The Mysteries of Free Masonry Part 31

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FORM OF RECEPTION.--After the Council is opened, the candidate is introduced into an ante-chamber, where there are a number of Sylphs, each with a bellows, blowing a large pot of fire, which the candidate sees, but they take no notice of him. After he is left in that situation two or three minutes, the most ancient of the Sylphs goes to the candidate and covers his face with black He must be without a sword, and is told that he must find the door of the Sanctuary, and when found, to knock on it six times with an open hand. After he finds the door and knocks, Brother Truth goes to the door, and having opened it a little, asks the candidate the following questions, which he answers by the help of the Sylphs. "Q. What do you desire? A. I desire to go out of darkness to see the true light, and to know the true light in all its purity. Q. What do you desire more? A. To divest myself of original sin, and destroy the juvenile prejudices of error, which all men are liable to, namely, the desire of all worldly attachments and pride." On which Brother Truth comes to Father Adam, and relates what the candidate has told him; when Father Adam gives orders to introduce the candidate to the true happiness. Then Brother Truth opens the door, and takes the candidate by the hand, and conducts him to the middle of the Lodge or Sanctuary, which is also covered by a black cloth, when Father Adam addresses him thus: "My son, seeing by your labor in the royal art, you are now come to the desire of knowledge of the pure and holy truth, we shall lay it open to you without any disguise or covering. But, before we do this, consult your heart, and see in this moment if you feel yourself disposed to obey her (namely truth) in all things which she commands.

If you are disposed, I am sure she is ready in your heart, and you must feel an emotion that was unknown to you before. This being the case, you must hope that she will not be long to manifest herself to you. But have a care not to defile the sanctuary by a spirit of curiosity; and take care not to increase the number of the vulgar and profane, that have for so long a time ill-treated her, until Truth was obliged to depart the earth, and now can hardly trace any of her footsteps. But she always appears in her greatest glory, without disguise, to the true, good, and honest Free Masons; that is to say, to the zealous extirpators of superst.i.tion and lies. I hope, my dear brother, you will be one of her intimate favorites. The proofs that you have given, a.s.sure me of everything I have to expect of your zeal; for as nothing now can be more a secret among us, I shall order brother Truth, that he will instruct you what you are to do in order to come to true happiness." After this discourse of Father Adam, the candidate is unveiled and shown the form of the Lodge or Council, without explaining any part thereof. Brother Truth then proceeds thus: "My dear brother, by my mouth, holy truth speaketh to you, but before she can manifest herself to you, she requires of you proofs in which she is satisfied in your entrance into the Masonic order. She has appeared to you in many things which you could not have apprehended or comprehended without her a.s.sistance; but now you have the happiness to arrive at the brilliant day, nothing can be a secret to you. Learn, then, the moral use that is made of the three first parts of the furniture, which you knew after you was received an Entered Apprentice Mason, viz.: Bible, Compa.s.s and Square. By the Bible you are to understand that it is the only law you ought to follow. It is that which Adam received at his creation, and which the Almighty engraved in his heart. This law is called natural law, and shows positively that there is but one G.o.d, and to adore him only without any subdivision or interpolation. The Compa.s.s gives you the faculty of judging for yourself, that whatever G.o.d has created, is well, and he is the sovereign author of every thing. Existing in himself, nothing is either good or evil; because we understand by this expression, an action done which is excellent in itself, is relative, and submits to the human understanding, or judgment, to know the value and price of such action; and that G.o.d, with whom every thing is possible, communicates nothing of his will, but such as his great goodness pleases; and every thing in the universe is governed as he has decreed it, with justice, being able to compare it with the attributes of the Divinity. I equally say, that in himself there is no evil; because he has made every thing with exactness, and that every thing exists according to his will; consequently, as it ought to be. This distance between good and evil with the Divinity, cannot be more justly and clearly compared than by a circle formed with a compa.s.s. From the points being reunited there is formed an entire circ.u.mference; and when any point in particular equally approaches or equally separates from its point, it is only a faint resemblance of the distance between good and evil, which we compare by the points of a compa.s.s forming a circle, which circle when completed is G.o.d.

SQUARE.--By the Square we discover that G.o.d, who has made every thing equal, in the same manner that you are not able to dig a body in a quarry complete, or perfect; thus, the wish of the Eternal in creating the world by a liberal act of his own, well foresaw every matter that could possibly happen in consequence thereof; that is to say, that every thing therein contained at the same time of the creation was good.

