A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public Part 6

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COLORLESS STONES. Few colorless stones other than diamond, white sapphire (chiefly scientific), and quartz are seen in the trade.

Colorless true topaz is sometimes sold and artificially whitened zircon (jargoon) is also occasionally met with. Beryl of very light green tint or even entirely colorless may also be seen at times.

Such colorless stones must of course be distinguished by properties other than color. They are mentioned here merely that the learner may be aware of what varieties of gem minerals occur in the colorless condition, and that all these minerals also occur with color in their more usual forms. This does not even except the diamond, which is rarely truly colorless.



It should be said first that the only true scientific or synthetic stones on the market are those having the composition and properties of corundum, that is to say, the ruby and the several color varieties of sapphire, as blue, pink, yellow, and white. There is also a greenish stone that appears reddish by artificial light, which is called scientific alexandrite but which has, however, the composition and properties of the corundum gems rather than those of true alexandrite.

All so-called "scientific emeralds" have proved to be either of paste of one sort or another, or else triplets having a top and a back of some inexpensive but hard stone of pale color, and a central slice of deep green gla.s.s, the three pieces being cemented together so skillfully that the junctions frequently escape any but a very careful examination with a lens.

ALL SCIENTIFIC STONES ARE CORUNDUM GEMS. Now the fact that all true scientific stones are corundum gems makes their determination fairly simple on the following basis: Among the considerable number of corundum gems of nature, whether ruby or sapphire of various colors, there is seldom found one that is entirely free from defects. Almost always, even in what are regarded as fine specimens, one will easily find with a gla.s.s, defects in the crystallization. Moreover these defects are characteristic of the corundum gems.

The scientific corundum gems, however, never have these specific defects. Hence the surest and simplest way of distinguis.h.i.+ng between the two kinds of stones is to acquaint oneself with the typical defects of natural corundum gems, and then to look for such defects in any specimen of ruby or sapphire that is in question.

While a description of some of the most common of the typical defects of rubies and sapphires is to follow, the jeweler, who may not yet be familiar with them by actual experience, owes it to himself and to his customers to acquaint himself at first hand with the natural defects of such material, which he is always in a position to do through the courtesy of representatives of houses dealing in precious stones, if he himself does not carry such material in stock.

TYPICAL DEFECTS OF NATURAL CORUNDUM GEMS. Perhaps the most common of the defects of natural corundum gems is the peculiar appearance known as "silk." This is best seen when a strong light is allowed to stream through the stone at right angles to the observer's line of sight. Sets of fine, _straight_, parallel lines will be seen, and these will frequently meet other sets of similar lines at an angle of 120 degrees (like the angle at which the sides of a regular hexagon meet) or the lines may cross each other at that angle or at an angle of 60 degrees (the supplement of 120 degrees). Such _straight_ parallel lines are never seen in scientific stones, and their presence may be taken to indicate positively that the stone having them is a natural stone. In fine specimens of natural ruby or sapphire such lines will be few and difficult to find, but in some position or other they will usually be found if the search is even as careful as that which one would habitually employ in looking for defects in a diamond. In the vast majority of cases no such careful search will be required to locate "silk" in natural rubies, and if a stone that is apparently a ruby is free from such defects it is almost a foregone conclusion it is a scientific stone.

Another common type of defect in corundum gems is the occurrence of patches of milky cloudiness within the material. A little actual acquaintance with the appearance of this sort of defect in natural stones will make it easy to distinguish from the occasional cloudiness found in scientific stones, which latter cloudiness is due to the presence of swarms of minute gas bubbles. These tiny bubbles can be seen under a high power lens, and this suggests a third feature that may be used to tell whether one has a natural stone or not.

Natural rubies and sapphires, like scientific ones, frequently contain bubbles, but these are always _angular_ in the natural stones, while those of the scientific stones are generally _round_ or rounding, never angular.

