Cyclopedia of Telephony and Telegraphy Volume I Part 22
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[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 174. Ringing-Key Arrangement]
In Fig. 174, the more complete connections of the central-office ringing keys are shown, by means of which the proper positive or negative ringing currents are sent to line in the proper way to cause the ringing of any one of the four bells on a party line of either of the types shown in Figs. 172 and 173.
In this the generator _G_ and its commutator disk _3_, with the various brushes, _1_, _2_, _4_, and _5_, are arranged in the same manner as is shown in Fig. 171. It is evident from what has been said that wire _6_ leading from generator brush _2_ and commutator disk _3_ will carry alternating potential; that wire _7_ will carry positive pulsations of potential; and that wire _8_ will carry negative pulsations of potential. There are five keys in the set ill.u.s.trated in Fig. 174, of which four, viz, _K_^{1}, _K_^{2}, _K_^{3}, and _K_^{4}, are connected in the same manner as diagrammatically indicated in Figs. 172 and 173, and will, obviously, serve to send the proper current over the proper limb of the line to ring one of the bells. Key _K_^{5}, the fifth one in the set, is added so as to enable the operator to ring an ordinary unbiased bell on a single party line when connection is made with such line. As the two outside contacts of this key are connected respectively to the two brushes of the alternating-current dynamo _G_, it is clear that it will impress an alternating current on the line when its contacts are closed.
_Circuits of Two-Party Line Telephones._ In Fig. 175 is shown in detail the wiring of the telephone set usually employed in connection with the party-line selective-ringing system ill.u.s.trated in Fig. 170.
In the wiring of this set and the two following, it must be borne in mind that the portion of the circuit used during conversation might be wired in a number of ways without affecting the principle of selective ringing employed; however, the circuits shown are those most commonly employed with the respective selective ringing systems which they are intended to ill.u.s.trate. In connecting the circuits of this telephone instrument to the line, the two line conductors are connected to binding posts _1_ and _2_ and a ground connection is made to binding post _3_. In practice, in order to avoid the necessity of changing the permanent wiring of the telephone set in connecting it as an A or B Station (Fig. 170), the line conductors are connected to the binding posts in reverse order at the two stations; that is, for Station A the upper conductor, Fig. 170, is connected to binding post _1_ and the lower conductor to binding post _2_, while at Station B the upper conductor is connected to binding post _2_ and the lower conductor to binding post _1_. The permanent wiring of this telephone set is the same as that frequently used for a set connected to a line having only one station, the proper ringing circuit being made by the method of connecting up the binding posts. For example, if this telephone set were to be used on a single station line, the binding posts _1_ and _2_ would be connected to the two conductors of the line as before, while binding post _3_ would be connected to post _1_ instead of being grounded.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 175. Circuit of Two-Party Station]
_Circuits of Four-Party-Line Telephones._ The wiring of the telephone set used with the system ill.u.s.trated in Fig. 172 is shown in detail in Fig. 176. The wiring of this set is arranged for local battery or magneto working, as this method of selective ringing is more frequently employed with magneto systems, on account of the objectionable features which arise when applied to common-battery systems. In this figure the line conductors are connected to binding posts _1_ and _2_, and a ground connection is made to binding post _3_. In order that all sets may be wired alike and yet permit the instrument to be connected for any one of the various stations, the bell is not permanently wired to any portion of the circuit but has flexible connections which will allow of the set being properly connected for any desired station. The terminals of the bell are connected to binding posts _9_ and _10_, to which are connected flexible conductors terminating in terminals _7_ and _8_. These terminals may be connected to the binding posts _4_, _5_, and _6_ in the proper manner to connect the set as an A, B, C, or D station, as required. For example, in connecting the set for Station A, Fig. 172, terminal _7_ is connected to binding post _6_ and _8_ to _5_. For connecting the set for Station B terminal _7_ is connected to binding post _5_ and _8_ to _6_. For connecting the set for Station C terminal _7_ is connected to binding post _6_ and _8_ to _4_. For connecting the set for Station D terminal _7_ is connected to binding post _4_ and _8_ to _6_.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 176. Circuit of Four-Party Station without Relay]
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 177. Circuit of Four-Party Station with Relay]
The detailed wiring of the telephone set employed in connection with the system ill.u.s.trated in Fig. 173 is shown in Fig. 177. The wiring of this set is arranged for a common-battery system, inasmuch as this arrangement of signaling circuit is more especially adapted for common-battery working. However, this arrangement is frequently adapted to magneto systems as even with magneto systems a permanent ground connection at a subscriber's station is objectionable inasmuch as it increases the difficulty of determining the existence or location of an accidental ground on one of the line conductors. The wiring of this set is also arranged so that one standard type of wiring may be employed and yet allow any telephone set to be connected as an A, B, C, or D station.
