Cyclopedia of Telephony and Telegraphy Volume I Part 31
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[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 273. Circuit of Simple Magneto Switchboard]
Little need be said concerning this circuit in view of what has already been said in connection with Figs. 240 to 245. It will be seen in the particular sub-station circuit here represented, that the talking apparatus is arranged in the usual manner and that the ringer and generator are so arranged that when the generator is operated the ringer will be cut out of circuit, while the generator will be placed across the circuit; while, when the generator is idle, the ringer is bridged across the circuit and the generator is cut out.
The line terminates in each case in the tip and sleeve contacts of the jack, and in the normal condition of the jack the line drop is bridged across the line. The arrangement by which the drop is restored and at the same time cut out of circuit when the operator plugs in the jack, is obvious from the diagrammatic ill.u.s.tration. The cord circuit is the same as that already discussed, with the exception that two ringing keys are provided, one in connection with the calling plug, as is universal practice, and the other in connection with the answering plug as is sometimes practiced in order that the operator may, when occasion requires, ring back the calling subscriber without the necessity of changing the plug in the jack. The outer contacts of these two ringing keys are connected to the terminals of the ringing generator and, when either key is operated, the connection between the plug, on which the ringing is to be done, and the rest of the cord circuit will be broken, while the generator will be connected with the terminals of the plug.
The listening key and talking apparatus need no further explanation, it being obvious that when the key is operated the subscriber's telephone set will be bridged across the cord circuit and, therefore, connected with either or both of the talking subscribers.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 274. Night-Alarm Circuit]
Night-Alarm Circuits. The circuit of Fig. 273, while referred to as a complete circuit, is not quite that. The night-alarm circuit is not shown. In order to clearly indicate how a single battery and bell, or buzzer, may serve in connecting a number of line drops, reference is made to Fig. 274 which shows the connection between three different line drops and the night-alarm circuit. The night-alarm apparatus consists in the battery _1_ and the buzzer, or bell, _2_. A switch _3_ adapted to be manually operated is connected in the circuit with the battery and the buzzer so as to open this circuit when the night alarm is not needed, thus making it inoperative. During the portions of the day when the operator is needed constantly at the board it is customary to leave this switch _3_ open, but during the night period when she is not required constantly at the board this switch is closed so that an audible signal will be given whenever a drop falls. The night-alarm contact _4_ on each of the drops will be closed whenever a shutter falls, and as the two members of this contact, in the case of each drop, are connected respectively with the two sides of the night-alarm circuit, any one shutter falling will complete the necessary conditions for causing the buzzer to sound, a.s.suming of course that the switch _3_ is closed.
_Night Alarm with Relay._ A good deal of trouble has been caused in the past by uncertainty in the closure of the night-alarm circuit at the drop contact. Some of the companies have employed the form of circuit shown in Fig. 275 to overcome this. Instead of the night-alarm buzzer being placed directly in the circuit that is closed by the drop, a relay _5_ and a high-voltage battery _6_ are placed in this circuit. The buzzer and the battery for operating it are placed in a local circuit controlled by this relay. It will be seen by reference to Fig. 275 that when the shutter falls, it will, by closing the contact _4_, complete the circuit from the battery _6_ through the relay _5_--a.s.suming switch _3_ to be closed--and thus cause the operation of the relay. The relay, in turn, by pulling up its armature, will close the circuit of the buzzer _2_ through the battery _7_ and cause the buzzer to sound.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 275. Night-Alarm Circuit with Relay]
The advantage of this method over the direct method of operating the buzzer is that any imperfection in the night-alarm contact at the drop is much less likely to prevent the flow of current of the high-voltage battery _6_ than of the low-voltage battery _1_, shown in connection with Fig. 274. This is because the higher voltage is much more likely to break down any very thin bit of insulation, such as might be caused by a minute particle of dust or oxide between contacts that are supposed to be closed by the falling of the shutter. It has been common to employ for battery _6_ a dry-cell battery giving about 20 or 24 volts, and for the operation of the buzzer itself, a similar battery of about two cells giving approximately 3 volts.
