The First Boke of Moses called Genesis Part 14

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To walke with G.o.d is to lyve G.o.dly and to walke in his commaundementes.

Enos walked with G.o.d and was no moare sene: that is/ he lyved G.o.dly and dyed/ G.o.d toke him awaye: that is/ G.o.d hyd his bodye/ as he did Moses d Aarons: lest haplye they shuld haue made an Idoll of him/ for he was a great preacher and an holye man.

Zaphnath paenea/ wordes of Egipte are they (as I suppose) and as moch to saye: as a man to whome secrete thinges be opened/ or an expounder of secrete thinges as some enterprete it.


That Ioseph brought the egiptians in to soch subiection wold seme vnto some a very cruell deade: how be it it was a very equall waye. For they payde by the fifte parte of that that grewe on the grounde. And therwith were they qwytt of all duetyes/ both of rent/ custome/ tribute & toll. And the kinge therwith founde them lordes and all ministres and defended them. We now paye half so moch vnto the prestes only/ besyde their other craftye exactions. Then paye we rent yerely/ though there grow never so litle on the grounde/ And yet when the kinge calleth paye we neuer the lesse. So that if we loke indifferently/ their condition was easyar th? oures/ and but even a very indiffer?t waye/ both for the comen people and the kynge also.

Se therfore that thou loke not on the ensamples of the scripture with worldly eyes: lest thou preferre Cain before Abel/ Ismael before Isaac/ Esau before Iacob/ Ruben before Iuda/ Sarah before Pharez/ before Ephraim. And euen the worst before the best/ as the maner of the worlde is.

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