A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public Part 14

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COLOR. Having explained the cause of the orient and water of pearls, the _color_ must next be considered. Pearls may be had of almost any color, but the majority of fine pearls are white, or nearly so. The fine Oriental pearls frequently have a creamy tint. Among fresh water pearls the creamy tint is less often seen, but fine pink tints occur.

Occasionally a black pearl is found and on account of its rarity commands a price nearly as great as that obtainable for a white pearl of similar size and quality.

The value of pearls depends upon several different factors and it is far from an easy matter to estimate the value of a fine specimen. It is much easier to grade and estimate the value of diamonds than to do the same for pearls, and it is only by long and intimate acquaintance with the pearls themselves that one can hope to become expert in deciding values.

There are, however, several general factors that govern the value of pearls. Chief among these are: 1, _Orient_; 2, _Color_; 3, _Texture or Skin_; 4, _Shape and Size_.

FACTORS GOVERNING THE VALUE OF PEARLS. Taking up each of these factors in turn, it may be said of the first that unless a pearl has that fine keen l.u.s.ter known as a fine orient, it is of but limited value. No matter what the size, or how perfect the shape, it is nothing, if dead and l.u.s.terless. To have great value the gem must gleam with that soft but lively l.u.s.ter peculiar to fine specimens of pearl. With variations in orient go wide variations in value.

As to _color_, the choicest pearls are pure white or delicate rose pink or creamy white. Pearls in these shades can be had in numbers and these colors are what might be called _regular_ colors. _Fancy-colored_ pearls have peculiar and irregular values, depending a good deal upon rarity and upon the obtaining of a customer for an odd color. Fine pink and fine black pearls are examples of the type that is meant here.

To be very valuable a pearl must have a smooth even _skin_, that is, the _texture_ of its surface must be even and regular. It must not have pits or scratches or wrinkles, or little raised spots upon it, or any cracks in it. In connection with this topic of "skin," it may be mentioned that it is sometimes true that a pearl of bad skin or of poor l.u.s.ter may be improved markedly by "peeling" it, as the process is called. As was said above, a pearl is built in layers much like an onion, and it can often be peeled, that is, one or more layers can be removed, thus exposing fresh layers beneath, whose texture and l.u.s.ter may be better than those of the original outside layer.

"PEELING" A PEARL. Possibly an anecdote of an actual case may serve best to explain the method by which "peeling" is sometimes accomplished. The writer was once at Vincennes, Ind., on business, and there became acquainted with a pearl buyer who was stopping at that place to buy fresh water pearls and "slugs" from the rivermen who gather the mussels for the sake of their sh.e.l.ls. The latter are made into "pearl" b.u.t.tons for clothing. It happened that the pearl buyer had acc.u.mulated some twenty-eight ounces of slugs and a number of pearls and was leaving on the same train with the author, who shared his seat with him. While we were looking over the slugs together the pearl buyer put his hand in his pocket and drew out a five-dollar bill which he unrolled, exposing a pearl of about six grains, well shaped, but of rather dead l.u.s.ter.

Remarking that he had paid but $4 for it and that he had rolled it up in the bill for safe keeping until he got time to peel it, he took out a small penknife, opened one of the blades, put a couple of kid glove finger tips on the thumb and first finger of his left hand and proceeded to peel the pearl on the moving train. Holding his two hands together to steady them, he pressed the edge of his knife blade against the pearl until the harder steel had penetrated straight down through one layer.

Then with a flaking, lateral motion he flaked off a part of the outer skin. Bit by bit all of the outer layer was flaked off, and that, too, without appreciably scratching the next layer, so great was the worker's skill. When the pearl was completely peeled it was gently rubbed with three grades of polis.h.i.+ng paper, each finer than the previous one, and then the writer was allowed to examine it. The appearance had been much improved, although it was not of extremely fine quality even when peeled. Under a high power magnifier scarcely a trace of the peeling could be seen. The value of the $4 pearl had been raised to at least $100 and not many minutes had been required for the change. A slower and more laborious, but safer, process of "peeling" a pearl, consists in gently rubbing the surface with a very fine, rather soft, abrasive powder until all of the outer skin has been thus worn away.

