The Mysteries of Free Masonry Part 20
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Hush, hush, the heavenly choir, They cleave the air in bright attire; See, see, the lute each angel brings, And hark divinely thus they sing.
To the power divine, All glory be given, By man upon earth, And angels in heaven.
The priest steps before the altar and says, "Kyrie Elieson; Christe Elieson; Kyrie Elieson; [that is, O Lord, have mercy; O Christ, have mercy; O Lord, have mercy.] Amen. Gloria Sibi Domino! [i.e., Glory to the Lord himself.] I declare this Grand Council opened and ready to proceed to business." The Priests and Ministers take their several stations and observe order. The candidates being prepared, he alarms at the door by seven raps, and the Prelate says to Verger, "See the cause of that alarm and report." Verger goes to the door and reports, "Right Reverend Prelate, there are seven brethren who solicit admission to this Grand Council." Prelate says, "On what is their desire founded?" Verger--"On a true Christian principle, to serve the church and its members by performing the seven corporeal works of mercy, and to protect and guard the Holy Sepulchre from the destroying hands of our enemies." Prelate--"Admit them, that we may know them, if you please." They are then admitted. Prelate says to them, "Are you followers of the Captain of our salvation?" Verger says, "We are, Right Reverend Prelate." P.--"Attend, then, to the sayings of our Master, Jesus Christ." Thou shalt love the Lord thy G.o.d with all thy heart, with all thy mind, with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
This is the first great commandment, and the second is like unto it; thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself; on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. The Verger and Beadle hold the Bible, on which the candidates place their right hands.
VOW.--"I, A. B., in the name of the high and undivided Trinity, do promise and vow to keep and conceal the high mysteries of this n.o.ble and Invincible Order of Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, from all but such as are ready and willing to serve the church of Christ by acts of valor and charity, and its members by performing all the corporeal works of mercy, and that, as far as in me lies, I will defend the church of the Holy Sepulchre from pillage and violence, and guard and protect pilgrims on their way to and from the Holy Land; and if I perform not this, my vow, to the best of my abilities, let me become INANIMATUS [dead].
Interlace your fingers with the candidate, cross your arms, and say, "De mortuis, nil nisi bonum; [i.e., concerning the dead, say nothing but good.] Prelate says, "Take the sword and travel onward--guard the Holy Sepulchre--defeat our enemies--unfurl the banner of our cross--protect the Roman Eagle--return to us with victory and safety."
The candidates depart, go to the south, where they meet a band of Turks--a desperate conflict ensues--the Knights are victorious; they seize the crescent, and return to the cathedral in triumph, and place the banner, eagle, and crescent before the altar, and take their seats. (22d chapter St. John read by Prelate.) Then the choir sing:
"Creator of the radiant light, Dividing day from sable night; Who with the light bright origin, The world's creation didst begin."
Prelate then says, "Let our prayer come before Thee, and let our exercise be acceptable in thy sight." The seven candidates kneel at the foot of the altar. The Prelate takes the bread, and says, "Brethren, eat ye all of this bread in love, that ye may learn to support each other." He then takes the cup, and says, "Drink ye all of this cup to ratify the vow that ye have made, and learn to sustain one another." The Prelate then raises them up by the grip (interlace the fingers), and says, "1st, Sir, I greet thee a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre; go feed the hungry; 2d, Give drink to the thirsty; 3d, Clothe the naked with a garment; 4th, Visit and ransom the captives; 5th, Harbor the harborless, give the orphan and widow where to lay their heads; 6th, Visit and relieve the sick; 7th, Go and bury the dead." All make crosses and say, "In nomini patria filio et spiritus sancto. Amen." Prelate says, "Brethren, let us recommend to each other the practice of the four cardinal virtues--prudence, justice, temperance, fort.i.tude."
CLOSING.--The Knights all rise, stand in circle, interlace their fingers, and say, "Sepulchrum." Prelate then says, "Gloria patri, et filio, et spiritus sancto;" [i.e., Glory to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.] Brethren answer, "Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper et in secula seculorum; [i.e., As it was in the beginning, is now, and shall be, world without end.] Amen."
BENEDICTION.--"Blessed be thou, O Lord, our G.o.d! Great first cause and Governor of all things; thou createst the world with thy bountiful hand, and sustained it by thy wisdom, by thy goodness, and by thy mercy! It cometh to pa.s.s that seed time and harvest never fall! It is Thou that givest every good and perfect gift!
