Friday, the Thirteenth Part 11

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Dear Sir:

I wish to congratulate you on the good story you wrote in Everybody's Magazine this month. It is the beat story I ever read and the best I ever saw published in any magazine.

I am well posted on the "Brokers" business and enjoyed your story very much. I hope you will continue to write them. I know they are taken more from real life than immagination. I am sure they will be appreciated as much as "Frenzied Finance". I have taken the liberty to send a good word to Ridgway's.

With best wishes, I remain Tours respectfully,

Western Union Telegraph Co.

R.A. Kelly

Los Angeles, Calif., December 11, 1906.

Mr. Thomas W. Lawson, Boston, Ma.s.s.

My dear Sir:

It was indeed a pleasure to read your novel in this month's Everybody's.

Being an old trader myself, I have appreciated every word of it and look forward for the continuation with much interest.

I just want to say this too--that anyone who says that you cannot write anything else but "Street" gossip had better cover his "shorts".

Wis.h.i.+ng you all kinds of success, and with congratulations on your splendid work, I am

Very sincerely,

Nancy Brown 214 Citizens Nat'l Bank Bldg.

Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C., December 1, 1906.

Thos. W. Lawson, Esq., Boston, Ma.s.s.

Dear Sir:

I have just read with very great pleasure and edification the first installment of your excellent story "Friday the 13th". It is so far a masterpiece.

Congratulating you. I remain Very truly, M. H. Ramaze

Cleburn, Texas, Dec 3 1906

Mr. Thos. W. Lawson Boston

Dear Sirs:

I have just your first installment of "Friday 13th." It is OK + if the balance of the story is as good (+ I have no doubts on that score) you are "It" when it comes to writting fiction as well as tricking the Insurance Thief + Standard Oil Grafters.

Wis.h.i.+ng you success I am yours very truly S. F. Welch

Rumford Falls, Maine, November 20, 1906.

Mr. Tom Lewson, Boston, Ma.s.s.

Dear Sir:

I have read all your writings in Everybody's, including the first installment of your story in the December number, and I must say that I am more than pleased with it. As a writer of fiction you are sure to make another big hit.

Yours truly, W. I. White.


[1] "26 Broadway" is the Wall Street figure of speech for "Standard Oil,"

which has its home there.

[2] Those who seek to depress the price of a stock are known as bears, and those who oppose them by trying to raise the price are bulls.

Friday, the Thirteenth Part 11

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