Letters to Severall Persons of Honour Part 9

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_To Sir_ H. G.


I receive this 14 your Letter of the 10. yet I am not come to an understanding how these Carriers keep daies: for I would fain think that the Letters which I sent upon _Thursday_ last might have given you such an account of the state of my family, that you needed not have asked by this.

But Sir, it hath pleased G.o.d to adde thus much to my affliction, that my wife hath now confessed her self to be extremely sick; she hath held out thus long to a.s.sist me, but is now overturn'd, & here we be in two beds, or graves; so that G.o.d hath marked out a great many of us, but taken none yet. I have pa.s.sed ten daies without taking any thing; so that I think no man can live more thriftily. I have purged and vexed my body much since I writ to you, and this day I have missed my fit: and this is the first time, that I could discern any intermission. This is enough, the rest I will spend upon the parts of your Letter: Your Letter at _Pauls_ is delivered. In the History of that remove, this onely perchance may be news to you, that M{r} _Alabaster_ hath got of the King the Deans best Living worth above 300{l}, which the Dean had good hope to have held a while. Of that which you writ concerning a Book of the Nullity, I have heard no syllable any other way. If you have received it by good hands, I beleeve it with you: otherwise the report is naturally very incredible. Though the answering of it be a work for some, both of better abilities really, and in common reputation also, yet I was like enough to have had some knowledge thereof. You mention again some thing which it seems you are not willing I should understand of my Lady _Huntington_: some of your former Letters, have spoken of some other former Letters, (which I never saw) which speak of the matter as of a history and thing done; and these later Letters speak of it Prophetically, as of a future contingent. I am glad the often remembrance of it, gives me often occasion of thankfulnesse to her, for retaining me in her memory, and of professing my self in my end, and ways, her most humble servant. For your Parliament businesse, I should be very sorry, if you came not up, because I presume you had seposed many businesses, to have been done at that time; but in the ways wherein you have gone, I protest I am diffident. For first, for that L[ord] whom you solicited by Letters through me, I tell you with the whispering of a secret, but the confidence of a friend, that you will be deceived whensoever you think that he should take any delight in doing you a courtesie. And I am afraid, the true heartinesse of the other n.o.ble Gentleman M. _Howard_, will be of small use in this perticular, if he have but solicited my L. his father to reserve a blanke for his friend, for my L. hath suffered more denialls, even in places where he sent names, then could have been feared. Besides M. _How[ard]_ hath not written to his father therein, but to M. _Woodward_, who perceiving those Letters to be written, before his purpose of being Knight for the s.h.i.+re, thinkes these Letters extinguished. You made me offer so long since of a place (it was when you writ into the west) yet I could think it no merit to have offered you one since, otherwise it hath been since in my power, for since the M{r} of the Rolls provided me one, Sir _Ed. Herbert_, who makes haste away, made me a present of his; and I have had a third offer. The businesse of your last weeks Letter concerning the widow, is not a subject for a feverous mans consideration. Therefore I only send you back those Letters which you sent; and aske you leave to make this which I am fain to call my good day, so much truly good, as to spend the rest of it with D[octor] _Layfield_, who is, upon my summons, at this hour come to me. My Physicians have made me afraid, that this disease will work into my head, and so put me into lightnesses, therefore I am desirous that I be understood before any such danger overtake me.

_Your true poor servant_ J. Donne.

14. March.


_To the Honourable Knight Sir_ H. G.


After I have told you, that the Lady _Hay_ dyed last Tuesday, and that to her end she was anguished with the memory of the execution of that fellow which attempted her in the coach, I have told you all which hath fallen out here. Except between you and me that may be worth the telling, that my L. Chancellor gave me so n.o.ble and so ready a dispatch, accompanied with so fatherly advise, and remorse for my fortunes, that I am now, like an Alchymist, delighted with discoveries by the way, though I attain not mine end. It spent me so little time after your going, that, although you speak in your Letter of good dispatch in your going, yet I might have overtaken you. And though perchce if I had gone, it might have been inconvenient for me, to have put my self into my L. Chamberlains presence, if that sicknesse be earnest at _Ashby_, and so I should nothing have advanced my businesse, yet I should have come to that n.o.ble Lady with better confidence, and more a.s.surance of a pardon, when I had brought a conscience, that I came despoiled of all other respects, only to kisse her hands, in whose protection I am, since I have nor desire other station, then a place in her good opinion. I took so good contentment in the fas.h.i.+on which my L. Chancellor used towards me, that out of a voluptuous loathnesse to let that taste go out of my mouth, I forbear to make any further tryall in that businesse till the King come into these quarters.

So that, Sir, I am here in place to serve you, if either I be capable of your commandments, or this town give any thing worth the writing. As often as you see your n.o.ble friend, and her good sister, allow my name a room in your discourse; it is a short one, and you will soon have done.

But tell them not my desire to do them service, for then you engage your self in a longer discourse, then I am worthy. Only in pursuit of your commandment I sent the Paquet to the Post, for in mine own understanding, there should appear small hope of arriving by that way, except you know otherwise that the LL. [Lords] mean to make some stay in their return, in those parts: but the Letter is brought back again, for the Post went away yesterday, and they knew of no occasion of sending till next week.

Therefore except I can inform my self of some good means, I will retain it, till I have a fresh commandment from you. I see M. _Taverner_ still in this town, the Lady _Carey_ went from hence but yesterday. I am in some perplexity what to doe with this pacquet, till some good fortune, or your Letters clear me.

_Your humble servant_ J. Donne.

Aug. 19.


_To Sir_ H. Goodere _at_ Polesworth.


