The Emigrant Mechanic and Other Tales in Verse Part 15

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But a few months were destined to disclose A lengthy list of what some think are woes.

Three serious accidents that year befel His aged father, and 'twere hard to tell The weary months of suffering he endured Ere loss of limb to him relief procured.

Their patron, too, was by sore sickness brought Down to death's door, as all who saw him thought WILLIAM at last was on a sick-bed thrown For many weeks, and then was fully shown The fervent love and patience of his wife Increasing still through years of after life.

Bereft of reason, as his friends declared, Rich consolation he at all times shared.

Death--man's "last foe"--for him no terrors had, His blighted prospects did not make him sad.

To leave his wife and babes he was resigned, And this while all deemed him of unsound mind.

The tempter, true, his faith and feelings tried, But his suggestions met "G.o.d will provide."

This simple text was strong enough to stay Each wavering thought that rose from day to day.

The time when he fell sick was in the Fall, When lively business made most pressing call.

And yet he was enabled to abide Content with this, "Jehovah will provide,"

Ev'n so he did, and that in wondrous way, For his wife's brother worked both night and day, A striking instance of unselfishness But rarely seen in youths of such a cla.s.s.

Though outward things looked dark, this chastis.e.m.e.nt Was plainly from a loving father sent; And they saw constant reason to rejoice That what is painful might be made their choice.

For, while it weaned their thoughts from things of earth It made them prize the more their heavenly birth.

And ev'n their fond affection for each other Was purified from that which tends to smother The n.o.blest energies of Christian souls, And far too often their best thoughts controls.

This sickness showed, and that most strikingly, How good a nurse this faithful wife could be.

Through all her trials she was quite resigned, And not one murmuring thought rose in her mind.

A more attentive or enduring nurse I'm very sure ne'er shone in poet's verse.

When his recovery was manifested Her love and patience were severely tested.

For _calomel_ caused him such great distress He was oft found in fits of fretfulness.

But yet she meekly bore with his caprice And her self-sacrifice did never cease.

He, when restored again to perfect health, Grew far more conscious of the store of wealth By him possessed in having such a wife To act as helpmate through the storms of life.

And not long after, when their lovely boy Was very sick, he did his skill employ To soothe her sorrows by an artless lay Exhorting her to make G.o.d's love her stay; And holding up to view Heaven's perfect bliss, He aimed to show that naught can come amiss To those who all their hopes on Jesus rest, And "seek through His Atonement to be bless'd."

Their child restored, their joys again increase, For G.o.d's sweet service yields them constant peace.

He, constantly employed in hard bench work, Let not a thirst for wealth within him lurk, And was enabled to preserve his mind So free from care that, when he felt inclined, He could with ease bring all his thoughts to bear On Scripture truths, and each with each compare, Or let his fancy take her random flight To bring from _Dreamland_ some new-coined delight.

At other times would raise his tuneful voice And sing sweet hymns which long had been his choice, Or else recite some charming poetry With touch of skill and much of energy.

At times his spouse, too, did her sewing bring, And joined harmoniously G.o.d's praise to sing.

Thus mostly pa.s.sed their time for months and years In bliss too great to last, as it appears.

Meanwhile their debt most honestly was paid, By which then prospects were much brighter made.

Yet grat.i.tude glowed brightly in each heart, To him who acted such a friendly part As to lend money and then wait for years In patience for the payment of arrears.

About this time they visited "The Falls,"

As business was not urgent in its calls.

WILLIAM felt joyful in no trifling measure With such a wife to share so great a pleasure, And gladly spent his money and his time To view with her that scenery sublime.

This jaunt gave both the most heartfelt delight, And furnished her the first and only sight She ever had of wonders there displayed, Which were in Spring's fresh beauty then arrayed.

They stood and gazed, or sat in shady place, With glowing feelings pictured in each face.

He greatly longed to have a dwelling near, That he might oftener view scenes grown so dear.

But family needs would force themselves on him, And those bright visions very soon grew dim.

Yet he inquiry made of settlers round To learn what prospects then might there be found Of earning a just living at his trade; But this quite threw the project in the shade.

Then he thought fit to let "well be" alone Till clearer light should on the scheme be thrown.

Hopes next arose that he might yet revisit Once every year, with pleasure more exquisite, Those grand, unrivalled Falls with her he loved, More lovely still now that her love was proved.

The sequel shows how little we foresee Of good or evil in our destiny.

'Tis right; and this should make us place our trust In G.o.d, our Father, ever wise and just.

Since naught can happen without His permission Who orders our affairs with wise precision.

At the appointed time they home returned, While love for it more strongly in them burned.

One Winter and two Summers now had pa.s.sed Since a fine boy upon their care was cast.

