Annals of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, A.D. 1598-A.D. 1867 Part 4
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'Kateryn the Quene KP.'
Other inscriptions are inserted by Margaret Queen of Scotland, Mary Countess of Lennox and mother of Lord Darnley, and by the Countess of Southampton's daughters, Elizabeth, Mary, and Anne.
James b.u.t.ton, Esq., of the county of Worcester, gave, on March 28, a curious relic of the ancient language of Cornwall, being three Miracle-Plays of the Creation, the Pa.s.sion, and the Resurrection, in Cornish, contained in a MS. on vellum, small folio, eighty-three leaves, written in the fifteenth century; now numbered Bodl. 791. A copy on paper of the Play of the Creation, written by John Jordan in 1611, is also in the Library, numbered Bodl. 219, which appears to have come from the library of King James I, having the royal crown stamped on the parchment cover, with the initials I.K. A second modern copy has also been recently presented (in 1849) by Edwin Ley, Esq., of Bosahan, Cornwall, which is accompanied by a translation by John Keigwyn, made in 1695. The dramas were printed in two volumes at the University Press, with a translation, notes, and glossary, by Mr. Edwin Norris, in 1859.
Some MSS. were given about this time by the three sons of Rich. Colf, D.D., and in 1618 twenty Greek volumes by Cecil, Earl of Exeter.
[67] The gift is omitted in the Benefaction-Register, apparently because it was a rule not to record donations of single volumes [_Reliquiae Bodl._ pp. 91, 283]; consequently several books of the greatest value are omitted.
[68] George Herbert expresses the same idea at the end of his _Church Porch_:--
'If thou do ill, the joy fades, not the pains; If well, the pain doth fade, the joy remains.'
A.D. 1620.
At the beginning of May, James resigned the office of Librarian, but not as Wood says, on account of his promotion to the Subdeanery of Wells, since that took place in the year 1614. His appointment to the rectory of Mongeham, Kent (also mentioned by Wood), was in 1617. He continued, however, to reside in Oxford, and dying there in August, 1629, was buried in New College Chapel.
On the 9th of the same month of May, John Rouse, M.A., Fellow of Oriel, was elected James' successor. No account of him is given by Wood, possibly from dislike of his Puritanical principles, and of his continuing to hold office during the usurpation. He appears to have discharged his trust in the Library with faithfulness, and, at least, to have deserved some mention at the historiographer's hands for the Appendix to the Catalogue which he issued in the year 1635 (_q.v._)[69]
He is best known as the friend of Milton, who, on Rouse's application to him for a copy of his _Poems both English and Latin_, published in 1645, in the place of one previously given by Milton which had been lost, sent the volume, together with a long autograph Latin Ode, dated Jan. 23, 1646 (-7), and bearing the following t.i.tle: 'Ad Joannem Rousium, Oxoniensis Academiae Bibliothecarium, de libro poematum amisso quem ille sibi denuo mitti postulabat, ut c.u.m aliis nostris in Bibliotheca publica reponeret, Ode Joannis Miltonj[70].' The volume is now numbered 8^o. M.
168 Art. A facsimile of a considerable portion of the Ode (which Cowper translated into English, and which is said to have been the last of Milton's Latin poetical effusions) is given in plate xvii. of Sam. Leigh Sotheby's sumptuous volume, ent.i.tled _Ramblings in the Elucidation of the Autograph of Milton_, 4^o. Lond. 1861; and at p. 120 there is a facsimile in full of Milton's inscription in another volume (4^o. F. 56 Th.) which contains a collection of the political and polemical treatises published by him in the years 1641-5. This latter inscription, which gives a list of the contents of the volume, is addressed as follows: 'Doctissimo viro proboque librorum aestimatori Joanni Rousio, Oxoniensis academiae Bibliothecario, gratum hoc sibi fore testanti, Joannes Miltonius opuscula haec sua in Bibliothecam antiquissimam atque celeberrimam adsciscenda libens tradit, tanquam in memoriae perpetuae Fanum, emeritamque, uti sperat, invidiae calumniaeque vacationem; si Veritati, Bonoque simul Eventui satis litatum sit.' Warton tells the almost incredible story, in his edition of Milton's _Poems_, that about the year 1720 these two volumes were thrown out into a heap of duplicates, from which Nathaniel Crynes, who afterwards bequeathed his own collection to the Library[71], was permitted to pick out what he pleased for himself; fortunately, however, he was too good a royalist and churchman to choose anything that bore the name of Milton, and so the books, despised and rejected on both sides, by mere chance remained in the place of their original deposit! Such an incident, if true, goes far to justify the charges of ignorance and neglect of the Library which Hearne in his Diary constantly brings against Hudson, the Librarian at that time, and those whom he employed.