Harmonic Method. _Principles._ To best understand the principle of operation of the harmonic party-line signaling systems, it is to be remembered that a flexible reed, mounted rigidly at one end and having its other end free to vibrate, will, like a violin string, have a certain natural period of vibration; that is, if it be started in vibration, as by snapping it with the fingers, it will take up a certain rate of vibration which will continue at a uniform rate until the vibration ceases altogether. Such a reed will be most easily thrown into vibration by a series of impulses having a frequency corresponding exactly to the natural rate of vibration of the reed itself; it may be thrown into vibration by very slight impulses if they occur at exactly the proper times.
It is familiar to all that a person pus.h.i.+ng another in a swing may cause a considerable amplitude of vibration with the exertion of but a small amount of force, if he will so time his pushes as to conform exactly to the natural rate of vibration of the swing. It is of course possible, however, to make the swing take up other rates of vibrations by the application of sufficient force. As another example, consider a clock pendulum beating seconds. By gentle blows furnished by the escapement at exactly the proper times, the heavy pendulum is kept in motion. However, if a person grasps the pendulum weight and shakes it, it may be made to vibrate at almost any desired rate, dependent on the strength and agility of the individual.
The conclusion is, therefore, that a reed or pendulum may be made to start and vibrate easily by the application of impulses at proper intervals, and only with great difficulty by the application of impulses at other than the proper intervals; and these facts form the basis on which harmonic-ringing systems rest.
The father of harmonic ringing in telephony was Jacob B. Currier, an undertaker of Lowell, Ma.s.s. His harmonic bells were placed in series in the telephone line, and were considerably used in New England in commercial practice in the early eighties. Somewhat later James A.
Lighthipe of San Francisco independently invented a harmonic-ringing system, which was put in successful commercial use at Sacramento and a few other smaller California towns. Lighthipe polarized his bells and bridged them across the line in series with condensers, as in modern practice, and save for some crudities in design, his apparatus closely resembled, both in principle and construction, some of that in successful use today.
Lighthipe's system went out of use and was almost forgotten, when about 1903, Wm. W. Dean again independently redeveloped the harmonic system, and produced a bell astonis.h.i.+ngly like that of Lighthipe, but of more refined design, thus starting the development which has resulted in the present wide use of this system.
The signal-receiving device in harmonic-ringing systems takes the form of a ringer, having its armature and striker mounted on a rather stiff spring rather than on trunnions. By this means the moving parts of the bell const.i.tute in effect a reed tongue, which has a natural rate of vibration at which it may easily be made to vibrate with sufficient amplitude to strike the gongs. The harmonic ringer differs from the ordinary polarized bell or ringer, therefore, in that its armature will vibrate most easily at one particular rate, while the armature of the ordinary ringer is almost indifferent, between rather wide limits, as to the rate at which it vibrates.
As a rule harmonic party-line systems are limited to four stations on a line. The frequencies employed are usually 16-2/3, 33-1/3, 50, and 66-2/3 cycles per second, this corresponding to 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, and 4,000 cycles per minute. The reason why this particular set of frequencies was chosen is that they represent approximately the range of desirable frequencies, and that the first ringing-current machines in such systems were made by mounting the armatures of four different generators on a single shaft, these having, respectively, two poles, four poles, six poles, and eight poles each. The two-pole generator gave one cycle per revolution, the four-pole two, the six-pole three, and the eight-pole four, so that by running the shaft of the machine at exactly 1,000 revolutions per minute the frequencies before mentioned were attained. This range of frequencies having proved about right for general practice and the early ringers all having been attuned so as to operate on this basis, the practice of adhering to these numbers of vibrations has been kept up with one exception by all the manufacturers who make this type of ringer.
_Tuning._ The process of adjusting the armature of a ringer to a certain rate of vibration is called tuning, and it is customary to refer to a ringer as being tuned to a certain rate of vibration, just as it is customary to refer to a violin string as being tuned to a certain pitch or rate of vibration.