To sum up the suggestions already presented it may be said that, since natural and scientific corundum gems are composed of essentially the same material, and have identically the same physical and chemical properties, and frequently very closely resemble each other in color, it is necessary to have recourse to some other means of distinguis.h.i.+ng between them. The best and simplest means for those who are acquainted with the structural defects common to natural corundum gems is to seek for such defects in any specimen that is in question, and if no such defects can be found, to be very sceptical as to the naturalness of the specimen, inasmuch as perfect corundum gems are very rare in nature, and when of fine color command exceedingly high prices. No jeweler can afford to risk his reputation for knowledge and for integrity by selling as a natural stone any gem which does not possess the minor defects common to practically all corundum gems.

STRUCTURAL DEFECTS OF SCIENTIFIC STONES. So far our tests have been mostly negative. It was said, however, that spherical bubbles sometimes appear in scientific gems. Another characteristic _structural_ defect of practically every scientific gem may be utilized to distinguish them. As is well known, the rough material is formed in boules or pear-shaped drops under an inverted blowpipe. The powdered material is fed in with one of the gases and pa.s.ses through the flame, melting as it goes, and then acc.u.mulating and crystallizing below as a boule. The top or head of this boule is rounding from the start, and hence the successive layers of material gather in thin curved zones. The color and structure of these successive zones are not perfectly uniform, hence when cut stones are made from the boules these _curving_ parallel layers may be seen within by the use of a good lens, especially if the cut stone is held in a strong crossing light, as was suggested when directions were given above as to the best way to look for "silk" in a natural stone.

Owing to the shape of a well cut stone it is sometimes difficult to get light through the material, yet by turning the stone repeatedly, some position will be found in which the curving parallel striae can be seen.

They are easily seen in scientific ruby, less easily in dark blue sapphire, but still they can be found on close search. In the light colored stones and in white sapphire, the difficulty is greater, as there are no color variations in the latter case. However, the value of white sapphire is so slight, whether natural or artificial, that it is a matter of but little moment, and what has already been said as to natural defects, applies to white sapphire as well as to the colored varieties, and absolutely clear and perfect natural white sapphire is rare.

One more distinguis.h.i.+ng mark of the scientific stones may be added to give full measure to the scheme of separation, that no one need be deceived.

The surface finish of the scientific stones is rarely as good as that of the natural material and it appears to be more difficult to produce a good polish on scientific stones than on natural ones. The degree of hardness of the scientific stones seems to be slightly variable in different parts of the same piece so that the polis.h.i.+ng material removes the surface material unequally, leaving minute streaky marks on the surfaces of the facets. Possibly this condition might be remedied by skillful treatment, but hardly at the price obtainable for the product, so that a close study of the surface finish will sometimes help in distinguis.h.i.+ng between natural and artificial material. Any fine specimen of natural ruby or sapphire will have usually received very expert treatment and a splendid surface finish.

In conclusion, then, the points to be remembered in determining the origin of corundum gems are four in number.

1. Expect to find natural defects, such as "silk" or cloudy patches, or _angular_ bubbles in all natural stones.

2. If bubbles are present in artificial material they will be _round_ or rounding.

3. Artificial material will always have _curving_ parallel striae within it.

4. The _surface finish_ of artificial material is seldom or never equal to that of natural material.

It ought not to be necessary to add that material from either source may be cut to any shape, and that artificial rubies may be seen in most Oriental garb, hence all specimens should have applied to them the above tests regardless of the seeming antiquity of their cut or of their alleged pedigree.



Having now considered separately the princ.i.p.al physical properties by means of which one can identify a precious stone, let us attempt to give as good an idea as the printed page can convey of how one should go about determining to what species a gem belongs.

SIGNS OF WEAR IN AN EMERALD. To make the matter more concrete, and therefore more interesting, let us consider a real case, the most recent problem, in fact, that the author has had to solve. A lady of some wealth had purchased, for a large sum, a green stone which purported to be an emerald. After a few years of wear as a ring stone she noticed one day that the stone had dulled around the edges of its table, and thinking that that ought not to be the case with a real emerald, she appealed to a dealer in diamonds to know if her stone was a real emerald. The diamond merchant told her frankly that, while he was competent in all matters pertaining to diamonds, he could not be sure of himself regarding colored stones, and advised the lady to see the author.

The matter being thus introduced, the lady was at once informed that even a real emerald might show signs of wear after a few years of the hard use that comes to a ring stone.