The second edition of the Catalogue was issued by James, shortly after his resignation of his office, with a Dedication to Prince Charles, and a Preface dated June 30. It consists of 539 quarto pages, in double columns. It abandons the cla.s.sified arrangement of the former Catalogue, and adopts that (followed ever since) of one alphabet of names. James, in his Preface, gives as his reason for this course, the frequent difficulty (already experienced even in so small a collection) of deciding to what cla.s.s a book should be a.s.signed, and the inconvenience resulting from division of the works of the same author. He points out the value of the Library to foreigners, who can there consult 16,000 volumes for six hours a day, excepting Sundays and holidays[72]. As instances of the copiousness of its stores, he mentions that there are to be found above 100 folio and quarto volumes on Military Art, in Greek, Latin, and other languages; and that there are 3000 or 4000 books in French, Italian, and Spanish. He notes that heretical and schismatical books are not to be read without leave of the Vice-Chancellor and Regius Professor of Divinity; and makes some remarks on the method of keeping a Common-place-book. He gives as the reason for his quitting his post, his severe sufferings from stone and paralysis[73].
On June 4, King James presented the folio edition of his _Works_ as edited by Bishop Montague. The book (now marked B. 14. 17. Theol.) contains the following presentation inscription, written and signed by Sir R. Naunton:--
'Jacobus Dei gratia Magnae Britanniae, Franciae et Hiberniae Rex, fidei defensor, &c. Postquam decrevisset publici juris facere quae sibi erat commentatus, ne videretur vel palam pudere literarum quas privatim amaverat, vel eorum seu opinioni seu invidiae cedere qui Regis Majestatem literis dict.i.tabant imminui, vel Christiani Orbis et in eo Principum judicia expavescere, quorum maxime intererat vera esse omnia quae scripsit; circ.u.mspicere etiam cpit certum aliquod libro suo domicilium, loc.u.m, si fieri possit, semotum a fato, aeternitati et paci sacrum. Ecce commodum sua se obtulit Academia, illa paene orbi notior quam Cantabrigiae, ubi exulibus Musis jam olim melius est quam in patria, ubi a codicibus famae nuncupatis tineae absterrentur legentium manibus, sycophantae scribentium ingeniis. In hoc immortali literarum sacrario, inter monumenta clarorum virorum, quos quantum dilexit studiorum partic.i.p.atione satis indicavit, in bibliotheca publica, lucubrationes has suas Deo Opt. Max., Cui ab initio devotae erant, aeternum consecrat, in venerando Almae Matris sinu, unde contra seculorum rubiginem fidam illi custodiam promitt.i.t, et contra veritatis hostes stabile patrocinium.'
The book, which was carried to Oxford by a special deputation, consisting of Patrick Young, the Librarian at St. James's (to whom 20 was given by the University for his pains), and others, was received by the University with great ceremony. A Convocation was held in St. Mary's Church, on May 29, at which an oration was delivered by Rich. Gardiner, the Deputy-Orator, and at which a letter of thanks was approved (which is printed in Wood's _Annals_, ii. 336); from thence the Vice-Chancellor, attended by 24 doctors in their scarlet robes, and a mixed mult.i.tude of others, carried it in solemn procession to the Library, where the keeper, Rouse, 'made a verie prettie speech,' says Patrick Young, 'and placed it _in archivis_ ... with a great deale of respect[74].' The King was greatly pleased with the formality and flattery with which his works were received, and the more so 'because Cambridge received them without extraordinary respect[75].'