LEVEL.--You have also seen a level, a plumb, and a rough stone. By the level you are to learn to be upright and sincere, and not to suffer yourself to be drawn away by the mult.i.tude of the blind and ignorant people; to be always firm and steady to sustain the right of the natural law, and the pure and real knowledge of that truth which it teacheth.

PERPENDICULAR AND ROUGH STONE.--By these you ought to understand that the perpendicular man is polished by reason, and put censure away by the excellence of our Master.

TRESSLE-BOARD.--You have seen the tressle-board, to draw plans on.

This represents the man whose whole occupation is the art of thinking, and who employs his reason in that which is just and reasonable.

CUBIC STONE.--You have seen the cubic stone, the moral of which, and the sense you ought to draw from it, is, to rule your actions, that they might be equally brought to the sovereign good.

PILLARS.--The two pillars teacheth you that all Masons ought to attach themselves firmly to become an ornament to the order, as well as to its support; as the pillars of Hercules formerly determined the end of the ancient world.

BLAZING STAR.--You have seen the blazing star, the moral sense of which is, "a true Mason perfecting himself in the way of truth," that he may become like a blazing star which s.h.i.+neth equally during the thickest darkness; and it is useful to those that it s.h.i.+neth upon, and who are ready and desirous of profiting by its light.

The first instructions have conducted you to the knowledge of Hiram Abiff, and the inquiries that were made in finding him out. You have been informed of the words, signs and tokens which were subst.i.tuted for those we feared would have been surprised, but of which they afterwards learnt that the treacherous villains had not been able to receive any knowledge of; and this ought to be an example and salutary advice to you, to be always on your guard, and well persuaded that it is difficult to escape the snares that ignorance, joined to conceited opinion, lay every day against us, and thereby to overcome us; and the most virtuous men are liable to fall, because their candor renders them unsuspecting. But, in this case, you ought to be firm as our Respectable Father Hiram, who chose rather to be ma.s.sacred than to give up what he had obtained.

This will teach you that as soon as truth shall be fixed in your heart, you ought never to consider the resolution you should take; you must live and die to sustain the light, by which we acquire the sovereign good. We must never expose ourselves to the conversation of cowans, and must be circ.u.mspect even with those with whom we are the most intimate; and not deliver up ourselves to any, excepting those whose character and behavior have proved them brothers, who are worthy to come and appear in the sacred sanctuary where holy Truth delivers her oracles.

You have pa.s.sed the Secret and Perfect Master; you have been decorated with an ivory key, a symbol of your distinction; you have received the p.r.o.nunciation of the ineffable name of the Great Architect of the universe, and have been placed at the first of the sanctuary; you have had rank among the Levites, after which you knew the word "Zizon," which signifies "a of the Levites;" where all those are placed, as well as yourself, to expect the knowledge of the most sublime mysteries.

COFFIN AND ROPE.--In the degree of Perfect Master they have shown you a grave, a coffin, and a "withe rope," to raise and deposit the body in a sepulchre, made in the form of a pyramid, in the top of which was a triangle, within which was the sacred name of the Eternal, and on the pavement were the two columns of Jachin and Boaz laid across.

IVORY KEY.--By the "ivory key" you are to understand that you cannot open your heart with safety, but at proper times. By the corpse and grave is represented the state of man, before he had known the happiness of our order.

ROPE.--The rope to which the coffin is tied, in order to raise it, is the symbol of raising one, as you have been raised from the grave of ignorance to the celestial place where truth resides.

PYRAMID.--The pyramid represents the true Mason who raises himself by degrees, till he reaches heaven, to adore the sacred and unalterable name of the Eternal Supreme.

INTIMATE SECRETARY.--This new degree leads you near to Solomon and honor; and after you redoubled your zeal, you gained new honors and favors, having nearly lost your life by curiosity; which attachment to Masonry gave you the good qualities of your heart, and which obtained your pardon and let you to the "Intendant of the Buildings," where you saw a "blazing star," a large candlestick with seven branches, with altars, vases, and purification, and a great brazen sea.

BLAZING STAR.--By the expression of PURIFICATION you are to understand that you are to be cleansed from impiety and prejudice before you can acquire more of the sublime knowledge in pa.s.sing the other degrees, to be able to support the brilliant light of reason, enlightened by truth, of which the blazing star is the figure.