The physical difference between the ringers of the various frequencies consists mainly in the size of the weights at the end of the vibrating reed, that is, of the weights which form the tapper for the bell. The low-frequency ringers have the largest weights and the high-frequency the smallest, of course. The ringers are roughly tuned to the desired frequencies by merely placing on the tapper rod the desired weight and then a more refined tuning is given them by slightly altering the positions of the weights on the tapper rod. To make the reed have a slightly lower natural rate of vibration, the weight is moved further from the stationary end of the reed, while to give it a slightly higher natural rate of vibration the weight is moved toward the stationary. In this way very nice adjustments may be made, and the aim of the various factories manufacturing these bells is to make the adjustment permanent so that it will never have to be altered by the operating companies. Several years of experience with these bells has shown that when once properly a.s.sembled they maintain the same rate of vibration with great constancy.
There are two general methods of operating harmonic bells. One of these may be called the in-tune system and the other the under-tune system. The under-tune system was the first employed.
[Ill.u.s.tration: OPERATING ROOM AT TOKYO, j.a.pAN]
_Under-Tune System._ The early workers in the field of harmonic-selective signaling discovered that when the tapper of the reed struck against gongs the natural rate of vibration of the reed was changed, or more properly, the reed was made to have a different rate of vibration from its natural rate. This was caused by the fact that the elasticity of the gongs proved another factor in the set of conditions causing the reeds to take up a certain rate of vibration, and the effect of this added factor was always to accelerate the rate of vibration which the reed had when it was not striking the gongs. The rebound of the hammer from the gongs tended, in other words, to accelerate the rate of vibration, which, as might be expected, caused a serious difficulty in the practical operation of the bells. To ill.u.s.trate: If a reed were to have a natural rate of vibration, when not striking the gongs, of 50 per second and a current of 50 cycles per second were impressed on the line, the reed would take up this rate of vibration easily, but when a sufficient amplitude of vibration was attained to cause the tapper to strike the gongs, the reed would be thrown out of tune, on account of the tendency of the gongs to make the reed vibrate at a higher rate. This caused irregular ringing and was frequently sufficient to make the bells cease ringing altogether or to ring in an entirely unsatisfactory manner.
In order to provide for this difficulty the early bells of Currier and Lighthipe were made on what has since been called the "under-tuned"
principle. The first bells of the Kellogg Switchboard and Supply Company, developed by Dean, were based on this idea as their cardinal principle. The reeds were all given a natural rate of vibration, when not striking the gongs, somewhat below that of the current frequencies to be employed; and yet not sufficiently below the corresponding current frequency to make the bell so far out of tune that the current frequency would not be able to start it. This was done so that when the tapper began to strike the gongs the tapper would be accelerated and brought practically into tune with the current frequency, and the ringing would continue regularly as long as the current flowed. It will be seen that the under-tuned system was, therefore, one involving some difficulty in starting in order to provide for proper regularity while actually ringing.
Ringers of this kind were always made with but a single gong, it being found difficult to secure uniformity of ringing and uniformity of adjustment when two gongs were employed. Although no ringers of this type are being made at present, yet a large number of them are in use and they will consequently be described. Their action is interesting in throwing better light on the more improved types, if for no other reason.
Figs. 178 and 179 show, respectively, side and front views of the original Kellogg bell. The entire mechanism is self-contained, all parts being mounted on the base plate _1_. The electromagnet is of the two-coil type, and is supported on the brackets _2_ and _3_. The bracket _2_ is of iron so as to afford a magnetic yoke for the field of the electromagnet, while the bracket _3_ is of bra.s.s so as not to short-circuit the magnetic lines across the air-gap. The reed tongue--consisting of the steel spring _5_, the soft-iron armature pieces _6_, the auxiliary spring _7_, and the tapper ball _8_, all of which are riveted together, as shown in Fig. 178--const.i.tutes the only moving part of the bell. The steel spring _5_ is rigidly mounted in the clamping piece _9_ at the upper part of the bracket _3_, and the reed tongue is permitted to vibrate only by the flexibility of this spring.
The auxiliary spring _7_ is much lighter than the spring _5_ and has for its purpose the provision of a certain small amount of flexibility between the tapper ball and the more rigid portion of the armature formed by the iron strips _6-6_. The front ends of the magnet pole pieces extend through the bracket _3_ and are there provided with square soft-iron pole pieces _10_ set at right angles to the magnet cores so as to form a rather narrow air-gap in which the armature may vibrate.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 178. Under-Tuned Ringer]
The cores of the magnet and also the reed tongue are polarized by means of the =L=-shaped bar magnet _4_, mounted on the iron yoke _2_ at one end in such manner that its other end will lie quite close to the end of the spring _5_, which, being of steel, will afford a path for the lines of force to the armature proper. We see, therefore, that the two magnet cores are, by this permanent magnet, given one polarity, while the reed tongue itself is given the other polarity, this being exactly the condition that has already been described in connection with the regular polarized bell or ringer.