Blessed be thy name forever and ever!"
To examine a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre; he holds up the first finger of the right hand, Knight holds up the second; you then hold up the third, and he shuts up his first; this signifies three persons in one G.o.d.
St. Albert, to every Knight Companion of the Holy and Thrice Ill.u.s.trious Order of the Cross: Be it known unto you, that with regard to unquestionable vouchers, we have confirmed the Induction of the Knight Templar Mason into the Councils of the said Order of Knighthood, and herein do warrant him as a worthy and Ill.u.s.trious Companion, thereof; and hoping and confiding that he will ever so demean himself as to conduct to the glory of I. H. S., the Most Holy and Almighty G.o.d, and to the honor of his Mark, we do recommend and submit him to the confidence of all those throughout the world, who can truly and deservedly say, "I am a Christian;" and that no unwarrantable benefits shall arise from this Diploma, and we charge all concerned cautiously and prudently to mark the bearer on the mystic letters therein contained, and to regard only the result, in its application and privileges.
Done out of Council, at ----, in the county of ----, and State of ----, on this ---- day of ----.
Sir -------- Sovereign Prefect.
Sir -------- Acting Pref.
Commendations, Sir Knights Comp'ns.
The officers and council all in their places. The Most Ill.u.s.trious Prefect addresses the Most Worthy Provost thus: "Most Wors.h.i.+pful Provost, what is the o'clock?" Most Wors.h.i.+pful Provost says, rising and facing the east, at the same time raising his mark in his right hand, "Most Ill.u.s.trious Prefect, it is now the first hour of the day, the time when our Lord suffered and the veil of the temple was rent asunder, when darkness and consternation was spread over the earth, when the confusion of the old covenant was made light in the new in the temple of the cross. It is, Most Ill.u.s.trious Prefect, the third watch, when the implements of Masonry were broken--when the flame, which led the wise men of the east, reappeared--when the cubic stone was broken, and the word was given." Most Ill.u.s.trious Prefect says to Worthy Herald, "It is my will that this house of G.o.d be closed, and the remembrance of those solemn and sacred events, be here commemorated: make this; Worthy Herald, known to the Most Wors.h.i.+pful Provost, in due and ancient form." The Worthy Herald bows and approaches the Most Wors.h.i.+pful Provost, where he bows thrice, faces about and gives a blast with his horn, and after the Knights have filed out by threes without the door, except the worthy Senior Inductor, he does his errand, viz.:--"Most Wors.h.i.+pful Provost, it is the sovereign will of Count Albertus, of Pergamus, that this house of G.o.d be closed, and that those solemn and sacred events in the new covenant be here commemorated: you will observe this." The Worthy Herald bows, and the Most Wors.h.i.+pful Provost rises and addresses the Worthy Senior Inductor thus: "It is the will of the Most Ill.u.s.trious Prefect that here now be opened a Council of Knights of the Cross: what therein becomes your duty?" Worthy Senior Inductor says, "To receive the commands of my superiors in the order, and pay obedience thereto--to conduct and instruct my ignorant pa.s.s-brethren; and to revere, and inculcate reverence in others, for the Most Holy and Almighty G.o.d." The Most Wors.h.i.+pful Provost rises fiercely and says, "By what right do you claim this duty?" Worthy S. Inductor says, "By the right of a sign, and the mark of a sign." Most Wors.h.i.+pful Provost says, "Will you give me a sign?" Worthy Sen. "I could if I should."
The Most Wors.h.i.+pful Provost then partly extends both arms, pointing downwards to an angle of 39, with the palms open, and upwards, to show they are not sullied with iniquity and oppression, and says, "Worthy Sen. Inductor, you may give it." The Worthy Sen. Inductor then looks him full in the face, and with his forefinger touches his right temple, and lets fall his hand, and says, "This is a sign." Most Wors.h.i.+pful Provost says, "A sign of what?" Worthy Senior Inductor says, "Aye, a sign of what?" Most Wors.h.i.+pful Provost says, "A penal sign." Worthy Senior Inductor says, "Your sign is ----." Most Wors.h.i.+pf. Pro. says, "The last sign of my induction. But you have the mark of a sign." Worthy S. Inductor says, "The sign whereof my mark is a mark, I hope is in the Council above." Most Wors.h.i.+pf. Pro. says, "But the mark ----." Worthy S. Inductor says, "Is in my bosom."