Another gift in this year, presented by Thomas Nevile, K.B., eldest son of Sir H. Nevile, Knt., is thus described in the Register: 'Elegantissimum libellum diversa scripturae genera continentem, manu Esteris Anglicae, characteribus exquisitis conscriptum.' This is, doubtless, the MS. of the Book of Proverbs, dated 1599, in which every chapter, as well as the dedication to the Earl of Ess.e.x, is written in a different style of caligraphy, which is now exhibited in the gla.s.s case nearest the entrance to the Library. It is an extremely beautiful specimen of the handiwork of Mrs. Esther Inglis, of whose skill the Library possesses another and smaller specimen (Bodl. 987), consisting of some French verses by Guy de Faur, Sieur de Pybrac, written for Dr.
Joseph Hall (afterwards the Bishop of Norwich), in 1617. These are described in the account of Mrs. Inglis, in Ballard's _Memoirs of British Ladies_. A third specimen of her work is in the Library of Ch.
Ch.: it is a Psalter in French, presented to Queen Elizabeth in 1599, bound in embroidered crimson velvet, set with pearls[76].
The Douay Bible of 1609 was presented by Sir Rich. Anderson, and a Persian MS. of the Liturgy of the Greek Church by Sir Thos. Roe. The first architectural model also was given in this year; but unfortunately it is not now extant. Its description is as follows: 'Clemens Edmonds, eques auratus, consilio Regis ab epistolis, donavit egregium pa?ade??a quinque columnarum, nunc primum inventum, secundum formam rusticam, ex alabastrite singulari artificio confectum.'
[69] One fact to his credit is indeed mentioned by Wood in the _Fasti_, under the year 1648, viz. that he prevented the then Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Reynolds, and the Proctors from breaking open Bodley's chest in search of money, by a.s.suring them that there was nothing in it. Hearne (_MS. Diary_, vol. xii. p. 13) says that Rouse inserted a portrait of Sir Thos. Bodley, done at his own charge, in the window of the room which he occupied on the west side of Oriel College.
[70] Cowley followed Milton's example by inserting an Ode, in this case in English, in a folio copy of his _Poems_ (numbered C. 2. 21. Art.), which he gave June 26, 1656. It is printed exactly from the original in _Reliquiae Hearn._ ii. 921-3.
[71] See _sub anno_ 1745.
[72] At this time there were only two other public libraries in Europe, both later in date than the Bodleian, viz. that of Angelo Rocca at Rome, opened in 1604, and the Ambrosian at Milan, opened in 1609. The fourth public library was that of Card. Mazarin at Paris, opened in 1643.
Evidence of the consequent appreciation by foreigners of the advantages of the Bodleian Library is given under the year 1641.
[73] An Appendix to James' Catalogue was printed in 1635, _q. v._
[74] Nichols' _Progresses of James I_, vol. iii. p. 1105. Rouse's speech (with the letter) is printed in Hearne's _t.i.tus Liv. Forojul._ p. 198.
[75] Letter from J. Chamberlain to Sir D. Carleton, June 28, 1620: _Calendar of State Papers, 1619-23_, p. 157.
[76] An account of Mrs. Esther Inglis, and of all her known existing MSS., is preparing for publication by David Laing, Esq., LL.D., of Edinburgh.
A.D. 1621.
A gift of 5 is noticeable as coming from the Girdlers' Company, 'Societas Zonariorum.' Sir Francis Bacon occurs as a donor of books.
A.D. 1623.
Delegates were appointed by Convocation to consider 'de modulo frontispicii Bibliothecae publicae in parte occidentali versus collegium Exon[77].'
[77] Reg. Conv. N. ff. 167, 169.
A.D. 1624.
'Williams, Bishop of Lincoln, and then Lord Chancellor of England, would have borrowed Paulus Benius Eugubinus _De dirimend. Controvers. de Grat.
et Lib. Arb._, but was deny'd[78].'
The first theft of a book from the Library occurred in this year. An account of it, with several others, will be found in a note to the year 1654.
[78] Barlow's MS. Arg. against lending books out of the Library; see _post, sub anno_ 1659.
A.D. 1627.
Andrew James, of Newport, Isle of Wight, is recorded to have given 'duas capsulas in quibus a.s.servantur scripta vetustissima, exotici et ignoti characteris, alia stylo, calamo alia, in corticibus exarata, ex orientalis Indiae partibus allata[79].' An East India merchant, John Jourdain, gave four Arabic MSS., and Bacon's _Works_ were presented by Peter Ince, a bookseller at Chester. It appears from the Register that Joseph Barnes, the Oxford printer and publisher, died in this year, as he bequeathed a legacy of 5.