CANDLESTICK WITH SEVEN BRANCHES.--By the candlestick with seven branches you are to remember the mysterious number of the seven Masters who were named to succeed one; and from that time it was resolved that seven Knights of Masonry, united together, were able to initiate into Masonry, and show them the seven gifts of the Eternal, which we shall give you a perfect knowledge of, when you have been purified in the Brazen Sea.

BRAZEN SEA.--You have pa.s.sed from the Secret and Perfect Master to the Intimate Secretary, Provost and Judge, and Intendant of the Buildings.

In these degrees they have shown you an ebony box, a key suspended, a balance, and an inflamed urn.

EBONY BOX.--The ebony box shows you with what scrupulous attention you are to keep the secrets that have been confided to you, and which you are to reserve in the closet of your heart, of which the box is an emblem. And were you to reflect on the black color of said box, it would teach you to cover your secrets with a thick veil, in such a manner that the profane cowans cannot possibly have any knowledge thereof.

KEY.--The key demonstrates that you have already obtained a key to our knowledge, and part of our mysteries; and if you behave with equity, fervor, and zeal to your brothers, you will arrive shortly to the knowledge and meaning of our society, and this indicates the reason of the balance.

INFLAMED URN.--By the inflamed urn you are to understand, that as far as you come to the knowledge of the Royal and Sublime Art, you must, by your behavior, leave behind you, in the minds of your brethren and the vulgar, a high idea of your virtue, equal to the perfume of the burning urn.

TWO KINGS.--In the degree of Intimate Secretary, you have seen and heard two kings who were entering into their new alliance and reciprocal promise, and of the perfection of their grand enterprise.

They spoke of the death of Hiram Abiff, our Excellent Master. You saw guards, as a man who was overseen, very near of being put to death for his curiosity of peeping. You also heard of the prospect of a place called the vault, to deposit the precious treasure of Masonry, when the time should be fulfilled, and you afterwards became a brother. The conversation of the two kings is the figure of the coincidence of our laws and the natural law, which forms a perfect agreement with what is expedient, and promises to those who shall have the happiness to be connected to you in the same manner and perfect alliance that they will afterwards come to the centre of true knowledge.

TEARS.--The tears and regret of the two kings are the emblem of the regret you ought to have when you perceive a brother depart from the road of virtue.

THE MAN PEEPING.--By the man you saw peeping, and who was discovered and seized, and conducted to death, is an emblem of those who come to be initiated into our sacred mysteries through a motive of curiosity; and, if so indiscreet as to divulge their obligations, we are bound to take vengeance on the treason by the destruction of the traitor. Let us pray the Eternal to preserve our order from such an evil you have hereof seen an example, in that degree to which you came, by your zeal, fervor and constancy. In that degree you have remarked, that from all the favorites that were at that time in the apartment of Solomon, only nine were elected to avenge the death of Hiram Abiff; this makes good, that a great many are often called, but few chosen.

To explain this enigma, a great many of the profane have the happiness to divest themselves of that name, to see and obtain the entrance in our sanctuary; but very few are constant, zealous and fervent, to merit the happiness of coming to the height and knowledge of the sublime truth.

REQUISITIONS TO MAKE A GOOD MASON.--If you ask me what are the requisite qualities that a Mason must be possessed of, to come to the centre of truth, I answer you, that you must crush the head of the serpent of ignorance. You must shake off the yoke of infant prejudice concerning the mysteries of the reigning religion, which wors.h.i.+p has been imaginary, and only founded on the spirit of pride, which envies to command and be distinguished, and to be at the head of the vulgar; in affecting an exterior purity, which characterizes a false piety, joined to a desire of acquiring that which is not its own, and is always the subject of this exterior pride, and unalterable source of many disorders, which being joined to gluttonness, is the daughter of hypocrisy, and employs every matter to satisfy carnal desires, and raises to these predominant pa.s.sions, altars, upon which she maintains, without ceasing, the light of iniquity, and sacrifices continually offerings to luxury, voluptuousness, hatred, envy, and perjury. Behold, my dear brother, what you must fight against and destroy before you can come to the knowledge of the true good and sovereign happiness! Behold this monster which you must conquer--a serpent which we detest as an idol, that is adored by the idiot and vulgar under the name of religion.