Of course, in many such cases no better skin than the outer one could be found and disappointment would result from the peeling of such a pearl. It should be added that it will not do to try to peel a _part_ of a pearl in order to remove an excrescence, for then one would inevitably cut across the layers, exposing their edges, and such a surface looks, when polished, much like a pearl b.u.t.ton, but not like a pearl.

In this connection may be mentioned the widespread belief on the part of the public that the concretions found in the common edible oyster can be polished by a lapidary, as a rough precious stone can be improved by the latter, and that a fine pearl will result. It is frequently necessary for jewelers to whom such "pearls" are brought, to undeceive the person bringing them and to tell him that only those molluscs that have a beautiful pearly lining to their sh.e.l.ls are capable of producing true pearls and that the latter require no a.s.sistance from the lapidary.

SHAPE. To return to the topic of factors governing the value of pearls, the _shape_ of the pearl makes a vast difference in the value. Perfectly spherical pearls are most highly valued and closely following come those of drop or pear shape, as this shape lends itself nicely to the making of pendants. Oval or egg-shaped pearls are also good. After these come the b.u.t.ton shapes, in which one side is flattened. Pearls of irregular shape are much less highly valued. The irregular-shaped pearls are called _baroque_ pearls in the trade. The rivermen engaged in the fresh water pearl fishery call them _slugs_. Some of the more regular of these are called "nuggets." Others are termed "spikes" because of their pointed shape, and still others are called "wing" pearls on account of their resemblance to a bird's wing. Most of the baroques are too irregular in shape to have any special name applying to their form.

WEIGHT. After orient, color, skin, and shape have been considered, _size_ or _weight_ finally determines the value. Pearls are sold by an arbitrary unit of weight known as the _pearl grain_. It is not equal to the grain avoirdupois, but is one fourth of a diamond carat. As the new metric carat is one fifth of a gram and as there are 15.43 avoirdupois grains in a gram, it is seen at once that there are but 3.08 real grains in a carat rather than four. Thus the _pearl grain_ is slightly lighter than the avoirdupois grain.

Since large, fine pearls are exceedingly rare, the value mounts with size much more rapidly than is the case with any other gem; in fact, the value increases as the _square_ of the weight. For example, let us consider two pearls, one of one grain weight, the other of two grains, and both of the same grade as to quality. If the smaller is worth say $2 per grain, then the larger is worth 2 2 (the square of the weight) times $2 (the _price per grain base_, as it is called in the trade), which totals $8. A four-grain pearl of this grade would be worth 4 4 $2 = $32, etc. Thus it is seen that the price increases very rapidly with increase in weight.

PRICE "PER GRAIN BASE." Some of the lower grades of pearls in small sizes are sold by the grain _straight_, that is, the price per grain is merely multiplied by the weight in grains to get the value, just as the price per carat would be multiplied by the number of carats to get the value of a diamond. This method of figuring the value of pearls is used only for the cheaper grades and small sizes, however, and the method first explained, the calculation per grain _base_, is the one in universal use for fine gems. Very fine exceptional gems may be sold at a large price _for the piece_, regardless of the weight.

It is interesting to note in this connection that Tavernier, the French gem merchant of the seventeenth century, tells us that in his day the price of large diamonds was calculated by a method similar to that which we now use for pearls, that is, the weight in carats was squared and the product multiplied by the price per carat. Such a method would give far too high a price for diamonds to-day.

THE HIGH PRICE OF FINE PEARLS. This suggests the thought that pearls of fine quality and great size are the most costly of all gems to-day and yet there seems to be no halting in the demand for them. In fact, America is only just beginning to get interested in pearls and is coming to esteem them as they have long been esteemed in the East and in Europe. Those who have thought that the advance in the prices of diamonds in recent years will soon put them at prohibitive rates should consider the enormous prices that have been obtained and are being obtained for fine pearls.

