The History of Antiquity Volume I Part 32
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[724] Diog. Laert. 1, 89; Simonid. Fragm. 57, ed. Bergk; Herod. 1, 14, 35; Strabo, p. 61; "Bergk-Griech. Litteratur-Gesch." 1, 779. The date of the second Midas is fixed by the observation of Herodotus that the dedicatory offerings of Midas were older than those of Gyges, and by the date of the first invasion of the Cimmerians, which will be ascertained below: the second invasion of the Cimmerians took place far later, in the time of Ardys of Lydia, _i.e._ at a time when monarchy was no longer in existence in the Greek cities. Hence I believe that the Midas of the tomb must be distinguished from the Midas of the dedicatory offering.
[725] The upper inscription of this tomb is as follows: "Ates arkiaevos akenanogavos Midai lavaltaie vanaktei edaes;" the lower is: "Baba memavais proitavos kphizan avozos sikeman edaes."--Leake, "Asia Minor,"
p. 22-36; Barth, in Petermann "Geog. Mittheilungen," 1860, s. 91-93; La.s.sen, in "Zeit. d. d. M. G." 10, 372. For "lavaltaie" R. Stuart reads "na-" or "gavaltaie."
[726] Strabo, p. 569; Vitruvius, 2, 1, 5.
[727] Perrot, "Exploration," pp. 218, 224.
[728] Hamilton, "Asia Minor," 1, 95-98, 401, 451; 2, 233-252.
[729] Lucian, "Jup. Trag." c. 8. 42.
[730] Etym. Magn. [Greek: Amma.]
[731] Diod. 3, 59; Livy, 29, 14.
[732] Arist. "Rhet." 3, 2; Ovid. "Fast." 4, 265; Arnoh. "Adv. Gent." 9, 5, 4.
[733] Diod. 3, 59.
[734] Herod. 1, 94. In Hippolytus ("Philosoph." 5, 9, p. 118, ed.
Miller) Atys is called the sun of Rhea. Agdistis appears to have been androgynous; Paus. 7, 17, 5. Hesych. [Greek: Agdistis]. The chief priests at Pessinus were always called Atys, according to the inscriptions of Sivrihissar, cf. Polyb. 22, 20.
[735] Plut. "De Isid." 69.
[736] Arn.o.b. "Adv. Gent." 5, 16; Herodian, 1, 10.
[737] Hippolyt. _loc. cit._, p. 119.
[738] "Il." 3, 187; Hym. Ven. 112.
[739] "Bacch." 55 ff., 120 ff.; Diod. 3, 57.
[740] Herod. 1, 173, and H. Stein _ad loc._; Ch.o.e.rilus in "Joseph. c.
Apion." 1, 22.
[741] "Anab." 1, 2, 21 ff.
[742] Blau, "Num. Achaem. Aram-persic," p. 5.
[743] La.s.sen, "Zeit. d. d. M. G." 10, 385.
[744] Herod. 7, 91; 5, 118; 7, 98; Xenoph. "Anab." 7, 8, 25.
[745] H. Stein, on Herodotus, 1, 74.
[746] h.e.l.lan. fragm. 158, ed Muller.
[747] Berosi Fragm. 12, ed. Muller; Abyd. Fragm. 7, ed. Muller. That Anchialensium should be read instead of Atheniensium need not be proved at length.
[748] Arrian, "Anab." 2, 5; Athen. p. 529; Steph. Byz. [Greek: Anchiale].
[749] Menant, "Annal." pp. 107, 228, 231, 242; G. Smith, "a.s.surbanipal,"
p. 62.
[750] aesch. "Persae," 326; Herod. 3, 90; 7, 91, 98; Xenoph. "Anab." 1, 2, 12.
[751] Brandis, "Munzwesen," s. 348 ff., 354, 497 ff., 574.
[752] 1, 72; cf. 5, 62.
[753] "Il." 2, 857.
[754] "Prom. Vinct." 613-617.
[755] Sandwich, "Siege of Kars," p. 35 of translation. On the Murad Tshai, near Charput, the best iron is still procured.
[756] Herod. 1, 72; 7, 72.
[757] Fragm. incert. 150, ed. Bergk.
[758] Scymn. Ch. 943.
[759] "Peripl. P. E." c. 20, ed. Muller.
[760] Plut. "Lucull," 23.
[761] C. 89, 90.
[762] Strabo, p. 533, 544, 737; cf. Schol. Apoll. Rhod. 1, 948.
[763] Brandis, "Munzwesen," 308, 427; Blau, "Phoeniz. Munzkunde," 2, 12, 19. These, and the reasons given above, seem to me sufficient to prevent my agreeing to La.s.sen's opinion ("Zeit. d. d. M. G." 10, 377) that the Cappadocians were an Indo-Germanic tribe.
[764] Herod. 4, 1, 10-12; 1, 103, 104.
[765] "Odyss." 11, 14-19.
[766] "Ranae," 187.
[767] Scym. Ch. 239, 240; Strabo, 244; Virgil, "Aen." 3, 441; Plin.
"Hist. Nat." 3, 9.
[768] Callinus, apud Strabo, 648; Herod. 1, 6, 15, 16; 4, 12.
[769] Aristot. apud Steph. Byz. [Greek: Antandros]: Scymn. Ch. 941.
[770] [Greek: Treres].
[771] Strabo, p. 61, 552, 494. On p. 647 we find "The Treres, a Cimmerian nation."
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