While emerald has, as we saw in the lesson on hardness, a degree of hardness rated as nearly 8 (7-1/2 in the table), it is nevertheless a rather brittle material and the long series of tiny blows that a ring stone is bound to meet with will cause minute yielding along the exposed edges and corners of the top facets. This being announced, the first step in the examination of the stone was to clean it and to give it a careful examination with a ten-power lens. (An aplanatic triplet will be found best for this purpose.)

COLOR. The color was, of course, the most obvious property, but, as has already been said, color is not to be relied upon in all cases. In this case the color was a good emerald green but a bit bluer than the finest gra.s.s green. A very fine Maine tourmaline might approach this stone in color, so it became necessary to consider this possibility. A gla.s.s imitation, too, might have a color equal or superior to this.

IMPERFECTIONS. While noting the color, the imperfections of the stone claimed attention. They consisted mainly of minute jagged cracks of the character peculiar to brittle materials such as both emerald and tourmaline. So far it will be noted either of the above minerals might have furnished the lady's gem. As gla.s.s can be artificially crackled to produce similar flaws the stone might have been only an imitation as far as anything yet learned about it goes.

FILE TEST. The next step was to test its hardness by gently applying a very fine file to an exposed point at one corner of the girdle. The file slipped on the material as a skate slips on ice. Evidently we did not have to do with a gla.s.s imitation.

REFRACTION. Knowing now that we had a true hard mineral, it remained to be determined what mineral it was. On holding the stone in direct sunlight and reflecting the light onto a white card it was seen at once that the material was doubly refracting, for a series of _double_ images of the back facets appeared. These double images might have been produced by tourmaline as well as by emerald. (Not however by gla.s.s which is singly refracting.) If a direct reading refractometer had been available the matter could have been settled at once by reading the refractive indices of the material, for tourmaline and emerald have not only different refractive indices but have double refraction to different degrees. Such an instrument was not available at the time and will hardly be available to most of those who are studying this lesson, so we can go on with our account of the further testing of the green stone.

HARDNESS. A test upon the surface of a quartz crystal showed that the stone was harder than quartz (but so is tourmaline). A true topaz crystal was too hard for the ring stone, whose edge slipped over the smooth topaz surface. The green stone was therefore not a green corundum (Oriental emerald) as the latter has hardness 9 and scratches topaz.

With hardness evidently between 7 and 8 and with double refraction and with the kind of flaws peculiar to rather brittle minerals we had in all probability either a tourmaline or an emerald.

DICHROISM. The dichroscope (which might have been used much earlier in the test but was not at hand at the time) was next tried and the stone was seen to have marked dichroism--a bluish green and a yellowish green appearing in the two squares of the instrument when the stone was held in front of the opening and viewed against a strong light.

As either tourmaline or emerald might thus exhibit dichroism (the tourmaline more strongly, however, than the emerald) one more test was tried to finally decide the matter.

SPECIFIC GRAVITY. The stone was removed from its setting and two specific gravity determinations made by means of a specific gravity bottle and a fine chemical balance. The two results, which came closely alike, averaged 2.70 which agrees very nearly with emerald (2.74) and which is far removed from the specific gravity of tourmaline (3.10). The stone was now _definitely known_ to be an emerald, as each of several tests agreed with the properties of emerald, namely:

Color--nearly gra.s.s green.

Imperfections--like those of emerald.



Dichroism--easily noted.

Specific gravity--2.70.

While one who was accustomed to deal in fine emeralds might not need to make as detailed an examination of the stone as has just been indicated above, yet for most of us who do not have many opportunities of studying valuable emeralds it is safer to make sure by complete tests.

One other concrete example of how to go about testing unknown stones must suffice to conclude this lesson, after which the student, who has mastered the separate lessons preceding this, should proceed to test as many "unknowns" as his time and industry permit in order to really make _his own_ the matter of these lessons. It may be added here that the task of testing a stone is much more rapid than this laborious effort to teach others how to do it might indicate. To one skilled in these matters only a few seconds are required for the inspection of a stone with the lens, the dichroscope, or the refractometer, and hardness tests are swiftly made. A specific gravity test requires more time and should be resorted to only when there remains a reasonable doubt after other tests have been applied.

A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public Part 6

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