_Night-Alarm Contacts._ The night-alarm contact _4_ of the drop shown diagrammatically in Figs. 274 and 275 would, if taken literally, indicate that the shutter itself actually forms one terminal of the circuit and the contact against which it falls, the other. This has not been found to be a reliable way of closing the night-alarm contacts and this method is indicated in these figures and in other figures in this work merely as a convenient way of representing the matter diagrammatically. As a matter of fact the night-alarm contacts are ordinarily closed by having the shutter fall against one spring, which is thereby pressed into engagement with another spring or contact, as shown in Fig. 249. This method employs the shutter only as a means for mechanically causing the one spring to press against the other, the shutter itself forming no part of the circuit. The reason why it is not a good plan to have the shutter itself act as one terminal of the circuit is that this necessitates the circuit connections being led to the shutter through the trunnions on which the shutter is pivoted. This is bad because, obviously, the shutter must be loosely supported on its trunnions in order to give it sufficiently free movement, and, as is well known, loose connections are not conducive to good electrical contacts.
Grounded-and Metallic-Circuit Lines. When grounded circuits were the rule rather than the exception, many of the switchboards were particularly adapted for their use and could not be used with metallic-circuit lines. These grounded-circuit switchboards provided but a single contact in the jack and a single contact on the plug, the cords having but a single strand reaching from one plug to the other.
The ringing keys and listening keys were likewise single-contact keys rather than double. The clearing-out drop and the operator's talking circuit and the ringing generator were connected between the single strand of the cord and the ground as was required.
The grounded-circuit switchboard has practically pa.s.sed out of existence, and while a few of them may be in use, they are not manufactured at present. The reason for this is that while many grounded circuits are still in use, there are very few places where there are not some metallic-circuit lines, and while the grounded-circuit switchboard will not serve for metallic-circuit lines, the metallic-circuit switchboard will serve equally well for either metallic-circuit or grounded lines, and will interconnect them with equal facility. This fact will be made clear by a consideration of Figs. 276, 277, and 278.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 276. Connection Between Metallic Lines]
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 277. Connection Between Grounded Lines]
_Connection between Two Similar Lines._ In Fig. 276 a common magneto cord circuit is shown connecting two metallic-circuit lines; in Fig.
277 the same cord circuit is shown connecting two grounded lines. In this case the line wire _1_ of the left-hand line is, when the plugs are inserted, continued to the tip of the answering plug, thence through the tip strand of the cord circuit to the tip of the calling plug, then to the tip spring of the right-hand jack and out to the single conductor of that line. The entire sleeve portion of the cord circuit becomes grounded as soon as the plugs are inserted in the jacks of such a line. Hence, we see that the sleeve contacts of the plug and the sleeve conductor of the cord are connected to ground through the permanent ground connection of the sleeve conductors of the jack as soon as the plug is inserted into the jack. Thus, when the cord circuit of a metallic-circuit switchboard is used to connect two grounded circuits together, the tip strand of the cord is the connecting link between the two conductors, while the sleeve strand of the cord merely serves to ground one side of the clearing-out drop and one side each of the operator's telephone set and the ringing generator when their respective keys are operated.
_Connection between Dissimilar Lines._ Fig. 278 shows how the same cord circuit and the same arrangement of line equipment may be used for connecting a grounded line to a metallic-circuit line. The metallic circuit line is shown on the left and the grounded line on the right. When the two plugs are inserted into the respective jacks of this figure, the right-hand conductor of the metallic circuit shown on the left will be continued through the tip strand of the cord circuit to the line conductor of the grounded line shown on the right.
The left-hand conductor of the metallic-circuit line will be connected to ground because it will be continued through the sleeve strand of the cord circuit to the sleeve contact of the calling plug and thence to the sleeve contact of the jack of the grounded line, which sleeve contact is shown to be grounded. The talking circuit between the two connected lines in this case may be traced as follows: From the subscriber's station at the left through the right-hand limb of the metallic-circuit line, through the tip contact and tip conductor of the cord circuit, to the single limb of the grounded-circuit line, thence to the sub-station of that line and through the talking apparatus there to ground. The return path from the right-hand station is by way of ground to the ground connection at the central office, thence to the sleeve contact of the grounded line jack, through the sleeve conductor of the cord circuit, to the sleeve contact of the metallic-circuit line jack, and thence by the left-hand limb of the metallic-circuit line to the subscriber's station.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 278. Connection Between Dissimilar Lines]
A better way of connecting a metallic-circuit line to a grounded line is by the use of a special cord circuit involving a repeating coil, such a connection being shown in Fig. 279. The cord circuit in this case differs in no respect from those already shown except that a repeating coil is a.s.sociated with it in such a way as to conductively divide the answering side from the calling side. Obviously, whatever currents come over the line connected with the answering plug will pa.s.s through the windings _1_ and _2_ of this coil and will induce corresponding currents in the windings _3_ and _4_, which latter currents will pa.s.s out over the circuit of the line connected with the calling plug. When a grounded circuit is connected to a metallic circuit in this manner, no ground is thrown onto the metallic circuit.