Thereupon he produces his mark in his left hand, and with the forefinger of his right on the letter S, on the cross, asks, "What's that?" Most Wor. Pro. says, "Lisha." Wor. Pro. puts his finger on the letter H, and asks, "What is this?" Worthy S. Inductor says, "Sha."
Worthy S. Inductor then puts his finger on the letter I, and asks, "What is this?" Most Wors.h.i.+pf. Pro. says, "Baal." "What, then, is your mark?" Worthy S. Inductor says, "Baal, Sha-Lisha; ['Lord of the three'] I am the Lord." The Most Wors.h.i.+pful Provost then says, "You are my brother, and the duty is yours of ancient right; please announce the Council open." The Worthy Senior Inductor steps to the door and gives three raps, and is answered by some Knight from without, who is then admitted, and the Worthy S. Inductor gives the CONDITIONAL sign (which is by partly extending both arms, as before described), the Knight answering by putting his finger to his right temple, as before. The Worthy S. Inductor then addresses the chair, thus:--"Most Ill.u.s.trious Prefect, a professing brother is within the Council by virtue of a sign." Most Ill.u.s.trious Prefect says to Worthy Herald, "Go to this professing brother, and see him marked before the chair of the Most Wors.h.i.+pful Provost; conduct him thither, Worthy Herald." The Worthy Herald says to the Knight, "Worthy Sir, know you the sacred cross of our Council?" Knight says, "I am a Christian." The Worthy Herald then says, "Follow me." When arrived before the Most Wor. Pro. the Worthy Herald says, "Most Worthy Provost, by order of the Most Ill.u.s.trious Prefect, I here bring you to be marked a professing brother of the cross." The Most Worthy Provost says, "Worthy Sir, know you the cross of our Council; and can you, without fear or favor, support and bear that cross?" Knight says, "I am a Christian." The Most Worthy Provost says. "Worthy Sir, know you the cross of our Council; and can you, without fear or favor, support and bear that cross?" Knight says, "I am a Christian." The Most Worthy Provost says, "No more."
FIRST OBLIGATION.--You, Mr. ----, do now, by your honor, and in view of the power and union of the Thrice Ill.u.s.trious Order of the Cross, now first made known to you, and in the dread presence of the Most Holy and Almighty G.o.d, solemnly and sincerely swear and declare, that, to the end of your life, you will not, either in consideration of gain, interest, or honor, nor with good or bad design, ever take any, the least, step or measure, or be instrumental in any such object, to betray or communicate to any person, or being, or number of the same, in the known world, not thereto of cross and craft ent.i.tled, any secret or secrets, or ceremony or ceremonies, or any part thereof appertaining to the order and degree known among Masons as the Thrice Ill.u.s.trious Order of the Cross. That you will not, at any time or times whatever, either now or hereafter, directly or indirectly, by letter, figure, or character, however or by whoever made, ever communicate any of the information and secret mysteries heretofore alluded to. That you will never speak on or upon, or breathe high or low, any ceremony or secret appertaining thereto, out of Council, where there shall not be two or more Knights companions of the order present, besides yourself, and that in a safe and sure place, whereby any opinion, even of the nature and general principles of the inst.i.tution, can be formed by any other person, be he Mason or otherwise, than a true Knight companion of the cross; nothing herein going to interfere with the prudent practice of the duties enjoined by the order, or arrangement for their enforcement.
2.--You further swear, that, should you know another to violate any essential part of this obligation, you will use your most decided endeavors, by the blessing of G.o.d, to bring such person to the strictest and most condign punishment, agreeably to the rules and usages of our ancient fraternity; and this by pointing him out to the world as an unworthy vagabond; by opposing his interest, by deranging his business, by transferring his character after him wherever he may go, and by exposing him to the contempt of the whole fraternity and the world, but of our ill.u.s.trious order more especially, during his whole natural life: nothing herein going to prevent yourself, or any other, when elected to the dignity of Thrice Ill.u.s.trious, from retaining the ritual of the order, if prudence and caution appear to be the governing principle in so retaining it, such dignity authorizing the elected to be governed by no rule but the dictates of his own judgment, in regard to what will best conduce to the interest of the order; but that he be responsible for the character of those whom he may induct, and for the concealment of the said ritual.
