The Letters of Queen Victoria Volume Ii Part 116

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[Pageheading: THE CZAR TO THE QUEEN]

_The Emperor of Russia to Queen Victoria._

2 S. PeTERSBOURG, _le -- Decembre 1853._ 14

MADAME,--Je remercie votre Majeste d'avoir eu la bonte de repondre aussi amicalement que franchement a la lettre que j'ai eu l'honneur de lui ecrire. Je la remercie egalement de la foi qu'elle accorde a ma parole,--je crois le meriter, je l'avoue,--28 annees d'une vie politique, souvent fort penible, ne peuvent donner le droit a personne d'en douter.

Je me permets aussi, contrairement a l'avis de votre Majeste, de penser, qu'en affaires publiques et en relations de pays a pays, rien ne peut etre _plus sacre_ et ne l'est en effet a mes yeux que la parole souveraine, car elle decide en derniere instance de la paix ou de la guerre. Je ne fatiguerais certes pas l'attention de votre Majeste par un examen detaille du sens qu'elle donne a l'article 7 du Traite de Kainardji; j'a.s.surerais seulement, Madame, que depuis 80 ans la Russie et la Porte l'ont compris ainsi que nous le faisons encore.

Ce sens-la n'a ete interrompu qu'en derniers temps, a la suite d'instigations que votre Majeste connait aussi bien que moi.

Le retablir dans son reception primitive et la justifier par un engagement plus solennel, tel est le but de mes efforts, tel il sera, Madame, quand meme le sang devrait couler encore contre mon v[oe]u le plus ardent; parce que c'est une question vitale pour la Russie, et mes efforts ne lui sont impossibles pour y satisfaire.

Si j'ai du occuper les Princ.i.p.autes, ce que je regrette autant que votre Majeste, c'est encore Madame, parce que les libertes dont ces provinces jouissent, leurs ont ete acquises _au prix du sang Russe, et par moi-meme Madame les annees_ 1828 _et_ 29. Il ne s'agit donc pas de _conquetes_, mais a la veille d'un conflit que l'on rendait de plus en plus probable, il eut ete indigne de moi de les livrer surement a la main des ennemis du Christianisme, dont les persecutions ne sont un secret que pour ceux qui veulent l'ignorer. J'esperais avoir repondu ainsi aux doutes et aux regrets de votre Majeste _avec la plus entiere franchise_. Elle veut bien me dire qu'Elle ne doute pas qu'avec mon aide le retabliss.e.m.e.nt de la paix ne soit encore possible, malgre le sang repandu; j'y reponds de grand c[oe]ur, _Oui_, Madame, si les organes des volontes de votre Majeste _executent fidelement ses ordres et ses intentions bienveillantes. Les miennes n'out pas varie des le debut de cette triste episode. Reculer devant le danger, comme vouloir maintenant autre chose que je n'ai voulu en violant ma parole, serait au-dessous de moi_, et le n.o.ble c[oe]ur de votre Majeste doit le comprendre.

J'ajouterais encore que son c[oe]ur saignera en apprenant les horreurs qui se commettent deja par les hordes sauvages, pres desquels flotte le pavillon Anglais!!!

Je la remercie cordialement des v[oe]ux qu'Elle veut bien faire pour moi; tant que ma vie se prolongera ils seront reciproques de ma part.

Je suis heureux de le Lui dire, en l'a.s.surant du sincere attachement avec lequel je suis, Madame, de votre Majeste, le tout devoue Frere and Ami,


Je me rappelle encore une fois au bon souvenir de Son Altesse Royale le Prince Albert et le remercie egalement de ses paroles obligeantes.


_The Earl of Aberdeen to Queen Victoria._

LONDON, _6th December 1853._

... As Lord John Russell will have the honour of seeing your Majesty to-morrow, he will be able to explain to your Majesty the present state of the discussions on Reform, and the progress of the Measure.[33] Lord Aberdeen feels it to be his duty to inform your Majesty that on evening he received a visit from Lord Palmerston, who announced his decided objection to the greater part of the proposed plan.[34] He did this in such positive terms that Lord Aberdeen should imagine he had made up his mind not to give the Measure his support; but Lord John entertains considerable doubt that such is the case.

Lord Aberdeen thinks it by no means improbable that Lord Palmerston may also desire to separate himself from the Government, in consequence of their pacific policy, and in order to take the lead of the War Party and the Anti-Reformers in the House of Commons, who are essentially the same. Such a combination would undoubtedly be formidable; but Lord Aberdeen trusts that it would not prove dangerous. At all events, it would tend greatly to the improvement of Lord John's Foreign Policy.

[Footnote 33: On the 19th of November Lord John had written to the Queen outlining the Reform proposals of the Committee of the Cabinet. The Queen subsequently wrote to make additional suggestions, _e.g._, for finding a means of bringing into the House official persons or men without local connections, and for dealing with Ministerial re-elections.]