SOLOMON, KING HIRAM, AND ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST.--In the degrees of Elected of Fifteen, Ill.u.s.trious Knights, Grand Master Architects, and Knights of the Ninth Arch, you have seen many things which are only a repet.i.tion of what you have already examined. You will always find in those degrees initial letters enclosed in different triangles, or Deltas. You have also seen the planet Mercury, the chamber called "Gabaon," or the "Third Heaven;" the "winding staircase," the "Ark of Alliance," the "tomb of Hiram Abiff," facing the ark and the urn--the precious treasure found by the a.s.siduous travels--the three zealous brethren Masons--the punishment of the haughty Master Mason, in being buried under the ancient ruins of Enoch's temple--and finally, you have seen the figures of Solomon, and Hiram, King of Tyre, and St.

John the Baptist.

3. I. I. I.--By the 3. I. I. I. you know the three sacred names of the Eternal and "Mount Gabaon" (Third Heaven) which you came to by seven degrees that compose the winding staircase.

The seven stars represent the seven and different degrees to which you must come to attain the height of glory represented by the mount, where they formerly sacrificed to the Most High! When you arrive to that, you are to subdue your pa.s.sions, in not doing anything that is not prescribed in our laws.

By the planet Mercury, you are taught continually to mistrust, shun, and run away from those who, by a false practice, maintain commerce with people of a vicious life, who seem to despise the most sacred mysteries--that is, to depart from those who by the vulgar fear, or a bad understanding, are ready to deny the solemn obligations that they have contracted among us.--When you come to the foot of our arch you are to apprehend that you come to the "Sanctum Sanctorum." You are not to return; but rather to persist in sustaining the glory of our order, and the truth of our laws, principles, and mysteries, in like manner as our Respectable Father Hiram Abiff, who deserved to have been buried there for his constancy and fidelity. We have also another example in the firmness of "Galaad," the son of "Sophonia," chief of the Levites, under Surnam, the High Priest, as mentioned in the history of perfection. Learn in this moment, my dear brother, what you are to understand by the figures of Solomon, Hiram, King of Tyre, and St. John the Baptist. The two first exert you, by their zeal in the royal art, to follow the sublime road of which Solomon was the inst.i.tutor, and Hiram of Tyre, the "supporter;" a t.i.tle legitimately due to that king, who not only protected the order, but contributed with all his might to the construction of the temple (furnis.h.i.+ng stone from Tyre, and the cedars of Leba.n.u.s) which Solomon built to the honor of the Almighty.

The third, or St. John the Baptist, teaches you to preach marvellous to this order, which is as much as to say, you are to make secret missions among men, which you believe to be in a state of entering the road of truth, that they may be able one day to see her virtues and visage uncovered.

HIRAM ABIFF was the symbol of truth on earth. Jubelum Akirop was accused by the serpent of ignorance, which to this day raises altars in the hearts of the profane and fearful. This profaneness, backened by a fanatic zeal, becomes an instrument to the religious power, which struck the first stroke in the heart of our dear Father, Hiram Abiff; which is as much as to say, undermined the foundation of the celestial temple, which the Eternal himself had ordered to be raised to the sublime truth and his glory.

The first age of the world has been witness to what I have advanced.

The simple, natural law rendered to our first fathers the most uninterrupted happiness. They were in those times more virtuous; but as soon as the "monster of pride" started up in the air and disclosed herself to those unhappy mortals, she promised to them every seat of happiness, and seduced them by her soft and bewitching speeches, viz.: That "they must render to the Eternal Creator of all things an adoration with more testimony, and more extensive, than they had hitherto done," etc. This Hydra with a hundred heads, at that time misled, and continues to this day to mislead men who are so weak as to submit to her empire; and it will subsist, until the moment that the true elected shall appear and destroy her entirely.

The degree of Sublime Elected, that you have pa.s.sed, gives you the knowledge of those things which conducts you to the true and solid good. The grand circle represents the immensity of the Eternal Supreme, who has neither beginning nor end.

[Ill.u.s.tration: (4 concentric circles or 'bulls-eye')]

The triangle, or Delta, is the mysterious figure of the Eternal. The three letters which you see, signify as follows:--G, at the top of the triangle, "the grand cause of the Masons": the S, at the left hand, the "submission to the same order": and the U, at the right hand, the "union that ought to reign among the brethren: which, altogether make but one body, or equal figure in all its parts." This is the triangle called "equilateral." The great letter G, placed in the centre of the triangle, signifies "Great Architect of the Universe," who is G.o.d; and in this ineffable name is found all the divine attributes. This letter being placed in the centre of the triangle, is for us to understand that every true Mason must have it profoundly in his heart.