In order to facilitate the calculating of prices of pearls, tables have been computed and published giving the values of pearls of all sizes at different prices _per grain base_, and several times these tables have been outgrown, and new ones, running to higher values, have been made.

The present tables run to $50 per grain base.

There is much justification for the high prices demanded and paid for large and fine pearls. Such gems are really exceedingly scarce. Those who, as boys, have opened hundreds of river mussels only to find a very few small, badly misshapen "slugs" will realize that it is only one mollusc in a very large number that contains a fine pearl. Moreover, like the bison and the wild pigeon, the pearl-bearing molluscs may be greatly diminished in numbers or even exterminated by the greed of man and his fearfully destructive methods of harvesting nature's productions. In fact, the fisheries have been dwindling in yield for some time, and most of the fine pearls that are marketed are _old_ pearls, already drilled, from the treasuries of Eastern potentates, who have been forced by necessity to accept the high prices offered by the West for part of their treasures. In India, pearls have long been acceptable collateral for loans, and many fine gems have come on the market after failure of the owners to repay such loans.

Having considered the factors bearing on the value of pearls, we will next consider briefly their physical properties. The specific gravity is less definite than with minerals and varies between 2.65 and 2.70. It may be even higher for pink pearls.

PHYSICAL PROPERTIES. In hardness pearls also vary, ranging between 3-1/2 and 4 on Mohs's scale. They are thus very soft and easily worn or scratched by hard usage. A case showing the rather rapid wearing away of pearls recently came to the attention of the writer. A pendant in the shape of a Latin cross had been made of round pearls which had been drilled and strung on two slender gold rods to form the cross. The pearls were free to rotate on the wires. After a period of some twenty or more years of wear the pearls had all become distinctly cylindrical in shape, the rubbing against the garments over which the pendant had been worn having been sufficient to grind away the soft material to that extent. The l.u.s.ter was still good, the pearls having virtually been "peeled" very slowly by abrasion.

CARE OF PEARLS. This example suggests the great care that should be taken by owners of fine pearls to prevent undue rubbing or wear of these valuable but not extremely durable gems. They should be carefully wiped after being worn to remove dust and then put away in a tightly closed case.

Pearls should never be allowed to come in contact with any acid, not even weak acids like lemonade, or punch or vinegar, as, being largely calcium carbonate they are very easily acted upon by acids, and a mere touch with an acid might ruin the surface l.u.s.ter. Being partly organic in nature, pearls are not everlasting, but must eventually decay, as is shown by the powdery condition of very old pearls that have been found with mummies or in ancient ruins. The organic matter has yielded to bacterial attack and decayed, leaving only the powdery mineral matter behind. As heat and moisture are the conditions most conducive to the growth of bacteria, and hence to decay, it would follow that fine pearls should be kept in a dry cool place when not in use.



CULTURED PEARLS. Like all very valuable gems, pearls have stimulated the ingenuity of man to attempt to make imitations that would pa.s.s for genuine. Perhaps the most ingenious, as well as the most natural looking product, is the "_cultured pearl_." This is really natural pearl on much of its exterior, but artificial within and at the back. In order to bring about this result the j.a.panese, who originated the present commercial product, but who probably borrowed the original idea from the Chinese, call to their a.s.sistance the pearl oyster itself. The oysters are gently opened, small hemispherical discs of mother-of-pearl are introduced between sh.e.l.l and mantle and the oyster replanted. The foreign material is coated by the oyster with true pearly layers as usual, and after several years a sufficiently thick acc.u.mulation of pearly layers is thus deposited on the nucleus so that the oyster may be gathered and opened and the cultured pearl removed by sawing it out from the sh.e.l.l to which it has become attached. To the base is then neatly cemented a piece of mother-of-pearl to complete a nearly spherical shape, and the portions of the surface that have not been covered with true pearl are then polished. The product, when set in a proper pearl mounting, is quite convincing and really beautiful.

