Baltimore Catechism Volume Iii Part 3

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A. I know the Apostles were bishops because they could administer the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Orders and make laws for the Church, as we learn from Holy Scripture, and these powers belong to bishops alone.

Q. 55. Who were the disciples of Our Lord?

A. The disciples were the seventy-two chosen followers of Our Lord, whom He sent to preach and perform good works in every city and place whither He Himself was to come. The Apostles also are frequently called "the disciples."

Q. 56. Why did the Apostles leave us a creed?

A. The Apostles left us a creed that all who wished to become Christians might have a standard of the truths they must know and believe before receiving Baptism.

Q. 57. How many articles or parts in the Apostles' Creed?

A. There are twelve articles or parts in the Apostles' Creed. They refer to G.o.d the Father in the works of creation; to G.o.d the Son in the works of redemption; to G.o.d the Holy Ghost in the works of sanctification; and each article contradicts one or more false doctrines on these subjects.

Q. 58. What does Creation mean?

A. To create means to produce out of nothing. G.o.d alone has this power, and He alone can be called "Creator."

Q. 59. Had Jesus Christ more than one Father?

A. G.o.d the Father, the First Person of the Blessed Trinity, is the only real and true Father of Jesus Christ, as the Blessed Virgin is His true Mother. St. Joseph, whom we also call His father, was only His foster-father or guardian upon earth.

Q. 60. By what names is Our Lord called?

A. Our Lord is called by many names, such as Our Saviour, Our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, Son of G.o.d; Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, the Messias, Son of David, Lamb of G.o.d and others to be found in the litanies. Each name recalls to our mind some benefit received or prophesy fulfilled.

Q. 61. Of what religion was Pontius Pilate?

A. Pontius Pilate was a pagan; that is, a wors.h.i.+per of false G.o.ds.

Q. 62. Why do we say "died" instead of "was put to death"?

A. We say "died" to show that Our Lord gave up His life willingly; for how could He be put to death against His will, who could always restore His life as He did at His resurrection?

Q. 63. What is death?

A. Death in man is caused by the separation of the soul from the body, for Adam was made a living being by the union of his soul and body.

Q. 64. Why do we say of Christ "He was buried"?

A. We say that "He was buried" to show that He was really dead.

Q. 65. Did "h.e.l.l" always mean only that state in which the d.a.m.ned are punished?

A. The word "h.e.l.l" was sometimes used to signify the grave or a low place. In the Apostles' Creed it means Limbo.

Q. 66. Is Limbo the same place as Purgatory?

A. Limbo is not the same place as Purgatory, because the souls in Purgatory suffer, while those in Limbo do not.

Q. 67. Who were in Limbo when Our Lord descended into it?

A. There were in Limbo when Our Lord descended into it the souls of all those who died the friends of G.o.d, but could not enter heaven till the Ascension of Our Lord.

Q. 68. Name some holy persons who died before Christ ascended into heaven.

A. Among the holy persons who died before Christ ascended into heaven, we may mention: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, the Prophets, St.

Ann, St. John the Baptist, and St. Joseph.

Q. 69. What do we mean by "Judge the living and the dead"?

A. By the "living" we mean all those who shall be alive upon the earth at the last day, and by the "dead" those who have died before that time.

Or the "living" may also mean those who are in a state of grace; and the "dead" those who are in mortal sin.

Q. 70. How many branches or parts of the Church are there?

A. There are three branches or parts of the Church, called the Church Militant, the Church Suffering, and the Church Triumphant.

Q. 71. What do we mean by the "Church Militant"?

A. By the "Church Militant" or "fighting Church" we mean all the faithful who are still upon earth struggling for their salvation by warring against their spiritual enemies.

Q. 72. What do we mean by the "Church Suffering"?

A. By the "Church Suffering" we mean the faithful in Purgatory, who are being purified from the last stains and consequences of their sins.

Q. 73. What do we mean by the "Church Triumphant"?

A. By the "Church Triumphant" we mean all the faithful now in heaven, rejoicing with G.o.d that they have defeated their spiritual enemies and attained their salvation.

Q. 74 Explain the "Communion of Saints."

A. The "Communion of Saints" means that the members of the three branches of the Church can help one another. We can a.s.sist the souls in Purgatory by our prayers and good works, while the Saints in heaven intercede for us.

Q. 75. Does the "Communion of Saints" mean anything else?

A. The "Communion of Saints" means also that we all share in the merits of Our Lord and in the superabundant satisfaction of the Blessed Virgin and of the Saints, as well as in the prayers and good works of the Church and of the faithful.

Q. 76. Have the Saints their bodies in heaven?

A. The Saints have not yet their bodies in heaven, as they will have them after the resurrection on the last day. Our Divine Lord and His blessed Mother are the only persons whose bodies are now in heaven.

Q. 77. Are there Saints in heaven whose names we do not know?

A. There are many Saints in heaven whose names we do not know, because all who are admitted into heaven are truly Saints.

Q. 78. To whom do we usually give the name of "Saints"?

A. We usually apply the name of "Saints" to those only whom the Church has Canonized.

Q. 79. What is the Canonization of a Saint?

A. Canonization is a solemn ceremony by which the Church declares that a certain person, now dead, was remarkable for extraordinary holiness while on earth, and is now in heaven worthy of our veneration.

Q. 80. How does the Canonization of a Saint take place?

A. In the Canonization of a Saint (1) the accounts of the person's holy life, heroic virtue, and miracles are collected and sent to the Holy See; (2) those accounts are examined by the Holy Father or his cardinals, and, if found to be true and sufficient, (3) the Saint is Canonized or perhaps only beatified.

Q. 81. What is the difference between the honors conferred on a person by beatification and Canonization?

A. Beatification limits the honor to be given to the beatified by restricting it to certain places or persons; whereas Canonization is the highest honor and permits all to venerate the Saint everywhere.

Q. 82. Why does the Church Canonize Saints?

A. The Church Canonizes Saints (1) to honor them, and (2) to make us certain that they are in heaven, and may, therefore, be invoked in our prayers.

Q. 83. Can the Church err in the Canonization of a Saint?

A. The Church cannot err in matters of faith or morals, and the Canonization of a Saint is a matter of faith and morals.

Q. 84. What is the difference between a Saint and an Angel?

A. The Saints lived upon the earth in bodies like our own. The Angels never inhabited the earth, though they visit it and remain for a time with us. They have not now and never will have bodies.

Q. 85. Through what means may we obtain the "forgiveness of sins"?

A. We may obtain the "forgiveness of sins" especially through the Sacraments of Baptism and Penance.

Q. 86. What do we mean by the "resurrection of the body"?

A. By the "resurrection of the body" we mean that the bodies of the dead shall be restored to life, rise again on the last day, and be united to the souls from which they were separated by death.

Baltimore Catechism Volume Iii Part 3

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