3.--Should any Thrice Ill.u.s.trious Knight or acting officer of any council which may have them in hand, ever require your aid in any emergency in defence of the recovery of his said charge, you swear cheerfully to exercise all a.s.sistance in his favor, which the nature of the time and place will admit, even to the sacrifice of life, liberty, and property. To all, and every part thereof, we then bind you, and by ancient usage you bind yourself, under the no less infamous penalty than dying the death of a traitor, by having a spear, or other sharp instrument, like as our divine Master, thrust in your left side, bearing testimony, even in death, of the power and justice of the mark of the holy cross.
SECOND OBLIGATION.--Mr. ----, before you can be admitted to the light and benefit of this Thrice Ill.u.s.trious order, it becomes my duty, by ancient usage, to propose to you certain questions, not a thing vainly ceremonial; but the companions will expect true answers: they will concern your past life, and resolutions for the future. Have you given me without evasion or addition, your baptismal and family names, and those of your parents, your true age as far as within your knowledge; where you were educated; where you were born, and also where was your last place of residence? or have you not? "I have." It is well.
2d.--Were your parents free and not slaves? had they right and t.i.tle in the soil of the earth? were they devoted to the religion of the cross, and did they so educate their family? have you searched the spiritual claims of that religion on your grat.i.tude and your affections? and have you continued steadfast in that faith from choice and a conviction of your duty to heaven, or from education? "From duty and choice." This also is right.
3d.--Have you ever up to this time lived according to the principles of that religion, by acting upon the square of virtue with all men, nor defrauding any, nor defamed the good name of any, nor indulged sensual appet.i.tes unreasonably, but more especially to the dishonor of the matrimonial tie, nor extorted on, or oppressed the poor. "I have not been guilty of these things." You have then ent.i.tled yourself to our highest confidence, by obeying the injunctions of our Thrice Ill.u.s.trious Prefect in Heaven, "of doing to all men even as you would that they should do unto you." Mr. ----, can you so continue to act, that yearly on the anniversary of St. Albert, you can solemnly swear for the past season you have not been guilty of the crimes enumerated in these questions? "By the help of G.o.d I can." Be it so, then, that annually, on the anniversary of St. Albert you swear to these great questions; and the confidence of the Knights Companions of the order in you, rests on your being able so to do.
4th.--For the future, then, you promise to be a good man, and to be governed by the moral laws of G.o.d and the rules of the order, in always dealing openly, honorably, and above deceit, especially with the Knights companions of the order? "I do."
5th.--You promise so to act with all mankind, but especially with the fraternity, as that you shall never be justly called a bad paymaster, ungrateful, a liar, a rake, or a libertine, a man careless in the business of your vocation, a drunkard, or a tyrant? "I do."
6th.--You promise to lead a life so upright and just in relation to all mankind as you are capable of, but in matters of difference to preserve the interest of a companion of the order; of a companion's friend for whom he pleads, to any mere man of the word? "I do."
7th.--You promise never to engage in mean party strife, nor conspiracies against the government or religion of your country, whereby your reputation may suffer, nor ever to a.s.sociate with dishonorable men even for a moment, except it be to secure the interest of such person, his family or friends, to a companion, whose necessities require this degradation at your hands? "I do."
8th.--You promise to act honorably in all matters of office or vocation, even to the value of the one-third part of a Roman penny, and never to take any advantage therein unworthy the best countenance of your companions, and this, that they shall not, by your unworthiness, be brought into disrepute? "I do."
