The Emigrant Mechanic and Other Tales in Verse Part 21

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He found this prove as gall, and felt so much distressed, By day he could not work, at night obtained no rest.

Before the week was gone he, almost in despair, Went forth into the woods, and wandered here and there.

When Sunday came at last, he hailed it with more joy Than he had done before, and did its hours employ In poring o'er that Book which had so roused his fears-- When Emma went to school his eyes were full of tears.

So strongly on her mind was his sad state impressed, She to her teacher flew, and thus herself expressed: "O, Madam, please to tell what sinners great must do, When they, because of sin, feel quite pierced through and through?

"My father, all the week, not worked, nor ate, nor slept; But seemed much like a man who was of sense bereft.

Oh, speak, dear lady, speak! for surely he will die Unless he soon can learn which way he is to fly!"

With pity in her eyes, the lady kindly took The humble, loving girl, whose frame with terror shook, And placed her in a seat, and whispered in her ear That Jesus came to save poor sinners filled with fear.

She told her how He was both G.o.d and Man in one-- The Lord of Heaven and Earth, yet G.o.d's beloved Son; That He for sinners died, just out of purest love, And on the third day rose, and went again above;

But sent His Spirit down to work upon our hearts, Through His blest Word of Truth, sent to our inward parts; And says in that same word--the Bible you have read-- That all who do believe are saved, because he bled!

She further kindly said, "Wait now till school is done, And I will go with you--so much my love you've won."

Then Emma dried her tears, and with a pleasant face, Amongst the other girls she quickly took her place.

Again, from portions read, the teachers questions ask; They strove to work from love, and felt it was no task; Once more sweet hymns were sung which suited Emma's case, And prayer from all arose up to the Throne of Grace.

The truth that Emma heard went home into her soul, And joyful feelings rose which she could scarce control.

The pleasant service o'er, the teacher with her went Into that filthy street, nor thought her time misspent.

They entered soon the house; the wretched man was found Nigh overwhelmed with grief, and waiting for the sound Of news, which, as he thought, his darling girl would bring; But at this proof of love his tears afresh did spring.

He truly felt ashamed that one like she should come, To try to do him good, in his most wretched home; The lady told him soon what she might do for such Was done for Jesus' sake, which did his feelings touch.

She then sat meekly down, and in a heavenly frame, Told him how Jesus Christ a Sacrifice became; How sinners of all ranks, by Faith, might be forgiven-- Be saved from sin and h.e.l.l, and go, at last, to Heaven!

The Lord her labors blessed--they both believed the Word-- And thus it did appear the prayer of Faith was heard.

For such a state of things had Emma's mother prayed, And she had her request, though for a time delayed.

The tinker, now reclaimed by G.o.d's almighty power, His business still pursued, nor lost a single hour; On Sabbath went to Church, with his neat, pretty maid, And in temptations strong received the Savior's aid.

Then, feeling that the place where they were living now, Was not the place at all for Faith and Love to grow, He took a small, neat house, just outside of the town, And, for a proper life, gained from the good, renown.

In time dear Emma came to be a teacher, too, And G.o.d did her employ much lasting good to do.

Her father, in due time, was taken to his rest, And she, with loving man, as a wife was truly blest.

I might prolong my tale, but quite enough is told, To show that Christian Love is better far than gold; That those who wish to be most happy here below, Must strive with all their might the Savior well to know.


My dear, afflicted parent! Ere thine eyes Are closed in death, accept this tribute due From one who is allied by Nature's ties, And ties which firmer bind both me and you.

My strain is humble, and my muse is rude, Yet you my lay will now be pleased to hear.

Deem it not vain in me thus to intrude My unlearned warblings on your dying ear.

'Tis not a thirst for fame that bids me wake My youthful harp, and strike its solemn chords; But 'tis the strong desire, for your dear sake, I feel to treasure up your dying words.

Then come, my Muse; O, condescend to aid My feeble efforts, while I touch this theme; Ev'n thou who hoverest now o'er COWPER'S, shade-- Thou Source of Truth! and, with enlightening beam,

Remove the film that does becloud the eye Of my dark understanding while I sing; O, guide my trembling fingers, for I'll try To tune my harp, and touch its every string.

Say now, what was that sound which caught my ear, While I sat mute upon my father's bed A sound so sweet it did my spirit cheer, And made me muse, by contemplation led.

It was the triumph of that holy man-- His deathbed song, in view of yonder heaven And as he spoke--till then his face was wan-- A brightened countenance was to him given.

"I have a glorious prospect now in sight!"

He said, then raised his voice--"'Tis through the blood Of Jesus Christ; it fills me with delight, And makes me long to cross dark Jordan's flood!"

But then, as if his words might be construed To be impatient, he serenely said, "Let not my language now be wrongly viewed; I wait G.o.d's will--on Him my soul is stayed."

He still continued, "Though my suffering's great, My strength has been quite equal to my day; G.o.d's love to me indeed is very great, Nor will I murmur though He still delay.

"I reckon all the sufferings of this time As nothing, when compared with heavenly things!"

He ceased, and left me this to pen in rhyme, And ponder o'er, when he in Glory sings.

I stood; my eyes were fixed upon that face Which oft had worn a smile for me, his son; In retrospect, I then began to trace The many acts of kindness he had done.

Well I remember--though he was but poor-- How ardently he wished to have me taught At least to read and write, if nothing more; My interest to advance was what he sought.

And, aided by a frugal partner's care, He furnished was with means to gain his end; Most careful still, they always had to spare To purchase books which might a.s.sistance lend.

Great pleasure then they took to hear me read The Bible's sacred page; though I, averse To what was good, would rather have been freed; And they were grieved to have me to coerce.

I then knew not the value of that Book Which, since that time, I have so precious found; And my perverse young temper would not brook Restraint, though it did much their feelings, wound.

They persevered in pointing out to me The dangerous path that I was treading in; At last, it pleased the Lord to let me see How dreadful was the nature of my sin.

What joy then filled thy bosom, father dear Thou, too, my mother, didst express delight, That I was brought to lend a listening ear To Jesus' voice, and with his soldiers fight.

But ere that time, what pleasure it did give To hear the warbling of my youthful Muse; It made you wish that you might only live To see the day when I would not refuse

To sing of Love omnipotent, Divine!

Such love as Jesus bore to wretched man!

And, aided by the truth which clean doth s.h.i.+ne Shout forth aloud Redemption's finished plan.

For seven long years we have united been Within a Church, in fellows.h.i.+p and love; And in that time how often have we seen Afflictions sent, dire evils to remove.

Let all now left, in grat.i.tude to G.o.d-- In meek submission to His sacred will-- Both praise and bless His name! then kiss the rod: This will our souls with consolation fill!

The Emigrant Mechanic and Other Tales in Verse Part 21

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The Emigrant Mechanic and Other Tales in Verse Part 21 summary

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