[79] At the end of the Barocci collection (numbered 245, 246, in the Catalogue of 1697) are two Javanese MSS., written on palm-leaves: the one written with a reed in the sacred or Pali character, preserved in a box; the other written with a style in the common character, and having the leaves tied together in the usual manner between two boards. As there does not seem to be any evidence for supposing that Barocci's collection included any Oriental MSS., it is possible that these were the writings 'ignotis characteris' given two years previously by Andr.
A.D. 1628.
Twenty-nine MSS., all of which, except three, are Greek, were given by Sir Thomas Roe, who had previously been amba.s.sador in Turkey, and who afterwards sat, at the commencement of the Long Parliament, as Burgess for the University, in company with Selden. One of the three exceptions is an original copy of the Synodal Epistles of the Council of Basle, with the leaden seal attached; and another, a valuable Arabic MS. of the Apostolic Canons, &c., which is noticed at length by Selden in the second book of his treatise, _De Synedriis Hebraeorum_. Roe proposed that his books should be permitted to be lent out for purposes of printing, on proper security being given; a proposition which was accepted by Convocation[80]. Special licence of borrowing Lord Pembroke's (the Barocci) and Roe's MSS. was granted by the donors themselves to Dr.
Lindsell (afterwards Bishop of Peterborough and Hereford) and Patrick Young, the keeper of the King's Library at St. James's. The latter is found, from the Register of Readers, to have used his privilege as late as Feb. and March, 1647-8, various volumes of Pembroke's MSS. being then lent to him, together with some marked 'Archbp.', which were doubtless Laud's[81].
The copy of Bacon's _Essays_ (1625) which was presented by the author to the Duke of Buckingham, was given to the Library by Lewis Roberts, a merchant of London. It is now exhibited among the curiosities in the first gla.s.s case, as a specimen of binding, being clad in green velvet, embroidered with gold and silver thread, with the head of the duke worked in silk. The same donor also presented the copy of Bishop Williams' Funeral Sermon on James I, which had been given to the same duke by the author. Several other specimens of embroidered bindings are preserved in the Library, which are all, it is believed, comprehended in the following list[82]:--
1. A part of L. Tomson's version of the New Test., printed by Barker, in 16^o (in 1578?), now marked MS. _e Musaeo_, 242. This belonged to Queen Elizabeth, and is bound in a covering worked by herself, with various mottos, _e.g._ 'Celum patria,' 'Scopus vitae Xpus,' &c. And on a fly-leaf occurs this note in her handwriting: 'August[ine?]. I walke manie times into the pleasant fieldes of the Holye Scriptures, where I plucke up the goodlie greene herbes of sentences by pruning, eate them by reading, chawe them by musing, and laie them up at length in the hie seate of memorie by gathering them together; that so hauing tasted thy sweetenes I may the lesse perceave the bitternes of this miserable life[83].'
2. Another of Elizabeth's bibliopegic achievements is the cover of her own translation from the French of _The Miroir or of the synnefull Soule_, executed when only eleven years old. She says that she translated it 'out of frenche ryme into englishe prose, joyning the sentences together as well as the capacitie of my symple witte and small lerning coulde extende themselves;' and prefixes a dedication, dated 'from a.s.sherige, the laste daye of the yeare of our Lord G.o.d, 1544,' in which, 'to our moste n.o.ble and vertuous quene Katherin, Elizabeth her humble daughter wisheth perpetuall felicitie and everlasting ioye.' The volume consists of 63 small quarto leaves, and has the queen's initials K. P. embroidered within an ornamental border of gold and silver thread, on a ground of blue corded silk. It is numbered Cherry MS. 38.
3. _Dialogue de la Vie et de la Mort_, trans. from the Italian by J.
Louveau, and printed in imitation of MS., second edit., 12^o. Lyon, 1558. Red velvet, embroidered with gold and silver thread. A French inscription on a fly-leaf is in a handwriting resembling that of Queen Elizabeth. Bodl. MS., 660.
Annals of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, A.D. 1598-A.D. 1867 Part 4
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