Levelmaker Chapter 36

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Chapter 36
Recovery of the Heroes of the Village

TL: Yuki
ED: Chinozuku

Somehow, the medical room became noisy. I continued making [Great Potion]. Look, I already have 10 bottles.

dadadadadadadadadadadan!![TL:SFX of someone running]

Ruin and Orgo-san suddenly came in a panic. These people are injured, they shouldn’t move around too much.

「Are?… Ruin-san, Orgo-san, Weren’t you supposed to be resting…」

「You, you, you… …. this… it’s true… isn’t it?」

In the hands of Orgo-san, A great potion inside a distorted looking flask was held.

You haven’t drank it yet…..

In order to show on Orgo-san’s remark, I showed him the 10 Great Potions I’ve made.

「Whoa, whoa… eeeh…. It was true after all?」

Aya…Orgo-san broke… Ruin-san who also in a panic was trying to cool himself down.

Ruin-san opened his mouth and spoke.

「This…this is… do you know what you’ve done?….. Alim」

「Desu!!」 [TL:She’s cute so I won’t complain if she just go with desu desuno desune or anything else by the desu was for confirming]

「Iya…Un… Ok I see…. you… that potion you have made, do

you know? the price you can exchange for that would be a jewel the size of a fist!
Do you know that producing this would be extremely hard, not to mention about tools and magic needed for its production」 [TL: Alim used cutesy ignorance, common sense damaged it’s super effective]

「Oh?… Is that so?」[TL:Feel the power of cheat ignorance」

「That’s right, but you! With only a mortar and a strainer, it’s a hilarious thing! Do you get my point?!」

「Yah?…I guess?」

「Aren’t you doing it in the same way as some legendary figure?」

Seriously? Really aren’t you just over exaggerating it?

「Alim… Just who in the world are you?…」

I don’t really want to be asked about that, I don’t really want to seriously talk about it thou…

They want to hear about it after all…

Anyway, let’s get down to it.

「Remem…ber….can’t」[TL:Can’t remember anything to hide his or rather her cheat]

「Ah.. that’s right, that was the case… Well we will be departing tomorrow to the kingdom, maybe we’ll learn something about

about you when we’re heading on the government office]

Well that would be shocking. Well even if they try, nothing will probably be known.

Well better think about that tomorrow. I wonder if we will be leaving tomorrow?

I wonder if Lilo has already fine.

「Eh?…. You won’t be taking a day off?… I don’t mind waiting for the next carriage you know?」

I actually want to go separately with the next chariot tho…

「You know?… Alim… Because of that potion you used on Lilo, She is now fully recovered and can freely move around…」

「Then? It will be tomorrow as scheduled?」

「Maa… Maaa… That’s how it will be… Just confirming something, this, is it really alright to use this?」

「Of course, I made it for that purpose after all!」

Upon hearing my confirmation, Orgo-san and Ruin-san nodded and silently drank the great potion in a snap.

Well, what can I say. Orgo-san’s wounds and scratches slowly started to close all over.

「Completely, I can’t really explain how to describe this」

「Please let Lilo-san and the

and the others drink it too.」

「I’ll be on it… Alim… really, thanks」

Then the two returned to the medical room ….


Lilo came over and hugs me after she recovered.

「Ne, ne, ne! Alim-chan, Alim-chan! Was it really you who saved me from danger??」

Hey….Lilo….Big…Breast…Can’t…Breath….Help…. [TL:How envious Being Buried]

「Ah…Sorry…I didn’t notice it…. was it painful?」

「He….heee….Maa…」[TL:Trying to catch her breath]

「Suggoi 〜〜〜〜 i!!!][TL:Praising The Booty」

I Also hugged her in return. Burying my face on her chest. Couldn’t breathe. [TL:Seriously Your a girl now well you can change your gender so why not?]

Besides, I am a girl now. Excitement … No, must stop it. [TL:Taking Advantage of the POWER TO CHANGE]

「Hey Lilo! About that…. Alim-chan… it looks like she’s in pain」 [TL:Yup Alim is in pain trying to stop the URGE]

「Ah, Sorry about that…Are you alright?」

「I…..I am….alright….」

Myuri-san Naisu… I was about to die from Marshmallows seriously.

And then after all the banters Jizefu-san arrived.

「Saviours of our Village….」

「Heroes, Might you be referring to us, why?….」

Myuri says confused as she was referred she was referred to as Hero. But the looks on Jizefu-san was quite serious.

「But…you were definitely a hero… If you were not there, this village might have been destroyed.
For your kindness we really thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Apart from the previous request I will be adding this achievement as a sign of our grat.i.tude.
Please accept a feast to honor the five heroes who kept their lives and protected the village.
We will be preparing a banquet for tonight」

eh? 5 people? no maybe, am I included in it?

「Jizefu-san….five people?」

「Alim….You are definitely included obviously」

「Ehhh!?… Me!?」

「Yeah, That’s right… It was also because of you that no heavy damage was done to the village…. The great potion also helped a lot in preventing it」

「….Hai….」 [TL:Dunno if she’s excited or confused]

「Well, in any case, the banquet, everyone in the village has already begin the preparation … Fu … ___ Oh, everyone please don’t be absent.」

And after that, Jizefu-san left the medical facility.

Levelmaker Chapter 36

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Levelmaker Chapter 36 summary

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