Again stern winter came, with cloudy skies And howling blasts like some fell demon cries.

Dark, chill November had been ushered in, With much of elemental strife and din, When came another daughter, bright and fair, To charm the hearts of that still loving pair.

The new come love pledge, as time swiftly flew, In sweetest bands their souls more closely drew.

Increasing means more household comforts brought, Not greatly coveted if they were sought.

They asked G.o.d day by day for such supplies Of worldly blessings as He deemed most wise, Took those most thankfully He kindly sent, And with their lot, for most part, were content.

'Tis true that COOPER wished to spend more time For the improvement of himself in rhyme, But greater duties had a higher claim, Neglect of which would bring upon him blame.

He therefore kept his muse in close subjection, And gained G.o.d's blessing and most kind protection.

Yet now and then his pent up feelings broke Through all restraint, and his rude harp awoke To pour forth numbers with intent to cheer Parents or friends, who lent a willing ear To his effusions, void of learning's grace, But full of feeling, which supplied its place.

Another Spring and Summer pa.s.sed away, Then Autumn, too, and Winter held the sway; While January, when half its course was run, Brought to our friends a second infant son.

Two of each kind parental love now claim, As sharers of their destiny and name; While years of happiness might seem in store For, prosperous still, they loved each other more.

That season was their best in way of trade, And thus their prospects wore no darkening shade.

Satan--arch enemy of all mankind-- Beheld with envy their true peace of mind, And most maliciously employed his skill To work them woe--defiant of G.o.d's will.

Their worldly property he did not touch, For loss of this would not be felt so much As trouble with their brethren in the church, Severed from whom they might be left in lurch.

His plan succeeded, as I know too well, For some deemed wise were held as by a spell In hands of strongest preconceived opinion, While Ignorance held them in his dominion.

WILLIAM had seen this long, and mourned in soul, With such emotion as scarce brooked control, And, knowing that they held it just and right For all to seek increasing Scripture light, He, in the search for truth, gave up his mind, And was well pleased some few choice pearls to find.

These l.u.s.trous gems he had no wish to hide, So held them up to view, and earnest tried To lead his brethren to approve their worth; But such a course gave to contention birth.

Nor was it long before occasion came For those opposed to lay upon him blame, The end of which was that they did him sever From sweet communion with their church forever!

Under this blow he tried to bear up well, But all he suffered 'twould be hard to tell.

His spouse and parents with him sympathised And broke the bands which each so long had prized.

Naught now remained for them but to unite In holy fellows.h.i.+p with purer light.

Soon some few other friends who knew their case Their humble cause did with much warmth embrace.

One with our hero labored in the Word With what small skill and time he could afford.

Things went on smoothly for about a year, And some success did much their hearts to cheer.

Ere long, however, troubles unforeseen Burst on the little band with shafts so keen That WILLIAM'S faith and strength were sorely tried, And with his lot he was dissatisfied.

One of the flock was easily led astray, And self-indulgence held him in its sway.

Two others left because a change of view Made several seek to be baptized anew.

Slow pa.s.sed another very trying year, And thick gloom gathered, filling them with fear.

Our friend was sick from an unquiet mind, While Comfort--wonted guest--he failed to find.

At last his loved, his idolized wife In her accouchment left this mortal life.

Schooled long, he firmly bore this heavy stroke, And bowed his head submissive 'neath G.o.d's yoke.

This brought him peace, and his sad muse ere long Found utterance in the following mournful song:


Awake, my harp! give forth in solemn time Thy sweetest numbers in harmonious rhyme.

'Tis time to bid my dormant powers arise, Yet I would first dry up my weeping eyes.

My full charged bosom heaves, and oh, how slow Conflicting thoughts in well timed numbers flow.

Cease, rebel feelings, cease your dreadful strife; The theme's my love, the partner of my life.

Her portrait is before me, and that smile Upon her features playing, shows no guile.

What were thy thoughts, my loved one, on that day The artist's skill did our joint forms portray?

Thou wast not then so foolish as to deem An early death a vain or idle dream.

We oft had converse on that mournful theme, As oft looked forward to the solemn day When death, grim monster! should tear one away.

_I_ thought my time most surely first would come, And _thou_, expected'st, first to reach thy home!

Thus were we apt to number out our days, And oft together led to seek G.o.d's ways.

Most unfeigned pleasure did we take in this, And gained as fruit sweet tastes of heavenly bliss.

Now, my belov'd one, thou art gone from me And our dear little ones! Oh! can it be?

The Emigrant Mechanic and Other Tales in Verse Part 15

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The Emigrant Mechanic and Other Tales in Verse Part 15 summary

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