The balance of the metallic circuit is, therefore, maintained.
To ground one side of a metallic circuit frequently so unbalances it as to cause it to become noisy, that is, to have currents flowing in it, by induction or from other causes, other than the currents which are supposed to be there for the purpose of conveying speech.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 279. Connection of Dissimilar Lines through Repeating Coil]
_Convertible Cord Circuits._ The consideration of Fig. 279 brings us to the subject of so-called convertible cord circuits. Some switchboards, serving a mixture of metallic and grounded lines, are provided with cord circuits which may be converted at will by the operator from the ordinary type shown in Fig. 276 to the type shown in Fig. 279. The advantage of this will be obvious from the following consideration. When a call originates on any line, either grounded or metallic, the operator does not know which kind of a line is to be called for. She, therefore, plugs into this line with any one of her answering plugs and completes the connection in the usual way. If the call is for the same kind of a circuit as that over which the call originated, she places the converting key in such a position as will connect the conductors of the cord circuit straight through; while if the connection is for a different kind of a line than that on which the call originated she throws the converting key into such a position as to include the repeating coil. A study of Fig. 280 will show that when the converting key, which is commonly referred to as the repeating-coil key, is in one position, the cord conductors will be cut straight through, the repeating coil being left open in both its windings; and when it is thrown to its other position, the connection between the answering and calling sides of the cord circuit will be severed and the repeating coil inserted so as to bring about the same effects and circuit arrangements as are shown in Fig. 279.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 280. Convertible Cord Circuit]
Cord-Circuit Considerations. _Simple Bridging Drop Type._ The matter of cord circuits in magneto switchboards is deserving of much attention. So far as talking requirements are concerned, the ordinary form of cord circuit with a clearing-out drop bridged across the two strands is adequate for nearly all conditions except those where a grounded-and a metallic-circuit line are connected together, in which case the inclusion of a repeating coil has some advantages.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 281. Bridging Drop-Cord Circuit]
From the standpoint of signaling, however, this type of cord circuit has some disadvantages under certain conditions. In order to simplify the discussion of this and other cord-circuit matters, reference will be made to some diagrams from which the ringing and listening keys and talking apparatus have been entirely omitted. In Fig. 281 the regular bridging type of clearing-out drop-cord circuit is shown, this being the type already discussed as standard. For ordinary practice it is all right. Certain difficulties are experienced with it, however, where lines of various lengths and various types of sub-station apparatus are connected. For instance, if a long bridging line be connected with one end of this cord circuit and a short line having a low-resistance series ringer be connected with the other end, then a station on the long line may have some difficulty in throwing the clearing-out drop, because of the low-resistance shunt that is placed around it through the short line and the low-resistance ringer. In other words, the clearing-out drop is shunted by a comparatively low-resistance line and ringer and the feeble currents arriving from a distant station over the long line are not sufficient to operate the drop thus handicapped. The advent of the various forms of party-line selective signaling and the use of such systems in connection with magneto switchboards has brought in another difficulty that sometimes manifests itself with this type of cord circuit. If two ordinary magneto telephones are connected to the two ends of this cord circuit, it is obvious that when one of the subscribers has hung up his receiver and the other subscriber rings off, the bell of the other subscriber will very likely be rung even though the clearing-out drop operates properly; it would be better in any event not to have this other subscriber's bell rung, for he may understand it to be a recall to his telephone. When, however, a party line is connected through such a cord circuit to an ordinary line having bridging instruments, for instance, the difficulty due to ringing off becomes even greater.
When the subscriber on the magneto line operates his generator to give the clearing-out signal, he is very likely to ring some of the bells on the other line and this, of course, is an undesirable thing. This may happen even in the case of harmonic bells on the party line, since it is possible that the subscriber on the magneto line in turning his generator will, at some phase of the operation, strike just the proper frequency to ring some one of the bells on the harmonic party line. It is obvious, therefore, that there is a real need for a cord circuit that will prevent _through ringing._
One way of eliminating the through-ringing difficulty in the type of cord circuit shown in Fig. 281 would be to use such a very low-wound clearing-out drop that it would practically short-circuit the line with respect to ringing currents and prevent them from pa.s.sing on to the other line. This, however, is not a good thing to do, since a winding sufficiently low to shunt the effective ringing current would also be too low for good telephone transmission.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 282. Series Drop-Cord Circuit]
_Series Drop Type._ Another type of cord circuit that was largely used by the Stromberg-Carlson Telephone Manufacturing Company at one time is shown in Fig. 282. In this the clearing-out drop was not bridged but was placed in series in the tip side of the line and was shunted by a condenser. The resistance of the clearing-out drop was 1,000 ohms and the capacity of the condenser was 2 microfarads. It is obvious that this way of connecting the clearing-out drop was subject to the _ringing-through_ difficulty, since the circuit through which the clearing-out current necessarily pa.s.sed included the telephone instrument of the line that was not sending the clearing-out signal.