It is true that M. _Gherard_ told you, I had that commandment from the King signified to me by my L[ord] and am still under it, and we are within fourteen days of our time for going. I leave a scattered flock of wretched children, and I carry an infirme and valetudinary body, and I goe into the mouth of such adversaries, as I cannot blame for hating me, the Jesuits, and yet I go. Though this be no service to my Lord: yet I shall never come nearer doing him a service, nor do any thing liker a service then this.

Yesterday we had news by Sir _Nowell Carou_ [_Noel Caron_], from _Paris_, that the D[uke] of _Savoy_ was elected King of _Bohemia_; which would cut off a great part of the occasion of our going: but it is not much credible in it self, nor at all beleeved here, because it is not signified from _Savoy_, nor _Heidelberg_. Since M. _Gher_ [_Mr. Gerrard_] continues your Gazittier, I need tell you nothing of the _Q[ueen]_ of _Frances_ estate.

For your commandment in memory of M. _Martin_, I should not have sate so many processes, if I could incline my thoughts that way. It is not lazinesse, it is not gravity, nor coldnesse towards his memory, or your service; for I have thought of it oftener, and longer, then I was wont to do in such things, and nothing is done. Your last pacquet, in which your daughter and I were joynt-commissioners, was brought to me, because she was at _Hampton_, with the Queens body: but I sent her part to her, and my _La[dy] Uvedalls_ to her, who presents her service to you by me now, and says she will write next week, and so will I too, by G.o.ds grace. You forget me absolutely and intirely, whensoever you forget me to that n.o.ble Countesse. G.o.d blesse you in all, _Amen_.

_Your true servant in Jes. Chr._ J. Donne.

9 Martii.


_To the best Knight Sir_ H. G.


At your conveniency, I pray send my Lady _Bedford_ this inclosed, but be pleased to put your self to some inconvenience, (if it be so) to kisse my Lady _Ruthins_ [_Ruthyn's_] hands in my name, and to present my very humble service to her, and tell her, that no ill conscience of having deserved her, but only an obedience to her commandments, keeps me from saying to her self thus much; that this day I received a letter from my _L[ord]_ of _Kent_, written yesterday at _Wrest_: in that his Lords.h.i.+p[s] sends me word, that that favour which he hath formerly done me, in giving me _Blouham_ [_Blonham_], is now likely to fall upon me, because the Inc.u.mbent is dangerously ill: and because this is the season in which he removes from _Wrest_ thither, he desires (for I give you his own word) that he may be accommodate there, (if it fall now) as heretofore. Out of my absolute and intire readiness to serve that family, I sent back his messenger with this answer, that I esteemed it a great part of my good fortune, that I should become worthy to be commanded by him. If my Lady will be pleased to direct me in what particular manner I may best serve her purposes, I shall gladly waite upon her at any time, to receive her command with as much devotion and thankfulnesse as I received the benefit. I beseech you make her beleeve it, as in any place you beleeve

_Your poor servant in Chr. Jes._ J. Donne.

26 Febr. 1621.


_To my best of friends Sir_ H. G.


I heard not from you this week; therefore I write more willingly, because it hath in it so much more merit. And I might do it very cheaply, since to convey to you this Letter, which mine hath the honour to bring, any little Letter would serve, and be acceptable for that. Because it came not last week, I went now to solicite it, and she sent it me next day with some thankes, and some excuse that she knew not me, when I was with her. You know, I do not easily put my self into those hazards, nor do much brag of my valor now, otherwise then I purposed it for a service to you. The newest thing that I know in the world, is my new son: whose mothers being well takes off from me any new waight upon my fortune. I hear in Newgate, that M. _Mathew_ is dead. The Catholiques beleeve it there: perchance out of a custome of credulity. But the report is close prisoner; for I never met it abroad. This is my third letter, all which I sent by _Spelty_ whom my boy found at _Abington_ house. I have now two of the best happinesses which could befall me, upon me; which are, to be a widower and my wife alive, which may make you know, that it is but for your ease, that this letter is no longer, in this leasure in which (having nothing else to write) I might vary a thousand ways that I am

_Your very affectionate servant_ J. Donne.

Monday at night.


_To my worthy friend_ G. K.


I receive this heare [hour] that I begin this return, your Letter by a servant of Sir _G. Greseley_, by whom also I hasten this dispatch. This needs no enlargement since it hath the honour to convey one from M.

_Gherard_. But though by telling me, it was a bold letter, I had leave to open it, and that I have a little itch to make some animadversions & Criticismes upon it (as that there is a ciphar too much in the sum of the Kings debts, and such like) yet since my eyes do easily fall back to their distemper, and that I am this night to sup at Sir _Ar. Ingrams_, I had rather forfeit their little strength at his supper, then with writing such impertinencies: the best spending them, is upon the rest of your Letter, to which, Sir, I can only say in generall, that Some appearances have been here, of some treatise concerning this Nullity, which are said to proceed from _Geneva_; but are beleeved to have been done within doors, by encouragements of some whose names I will not commit to this letter. My poor study having lyen that way, it may prove possible that my weak a.s.sistance may be of use in this matter, in a more serious fas.h.i.+on, then an Epithalamion. This made me therefore abstinent in that kinde; yet by my troth, I think I shall not scape. I deprehend in my self more then an alacrity, a vehemency to do service to that company; and so, I may finde reason to make rime. If it be done, I see not how I can admit that circuit of sending them to you, to be sent hither; that seems a kinde of praying to Saints, to whom G.o.d must tell first, that such a man prays to them to pray to him. So that I shall lose the honour of that conveyance; but, for recompense, you shall scape the danger of approving it. My next Letter shall say more of this. This shall end with delivering you the remembrance of my Lady _Bartlet_, who is present at the sealing hereof.

_Your very true and affectionate servant_ J. Donne.

Jan. 19.

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