THIRD OBLIGATION.--I do now, by the hopes and power of the mark of the Holy and Ill.u.s.trious Order of the Cross, which I do now hold to Heaven in my right hand as the earnest of my faith, and in the dread presence of the most holy and Almighty G.o.d, solemnly swear and declare that I do hereby accept of, and forever will consider the cross and mark of this order as my only hope: that I will make it the test of faith and fellows.h.i.+p; and that I will effect its objects and defend its mysteries to the end of my days, with my life and with my property--and first, that in the state of collision and misunderstanding impiously existing among the princes and pilgrims, defenders and champions of the Holy Cross of Jesus our Lord, now a.s.sembled in the land and city of their peace, and considering that the glory of the Most High requires the greatest and strictest unanimity of measures and arms, the most sacred union of sentiment and brotherly love in the soldiers who there thus devote themselves to his cause and banner, I swear strictly to dedicate myself, my life, and my property forever hereafter to his holy name and the purposes of our mark, and to the best interest of all those who thus with me become Knights of the Cross: I swear forever to give myself to this holy and ill.u.s.trious order, confiding fully and unreservedly in the purity of their morals and the ardor of their pious enthusiasm, for the recovery of the land of their fathers, and the blessed clime of our Lord's sufferings, and never to renounce the mark of the order nor the claims and welfare of my brethren.
2d.--And that the holy and pious enthusiasm of my brethren may not have slander or disgrace at my hands, or the order be injured by my unworthiness, I swear forever to renounce tyranny and oppression in my own person and place, whatever it may be, and to stand forth against it in others, whether public or private; to become the champion of the cross, to observe the common good; be the protector of the poor and unfortunate; and ever to observe the common rights of human nature without encroachment, or permitting encroachment thereon, if in my power to prevent or lessen it. I will, moreover, act in subordination to the laws of my country, and never countenance any change in the government under which I live, without good and answerable reasons for so doing, that ancient usages and immemorial customs be not overturned.
3d.--I swear to venerate the mark as the wisdom and decree of Heaven, to unite our hands and hearts in the work of the holy crusade, and as an encouragement to act with zeal and efficacy; and I swear to consider its testimonies as the true and only proper test of an ill.u.s.trious brother of the cross.
4th.--I swear to wear the mark of this order, without any the least addition, except what I shall be legally ent.i.tled to by INDUCTION, forever, if not without the physical means of doing so, or it being contrary to propriety; and even then, if possible, to wear the holy cross; and I swear to put a chief dependence for the said worthy and pious objects therein.
5th.--I swear to put confidence unlimited in every ill.u.s.trious brother of the cross, as a true and worthy follower of the blessed Jesus, who has sought this land, not for private good, but pity, and the glory of the religion of the Most High and Holy G.o.d.
6th.--I swear never to permit my political principles nor personal interest to come counter to his, if forbearance and brotherly kindness can operate to prevent it; and never to meet him if I know it, in war or in peace, under such circ.u.mstances that I may not, in justice to myself, my cross, and my country wish him unqualified success; and if perchance it should happen without my knowledge, on being informed thereof, that I will use my best endeavors to satisfy him, even to the relinquis.h.i.+ng my arms and purpose. I will never shed a brother's blood nor thwart his good fortune, knowing him to be such, nor see it done by others if in my power to prevent it.
7th.--I swear to advance my brother's best interest, by always supporting his military fame and political preferment in opposition to another; and by employing his arms or his aid in his vocation, under all circ.u.mstances where I shall not suffer more by so doing, than he, by my neglecting to do so, but this never to the sacrifice of any vital interest in our holy religion, or in the welfare of my country.
8th.--I swear to look on his enemies as my enemies, his friends as my friends, and stand forth to mete out tender kindness or vengeance accordingly; but never to intrude on his social or domestic relations to his hurt or dishonor, by claiming his privileges, or by debauching or defaming his female relations or friends.
9th.--I swear never to see calmly nor without earnest desires and decided measures to prevent the ill-treatment, slander, or defamation, of any brother knight, nor ever to view danger or the least shadow of injury about to fall on his head, without well and truly informing him thereof; and, if in my power to prevent it, never to fail, by my sword or counsel, to defend his welfare and good name.
10th.--I do swear never to prosecute a brother before those who know not our order, till the remonstrance of a council shall be inadequate to do me justice.
11th.--I swear to keep sacred my brother's secrets, both when delivered to me as such, and when the nature of the information is such as to require secrecy for his welfare.
12th.--I swear to hold myself bound to him, especially in affliction and adversity, to contribute to his necessities my prayers, my influence, and my purse.
13th.--I swear to be under the control of my council, or, if belonging to none, to that which is nearest to me, and never to demur to, or complain at, any decree concerning me, which my brethren, as a council, shall conceive me to deserve, and enforce on my head, to my hurt and dishonor.
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