This form was also objectionable because it was necessary for the subscriber to ring through the combined resistance of two lines, and in case the other line happened to be open, no clearing-out signal would be received. While this circuit, therefore, was perhaps not quite so likely as the other to tie up the subscriber, that is, to leave him connected without the ability to send a clearing-out signal, yet it was sure to ring through, for the clearing-out drop could not be thrown without the current pa.s.sing through the other subscriber's station.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 283. Dean Non-Ring-Through Cord Circuit]
_Non-Ring-Through Type._ An early attempt at a non-ring-through cord is shown in Fig. 283, this having once been standard with the Dean Electric Company. It made use of two condensers of 1 microfarad each, one in each side of the cord circuit. The clearing-out drop was of 500 ohms resistance and was connected from the answering side of the tip conductor to the calling side of the sleeve conductor. In this way whatever clearing-out current reached the central office pa.s.sed through at least one of the condensers and the clearing-out drop. In order for the clearing-out current to pa.s.s on beyond the central office it was necessary for it to pa.s.s through the two condensers in series. This arrangement had the advantage of giving a positive ring-off, regardless of the condition of the connected line.
Obviously, even if the line was short-circuited, the ringing currents from the other line would still be forced through the clearing-out drop on account of the high effective resistance of the 1-microfarad condenser connected in series with the short-circuited line. Also the clearing-out signal would be properly received if the connected line were open, since the clearing-out drop would still be directly across the cord circuit. This arrangement also largely prevented through ringing, since the currents would pa.s.s through the 1-microfarad condenser and the 500-ohm drop more readily than through the two condensers connected in series.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 284. Monarch Non-Ring-Through Cord Circuit]
In Fig. 284 is shown the non-ring-through arrangement of cord circuit adopted by the Monarch Company. In this system the clearing-out drop has two windings, either of which will operate the armature. The two windings are bridged across the cord circuit, with a 1/2-microfarad condenser in series in the tip strand between the two winding connections. While the low-capacity condenser will allow the high-frequency talking current to pa.s.s readily without affecting it to any appreciable extent, it offers a high resistance to a low-frequency ringing current, thus preventing it from pa.s.sing out on a connected line and forcing it through one of the windings of the coil. There is a tendency to transformer action in this arrangement, one of the windings serving as a primary and the other as a secondary, but this has not prevented the device from being highly successful.
A modification of this arrangement is shown in Fig. 285, wherein a double-wound clearing-out drop is used, and a 1/2-microfarad condenser is placed in series in each side of the cord circuit between the winding connections of the clearing-out drop. This circuit should give a positive ring-off under all conditions and should prevent through ringing except as it may be provided by the transformer action between the two windings on the same core.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 285. Non-Ring-Through Cord Circuit]
Another rather ingenious method of securing a positive ring-off and yet of preventing in a certain degree the undesirable ringing-through feature is shown in the cord circuit, Fig. 286. In this two non-inductive coils _1_ and _2_ are shown connected in series in the tip and sleeve strands of the coils, respectively. Between the neutral point of these two non-inductive windings is connected the clearing-out drop circuit. Voice currents find ready path through these non-inductive windings because of the fact that, being non-inductive, they present only their straight ohmic resistance. The impedance of the clearing-out drop prevents the windings being shunted across the two sides of the cord circuit. With this circuit a positive ring-off is a.s.sured even though the line connected with the one sending the clearing-out signal is short-circuited or open. If it is short-circuited, the shunt around the clearing-out drop will still have the resistance of two of the non-inductive windings included in it, and thus the drop will never be short-circuited by a very low-resistance path. Obviously, an open circuit in the line will not prevent the clearing-out signal being received. While this is an ingenious scheme, it is not one to be highly recommended since the non-inductive windings, in order to be effective so far as signaling is concerned, must be of considerable resistance and this resistance is in series in the talking circuit. Even non-inductive resistance is to be avoided in the talking circuit when it is of considerable magnitude and where there are other ways of solving the problem.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 286. Cord Circuit with Differential Windings]
