A Little Freckled Person Part 4

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The sea is like a garden green, The spray like daisies white; And one full rose alone is seen, The great red sun at night.

A-fluttering in their loveliness The s.h.i.+ps against the skies Are just--as any one can guess-- The garden's b.u.t.terflies!


The buds have come to town; Demure and brown Their coats; and under, see, How can such fragile, fairy colors be?

The buds have come to us All tremulous.

We're quite as glad as they.

Take off your cloaks, dear little buds, and stay!


The flower cart's coming down the street, With tulips red and tulips sweet; And from the wagon color spills Of hyacinths and daffodils.

And purple rhododendrons grow Beside the roses in a row.

Oh, let us hasten down to spend, Before the flower cart rounds the bend!

Oh, let us bring our pennies and Hold all of Spring within our hand.


The stars lean down and listen, At fairy-story time; They twinkle and they glisten To hear each happy rhyme; To all our cheerful singing The little stars beat time.

The stars lean down and hear us, They know it's not polite, But then, they cease to fear us, About this time of night.

They creep and edge up near us, Although it isn't right.

Eavesdroppers! But we love them, We leave a little s.p.a.ce, And never crowd or shove them, Because, in any case, That stretch of blue above them Is such a lonely place!


Bird up in the pine-tree-top, Tossing down to me Broken songs, to where I sit Underneath the tree,--

Bird up in the pine-tree-top, What is it you hear That you try to say again In your singing clear?

What is it you see up there In the green and blue?

Does the world look very strange,-- Strange and fair to you?

Do you see some happy thing That you try to show In the eager chirps you toss Gayly down below?

You are singing secrets, bird, I am very sure.

I can understand no word, But, oh, try once more!

Bird up in the pine-tree-top, Sing again to me!

Maybe I can hear it now!

Maybe I can see!


No, little brown bird, go away, I have no time to dream to-day, I must do certain things, you see.

I know not why, but it must be!

Here I must study foolish books, And not guess how the lilac looks!

Hush, little bird, and do not sing!

I have no time to play with Spring!


The corn's like soldiers in a row.

We'll stop and cheer them. Let's!

The ta.s.sels are their waving flags; The leaves their bayonets.

They march to meet King Frost, their foe, The fight will soon begin.

King Frost will conquer them, I know-- But oh, if they _could_ win!


If a star were to say "I will stay And watch Dawn bring the day,"-- If a star were so bold Would the Moon-Mother old Let it stay in the sky?

--Try, star, try!

A Little Freckled Person Part 4

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