Rune Troopers Volume 1 Chapter 6 Part5-9

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h.e.l.lo my loyal subjects,









My apologies for using my little brother’s account. He’s still studying right now to pa.s.s his final exams. I can’t log into my account cuz i forgot my pa.s.sword, but i need my phone to access my email account, cuz my phone is in the shop for the day. So forgive me. Since xmas eve will be arriving soon, we will remind you all that my team deserve a break from this fan tling and editing. Especially my editors, a lot of my editors are still on exam periods, plus a lot of them couldn’t make time to help edit all of the chapters. I might be able to finish translate the rest of Chuuko vol 3 or maybe not, since my few currently available editors have a lot of tasks going on now and it’s very hard for them









But not to worry, I will upload the 2nd chapter of chuuko volume 3 tonight in bangkok time with my edits. My edits are not as good as Arocks141 or nibih’s, but i will do my best nonetheless. So here is the rest of the rune troopers volume 1 as promised. We’ll think about the next volume after our Christmas break.









Translators: Kondeemag + Dannyskratch









Editors: Yuki_chaos, Arocks141, Nibih and Pratmoastan










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Chapter 6



































































Thank you,









Kondeemag and kondee translations team!


Rune Troopers Volume 1 Chapter 6 Part5-9

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Rune Troopers Volume 1 Chapter 6 Part5-9 summary

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