_Double Clearing-out Type. _Some people prefer two clearing-out drops in each cord circuit, so arranged that the one will be responsive to currents sent from the line with which the answering plug is connected and the other responsive only to currents sent from the line with which the calling plug is connected. Such a scheme, shown in Fig. 287, is sometimes employed by the Dean, the Monarch, and the Kellogg companies. Two 500-ohm clearing-out drops of ordinary construction are bridged across the cord circuit and in each side of the cord circuit there is included between the drop connections a 1-microfarad condenser. Ringing currents originating on the line with which the answering plug is connected will pa.s.s through the clearing-out drop, which is across that side of the cord circuit, without having to pa.s.s through any condensers. In order to reach the other clearing-out drop the ringing current must pa.s.s through the two 1-microfarad condensers in series, this making in effect only 1/2-microfarad. As is well known, a 1/2-microfarad condenser not only transmits voice currents with ease but also offers a very high apparent resistance to ringing currents. With the double clearing-out drop system the operator is enabled to tell which subscriber is ringing off. If both shutters fall she knows that both subscribers have sent clearing-out signals and she, therefore, pulls down the connection without the usual precaution of listening to see whether one of the subscribers may be waiting for another connection. This double clearing-out system is a.n.a.logous to the complete double-lamp supervision that will be referred to more fully in connection with common-battery circuits. There is not the need for double supervision in magneto work, however, that there is in common-battery work because of the fact that in magneto work the subscribers frequently fail to remember to ring off, this act being entirely voluntary on their part, while in common-battery work, the clearing-out signal is given automatically by the subscriber when he hangs up his receiver, thus accomplis.h.i.+ng the desired end without the necessity of thoughtfulness on his part.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 287. Double Clearing-Out Drops]
Another form of double clearing-out cord circuit is shown in Fig. 288.
In this the calling and the answering plugs are separated by repeating coils, a condenser of 1-microfarad capacity being inserted between each pair of windings on the two ends of the circuit. The clearing-out drops are placed across the calling and answering cords in the usual manner. The condenser in this case prevents the drop being short-circuited with respect to ringing currents and yet permits the voice currents to flow readily through it. The high impedance of the drop forces the voice currents to take the path through the repeating coil rather than through the drop. This circuit has the advantage of a repeating-coil cord circuit in permitting the connection of metallic and grounded lines without causing the unbalancing of the metallic circuits by the connection to them of the grounded circuits.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 288. Double Clearing-Out Drops]
Recently there has been a growing tendency on the part of some manufacturers to control their clearing-out signals by means of relays a.s.sociated with cord circuits, these signals sometimes being ordinary clearing-out drops and sometimes incandescent lamps.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 289. Relay-Controlled Clearing-Out Drop]
In Fig. 289 is shown the cord circuit sometimes used by the L.M.
Ericsson Telephone Manufacturing Company. A high-wound relay is normally placed across the cord and this, besides having a high-resistance and impedance winding has a low-resistance locking winding so arranged that when the relay pulls up its armature it will close a local circuit including this locking winding and local battery.
When once pulled up the relay will, therefore, stay up due to the energizing of this locking coil. Another contact operated by the relay closes the circuit of a low-wound clearing-out drop placed across the line, thus bridging it across the line. The condition of high impedance is maintained across the cord circuit normally while the subscribers are talking; but when either of them rings off, the high-wound relay pulls up and locks, thus completing the circuit of the clearing-out drop across the cords. The subsequent impulses sent from the subscribers' generators operate this drop. The relay is restored or unlocked and the clearing-out drop disconnected from the cord circuit by means of a key which opens the locking circuit of the relay. This key is really a part of the listening key and serves to open this locking circuit whenever the listening key is operated. The clearing-out drop is also automatically restored by the action of the listening key, this connection being mechanical rather than electrical.
Recall Lamp:--The Monarch Company sometimes furnishes what it terms a recall lamp in connection with the clearing-out drops on its magneto switchboards. The circuit arrangement is shown in Fig. 290, wherein the drop is the regular double-wound clearing-out drop like that of Fig. 284. The armature carries a contact spring adapted to close the local circuit of a lamp whenever it is attracted. The object of this is to give the subscriber, whose line still remains connected by a cord circuit, opportunity to recall the central office if the operator has not restored the clearing-out drop.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 290. Cord Circuit with Recall Lamp]
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