[Ill.u.s.tration: (Triangle with G at the top corner, S at the left corner, U at the right corner, and a larger G in the middle)]

There is another triangle, on which is engraved S. B. and N., of which you have had an explanation in a preceding degree. This triangle designs the connection of the brethren in virtue. The solemn promise they have made to love each other; to help, succor, and keep inviolably secret, their mysteries of the perfection proposed, in all their enterprises. It is said in that degree, that "You have entered the Third Heaven, that means you have entered the place where pure truth resides, since she abandoned the earth to monsters who persecuted her."

[Ill.u.s.tration: (Triangle with 'B' at top, 'S' & 'N' below.)]

The end of the degree of Perfection is a preparation to come more clearly to the knowledge of true happiness, in becoming a true Mason, enlightened by the celestial luminary of truth, in renouncing, voluntarily, all adorations but those that are made to one G.o.d, the Creator of heaven and earth, great, good, and merciful. End of Brother Truth's harangue.

Father Adam then says to the candidate, "My dear son, what you have heard from the mouth of Truth is an abridgment of all the consequences of all the degrees you have gone through, in order to come to the knowledge of the holy truth, contracted in your last engagements. Do you persist in your demand of coming to the holy brother, and is that what you desire, with a clear heart?--answer me." The candidate answers, "I persist." Then Father Adam says, "Brother Truth, as the candidate persists, approach with him to the sanctuary, in order that he may take a solemn obligation to follow our laws, principles, and morals, and to attach himself to us forever." Then the candidate falls on his knees, and Father Adam takes his hands between his own, and the candidate repeats the following obligation three times:

OBLIGATION.--I, A. B., promise, in the face of G.o.d, and between the hands of my Sovereign, and in presence of all the brethren now present, never to take arms against my country, directly or indirectly, in any conspiracy against the Government thereof. I promise never to reveal any of the degrees of the Knight of the Sun, which is now on the point of being intrusted to me, to any person or persons whatsoever, without being duly qualified to receive the same; and never to give my consent to any one to be admitted into our mysteries, only after the most scrupulous circ.u.mspection, and full knowledge of his life and conversation; and who has given at all times full proof of his zeal and fervent attachment for the order, and a submission at all times to the tribunal of the Sovereign Princes of the Royal Secret. I promise never to confer the degree of the Knights of the Sun without having a permission in writing from the Grand Council of Princes of the Royal Secret, or from the Grand Inspector or his deputy, known by their t.i.tles and authority. I promise also and swear, that I will not a.s.sist any, through my means, to form or raise a Lodge of the Sublime Orders, in this country, "without proper authority." I promise and swear to redouble my zeal for all my brethren, Knights, and Princes, that are present or absent; and if I fail in this my obligation, I consent for all my brethren, when they are convinced of my infidelity, to seize me, and thrust my tongue through with a red-hot iron; to pluck out both my eyes, and to deprive me of smelling and hearing; to cut off both my hands, and to expose me in that condition in the field, to be devoured by the voracious animals; and if none can be found, I wish the lightning of heaven might execute on me the same vengeance. O G.o.d, maintain me in right and equity. Amen. Amen. Amen.

After the obligation is three times repeated, Father Adam raises the candidate, and gives him one kiss on his forehead, being the seat of the soul. He then decorates him with the collar and jewel of the order, and gives him the following sign, token and word:--SIGN: Place the right hand flat upon the heart, the thumb forming a square. The answer, raise the hand, and with the index point to heaven. This is to show that there is but one G.o.d, the source of all truth. TOKEN: Take in your hands those of your brother, and press them gently. Some Knights, in addition to this, kiss the forehead of the brother, saying "Alpha," to which he answers, "Omega." SACRED WORD: "Adonai." This word is answered by "Albra," or "Abbraak," which is rendered "a king without reproach." Some contend that this word should be written "Abrah." Pa.s.s-WORD:--"Stibium" (antimony). By this is intended as among the Hermetic Philosophers, "the primitive matter whence all things are formed." To this pa.s.s-word some add the following: "Helios," "Mene," "Tetragrammaton."

After these are given, the candidate goes 'round and gives them to every one, which brings him back to Father Adam. He then sits down with the rest of the brethren, and then Brother Truth gives the following explanation of the Philosophical Lodge:

SUN.--The sun represents the unity of the Eternal Supreme, the only grand work of philosophy.

3. S. S. S.--The 3 S. S. S. signify the "Stiletto, Sidech, Solo," or the residence of the Sovereign Master of all things.

THREE CANDLESTICKS.--The three candlesticks show us the three degrees of fire.

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