The Spell of Switzerland Part 29

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AGa.s.sIZ, LOUIS: A Journey to Switzerland and Pedestrian Tours in that Country

ANTEISSER, ROLAND: Altschweizerische Baukunst

AUVIGNE, EDMUND B. D': Switzerland in Suns.h.i.+ne and Snow

BAUDEN, HENRY: Villas et Maisons de Campagne en Suisse

BERNOWILLI, A.: Balci Descriptio Helvetiae

BONSTETTEN, ALBRECHT VON: Editor Descriptio Helvetiae

BURNET, GILBERT: Bishop of Salisbury. Travels or Letters containing an account of what seemed most remarkable in Switzerland

COLLINGS, HENRY: Switzerland as I Saw It

COOK, JOEL: Switzerland, Picturesque and Descriptive

COOLIDGE, W. A. B.: Swiss Travel and Swiss Guide-Books

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EDOUARD, DESOR, and FAVRE, LEOPOLD: Le bel age du bronze lacustre en Suisse

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GUILLON, LOUIS MAXIME: Napoleon et la Suisse

HASLER, FR. and H.: Galerie beruhmter Schweizer der Neuzeit.

In Bildern mit biographischem Text von Alfred Hartmann

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HEER, J. C.: Alb.u.m der Schweiz: 450 Bildern ... Nach Schilderungen. Edited by Alexander B. Freiherr von Bergenroth


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LERDEN, WALTER: Recollections of an old Mountaineer

LUBBOCK, SIR JOHN: The Scenery of Switzerland


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SYMONDS, JOHN ADDINGTON: Our Life in the Swiss Highlands

TYNDALL, JOHN: Hours of Exercise in the Alps

The Spell of Switzerland Part 29

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