin, the owner of the room, who gave his consent.

“Yeah, sure. You can use the sofa over there.”

“Thank you, Elder Brother Jin… Rodrigo-san, please lie down there.”

“Huh?… No, I’m fine after yesterday’s treatment…”

But Elsa explained that yesterday’s treatment was more of a temporary fix than actual therapy, persuading Rodrigo to comply.

And so, Rodrigo lay down on the sofa as instructed.

“Edgar, please. Focus on the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum.”

“Yes, Elsa-sama.”

Edgar activated his X-ray vision function, which allowed him to examine the interior of the human body like a CT or MRI scan.

“There’s an ulcer near the pylorus in the lower right part of the stomach. The bleeding seems to have stopped, but it’s quite large.”

“As I suspected…”

Since the previous treatment hadn’t identified the specific location, it had been inadequate.

“Now I understand. Genesegun… Heilfahren.

Elsa’s hand emitted a faint glow, and its warm light was absorbed into Rodrigo’s abdomen.

“Edgar, confirm.”

“Yes… The ulcer has disappeared.”

“…That’s a relief. Diagnose… His liver seems a bit weak. Heilfahren.”

After another examination, Elsa found Rodrigo’s liver condition and treated it simultaneously.

“…With this, you should be fine. No more irregular eating habits, and go easy on the alcohol.”

Having used healing magic multiple times, Elsa had grown magically and her capacity for healing magic had increased slightly. However, Jin, being cautious, offered Elsa some Penglai Island Persica Juice he had brought with him.

“Thank you, big brother Jin… If it’s alright, would you like to offer some to Rodrigo too?”

“Sure thing. Rodrigo, please have some too. It’s good for you.”

With his complexion greatly improved, Rodrigo graciously accepted the Persica Juice Jin offered and drank it all.

“…Thank you, Elsa-san… With this, I might be able to see my daughter’s face.”

“…Your daughter?”

Jin recalled their conversation in the bath where Rodrigo mentioned fleeing and leaving his family behind.

“Um, may I ask, what’s your daughter’s name?”

“Yes, her name is Marcia.”

As expected, it was indeed that name.



“Huh? Do you all know her?”

Rodrigo looked puzzled. Naturally, it was strange for them to know the name of a daughter who lived in the faraway Elias Kingdom, even further in the southern end in Potlock.

“Yes, we know her quite well.”

Now that the major task of constructing the new s.h.i.+p was completed, Jin saw this as a good opportunity to delve into the topic of Marcia.

Jin and Reinhardt took turns explaining how they knew Marcia.

Rodrigo listened intently, but when he heard about Marcia partic.i.p.ating in a race and using the prize money to rebuild a shop, he finally couldn’t hold back his tears.

“…Marcia said something about that catamaran, the one your father made on a whim…”

“…Is that so… That child…”

Hearing about his wife’s pa.s.sing, Rodrigo teared up once more.

“…My wife… she had a tough time too…”

“But you still want to go back, don’t you?”

Jin interjected.

“When Marcia talked about her father, she looked genuinely nostalgic. I’m sure she’ll forgive you.”

Elsa rea.s.sured him.

“Do you really think so…”

Rodrigo sobbed, his face buried in his hands.

“Blood-related parent and child. That bond can’t be broken.”

Elsa advised, each word weighed with meaning.

“I’ve felt betrayed by my father before. But still, he’s my father.”

She added.

Rodrigo remained silent, bowing his head.

“And besides, by partic.i.p.ating in the development of this new s.h.i.+p, your name will live on. You can return with pride.”

Reinhardt encouraged him.

“…Is that so…”

Rodrigo murmured the same words again, then lifted his head, looking around at Jin and the others, sensing their genuine belief.

“I want to go back… to see Marcia’s face and, even if it’s just a single word, apologize…”

“You should just board the Bernstein and return with a wave. I’m sure you’ll be warmly welcomed in Potlock. And then, Marcia…”

“… ”

Rodrigo nodded silently.

Jin and the others hoped for nothing more than for this father and daughter to live together as a family once again.

Magi Craft Meister Chapter 675

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Magi Craft Meister Chapter 675 summary

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