[Footnote 34: Lord Palmerston wrote to Lord Lansdowne, giving an account of the affair:--

"CARLTON GARDENS, _8th December 1853._

"MY DEAR LANSDOWNE,--I have had two conversations with Aberdeen on the subject of John Russell's proposed Reform Bill, and I have said that there are three points in it to which I cannot agree.

"These points are--the extent of disfranchis.e.m.e.nt, the extent of enfranchis.e.m.e.nt, and the addition of the Franchise in Boroughs to the 10 Householder Franchise....

"We should by such an arrangement increase the number of bribeable Electors, and overpower intelligence and property by ignorance and poverty.

"I have told Aberdeen that I am persuaded that the Measure as proposed by John Russell and Graham will not pa.s.s through the two Houses of Parliament without material modifications, and that I do not choose to be a party to a contest between the two Houses or to an Appeal to the Country for a Measure of which I decidedly disapprove; and that I cannot enter into a career which would lead me to such a position, that, in short, I do not choose to be dragged through the dirt by John Russell. I reminded Aberdeen that on accepting his offer of Office, I had expressed apprehension both to him and to you, that I might find myself differing from my Colleagues on the question of Parliamentary Reform.

"I have thought a good deal on this matter. I should be very sorry to give up my present Office at this moment: I have taken a great interest in it, and I have matters in hand which I should much wish to bring to a conclusion. Moreover, I think that the presence in the Cabinet of a person holding the opinions which I entertain as to the principles on which our Foreign Affairs ought to be conducted, is useful in modifying the contrary system of Policy, which, as I think, injuriously to the interests and dignity of the Country, there is a disposition in other quarters to pursue; but notwithstanding all this. I cannot consent to stand forward as one of the Authors and Supporters of John Russell's sweeping alterations.

Yours sincerely,



_The Prince Albert to the Earl of Aberdeen._

OSBORNE, _9th December 1853._

MY DEAR LORD ABERDEEN,--The Queen has consulted with Lord John Russell upon the Reform plan, and on the question of Lord Palmerston's position with regard to it; and he will doubtless give you an account of what pa.s.sed. She wishes me, however, to tell you likewise what strikes her with respect to Lord Palmerston. It appears to the Queen clear that the Reform Bill will have no chance of success unless prepared and introduced in Parliament by a _united_ Cabinet; that, if Lord Palmerston has made up his mind to oppose it and to leave the Government, there will be no use in trying to keep him in it, and that there will be danger in allowing him to attend the discussions of the Cabinet, preparing all the time his line of attack; that if a successor to him would after all have to be found at the Home Office, it will be unfair not to give that important member of the Government full opportunity to take his share in the preparation and deliberation on the measure to which his consent would be asked. Under these circ.u.mstances it becomes of the highest importance to ascertain--

1. What the amount of objection is that Lord Palmerston entertains to the Measure;

2. What the object of the declaration was, which he seems to have made to you.

This should be obtained _in writing_, so as to make all future misrepresentation impossible, and on this alone a decision can well be taken, and, in the Queen's opinion, even the Cabinet could alone deliberate.

Should Lord Palmerston have stated his objections with the view of having the Measure modified it will be right to consider how far that can safely be done, and for the Queen, also, to balance the probable value of the modification with the risk of allowing Lord Palmerston to put himself at the head of the Opposition Party, entailing as it does the possibility of his forcing himself back upon her as leader of that Party.

Should he on the other hand consider his declaration as a "notice to quit," the ground upon which he does so should be clearly put on record, and no attempt should be made to damage the character of the Measure in the vain hope of propitiating him. Ever yours truly,



_Memorandum by the Prince Albert._

OSBORNE, _16th December 1853._

Lord Aberdeen arrived yesterday and returned to-day to meet the Cabinet to-morrow. Lord Palmerston has sent in his resignation in a short note to Lord Aberdeen, a further correspondence with Lord John and Lord Lansdowne, Lord Aberdeen put into my hands, and I have copied the two most important letters which follow here.

Lord John is reported as very angry, calling Lord Palmerston's conduct "treacherous," a term Lord Aberdeen hardly understands, as against him he has been perfectly consistent with regard to the Reform Measure, from the beginning, and had frequently denied the necessity of Reform.... Lord Aberdeen had advised Lord John to show boldness and energy, and to undertake the Home Office at once himself; this would have a great effect under the difficulties of the circ.u.mstances, would show that he was in earnest and determined to carry his Reform Measure. Lord John seemed hit by the idea, but asked for time to consider; after seeing _Lady_ John, however, he declined.

Lord Aberdeen's fears are still mainly as to the Eastern Question, Lord John pressing for war measures. Lord Aberdeen had followed my advice, and had a long explanation on the subject, in which they both agreed that their policy should be one of Peace, and he thought matters settled when Lord John now asks for contingent engagements to make war on Russia if her forces cross the Danube (which Lord Aberdeen thinks quite uncalled for), and to convoy the Turkish expeditions in the Black Sea, even if directed against Russian territory, etc., etc.

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