Minna Von Barnhelm Part 26

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At first, only with a trifle.

(Opens her desk and takes out some money.)


Ah! Mademoiselle, que vous etes charmante!



Here is what I won a short time back; only ten pistoles. I am ashamed, so little!!!!!


Donnez toujours, Mademoiselle, donnez.

(Takes it.)


Without doubt, your bank, sir, is very considerable.


Oh! yes, vary considerable. Ten pistoles! You shall have, Madame, an interest in my bank for one third, pour le tiers. Yes, one third part it shall be--something more. With a beautiful lady one must not be too exac. I rejoice myself, to make by that a liaison with Madame, et de ce moment je recommence a bien augurer de ma fortune.


But I cannot be present, sir, when you play.


For why it necessaire dat you be present? We other players are honourable people between us.


If we are fortunate, sir, you will of course bring me my share. If we are unfortunate!!!!!


I come to bring recruits, n'est pas, Madame?


In time recruits might fail. Manage our money well, sir.


What does Madame think me? A simpleton, a stupid devil?


I beg your pardon.


Je suis des bons, Mademoiselle. Savez vous ce que cela veut dire? I am of the quite practised!!!!!


But still, sir,!!!!!


Je sais monter un coup!!!!!

MIN. (amazed).

Could you?


Je file la carte avec une adresse.




Je fais sauter la coupe avec une dexterite.


You surely would not, sir!!!!!!


What not, Madame; what not? Donnes moi un pigeonneau a plumer, et!!!!!


Play false! Cheat!


Comment, Mademoiselle? Vous appelez cela cheat? Corriger la fortune, l'enchainer sous ses doigts, etre sur de son fait, dat you call cheat?

Cheat! Oh! what a poor tongue is your tongue! what an awkward tongue!


No, sir, if you think so!!!!!


Laissez-moi faire, Mademoiselle, and be tranquille! What matter to you how I play! Enough! to-morrow, Madame, you see me again or with hundred pistol, or you see no more. Votre tres-humble, Mademoiselle, votre tres humble.

(Exit quickly.)

MIN. (looking after him with astonishment and displeasure).

I hope the latter, sir.


Minna and Franziska

FRAN. (angrily).

What can I say? Oh! how grand! how grand!


Laugh at me; I deserve it.

(After reflecting, more calmly.) No, do not laugh; I do not deserve it.


Excellent! You have done a charming act--set a knave upon his legs again.

Minna Von Barnhelm Part 26

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Minna Von Barnhelm Part 26 summary

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