The electromagnetic action by which this reed tongue is made to vibrate is, therefore, exactly the same as that of an ordinary polarized ringer, but the difference between the two is that, in this harmonic ringer, the reed tongue will respond only to one particular rate of vibrations, while the regular polarized ringer will respond to almost any.
As shown in Fig. 178, the tapper ball strikes on the inside surface of the single gong. The function of the auxiliary spring _7_ between the ball and the main portion of the armature is to allow some resilience between the ball and the balance of the armature so as to counteract in some measure the accelerating influence of the gong on the armature. In these bells, as already stated, the natural rate of vibration of the reed tongue was made somewhat lower than the rate at which the bell was to be operated, so that the reed tongue had to be started by a current slightly out of tune with it, and then, as the tapper struck the gong, the acceleration due to the gong would bring the vibration of the reed tongue, as modified by the gong, into tune with the current that was operating it. In ether words, in this system the ringing currents that were applied to the line had frequencies corresponding to what may be called the _operative rates of vibration_ of the reed tongues, which operative rates of vibration were in each case the resultant of the natural pitch of the reed as modified by the action of the bell gong when struck.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 179. Under-Tuned Ringer]
_In-Tune System._ The more modern method of tuning is to make the natural rate of vibration of the reed tongue, that is, the rate at which it naturally vibrates when not striking the gongs, such as to accurately correspond to the rate of vibration at which the bells are to be operated--that is, the natural rate of vibration of the reed tongues is made the same as the operative rate. Thus the bells are attuned for easy starting, a great advantage over the under-tuned system. In the under-tuned system, the reeds being out of tune in starting require heavier starting current, and this is obviously conducive to cross-ringing, that is, to the response of bells to other than the intended frequency.
Again, easy starting is desirable because when the armature is at rest, or in very slight vibration, it is at a maximum distance from the poles of the electromagnet, and, therefore, subject to the weakest influence of the poles. A current, therefore, which is strong enough to start the vibration, will be strong enough to keep the bell ringing properly.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 180. Dean In-Tune Ringer]
When with this "in-tune" mode of operation, the armature is thrown into sufficiently wide vibration to cause the tapper to strike the gong, the gong may tend to accelerate the vibration of the reed tongue, but the current impulses through the electromagnet coils continue at precisely the same rates as before. Under this condition of vibration, when the reed tongue has an amplitude of vibration wide enough to cause the tapper to strike the gongs, the ends of the armature come closest to the pole pieces, so that the pole pieces have their maximum magnetic effect on the armature, with the result that even if the accelerating tendency of the gongs were considerable, the comparatively large magnetic attractive impulses occurring at the same rate as the natural rate of vibration of the reed tongue, serve wholly to prevent any actual acceleration of the reed tongue. The magnetic attractions upon the ends of the armature, continuing at the initial rate, serve, therefore, as a check to offset any accelerating tendency which the striking of the gong may have upon the vibrating reed tongue.
It is obvious, therefore, that in the "in-tune" system the electromagnetic effect on the armature should, when the armature is closest to the pole pieces, be of such an overpowering nature as to prevent whatever accelerating tendency the gongs may have from throwing the armature out of its "stride" in step with the current.