As the time during which the oyster is allowed to work upon the cultured pearl is doubtless far less than is required for the growth of a large natural pearl, the number of layers of true pearly material is considerably smaller than the number of layers that take part in the multiple reflections explained in the previous lesson, and hence the "orient" of the cultured pearl is never equal to that of a fine true pearl. It is frequently very good however, and for uses that do not demand exposure of the whole surface of the pearl, the cultured pearl supplies a subst.i.tute for genuine pearls of moderate quality and price.

The back parts of the cultured pearl, being only polished mother-of-pearl, have the appearance of the ordinary pearl b.u.t.ton, rather than that of true pearl.

IMITATIONS OF PEARLS. Aside from these half artificial cultured pearls, the out and out imitations of pearls that have been most successfully sold are of two general types, first "_Roman pearls_," and, second, "_Indestructible pearls_." The Roman pearls are made hollow and afterward wax filled, the Indestructible pearls have solid enamel bases.

In both types the pearly appearance is obtained by lining the interior, or coating the exterior, with more or less numerous layers of what is known as "_nacre_" or some times as "_essence d'oriente_." This is prepared from the scales of a small fish found in the North Sea and in Russia. The scales are removed and treated with certain solutions which remove the silvery powder from the scales. The "_nacre_" is then prepared from this powder. The fineness of the pearly effect becomes greater as the preparation ages, so very fine imitations are usually made from old "_nacre_." The effect is also better the larger the number of successive layers used. The artificial pearl thus resembles the true pearl in the physical causes for the beautiful effect.

In some cases the Roman pearl has a true iridescence which is produced by "burning" colors into the hollow enamel bead. Some of the indestructible pearls are made over beads of opalescent gla.s.s, thus imparting a finer effect to the finished product. While the cheaper grades of indestructible pearls have but three or four layers of nacre, some of the fine ones have as many as thirty or more. The earlier indestructible pearls were made with a coating material which was easily affected by heat, or by water, or by perspiration, as a gelatine-like sizing was included in it. The more recent product has a mineral binder which is not thus affected, so that the "pearls" are really about as durable as natural ones, and will at least last a lifetime if used with proper care.

Like fine natural pearls, the fine imitations should be wiped after use and carefully put away. They should also be restrung occasionally, as should real pearls both to prevent loss by the breaking of the string and because the string becomes soiled after a time, and this hurts the appearance of the jewel.

The "Roman" type of imitation will not stand much heat, as the wax core would melt and run out.

TESTING IMITATIONS OF PEARLS. As the making of imitations of pearls is mainly hand-work and as many treatments are required for the best imitations, fairly high prices are demanded for these better products, and the appearance and permanency warrant such prices. The best imitation pearls are really very difficult of detection except by close examination. They will not, of course, stand inspection under a high magnification.

Artificial pearls may also be detected by their incorrect specific gravity, by their incorrect degree of hardness, and in the case of the hollow pearls by making a tiny ink spot upon the surface of the "pearl"

and looking at it through a lens. A reflection of the spot from the _inside_ surface of the bead will appear beside the spot itself if the pearl is of the Roman type.

The artificial pearls so far described are high cla.s.s products. Some of the very cheap and poor imitations are merely solid, or hollow, gla.s.s or enamel beads which have been made slightly pearly, either by adding various materials to the gla.s.s or enamel when it was made, or by crudely coating the beads without or within with wax containing cheap "nacre."



As precious stones are almost always sold by weight, and as the value at stake is frequently very great, it is almost as necessary for a gem merchant, as it is for the chemist, to have delicate balances and to keep them in good order and to use them skillfully.

A general understanding of the unit of weight in use for precious stones and how it is related to other standard weights is also necessary to the gem dealer. We will therefore consider in this lesson the use and care of balances and the nature and relative value of the unit of weight for precious stones.

