American Pomology Part 90

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Core oval, open, meeting the eye; Seeds numerous, small, plump; Flesh white, very tender, fine-grained, juicy; Flavor sub-acid, not rich; Quality good; Use, table and market; Season, June and July--one of the earliest.

There is a striped variety, the _Striped June_, from Virginia, similar in every respect except the external markings. It is, of course, quite different from the _Virginia June_.--(Q. vide p. 500.)

=Crawford Keeper.=

This fruit was received from H.N. Gillett, Lawrence County, Ohio.

Fruit large, cylindrical, oblong, lop-sided; Surface smooth, purplish red; Dots numerous, fawn colored.

Basin wide, shallow, wavy; Eye small, closed.

Cavity acute, regular, rough, brown; Stem medium.

Core regular, open; Seeds numerous, brown; Flesh yellow, breaking, tender, fine-grained, juicy; Flavor sub-acid, rich; Quality good to very good; Use, table; Season, February to April. Very desirable.

=c.u.mberland Spice.=

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 271.--c.u.mBERLAND SPICE.]

Origin New Jersey; not very extensively cultivated, for, though sometimes excellent, it is not found to be a profitable sort.

Fruit rather oblong, contracted toward the eye, or ovate, regular; sometimes the Axis is inclined; Surface pale yellow; Dots large, brown, scattered.

Basin shallow, regular or folded; Eye large, partially closed.

Cavity deep, acute; Stem generally long.

Core large, round, very open, not touching the eye; Seeds numerous, large, pointed; Flesh yellow, tender, breaking, juicy; Flavor acid to sub-acid, rich, aromatic; Quality good to best, but uncertain; Use, table, kitchen, not profitable; Season, October to December.

=Curtis Greening.=

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 272.--CURTIS GREENING.]

This fruit was found in Illinois; origin uncertain.

Fruit medium to large, cylindrical, oblong, truncated; Axis inclined; Surface yellow, bronzy; Dots numerous, dark, indented.

Basin abrupt, wide, regular; Eye large, open.

Cavity deep, acute, regular; Stem short.

Core small, fig-shaped, closed, clasping; Seeds numerous, small, plump; Flesh yellow, breaking; Flavor sub-acid, rich; Quality good; Use, table and kitchen; Season, January and February.

=Dawson's Cl.u.s.ter.=

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 273.--DAWSON'S Cl.u.s.tER.]

From Clark County, Ohio.

Fruit full medium, oblong-truncate or ovate, regular; Surface smooth, pale yellow, blushed lightly with brown; Dots scattered, gray.

Basin abrupt, regular; Eye large, closed.

Cavity very acute, wavy; Stem long, with a k.n.o.b.

Core medium, heart-shaped, regular, closed, clasping; Seeds numerous, plump, large; Flesh yellowish-white, fine-grained, tender, juicy; Flavor sub-acid; Quality good; Use, kitchen, but chiefly recommended for cider; Season, November. An enormous bearer.

=Franklin Golden.=[50]


Tree thrifty, upright, moderately productive; Fruit oblong, cylindrical; Surface smooth, yellow; Dots distinct, gray, not numerous.

Basin wide, shallow, finely plaited; Eye long, closed.

Cavity medium, greenish; Stem long.

Core small, pyriform, regular, closed, clasping; Seeds plump, pointed; Flesh yellow, tender, fine-grained, juicy; Flavor acid, rich; Quality very good; Use, table; Season, mid-winter.

A choice dessert fruit.

=Grimes' Golden.=

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 274.--GRIMES' GOLDEN.]

Another apple of similar and equally high character. Origin, Brooke County, Virginia. Introduced to the State Pomological Society by our zealous fellow member S.B. Marshall, Ma.s.sillon, Ohio, who obtained it from N. Wood, of Belmont County.

Tree vigorous, healthy, spreading, productive, bears early; Shoots stout, dark; Foliage abundant, dark green.

Fruit full medium, cylindrical, regular; Surface yellow, vein-russeted; Dots numerous, minute.

Basin abrupt, folded; Eye large, closed.

Cavity wide, regular, green; Stem long, curved.

Core small, pyriform, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds numerous, plump, brown; Flesh yellow, firm, breaking, very fine-grained, juicy; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic, spicy, rich, refres.h.i.+ng; Quality very best; Use, dessert, too good for aught else; those who have tried it say that it is excellent for cooking; Season, January to March.

=Kirkbridge White.=

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 275.--KIRKBRIDGE WHITE.]

This fruit has been pretty extensively cultivated in some parts of the Western States, and sometimes mistaken for the _Yellow June_. Tree of moderate growth, bears early, productive.

American Pomology Part 90

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