For this reason it is usual in this type to so adjust the armature that its ends will actually strike against the pole pieces of the electromagnet when thrown into vibration. Sufficient flexibility is given to the tapper rod to allow it to continue slightly beyond the point at which it would be brought to rest by the striking of the armature ends against the pole pieces and thus exert a whipping action so as to allow the ball to continue in its movement far enough to strike against the gongs. The rebound of the gong is then taken up by the elasticity of the tapper rod, which returns to an unflexed position, and at about this time the pole piece releases the armature so that it may swing over in the other direction to cause the tapper to strike the other gong.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 181. Tappers for Dean Ringers]
The construction of the "in-tune" harmonic ringer employed by the Dean Electric Company, of Elyria, Ohio, is ill.u.s.trated in Figs. 180, 181, and 182. It will be seen from Fig. 180 that the general arrangement of the magnet and armature is the same as that of the ordinary polarized ringer; the essential difference is that the armature is spring-mounted instead of pivoted. The armature and the tapper rod normally stand in the normal central position with reference to the pole pieces of the magnet and the gongs. Fig. 181 shows the complete vibrating parts of four ringers, adapted, respectively, to the four different frequencies of the system. The a.s.sembled armature, tapper rod, and tapper are all riveted together and are non-adjustable. All of the adjustment that is done upon them is done in the factory and is accomplished, first, by choosing the proper size of weight, and second, by forcing this weight into the proper position on the tapper rod to give exactly the rate of vibration that is desired.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 182. Dean In-Tune Ringer]
An interesting feature of this Dean harmonic ringer is the gong adjustment. As will be seen, the gongs are mounted on posts which are carried on levers pivoted to the ringer frame. These levers have at their outer end a curved rack provided with gear teeth adapted to engage a worm or screw thread mounted on the ringer frame. Obviously, by turning this worm screw in one direction or the other, the gongs are moved slightly toward or from the armature or tapper. This affords a very delicate means of adjusting the gongs, and at the same time one which has no tendency to work loose or to get out of adjustment.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 183. Kellogg In-Tune Ringer]
In Fig. 183 is shown a drawing of the "in-tune" harmonic ringer manufactured by the Kellogg Switchboard and Supply Company. This differs in no essential respect from that of the Dean Company, except in the gong adjustment, this latter being affected by a screw pa.s.sing through a nut in the gong post, as clearly indicated.
In both the Kellogg and the Dean in-tune ringers, on account of the comparative stiffness of the armature springs and on account of the normal position of the armature with maximum air gaps and consequent minimum magnetic pull, the armature will practically not be affected unless the energizing current is accurately attuned to its own natural rate. When the proper current is thrown on to the line, the ball will be thrown into violent vibration, and the ends of the armature brought into actual contact with the pole pieces, which are of bare iron and s.h.i.+elded in no way. The armature in this position is very strongly attracted and comes to a sudden stop on the pole pieces. The gongs are so adjusted that the tapper ball will have to spring about one thirty-second of an inch in order to hit them. The armature is held against the pole piece while the tapper ball is engaged in striking the gong and in partially returning therefrom, and so strong is the pull of the pole piece on the armature in this position that the accelerating influence of the gong has no effect in accelerating the rate of vibration of the reed.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 184. Circuits of Dean Harmonic System]
_Circuits_. In Fig. 184 are shown in simplified form the circuits of a four-station harmonic party line. It is seen that at the central office there are four ringing keys, adapted, respectively, to impress on the line ringing currents of four different frequencies. At the four stations on the line, lettered A, B, C, and D, there are four harmonic bells tuned accordingly. At Station A there is shown the talking apparatus employing the Wheatstone bridge arrangement. The talking apparatus at all of the other stations is exactly the same, but is omitted for the sake of simplicity. A condenser is placed in series with each of the bells in order that there may be no direct-current path from one side of the line to the other when all of the receivers are on their hooks at the several stations.
In Fig. 185 is shown exactly the same arrangement, with the exception that the talking apparatus ill.u.s.trated in detail at Station A is that of the Kellogg Switchboard and Supply Company. Otherwise the circuits of the Dean and the Kellogg Company, and in fact of all the other companies manufacturing harmonic ringing systems, are the same.
_Advantages_. A great advantage of the harmonic party-line system is the simplicity of the apparatus at the subscriber's station. The harmonic bell is scarcely more complex than the ordinary polarized ringer, and the only difference between the harmonic-ringing telephone and the ordinary telephone is in the ringer itself. The absence of all relays and other mechanism and also the absence of the necessity for ground connections at the telephone are all points in favor of the harmonic system.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 185. Circuits of Kellogg Harmonic System]
_Limitations_. As already stated, the harmonic systems of the various companies, with one exception, are limited to four frequencies. The exception is in the case of the North Electric Company, which sometimes employs four and sometimes five frequencies and thus gets a selection between five stations. In the four-party North system, the frequencies, unlike those in the Dean and Kellogg systems, wherein the higher frequencies are multiples of the lower, are arranged so as to be proportional to the whole numbers 5, 7, 9, and 11, which, of course, have no common denominator. The frequencies thus employed in the North system are, in cycles per second, 30.3, 42.4, 54.5, and 66.7. In the five-party system, the frequency of 16.7 is arbitrarily added.
Cyclopedia of Telephony and Telegraphy Volume I Part 22
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