DELICATE BALANCES NEEDED. As it is necessary, on account of their great value, to weigh some gems, such as diamonds, emeralds, rubies, etc., with accuracy to at least the one hundredth part of a carat (which is roughly in the neighborhood of 1/15,000 of an ounce avoirdupois), balances of very delicate and accurate construction are a necessary part of the equipment of every gem merchant. While portable balances of a fair degree of accuracy are to be had, the best and surest balances are substantially constructed and housed in gla.s.s cases, much as are those of the a.n.a.lytic chemist, which must do even finer weighing. The case protects the balance from dust and dirt and prevents the action of air currents during the weighing. The balance itself has very delicate knife edges, sometimes of agate, sometimes of hardened steel, and these knife edges rest, when in use, on a block of agate or steel, so that there is a minimum amount of friction. When not in use the balance beam and knife edges are lifted from the block and held firmly by a metal arm, or else, as is the case with some balances, the post supporting the block is lowered, leaving the beam and knife edges out of contact with it. The object of this separation is to prevent any rough contact between the knife edges and the block on which they rest. Advantage should always be taken of this device whenever any fairly heavy load is put on or taken off of either pan, as the sudden tipping of the beam might chip the knife edges if not supported. When the load is nearly balanced there may be no harm in carefully adding or removing small weights while the knife edges are resting on the block, but even then it is safer to lower the beam and pans. It should be needless to state that as level and rigid a support should be had for one's balance as circ.u.mstances permit.

METHOD OF USE OF BALANCES. Before using a balance one should see that the pans are clean, that the base of the balance is properly leveled (the better balances have a spirit level attached) and that the pans balance each other without load. When slightly out of balance the defect may be adjusted by _uns.c.r.e.w.i.n.g_ the little adjusting nut at the end of the beam that is too light, or by _s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g in_ the nut at the opposite end. Having seen that the adjustment is perfect the pans should be lowered and the object to be weighed placed on the _left-hand pan_ (because a right-handed person will find it handier to handle his weights on the right-hand pan). One should next guess as nearly as possible the weight of the stone and place well back on the right-hand pan the weight that he thinks comes nearest to that of the stone. If the weight is too heavy the next lighter weight should replace it. Smaller weights should be added until a perfect balance is had, the small weights being neatly arranged in the order of their size, in order to more rapidly count them when the stone is balanced. This is the case when the pointer swings approximately equal distances to the right and to the left and there is then no need to wait for it to come to rest in the center.

It is well to count the weights as they lie on the pan (which is easily done if they have been arranged in descending order of size as suggested above) then write down the total, and on removing the weights count aloud as they are replaced in the box and note if the total checks that which was written down. It may seem unnecessary to be so careful in this matter, but it is better to be over-careful than to make a mistake where every hundredth of a carat may mean from one to five or six dollars or more. No dealer can afford to have a stone that he has sold prove to be lighter than he has stated it to be. One should be at least within one one-hundredth of a carat of the correct weight.

It should be unnecessary to add that accurate weights _should never be handled with the fingers_. Ivory tipped forceps are best for handling the weights. The forceps commonly used for handling diamonds will, in time, wear away the weights by scratching them so that they will weigh materially less. Unless the weights are of platinum or plated with gold, the perspiration of the hands would cause them to oxidize and gain in weight. It would be well to discard the smaller weights, which are most in use, every few years and obtain new and accurate ones. In case this is not done one should at least have the weights checked against others known to be of standard weight. Any chemist will have balances and weights far more accurate than the best in use for precious stones and will gladly check the weights of a gem dealer for a moderate fee.

To check the accuracy of your balance, change the stone and weights to opposite pans, in which case they should still balance.

One should never overload a balance, both because the balance might be injured and because the relative accuracy decreases as the load increases. If the weight of a parcel of stones heavier than the total of the weights provided with the balance is desired, the parcel should be divided and weighed in parts.

While many dealers neglect some of the precautions above suggested and somehow get along, yet it is safer to use care and to have correct technique in the handling of one's balances.

A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public Part 14

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